The Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-03-11, Page 10.14 '4 __. _ fi►AGl TEN I'EE$VdA!FER'S. raw ooa ALUABLE PRIZES H E—LUCKNOIL •SENTINEL LUCKNOW, ONTARIO is••••••••••••NHR•••••••••MR•MRRR4•••••••••02 WEDNESDAY', MARCH Mt 3 WEAN! TWO D�tAW5 TO QBE MADE EACI•�.VNF,EK> beginr�ing Saturday; March 21st ' Tickets available at Teeswater business places displaying the bright •,yellow PICK A PRIZE Sign SIIOP IN': TEESWATER Your friendly ShoppingC.mre • OPEN SATURDAY: NIGHTS, IN TEESWATER Beginning March 2lst , ` KINLOUGH and DISTRICT The Holyrood W -I met on Thtir grandparents Mr. ' and; Mrs sdaY • afternoon. with Mrs. Alex Percy. . Alex Mr�.,.and Mrs: Percy and Mi.'..Jack Ackert,: hos- Chris Stark, Mary Jane and Frank o.,:. Kincardine .a'f tesses Mrs..Lyman Sutton pre- • were recent visitors with Mr:. and sided and Mrs Jack Ackert was Mrs L. an;. Sutton: secretary. Communications were Mr; and ,Mrs. William Stanley. :read. ° The District Directors ;con of Clinton ton . visited with Mr. and. ference wil' be ''held ,on. May . ,6th` , Mrs: Alex Percy and 7th.. Mrs: Harold •Haldenby :. reported that .the . Boys Scouts' are holding .: an old. time dance on Monday, March 30th : Judges. for the '° apple pie contest were Mrs. Howard 'Harris, • Mrs. .. William Eadie and Miss Edna Boyle with the ' prizes going to Mrs. Lyman Sutton and =Mrs:' Pt' A. Murray: T• he roll. call. "An interesting item, read, in the press about another Institute." Ken Roulston won the W.I ` cup for public- speaking. His- torical. Research reports were giv- en. Mit. iv-en:.Mrs. William Kempyn invited the` `ladies • to her, .•home - for the April . meeting and ..also gave : an Irish reading. Mrs.: Howard Harris Was ppr��o�gram. ,convener • and gave a r on 4 March and 'con- ducted'. . ducted- an Irish contest. The topic • "Public Relations" was given by Miss Edna . Boyle. Mrs. William Eadie: gave the motto '. `.`The, brook • would lose its song if we removed the. rocks.'.' .Mrs: Ellwiood..Elliott gave a reading . "February.' 29th." Miss Jean Sutton, "winner , of the public speaking at Wingham,.;ably: dealt :'with..' her. topic ; "Canadian Unity."' The meeting closed with the • singing: of God Save, the . Queen and the Institute . Grace. , ' .Mrs. , � '.. Howard Harris gave the courtesy remarks and, •'delicious refresh- • ilnents were. served. Directors • / Mrs. William . Eadie and . Mrs.. Howard. Harris.. ' Miss Leanne Haldenby. visited Wednesday afternoon with. . her March sof Dimes ':n Lucknow • .MONDAY,. • MARCH 16 , conducted by: Members of the ,..Ladies' Auxiliary, to the 'Canadian Legion • BE PREPARED WHEN 'THE LADIES CALL! Award Gravel Bid, Make Appointment Ashfield Township council met on March 3 with all ,members; pre- sent. The minutes of the last meet- ing were read and approved on motion of Howard and Boyd. Reed-Boyd—accept , the tender of. George: 1✓lliott Construction for crushing. • and-. -delivering approx- imately 20,000 cu.' yds. of gravel at 79_ cents per yd. •• Reed -Barger . =- accept tender of Tom Phittyss ',for. spraying ' cattle for Warble Fly Control at 12 cents ;per head per spraying. Barger -Boyd. to •accept- ' ap- plication ,of Victor Hoy for . war- ble fly inspector at $1 per ;hour. Reed -Howard to accept tender. of Harvey. Kilpatrick .' for suppying Warbicide Powder at $4.70 per 15 lb. bag.: • Barger - Howard to engage Ho- ward Gibson, engineer to investi- gate the retaining,wallon the river at Port Albert east of the old high- way bridge. Howard -Barger to have the clerk. call . for tenders for a new pick-up truck: By-law No. 4 for the 'expenditure. of $68,000 on roads in . 1964 was given three readings and forward- ed to the Department of High- ways for approval' on _motion of Boyd. and Howard. Boyd Reed to% pay the accounts. ROAD ACCOUNTS: '= John Nicholson, grader operator $136.75; Reg. Broome,; wingman, $32.00; Wm. J. Irwin; labour, $30.; Richard West,road supt. $135:50; Paul: Caesar, ,.labour $30.; Ron: Gardner, ;labour, $5.; Daily Com- mercial News,. ' tenders $31.80; Irwin's Garage, ' Lucknow, . sheer puns and .labour, $5.58; Lucknow, Co-op, saw :blade $1.17; Jack •,. Far - Mrs. W. P. passed assed : away . risk, `. snowplowing, '' .$396.50, Tom Y suddenly at her home. in Toronto. (Helm, , snowplowing, $386.75; -MurWe extend 'Sympathy to the ;ber- ray.Johnston, snowplowing,- $264. y Y eaved relatives.Murray `Mrs. Frank Maul- Johnston, :.snowplowing, den Mr: and Mrs. Malcolm Lane ,:$162:50; W. R.; Mole, sanding, x$28.; ands John - attended ' the - funeral Cliff ; Menary, . cutting trees, haul= which was held in • Toronto on • leg. blades, ,$30.;: Clayton Anderson, Saturday.Misses Nellie and Mar-: cutting trees' . (chain ;saw) $70: Llo d Reid seethe (tractor) , 10 garet Malcolm .(coinins)• •were, un- Y g $ ;. aNeil :MacKenzie, cutting trees bie . °to 'attend. Mr: and .Mrs. L an ;Sutton and (chain saw) $9: County.' of Huron, Jean attended the' funeral of Mrs. buckthorn control $9.46; Township Ernest Uhler at 'Walton:, of Ashfield, . MacKenzie .. drain, • Holyrood W.1: '' held 'their' card, ` $61995, Richard /West, expenses to convention; $40Iry ; William J; ' in, party on Wednesday evening, Welding $5. • March 4th in the hall.: Winners were: high :lady, Mrs. Ed Thomp- GENERAL ACCOUNTS: son;, high gent, Mr. Harvey Hops Donald MacKenzie, ."salary and 'ton.: Lucky chair.; Mr. P ' A. Mur-. expenses to rural municipalities ray.. convention $135.; 'Thomas Howard, Mrs. Elmer Kolpin of London visited on: Friday' with Mr. ' and Mrs. ` George • Haldenby. Mrs., • Douglas ' Graham, Mrs. Currie Colwell and daughter: Ann• visited on Monday with ;Mrs.. Wil- liam Cox and Rev. Benson Cox. The . 6th meeting . of the Cus- tard Queens `• was ,held in the .Kin - los . Central School ;with 7 girls ;present: Roll call" A, 'supper' dish" I make:" Brenda : Eckenswiller. presided .• and Brenda Haldenby was secretary. Demonstration nonstration -- Corn . Chowder" and • 'Blanc Mange with whipped skim topping: This was , the last meeting until the Easter holidays.. Mr. 'and Mrs... George Haldenby, Mr. and Mrs. Clare Sperling .and boys visited on .Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Haldepby in Tor- onto. We ' are sorry to report that Barbara Haldenby is . a patient in the 'Wingham and District .Hos pital. We . wish her .. improved health, Miss., _.l u. ell Hew[ttL hostess • for the W.A. meeting. on Thursday afternoon. • The Anglican Congregation plan to ` hold ° their ' centennial services on Sunday, August 2nd. • Mrs: Frank' Dore and .family visited • on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Rhody and fainiily Mr. and Mrs. Charles ' Smith and family .of .Huronvisited on Sun- day at the same home, Mr. and Mrs. James Ketchabaw of Paramount visited on Sunday evening with Mr. and Ms.' Chris Shelton. '• Son: "I'nt leaving homer 'to look for adventure, excitement, beauti- ful women. Don't try to stop me." Father "Stop . you? I'm going w,th you! 3 • • • i'. • • • • • • i,. •. •, •.: WE NOW HAVE A Reliable Brand of Penicillin Dihydro-StreptomYCifl 1 OOcc, to retail :at $3.70 Penicillin; 1O;Occ,., :$3 00 : ,these' new new :When .' .buying try .our. quality . at • Prices. . for .veterinary. savings; • so Elmer Umbach.• Pharmacy LUCKNOW Phone 528-3004 • • •■••••••••••■•••••••••••r•••••••4!•••lJN•••••N*r 1 • P• •- • •• 'R.ipIe R Churches. To.' Join' For Special .Services :Throughout . Holy Week During Holy Week, the clergy and congregations . of , the Pres byterian, , United - and - Anglican churches in Ripley will combine for. 'special : - services: On Sunday, March :22nd the Rev.:: N. McCombie will/ be; the guest preacher at a' service in , 'Daniel.' Harris, a resident of St.: Andrews United Church and Glendale, California; died Febru- on •Wednesday,;. March' 25th, .me ary. 5, 1964, at 'a. Glendale coeval Rev: J. R:y King will preach at.. escent home at the age of: 98. He a service in Knox: Presbyterian was born, Sept. 20, ' 1865 at Holy - Church, . ;bath services at 8 p.m:. rood on the farm on the :8th con On:' Good Friday., the Rev: G. cession. of Kinlos 'township, where Ball' willpreach, the. sermon in : M i r Mrs.: Marione Harris and; Mr. Earl St Paul's_ Anglican Church at 2 Harris now: reside: '• p,n1, As :a young man he went . 'to Grand , Forks, North Dakota: He Part . salary . and convention ex- was a carpenter by trade. ,His penses, .$1154. Girvin : Reed, ',part wife `. predeceased him 20' years salary and convention' expenses, ago:' He moved to Glendale in 1929. $115.; ' Howard Barger; ,part sal- Funeral services were held Feb,. . • ary, $75.; Donald Simpson, one- 8 in the Little "Church of the Flows quarter salary and convention ex- ers, with . interment in. Forest Lawn penes; $390.; Township. of Col- Memorial Park, ; conducted by Dr. borne, Borland. drain '$299.96; Pine- James. Whitcomb Brougher of the crest 'Manor Ltd:,' nursing care, First Baptist Church, :Glendale. $211:75, Lucknow Sentinel, signs He leaves to mourn his loss three , .` for dump, '$5:72; . Provincial Trea- daughter and five , sons, . 'Mrs.. V. surer, .insulin,:: $3.31 Township of J. Blackwell, John R. Harris,:' Dan - Wallace, relief, $40:01; Robert E. iel C..Harris, Mrs.; 0. A. Alsop, and Irvin, bulbs for Dungannon lights Walter Harris, Glendale, Le Roy $14.40; W. J. McDonald, •stamps, T. Harris of Burbank, •Mrs. Bertha. $5.; County of Huron, buckthorn. Koenig, . ' Underwood,:. N. D., and control, $276.70; : Eedy's Grocery, Henry Harris, Chicago, Ill. relief, $6O 00, . Herman Phillips, re-. Ten years ago Mr. Harris , visit lief officer, .2 months, $8. ed . his birthplace at Holyrood, Council adjourned '•to; meet on whichhas. been owned .by. the • April 7th at 8:00 'p m.. Harris family .formore than a part. salary '$1004. Gordon . Boyd, : Donald : M. Simpson --- Clerk century r■■■■■■■■■■a■■■n■i■■■■■■■■■■■■••■nlUI■■n■i■S■I■Ia inieinn■■ n■in••ai■•nn' ■ .. ■ ■ ■ ' ■ .■ i ■ , ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ O ■ • Q' ■' ■ ■ i ■ • . 0- ■ .110 O HolyroodNative Qed In Ealifornia` 441044M014�44410144144.444444•4441 CLEARING:,PR10ES: ° at lusi. 39c - 49c • 591 -per • • STYLE TEX/ Sunworthy . Wallpaper •Spring• Decorating Special Ready Pasted • !cedut,onIym` c per'single: - roll • r ■ • . ■ O 0.• ■ . • • .a. a • ' •r. ■ a, $esure to visit our new colour bar with ower, 1;095 colours available you desire. Tutted for • in anyfinishg :you' at 'no extra charge on the new Fischer Bantam colour , machine now in tluse. POR ALL.. OF YOUR, SPRING. ' DECORATINd SUPPLIES BE, "S, URE::' TO "VISrr • FINLAY . DECORATORS C-I-L;,PAINTS •SUNWORTHY WALLPAPER LUCKNOW 4 PHONE' 5 28=3434 ' ■ . r • .. 0 r • ■ .■ yr • . .••; ✓ ' ■ • • 0 0 E RMRIN Iminnes•nn ■na■ass■snssnMss■siar■■,11th■®nrrelse�t,n■nnilimimsnN■nnaEia o rr0' • Mr. Brenda. and "Mr. • Mr, a Donna. • with M Mr. of Pais with M Mrs. Vl Mr. ' ,entertai Gillies- ori the. wedding Mrs. Dianne with Mi Miss Mr; an( Mr; *Bryan, and Cor Ronald • Sunday. Purpl4 the hon on Wed Mr.. r Swann