The Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-03-11, Page 9JESDAY, MARCH
1964 .
ry�t .s
t;* f.,1
dere TO1$,eCall'ed Truck;
rm_ Hgrold Stanley Spray Operator
()ss Council metn-regular
i March 2nd, 1964. All mem-
resent. Reeve P,. A, Murray
chair. .
following motions were pass
daccounts ordered paid:
t we refund Aladin .Purdon
ear's taxes on.: barn assess -
as barn :was removed in
and ' adjustment in 'assess-
not made;
t we pay public speaker• win;
from :Lucknow and . Kinloss
prizes. Half .of expenses to
id by , village of Lucknow:;•
t• gravel tenders be ' called
ie 1964 road work,;
t +the Township renew the
allowance lease with. Rus
tushell as ,,per lease;
t. we accept tender of Harold
;y for, the sum of. $600.00as
e fly spray operator. for 1964
t we . accept the tender •of
son'Flax Products for 855 lb.
Gide Gam• $4.65 , per bag ,
,t we apply for : Statutory
under the provisions of the
vay Improvement Act on 1963
expenditures; '
It we engage the Department
ghways to survey •.roald-- Con
s'2 and'3 . and also new road
Iver. Lake- on KinlossGreen-
boundary,, lst. range. south
sm Road;
It we call.. tenders; for: a new
=truck:4as_pel' uWDShip._apecifica-
That We adjourn to. meet April
6th or, at the call 6f the Reeve.
Accounts Ont; ;Hydro, hall, $67.-
57; Schmid?Jewelry prizes for
speaking, , $6.13; The following
prizes for public speaking Ricky
Pritchard $5.00, Ken Rouiston'$4.-
00,. Donald Elliott $2,00,• John•.Liz-
more °',..$2,00, Murray .Morrison
$2;00, Nancy... Corrin $2,00, . Bev-
erley McDonald .$2,00; Silver Lake.
General. Store,. • welfare, $20.00;-
i•Mrs, Mansfield; caretaking, $113
Mrs. Mansfield; stair treads, $1.65;
' City. of Oshawa, 'Welfare charge
back; '$11.85;: Carruthers. Nursing
I.Home 'Care, $81..25; Provincial
Treasurer, insulin, ,$1.28; Russell
'Gaunt, school attendance officer,.
$2.9.0; Village . of Lucknow, 2 .fire
i calls, $150,00 G. . H, Wall, part
salary, welfare mileage and .of-
fice supplies, . $74.83; . Fraser•.;Mc-
Kinnon, office work :Young drain
and postage, $26.03; John °Ackert,
expense to good roads, $35.00;
Fraser McKinnon, expense • to ,good
roads, $35.00. '
-Highways: Dick McQuillin,. $93.-
68; Ed Thompson, $65.50; .A.
Hughes,' $41.25; ` H. H. Bannerman,'
snow :ploughing, $266:00; Cities
Service, Fuel 'oil, 'grease and • oil
$303.25; :Morford. MacKay, .repair
shoe on. snow .plough; $3.00;. Ray.
. Stanley, snow ploughing, $241.50;.
4.0!• •
PAGE 11.111111
Osborne's class,
conducted the opening -exercises
in the United Church Sunday
School. Lynn Clayton led the sing-
ing.; Joanne Hamilton! ' offered
prayer; Mrs, Osborne . told the
story , "An, honest, man meets
Christ."' Patsy and Sandra Mac
Charles sang: a duet accompanied.
by the organist, Miss -Mary Rout..
Ston. Lynn offered the closing
Miss .Sharon Colling was organ-
ist in the United, Church ori "Sun-.
ay, accompanying a duet by Mrs.
John MacCharles and Mrs.. 'Oscar'
White.. '
Mr.'' Frank Mills, a patient in
Kincardine hospital, is reported to
be improving: Mr. William. Mc�
Guire, in Freeport Hospital, has
the' cast removed from• his 'leg•
and is learning to use. •crutches.
Mrs. Melvin Colling spent 'a few
days • with. Mr. and . Mrs. David
King, Pamela and Donnie near
Teeswater. .Master Clair King is
still ' a patient in the Sick Child-
ren's Hospital in London.
Don , Gillespie, 'snow ploughing;
$266.00; Raynard :. Ackert, snow
blower; ' $126.25; Morris Hodgins,
fence bonus, $20.00; Unemploy-
ment ' insurance,. $3.00;. A. Hughes,
Ont. Good Roads expenses, $50,00//..
- • G. H. Wall; cl'er.'k.
S atted• any big bargains lately',?: If so, Why with the
Bank.of Montreal Family -Finance Plan?V
With this low-cost •life-LnsUred plan, One, regular monthly'
payment covers all your credit nerds --and you can take up
to three years' to pay.
When you see what 06 want -See the people •
,at your neighbourhood B of M about a Family •
Finance . Plan loan. ,'
,yy4Mdt4 `+ L •
•�'��v. Ni: '�ti
. r Viz: ,:t m::.,,- .>,
ALL YOUR h.EitS,aNAL. T{'Epit NEEtiS. UNDEtl4'o.NEcRO0 �Y` •.;
. With A Low -Cost, Life-lnsurecl B of,N1 Loan
-LUCKNOW.BRANC .',.,Milton Rayner, Manager
.. r
'There are some people in life part of it is that it doesn't show
whom 'I : just naturally admire.
Among these .are generous, beau-
tiful women: who are modest, old
men who don't : give a' Bang, and
little ilids who are shy.
Another ' species . I: r always° felt
I • should admire :was the Early
Riser. "Surely?" I thought', "there
is something clean and fine and,
esome . in a . who gets
up early, winter or summer, and
faces life with a decent taste in
his mouth, and a good appetite:"
For years, accustomed to wak-
ing with sheer horror,, shrinking
from, , the moment. of truth, • and,
finally swinging ,my bad leg to
the floor with both .hands, groan
ing as I lurched to the : bathroom,
I felt inferior : in the. presence , 'of
the. Early. ' Riser. •
Now,, when : it's too .late to. do
Much about it, except publicly ad-
mit that I have alwayssecretly
hated the Early Riser,. I. learn
that he's , a big phony, , ` that • it's`
all a matter of .metabolism,:that
my. own species,'' the Late Starter,
is• just as normal, wholesome and
decent. If not' more so, bless ''us.
Some people, they tell me, are.
at : their lowest ebb in the morn-
ing. They can scarcely climb • out
of the .sack,:: and don't getwarmed.
up.. until' noon. ' By, midnight, there's
no holding them; and at 3 a.m.
they are just getting into their
stride. These. are the Late . Start-,
ers Us.
In the opposite metabolic 'mess.,
are those who can't sleep in, the
a:m. .. .
They bustle about, . gargling, Tat-
rattli ng pots,;. and •generally. ' being
sickening. They've done a ' full
day's work ;by noon, By ;6 p.m.
they're getting 'a bit gray .around
the gills. After dinner, .they drowse
over : the paper, ' . yawn until the
tears . spurt', from their - ' eyes in
rivulets, . and totter off to bed at
10, full of : hot milk `andvirtue.
No marriage is quite as : gro-
-tesque as one between an ' Early
Riser • ,and a Late :Starter. Sad
up until it's• too late, because
when people are courting, . they're
keen. - '
Thus, before -the. ceremony,.. the, • •
-Early Riser, desperate to win his
girl, ',wi'I1 ,fight off sleep until well
past midnight,' even, though his•
eyes get, starry, his grin a bit
fixed. And', his girl; who normally
shuns the • sun, until' it is over
the yardarm, drags herself out ,
of the pad,. ;with , a supreme effort,
to' meet E.R. 'for lunch.
But ..when. they've. •had a couple
of •years of that holy old " wed-
lock, it's a horse of a different
He wouldn't trade ` the arms of
Morpheus. for those of Elizabeth'
Taylor. 'She snarls that he's get-
ting old, wails, "You don't love
me: any morel' when- . he starts',
to fade right after the dishes are
It's 'just as bad when * the roles .
are . -reversed. ".After using every-
thing but dynamite ~ to • get - him
out of the: pit 'and off . to work,
she resorts to,, "Come on, Prince: •
Charming, Let's see- a little of
that, gay vivacity we saw at' 2
a.m. when you .were, dancing with
all >`the women` : at the ':. party. Let's •
hear . a little of that brilliant con-
versation you :'were .promoting at•
three, when everybody' with: any
manners ' had gone home; so our.
hostS could go: to bed "
So he gaily apd vtvacwusly feels
his ' way to , thebathroom, and
when he findsit,converses .bril-
liantly with the Thing which faces
him in the mirror. Thus: "Uggg
hhhhl" r
:It's not :metabolic. It's •diabolic.
Walkerton has • been given an
ultimatum by. ,the Ontario Water
Resources Commission ; to ' take..
action, on sewage disposal, with
costs estimated at $500,000,.'' or -face
-the possibility of a'•lawsuit or . have
the commission issue • mandatory ;.
Conti 6u#ions: To The Easter deal �,
fund For Crippled Children
Sponsored by
A Partial List Is As ' Follows :
Allan, Ronnie and . Dick Mc- Lucknow;, Gordon MacPherson, R
Quillin, Holyrood; •• Raynard Ack- 2, Lucknow; ' Lloyd MacDougall,
ert, Holyrood; Ethel Hodgins, R:._11, 6; Lucknow, . 'Lloyd . •Ackert,:
2, Holyrood; Wm. • Irvin, R. 7, .Holyrood Howard Blake,• R. 7,
Lucknow; Mrs:: Sam. Reid, ' Luck-' Lucknow; , Albert MeGee, R. 1, •
now; Marvin Durnin, Dungannon;.Dungannon; . Tint Reurink, R. 7,
Clayton Alton, 'R • 7; Lucknow,•'• Lucknow,• Wm. Fitzpatrick, R. 3,' •
Steve • Stothers, Lucknow; Leon- Goderich; Dan Kingsbury, Luck
and ' MacDonald, .'a;L-ucknow;' Ted .new;,. 'Arnold 'Vokes, Dungannon;
McClenaghan, Lucknow; 'T. A. Miss. Joy Lutz; R. "2, . • Auburn;
Cameron, R. 7; ..Lucknow,• Harry Miss Ruth Thompson, Lucknow;
;Anderson, Lucknow; : L. E. Goy- Ted Van Diepan, R 7, • Lucknow;
ette, Lucknow; Frank Egan, Luck- Mrs. Walker, Lucknow; •• Mrs. Dow -
now; Bill Lannon, R. 7, . Lucknow ney, , Lucknow; Jessie ,and Annie
Mrs •Annie Jewitt, Lucknow; Fred` MacKay, Lucknow; Stan •:Kay, R.
Anderson, Lucknow; George Stu- 5, Lucknow; Mrs. R. 'H. Thomp-
art, Lucknow; Wm, Fisher, Luck- son, Lucknow; Sam Chislet, 'R.
now;„ . Maudie, Fisher,. Lucknow; 5, Lucknow; Milt Raynor,. Lucky
Mary MacLeod, Lucknow; Norval now; •. W.: A. Humphrey, R. 2,
Stewart; -'R:. 6-"'
. , Lucknow;Joseph -L-nicknow --Mrs---Jack 8.ngiand,Rr
•Wall Lucknow, Jim McNaughton, 6, •Lucknow; Nelson Winterstein,
Lucknow; ''•Eldon'' Henderson; Luck- Luckpow;Evan Keith, R. 5, Luck-
no`w H. Jefferson, R. 2,,'Auburn noww: Alex Hackett, Lucknow; .John
Ross Errington, 'R., 2, 'Lucknow.Gilmore, R. ' 3, : Lucknow; Pete
• St': Helens Ball Club, St. Helens;' Farrish, Lucknow; Virden:Mow.
W. F. MacDonald, Lucknow; Wm bray, Lucknow;. .Mrs, Rae Boak,
.Wharry,' Lucknow; Donald Thomp- Lucknow; Finlay •MacDonald, R.
son; \Lucknow,' L. C, Thompson, 3, Lucknow; Gerald Rhody, R. '2,•
.Lucknow; • Mrs. Wm. Bushell, Luck- Holyrood; Jelle De Jong, R. 6,
now;; Thornton'Eedy, Dungannon; Lucknow; Wally Breckles, R. 2' •
E. Dunsmuir, I#r.` 3, Lucknow; Holyrood; ,Rev...Howard • Strapp ,
George Henry; R. 7; Lucknow;' Lucknow; Bill Stewart, R.• i,
Richard House, Lucknow; Jim Lucknow; Harvey Webster, Luck
Cameron Lucknow., .Don Camera now • Lorne • Ivens, , Dungannon; '
on, R. 7, Lucknow; Grant Gollan, 'Mary .•Maclntyre, Lucknow; C. J.
Lucknow; Miss E: •Plumsteel; Lewis,• Lucknow; W. B. Ander-
Lucknow; Joe MacMillan, Luck -'son, ' Lucknow; Lloyd Ashton, : •
'now; Lloyd Irwin, R. 6, Luck-Lucknow; Mrs. JJim Ritchie, ,Luck- -
now,; Wilfred 'Hackett, R. 7, Luck- now; Gerry ,Cranston, R. 2, Luck -
now; Mrs. D. R. 'MacKenzie, R: now; Mike Cumming, R. 2, Luck -
3, Lucknow; George Mclnnes, novo;;, Charles Webster, Lucknow.
44..4.1.1-4- +•i► 4-0 4-4-4-4 4-N--4.4.44`4,4'- .., .