The Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-03-11, Page 6THE: LUCKNOW SENTINEL., t.UCKNOW, ONTARIO
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IPIey:Night Class He!4; Successful
h. Annual . 'NightAchievement
Achievement Night for Ripley. ' MacDonagh, Mrs. `0 MacCharles,
Community Night Class, was held Mrs, P. Leeson, Mrs. F. Curie,
. March -5th 'in : the. Ripley District Mrs: J. MacCharles, Mrs.. L. E.
High School from .8 to. 10, .p.m. 'Goyette, Mrs. • B.. Mole, Mrs. ;•. B.
A fine . exhibition :of .work . ac- Elliott. • •
complished in the different class- Typewriting Mrs. E. Mc
es was on -display in the new Gillivray, Mrs P. Courtney, Mrs:
auditorium of • the school. It Was T. Wilton, Don' ,Thompson, Bob
gratifying to.. see the interest of. Thompson, Mrs, M. Nicholson,
the .many people who came, to .Miss Judy. . Wardell:
view the work, • ,Oil.painting . -= Mrs,, R ' 'Shiells,
A highlight of the evening was Mrs. N. 'Stewart, Mrs. A. Mac-
a 'debate. staged by the 'class. in Kay, : Mrs. C. Vanderhock, Mrs.
"English ' and' Public Speaking, " A. Robb, Mrs . M. Luther, ,Mrs.
under the .leadership 'of their tea- H. MacKenzie, Mrs, D. Elphick,
cher, Mr, Donald. Fraser. Subject Mrs: E..' MacKenzie, Mrs. 1).
was "Resolved :that eighteen Fraser,' Mrs. B 'MacLeod
year olds ' . should be allowed to Upholstering Mr. and • Mrs.
'vote." ,Another , member Of : Mr Gordon MacWhinney, Mrs.; 'S.
Fraser's ' class recited "The cre- Hunter, Mrs: G. MacDonald,; Mr:
mation of Sam McGee. H: MacWhinney, Mrs. M. Walden,
Instructors are: ' Oil paintings, Mrs: G. Messenger, Mr. . and. Mrs.
Mrs. Mary Howard:, - Rughooking, Allan MacAuley..
Mrs. Mary MacDonald; Millinery, Millinery . Mrs: H. MacWhin-
Mrs Donald Blue, Typewriting, ney, Mrs . W Culbert, Mrs. C.
Mrs. Ruth' Patterson; , Sewing, MacAuley, Miss Catherine . Vander
Mrs. May MacDonald, English hock, Miss . Judy .MacKay, Mrs..,
and Public Speaking, Mn. 'Donald' Leo . Murray; Mrs D.` Hedley,
Fraser;': ` Woodworking, . Mr. Don- : Mrs D.. MacDonald, Mrs.. A. Mur-
ald Walden., ray
Although attendance : was down : English and Public Speaking
from last year, a keen interest.' Mrs. F. Gemmell, Mrs: L. John.:
was • displayed by those partici- .ston, Mrs. G. Whitby, Mrs. J.
pacing. ' Night school' began .. m Kilpatrick, Mrs. ` J. Scott, s.
Ripley in 1955 and has been.held .Pollock, •Mr. ' and "Mrs. H. Pang-
each : year since.: • Mrs. ' Donnie burn Mrs; B. Alton:
(Mary) 'MacDonald' is sec-treas.
Those taking the •various courses
Sewing — Mrs. Mary Black, ' The Maitland Valley Conserva-
Mrs. Anne Pritchard, Mrs: Alice tion Authority,. has approved : the
Gamble; r Mrs. Doris :'Scott, Mrs. purchase and development of 229,
'Joyce, Nicholson, Mrs Maud Con- acres of .the Falls Reserve near
non. • .. Benmiller. Wm::. Evans of .Kinloss
- Rughooking Miss W; Ruttier- Township is a member, of the.
ford Mrs '1% Salkeld, Mrs.. Elva Authority Board and ' is chairman.
Needham, Miss I. Miller, Mrs. J of the reforestation committee.
..1042:t4e4.a.ifoi.see -
' direct. from Broadway,, Las .Vegas,
arevu s� Sparkling e
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^1, and finestfo6d ..i danto. . only ;,two blocks
from the Royal,, Yot wnToronto.'
.� •. `. Luncheon. dinner and supper
served daily , Floor shows at's;30.
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Front & Simeoe•Stieets
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in the
modern rooms and suites •
for commercial and
transient guests,
%ur'fr�'%ri: Si'rrfrri$r%sir
Former KIrilc..ugh
esdent Die
William Wellington Tweedy, 81,
of " Burlington, Ont.,- died Friday.
whilevisiting at the home of his
niece, Mrs. 'Stanley Cameron, 235
12th St. E. Owen Sound. He was
ill one. week.
Born April 18, 1882, in. Kinlou h,
Mr.Tweedy was a son of :the " late
Ogle and Elizabeth Baillie Tweedy.
A retired. farmer, he was a 'bach-
elor and was visiting his niece and
her. family,
Mr. `Tweedy was a Presbyterian
Survivingare one brother, Ierbert.
C. Tweedy, Dunnville, Ont., . and
one. sister, Florena, 'Mrs.. G. New-
hart, Warren; Ohio. .
He was... predeceased, by . two..
brothers, • Osborne, killed in World
War One, and Ogle, 'and one sist%r,
Louise,.. Mrs. R. Morden.
Thefuneral was at Dunnville on'
Bert Nicholson isnow residing
on the. former "Tweedy : farm.The
family • later '. liv.,ed. in Kinlough,.
where Weir Eckenswiller now re-
Bruce. County :Folk
School ' A' Success
The march_meet ng
ver Lake Women's Institute
at the home of the' president,
Mrs Albert Colwell with. 17 mem-
bers and three visitors present,
After opening with the Ode :and
Mary Stewart ,collect, 'Mrs Stan-
ley Cooper read the scripture,.
Reports of the standing com-
mittees were given by ,Mrs. Wm,
Campbell . and Mrs, James Mac-
Ewan,: .
A nominating. committee of
Mrs. John : Hodgins, Mrs, Mel
Husk, Mrs. Lamont and Mrs, Har:
old Bannerman was appointed.
After. a discussion . ,on how to
raise Money,` it .was deckled ' that
each • member; bring an, article to
be sold at the next meeting..
Ladies Hear Of Greece Trip
Another successful ' Bruce" Coun-
ty 'Folk School ended on Sunday
at the Bruce Motel, . Wiarton. Vic
Morrow of Hastings, fieldman of
Ontario Folk School Council, .act-
ed as fulltime" leader, assisted.. by
Prof. Ralph Dent .of 0.A C.,''"Cliff
Robb, .;of C.K.N.X.,:Wilmer` ' Nad-
jiwan 'of Cape Croker . and Jim'
Powers, chairman of Bruce 'Edu-
cational Committee
In addition to the leaders,' .three
men,, seven women .and nineyoung
people attended.
This was the first . time a mem-
ber of our native Bruce residents
had " *attended.. and Wilmer ..:Nadji-
wan added a lot of. interest to the
Those attending from • thisarea
were Wm J. Arnold and Mrs. Jas.
McEwan. The .:topic was "Chal-
lenge of Change,' Many interest-
ing discussions were held dealing
with methods `of learning, our cul-
tural , ' patterns . and ` facing the
changes of modern times.. All
agreed this had.. been one ofthe
most successful .Folk: Schools held
in Bruce County. and :everyone'
felt grateful to the. Federation of
Agriculture for':. making this 3 -
day school .. of adult learning pos-
Miss W. D. Rutherford and: Mr.
and . Mrs: Tom Salkeld left on
Friday for. Western Canada.
St. ` Helens, 'W.I. ,
Eighteen 'ladies answered 'the.
roll call by "Tell 'an .Irish. Joke"
on .'Thursday at the W.L. meeting
in the hall with Mrs. Ross Gam-
mie presiding. A discussionon
the: numbers for the Variety Con-
cert sponsored ; by the Lucknow.
Agricultural Society was heldwith
a committee. appointed. .The lad'
dies, .are ;to quilt 2. Red Cross
quilts at 'the May meeting.. Mrs.
Charles MacDonald and Mrs. Gor
don Struthers were appointed to
the Nominating Committee. Plans
were made for ,a 'card party and,
dance in Easter week: The 'topic,
"Ireland"' was ably' taken by 'Mrs.
.E: W. Rice, ' Mrs. Harvey Carrick
prepared the motto, "Thera is
magie---in r -a• -word of -praise" and.
Mrs. .Jim- Aitchison .•read it' as
Mrs. Carrick is hospitalized. • Read='
ings. were given by Mrs.. Wm. 'Rin
toul, Mts. Ernest 'Gaunt and , Mrs.
Harold Gaunt. Mrs. Harold. Gaunt'
conducted a. contest it* the, con-
clusion of the meeting. Lunch Was
served after the meeting 'by 'Mrs,
Harold Gaunt',, Mrs: Ernest Gaunt
and Mrs, Wm. Rintoul,
' Sympathy' of 'the comniunity
goes to Mr, and . Mrs,: James Cur-
ran and family in" the loss of.
Mrs, Curran's .father, Mr. Robert
Purdon of Belgrave. Mrs. Par-
don was formerly Hazel Ander-
son,,. of 'this community. C.
Kinks Township Municipal levy.
in 196$ in connection with : the
operation ' of Wingham District
High Seheo1 was $3,012.39.
gins introduced' the guest speaker
Mr. Lloyd Ackert.
Mr, Ackert showed souvenirs he,
brought home from Greece and
he told. very interesting and hum-
ourous stories connected with;
them. He told some of the history
of ,,Greece, then showed; pictures
he had taken while attending the,
Boy Scout Jamboree.. •
Mrs. Albert Colwell thanked' the
speaker. . .
Mrs:. John Hodgins .read • the
motto, "Teach children to respect •
their° .awn comtiiiunity' and the ,old- •
er citizen& who built it." •
• The meeting closed • with the
"Queen and Mrs: ` Albert Colwell
and. Mrs. Frank' :Colwell served
The convener for Citizenship lunch,
to help such children as this child
.ucknow .and District Lions Club
are ' the locale: sponsors
Campaign Objective $1 ,000
Crippled Chidren Need c,.. Your Help..
Gordan lVIont omery, Chairman Gordon:' Fisher• Treas..F
Brought t You: As 'a Public Service by
c J. .