HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-03-04, Page 141! PAGE' :FOURTEEN:. THE LUCICNOW ,SENTINEL,, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO THOUGHT OF CHANGING YQUR, JOB) RETIRED AND' ANXIOUS TO KEEP R BUSY? LOOK and SEE Find Out'About The Opportunities The Advantages Of Investment Selling, With J. R..HARRISON . LIMITED Courses will be held7:34 to 1.0,30 p,tn.' N WINGHAM Murch 1 Phone Wingham 35 7-2 742 or 35 7-18173 REGISTER BY PHONE London 434-8031 FEE $5.00 HRRSON:.:LtMI1E.. • ' 261DundasSt,; London, On#, ` 1 ' �Ib�P�O�:Q�(,�t1.X111;M�O::�1•p�UlO�1/•�)•/l�O�f1�IR ilitary Flavour.: For LDHS Dance (By Jim ' MacDonald) On the- evening of February '28 -'the. L.D:H:S: , auditorium was alive with dancing, ' couples :-as the sec- ond annual :"Cadet :Ball" wag' held. The auditorium ' was ' given a military flavour by ; the addition;, .of two parachutes hung from the ceiling: , The "Ubique" emblem. of the, Royal Canadian Artillery was displayed on one wall. Appropriate bunting'. was; strung in the foyer. •:.and military caricatures frightened the walls. In attendance at the dance were Mr. and . Mrs. Goyette, Mr. Hall and Sgt George Reed of London, in addition to the ,.large turnout ; of FEBRUARY GOES INTO �. RECORDS AS "300D" MONTH No one in this community needs to be told: that ,February 1964 was a "good" .month weatherwise;' It .was generally: mild with light snowfall,'. compared to .last' win- ter, and a good deal of :sunshine. The official figures record. a high of 43 degrees and a low 'of 8 below zero:.. Believe it or not snowfall totalled :about. 24 inches, a good. deal ' of nitcoming', in a short timelast week, but not "sticking around" for • long ` Rain --- fall. totalled 46 :' inches. • in "dress blues" for the occasion. Although, cadets were asked to turn out ,in uniform : only a few did so. Music .;was ;provided ;by the students: Sgt. ,,Reed was; .dressedr, `BehuMonts." ntspis iaiiiaaai iRia■Ei■ar■mismunn seassitioi,.• • ■ i Seals the wood pores, safeguards againstmoisture i and. provides a ' s_mooth-grained, uniform base.: on hard or :soft woods for lasting .decoration. ■ :;i "• ti Rez. . .r ■ IWhite :Rez . . ■ ▪ RezE* . ■ r • • • For Blond or' Tinted effects With the natural .beauty 0 • • of the .wood•.grain shoring throfigh. • ■ . Provides •an enduring, clear, lustrous protective ■ • finish. �. ■ Rez Wood Finishes Bring new beauty and lasting, protection to wood. ■ ■ . EALERS/ • ,...▪ .. R. are PEN€TRi .1111 �liQ�l1(1�11�i1111►tllfrll�ill•I1�tlll�ili/l�ll�ftl7111 ■ 1�I1i11� . ■•. PITTSBURGH PAINTS Your Choice Of Over 4,000.'Colours To 'Match Any. Shade You Require. It. Takes Only .Seconds On Our Dispensing Machine. • ■' ■ ■ 1444.444144444,44440•4444440kf4440i4 ifirb rUiiiioarti�clar44.44444.44lr04.n44ui444 • �,. games in the Paisley -Ripley minor MAJORITY FAVORS: • • REBUILDING BETHEL, CHURCH' Bethel. United•' Church congrega- tion,of ; a vote received better than sixty.. per cent support in favor •of. rebuilding the church,: -which, Was gutted by fire last year. The decision appears. to have causeda disruption in the " con-- gregation with some of the Mein- ers strongly iemers..strongly' opposed': torebuild- ing, and making it plain they 'will not support the project. • 41, ZION Mr. Charlie Anderson is in Wingham Hospital. Mr.. and Mrs. Alex Leaver and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Walker and familysxisited with Mr. and Mrs. D, A. Hackett. ' Mr. and Mrs.. Harvey Ritchie: and family visited Sunday, with. i1fr: and Mrs. Bert Wylie . of. Gor- Mrs Jack Gardner left Sunday to visit in California with her girls and . their families..; Ken Gardner is in . London Hos- pital following an accident Sunday night. Church will be at 3:00 p.m for the : month of March . '. Lucknow Loses •.]n . Charity Game On , Monday evening, March 2, at the Lucknow arena, Silverwoods of 'the Lucknow Industrial ,League played host to the;: CKNX Sports team from. Wingham:. TV .station in a. charity hockey game, . with pro- ceeds being roceeds'being donated to the March. of:. Dimes campaign. It was .a fast:. skating': duel with the *CKNX team winning . 6-3.. The Wingham squad, although : short handed somewhat, were ; bolstered with a very efficaedt goal tender in Wayne Reihl; who: turned away., shot .after shot and seemed hard; to beat from any angle for the Lucknow team. Top goalgetter` for CKNX was ." Wayne w Brown• with '3 goals, followed closely by Wavle Maslin with two; a singleton going to Elwin f resin. Lucknow ' marks- men were Gary ::Johnston • with two and .:Roy Emberlin„ getting a single' A 'large ..crowd .was in : atten- dance at this game, • which was preceded by : an exhibition' game between Lucknow Squintsr and Wingham Squirts with Wingham coming out 'as victors : by a .'score of 5-2. A. lunch was served in the arena -at ' the • conclusion" of ' 'the. hockey game. GIRLS SHOW. GROWING . HOCKEY • ENTHUSIASM Public ' school age girls . sin the communityare showing- enthus- iasm for competitive. hockey. North Ashfieldv,Public •School has a': girls' team; a$ has the Lucknow school;. and these two teams . clashed in battle on Friday afternoon., The result 'was a`' 6-0 win for the Lucknow lassies: Goal scor- =ers -.'Were 1,. Barbara-- -Whitby 2, Nancy Corrin, Eleanor. Whitby, Margaret , Chester and Lynda Chis- =holm, one :each '.•LUCKNOW•INDUSTRI:AL ., HOCKEY . ,. On T»esday,' March 3, at' 8:00 p.m. Holyrood were, upset by Port Albert who defeated the Butchers .to 1. At. 9:30 ''Kintail:` came through to hand Silveywoods—a bss by the- score of 64. The .playoffs start next Tuesday evening, with:. Sitverwoods vs. Fort Albert at 8:00 p.m: and at 9:30 p.m..Kintail vs. Holyreod. The playoffs will be the pest 2 out of 'semifinal series. Is Busy' Refereeing Jack Henderson reported last week . that • he's had, a busy refer- eeing. schedule' with practically every night filled, including two . ■ - n league playoffs. Jack, started off Jahn W Henderson Lumher Ltd. •■ g refereeing !E ; ■ the` Silverwood-CKNX benefit gam ■ m . Phone 528;3118. ' i Lucknow : as •well as his •usual Tuesday night ■ assignment in t h e Industrial rr■■■ r ■l■U■■■■■l1r■■■Mra■n■Erin■Eiriisiti imisisswoanai: Leaguer . WEDNESDAY,. MARCH 4thP. 1'! 4. ■■Ywo 00001111011■A0■11 /.B ■BAEEBEBEB■EB/MwBBBABBE■/r, 0 a :3rd Annual; et ■ i. -ii',. ..▪ ..... . • il..itititnow • ..,. H� h Scho_[ Districtt.:_. BAND CONCERT .... 1: i*. 0...,., si 1 1 1: 1 ■ 1 ■ ■ ■ ■ ▪ . FRIDAY, MARCH " • t :. at 8:15 pan:■ ■ - ITI By the School's 45 -piece Band mi .= under the . direction of Elwin: .Hall . ■ iii • - . `• Winners of Band Shields. To Be Announced ' ADVANCE SALE TICKETS AVAILABLE` 1 ■ ' Children 25c. ■., ■1 Adults 50,c ■ .. amisam ■Eii■smiowa■simenaseau 11MEE■esEsisismso�■E/E■/R In. The HIGH' SCHOOL AUDITORIUM Education (lpportunities In Canada Seem Greaf • Gut Courtesy` *Free Press • : R. BRUCE 'MacKENZIE Lucknow istrict ' High •School cation, • for this. is., one very m- portant . road towards :theattain- ment of a successful .life. .'. "When •a student enters secon= dary school he is given, or can obtain without undue 'difficulty, such 'aids as will help him aug- ment his desire.. for learning_ Pro:: ficiency and scholastic awards are available to those who. are willing, ttoo :dthevoteeirstudies. extra.. time and efforts ' : . "It is while in 'high 'school that a student truly learns. how to 'wc rk co-operatively.. with others.; �� an to share their interests, opin- ions, and views. Today's students. have excellent... opportunitiesfor: obtaining higher education 'which will , qualify , them. for the abundant employment 'op- portunities available, grade 13 student -R. Brtice MacKenzie of R.1;'... 5, Lucknow says, ' . Bruce,,, a student of Lucknow istrict High School,: says he hopes to study history at' the University of Western 'Ontario and . then em- bark' upon .•a secondary ..school. teaching, career. • He is. the'' son ,of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas MacKenzie. The 18 -year- old .youth is past -president of, the church .young people's group and co -leader of the Lucknow Recre ation iCenter . .._ • .. �1�•.grade•.�11-�he�-won�:the�history; achievement award and the year proficiency award. He ...was a. semif inalist . in the public speaking competition,, Completing "•grade :12 he had an average of 13.6 per ' cent and at Christmas, 1963, he achiev- ed a 71.9 per `cent average en his grade 13 papers. He was delegated to the Student Leaders' Club by his school's pili= eipal and staff. • His essay ' 'Y.'Canada's ' Greatest Opportunity ' for Her Youh" fol- lows: .4 • Today,` more than ever before, Canada's 'young people are en- lowed With abundant opportun= ities. for a..Successful career. The greatestof. these, I feel, is 'the opportunity for'.an advanced eduy • "Anyone .with a. keen desire for learning ':and with'theta ecessary ability mar-ngw'"attcrid Z river ity: Scholarships,. ' bursaries, grants. - and . interest-free :loans provide many students with the 'necessary funds. But, this is not an oppor- tunity ppo :tunity to be taken lightly or ig• • . pored, The youth of • today must realize that a ' tremdous amount of work is necessary for, the achieve- ment. of -any ambition. The pun- pose of education is t� stimulate; and guide the student toward the fulfilment of his goal. He is. taught the. qualities of leadership anrl• thus is able. to deal in a mature • manner with any of the complex problems which- may arise. Yes; . Canada and its. institutions of learning truly offer to its youth tl�ede geducoldenationop.portunity of advanc. " Ha . of del sal • :'all; be sal Jo] bel tWi vid nei do Ma •Ex .235 • U1 to ret ha( "b1 the int `the ing He in min ed' we pip