HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-03-04, Page 13vat , NEDNIESQAY. MARCH 4th, 'Ilio imowilarok THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL,, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE THIRTEEN: ROY N ,. ENTI Y PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT GODERIC,H, ONTARIOr • Bok. 478 Phone: 5249521, A,. M:r H`ARPER CFiARTERED• ..ACCOUNTANT' 55 57 South. Street,. Goderich • Telephone 524-7562 JOHNST.ONE'S FUNERAL HOM. E Modern and Convenient. Lucknow, Phone 528=3013 ' Day or ,Night Serving; AII; Faiths According .to .Their Wishes `. ' Moderate' Prices Established'' 1894 DU VA D,C .Sp, C. .: Chiropractor. Physio` and Electro• Therapist Wingham'.. Phone 357.3580, Office located 'on 'John St. West ext. to Toronto' Dominion Bank), INSU.RAN.CE FIRE, WIND,, . CASUALTY AUTOMOBILE .and LIFE To Protect Your , Jack, Insure' .With -Jack .Today. J. A: McDONAGH Lucknow; ; ' Ph one '5244423 604114 4 4~ 044411,4!I!..41.0404444' T .STATE • "FARM MUTUAL AUTOMOBILE ..: INSURANCE NSUR Investigate Before ; Investing REUBEN .WILSON RR. 3 Goderich. Phone 105-r-8, , Ripley ANDREW Barrister and .Solicitor, • LISTOWEL, ONTARIO. IN. LUCKNOW Every Wednesday and Saturday Afternoon ' :. Office in the • JoyntBlock .Telephone:' • Lucknow 528-3116 - It. S. HETHE RINGTON Barrister, ' Etc. Wingham and Lucknow, 'IN LUCKNOW MONDAY. and• WEDNESDAY . In. sending- a change of address TBi11-_-�empton�of�-Loidon'says ; : e would - sure miss • the paper but there are: a. lot of .nam I do not. know.. Located in •Kilpatrick Block Phone Wingham Dffke 3574930• ' Res. 351.2570 1�.PERIAL OIL PRODUCTS y. `. for'. prompt service,' and quality products, Contact• GRANT CH1SH'OLM. Phone' Collect . • Dungannon 539.7524.. t!Alwaya Look TO Imperial For The Best" You'll be happier if . you' are necessary to somebody. W 1'LOHA'il MEMORIAL.: •SH;OP THE BEST GRANITES .Along With;' • ,EXPERT DESIGNING'. AND'' WORKMANSHIP ° .' Prices Most . Reasonable Ceinetery.. " Lettering . a Specialty :JOHN • MALICK .. P.O. Box 158 • PHONE 357.1910, • WINGHAM MacKenzie . real Memorial a I: ' FUNERAL SERVICE.' Services conducted according to ' your ' wishes at your Home, . your Church, or , at our. Mem- orial Chapel at •no . additional charge. Lucknow, Phone • 528.3.432 Day. or Night . G, ALAN WILLIAMS Optometrist Office `• on Patrick St., just off . the Main : St. " in WINGHAM'. Professional Eye Examination Optical Services For. appointment' Phone 3574282, Wingham J MacKENZIE; .0 D Optometrist; NOW IN' RIPLEY EVERY WEDNESDAY Office 'Hours 10:00: am. to 9:00 p.m. Phone.. Roy;•MacKenzie; Ripley, 96-r-24. for'. appointinent. • R. W.. B LL OPTOMETRIST • GODERICH F. T. Armstrong Consulting Optometrist The Square • -(Phone JAckson 4=7661) .o LUCKNOW COOPERATIVE INC. Lucknow, Phone 528.2125 TED,COLLYER Registered Masten' Electrician ELECTRICAL, CONTRACTOR . . Specializing In Electric , Heating, Electric Wiring and -Repairs --••• .and All Electrical Appliances, . Lucknow — Phone 528-5182 Caviller; McIntosh and Ward CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Resident Partner, J. E. Kennedy, OA Opposite *Post Office Phone .881-3471 — Walkerton OCedit�rsr. • NOTICE TO.... CREDITORS ' In The Estate Of MARIA JANE LYONS Deceased. " " . • ' All persons having claims against' the estate of Maria Jane Lyons, late of the Village of Lucknow, in the County of Bruce,. 'Spinster, Deceased, who died on or about the 25th' day of. January,. 1964,. are hereby, notified to send full par ticulars of their , claims . to ' the undersigned, Solicitor for the Ad ministrator of . the Estate a on . or before the 14th day •' of.' ' March 1964, after , which date the Estate will be distributed amongst those persons entitled thereto, having :re- gard only. to the claims of : which the Administrator shall then have notice. • Dated at Lucknow, Ontario, this 18th day of February, • 1964. R. W. :ANDREW, Listowel, Ontario, Solicitor for the 'Administrator. • NOTICE ` TO' .CREDITORS' . In The Estate Of 'RACHEL, MELISSA,McQUILLIN Deceased. All , persons having claims against the estate of Rachel Melissa :Mc- Quillen, late of the Village of Luck - now; . in ' the .'.County of . Bruce,. Widow, deceased, who died on.. or about the 19th' day of November 1963; are • hereby notified to send full . particulars. of their . claims to the undersigned Solicitor for ' .the Administrator .of '. the Estate ' on or , before the ;14th day of March 1964, after which :. date th'e Estate will be distributed . amongst . :those persons.. entitled thereto, having regard 'o nly, to the claims `,of 'which the Administrator shall: then have notice Dated .at Lucknow, Onta � rio,...this 18th day. of February,' . .1964. R. W. ANDREW, •Listowel, Ontario, Solicitor. for ' the ;' Administrator. • IN -MEMORIAM IRWIN In'_ loving ' memory of 'our dear mother and grandmother. Mae Irwin ;who passed : away March 7, 1963.: In _ our . hearts your memory . ling- ers, Sweetly tender, fond and true,., There is not a day, ear mother, Th at we do not thinkof .., - you: Always remembered by her daughters . and son -in-laws . Doris and Jim Hamilton and .grand- children, .Helen and :.Art Yahbee and ' grandchildren. HAMILTON In loving memory of a dear father and grandfather, Watt Hamilton,. who passed away March. 5, 1963. Nothing can; ever .take away The love a heart holds dear. Fond memories linger every day, Remembrance keeps him near. Always remembered by his 'son and daughter-in-law Jim :_and' -Doris Hamilton and grandchildren. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Fred ' Emberlin wishes • to express her sincere thanks and appreciation to allL those- whore- membered her with gifts, cards, flowers, visits' and in other '.ways while she was hospitalized., • ,John MacCharles of Lucknow wishes to sincerely . thank all those who remembered him in various ways while . he -,was hospitalized. All these 'kind and 'thoughtful re- membrances were indeed '.apprec- iated. We would like to extend our appreciation to all -the -friends who so thoughtfully remembered mo- ther, Mrs. S. J, Kilpatrick, on her 88th birthday, Saturday, Febru- ary 29th. The 'Family `Mrs. :John Pritchard Wishes. to express sincere thanks. to all who so kindly remembered her in many ways while she was in • Wingham hospital: Special thanks to Drs. Corrin arid McKim and MisS Mary MacIntyre. ' ; air. an A..cheson Chattered Accountants „—,•!. Municipal Auditors Box 663 : Kincardine • • Phone 55 Fprsees.- tontin�ued E�onomicGrowth Canada's - .ec nomy is likely . to expand byat least a • third. by 1970, according to . the Bank of Montreal in its Business Review for January. "How soonsuch an expansion will get under way is difficult to predict; but. it 'seems reasonable ' to expect a very size- able increase in Canadian out- put between now -and the end of the current . decade," the B of M- review; states, The review is• based on remarks made recently to the . Empire Club • of Canada, Toronto, , by G. Arnold. Hart, president and chief executive officer. of , the bank. NOT AUTOMATIC • But the B 'of M warns that, al- though signsnow indicate another surge of activity, .: prosperity will not "fall into our ' laps . ' ..if we just .sit back and do' nothing," •"Implicit - in the Bank of Mon- treal* forecast is a continuing pol- icy of agressive salesmanship in foyeign ` markets," the bank • con- tinues. Noting the : substantial in- crease in the value.: of . ' .exports during the, past three years, • the. review observes that:;' the •' recent special sales': ofgrain `;did: not ac- count for ' all of the •improved' export performance; which was "extremely 'encouraging." • "The ,.pegging of the . Canadian dollar at a lower value:. in terms of other currencies .Has also . play- ed its . part : and there is growing evidence that the efforts :of Can- adian ` businessmen to find' • new markets can be `• succoessful.". Mr. }fart's text continues,' "We have only .. just begun to scratch the • surface of opportunities in foreign markets • for Canadian *goods." Canada :should ;also maintain. "a.. 'climate receptive to foreign cap- ital," " the . B' of - M says, pointing out "policies • which. seek to dis- courage' an inflow of development capital would seriously hariper' our efforts to achieve the recon- omic gains projected.'' The B of M also • advocates dis- cipline in. fiscal. ' responsibility, -as an aid in: - keeping Canada 'com- petitive, com=petitive• in world :markets. Productivity of Canadian indus- try has been 'increased 'but "much more remains to be done. . if . we are to •achieve the fullest and: most efficient utilization of .our resources, both human and mat- erial .. ." • FIRE .HALL;•DEED (Continued' from page 1) The ,present fire chief is George Whitby having served in this cap— acity . w since 1954:. Kenneth Murdie served prior to. him.. accepting this • office in 1949. Austin Solomon •had. served from 1933 to 1949. The first:' recorded chief is , Thomas Law- renee in :1890 followed: by W. J, Taylor and Bob Moore who both served for long periods of ; time prior to Mr. • Solomon. . • • Added;Bell. 22 Phones Locally. Expansion was again the key note.: for 1963, as the. .Bell Tele- phone Company. of "Canada spent an unprecedented: $234 million < on. construction, according to the com- pany's 84th annual report: . Over the . past five years, Bell has spent . mote .than one- .billion f. dollars on .construction. / Net income . for 1963 was'. $68.3 • million, " equivalent to $2:58per share; . or a return . of 6;1 per cent on total capital. After payment of $2.20P er share in dividends, the balance of 38•'. cents pen share was added ; to earnings reinvested in the bus- iness. '•Over 95 per cent :of the ' mat- erials used were Produced in. Can- ada and .many thousands of: jobs were supported among . the thou- sands of Canadian firms thait are Bell's ,suppliers. --The company added 199,472 tele-. phones during the year, bringing the total in ,service to 4,090,102. This expansion : wad .reflected: in Lucknow where 22 telephones'were added. J. M. Goodwin, Bell man- ager for the region, revealed that 594 telephones were in :service `here as of December . 31 Of total shareholders, '-•97 . Lper cent' live in Canada,:: and . own :,93 per 'cent of the stock'. Employees: hold .6.2, per cent of the company's. stock. • ' Contracts, were. negotiated : with two unions. representing 28,000 em- ployees, adding. about three. ; :per cent : to the annual payroll ex- pense.. As of . December 31, Bell employed ` 35,441—men and women. .• The company's payroll in. 1963 to- talled '$179,297,157..:. By 1967; the :company; will . be operating Canada's : first major electronic central office. It :will serve the World's Fair and :parts'• Is Your ' Subscription Renewed?, of ' downtown Montreal Pedlar Agency Snow . Bird Snow ' Blowers *.*** NEW .f LIFE , , Supplement . The ideal concentrate for Growing $tock Market Finishing ,as • well as the 'Dairy. Herd. Golden Glow► Egg ''Pick-up.. Depot Dairy Coflcentrat� 32% .Blended, to give better milk prgduction (using your own grain) s- ll --as -keeping-th-e'• co in good- 'Mrs. ood We wiSh to - most sincerely thank. and aekhowledge With deep -grat- itude all the kind acts and ex- pressions of'.sympathrin the . loss of our, son: Mary and .Caswe11 Hackett kett Dairy Ration 16°,/© " A- complete balanced feed, no . other'' grain need. ► be fed.. . SOW CONCENTRATES ,POUL'TRY, `HOC,. , and• Always:In Stock' We Can Still Fill Your. ICD Corn (Bulk) Orders, also No. 1 FEED BARLEY and No. 1 FEED SCREENINGS, M. KNECHTEL and SON LTD. Lucknow Branch, Phone 528.3014 "There's -A Ne* Life Feed. „For Every, Need"