HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-03-04, Page 11WEDNESDAY•,:fMARCH4t0, 711.0
ursing' Homes Boar Of Directors Replies To •
Interview Article By Bruce County Home Committee. Chairman .
The following press release "Is-
payers must be made aware that ation off the home. It is .further .mission. be authorized to accept,
;tied by .The Ooard of Directors,.
.ssociated Nursing Homes Inc..
ntario, has . been received by
rhe Sentinel, in common with.
ether Bruce County newspapers,
they are s bsidizing residents of
means :in BruceleaH
. - a ve
n to' the
tune of some . $6.00. a • day or'. so,
be those tax dollars coming. from
the County pocket, the Provincial
according to. an accompanying; pocket or the Federal pocket. They
etter signed by James E. Fisher still haveto be paid out of the
)f Wallaceburg,• president oto the -same suit of .clothes: It. must also"
kssociation, ". ` .
• beremehabereci that, all the grants,
Wallacebur g,,; '.Ontario, subsidies etc. that "The Depart-
_ Febi uary 27, 1964, ment" uses to ; reduce the County
costs, thereby' increasing our Pro-
vincial costs, are not free `gifts'
that :materialize. out of .• nowhere,
They must be paid for, too, from
each or all of the individual' tax-
payer's several pockets, „It might
also be pointed out that the out -
of -County, costs to • keep all resi-
dents for a full year, assuming
full occupancy of BruceleaHaven,
amount to nearly a QUARTER
MILLION' DOLLARS annually ov-
Associated Nursing Homes Inc,.
)ntari9,the only, incorpora.ed' and
'epresentative organization of ,Nur'-
ling Homes ' in the Province of
)ntario, is aware of an interview
'onducted by .Mr, Clayton Schaus,
he Editor of the Chesley Enter-
prise, with the Chairman of the
3ruce County Home • Committee,
Ind . thisawarenesshas been
harpened .byexpressions by other
axpayers •in Bruce Coutny
felt that whereever true and ac-
tual costs are not. charged to res -
i ,County Homes who have
idents of
adequate means for self-support.
as •. residents to the Manor,
indigent persons .or applicants with
limited assets'. who cannot .;afford
to4stay elsewhere: - • •
Question 12 and 13 have been
treated above, but we againpoint
out that .,the brief did not' raise
the question of County Homes
caring only. for indigent, patients,
Carried" leaving those with , means to: be
cared for by Other agencies ••We
Still further to this' and further; do not, necessarily hold' that if
these'. patients have, means
p .. . _ they
should go to. .a . Nursing. Horne
(Where they' may 'very well not
belong) but stay in a County' Home
if they are indigent.' As we have
stated before, Nursing limes care
for many ,igdigent patients who be-
long.. in no other .-place • but a
Nursing, Home, receiving a spec-
ialized, personal service in a home- .
like not institutional .atmos-
phere. ,We don't `pretend to be an
•institution, nor ado we want to be.
A Nursing Home 'is' not, a place
ufacturing, fishing, mining, rale where nurses live; it is home to
patients, and in -many ' cases
we are the'only family they have..
We, on behalf . of, all taxpayers;
ourselves.included,' hold' that if a '
person chooses to live in: a County
Horne, be ;should pay • his . `fair,
•FULL share of the . cost .6f 'keep
ung him there, and not expect the
.taxpayer to 'subsidize. him ' in Born-
parative luxury. Another. conten-
tion .might be that when persons
of means. are. occupying accommo-
dation that is required for „ wait-
ing needy' . persons; those 'persons.
of means should be' .'advised to
make other arrangements for their
care, thus w making: accommodation."
available for the most needy..
eneral' public; bydevelopment of We strongly deplore the lack: of
g p p human feeling and 'understanding.
information leading;to. better pa- exhibited 'in the referencen •to: our
tient care, the solution of prob-
older, ailing . citizens as "oldlems common : to Members , of the.crocks," as.expressed in Question
Association." .' 'At : the . time of its 14 of , h interview. ' are all
.. t e They. ,
birth, we fully' realized' that there human beings, demanding and de -
were . many undesirable features , STv
in the dignity and respect,
to be eliminated from some homes . g g Y '
in e�.Pr in '• :I 1959sympathy and understanding that
the- ov ce. n. the work we allwan ex n ed'. to ourselves.
k to d
had just begun, and quite. rightly Since • this : issue of the abuse of
the Department of Welfare:..was taxation in ' the subsidizin : "of per -
not justified .in approachiing . the. g
1 sons. of 'means in County Homes •
Association to .seek hielp. in scaly- l is a very PUBLIC one,'•this Board.
ing • . the chronic ;• problem of the takes 'streinuous ob'eetion to this
SIDIZI THE •DAILY CARE OF. to Question 9 in . the interview,
PERSONS, ' WHO, IN'_ MANY thins is, not purely a Bruce County.
CASES, ARE IN A . SUPERIOR condition. It is the same type of
FINANCIAL POSITION TO . THE situation in Huron County as .well
TAXPAYER~ I.t is. submitted that as . others' in Ontario. The daily
this was not the intent, when Coun- rate . charged at. If uronview is
ty • Homes, were established' As :most attractive. to•a person mak-
can be seen, again, nowhere are' ing. as decision as to where; ,he will
Nursing` •'Homes mentioned, and be cared, for, and, since • it, too,
nowhere is. any' `public. sympathy does' not reflect all the costs • of
being solicited,' nor support sought "operation, it: immediately becomes
for the Nursing; 'Homes of the unfairly competitive with private
County.-: To further correct. this ' industry that must consider ALL:
anis-statement of.claim, in Ques-costs in its operation be it man -
tion 8;we again .quote from- our
brief . to. Bruce County Council.
Para. ' 6 "It is further felt that
In- our brief submitted to Bruce' ' er and above those revealed..These by. admitting residents • with ade-
u dollars must be aid • •'b the tax- quite means to County Homes at.
ax ay ers 'in. the Coutn the sub- payer from: somewhere'• inaccurate and unrealistic daily'
vision was made that "Hos .i Therefore, in: all fairness to' the rates, accomodation. has thereby
ars, Nursing Homes, and County taxpaYer, let us do as the Com-
been denied to a'.'similar number.
Tomes all. have' their place," . mittee Chairman suggests "Bringof Our needy older residents in.
gg Ontario. It is felt that these per=
hereby .. precluding ,the need for' in -your accountants • Let us have
:ontrovers or disputation. utation. ,we sons with adequate means ailing
tressed .: emphatically' i n' para
;raph 8 of Oar brief; ;to Council
he need for' a "spirit of full co
operation among. all health" ' and
them consider the costs' from all
levels in health or otherwise, ARE NOT:
County, Provincial and .
Federal. Let them calculateim- THE PUBLIC RESPONSIBILITY,
I but the .responsibility of the= per. -
partially, �: from � a purely business ;son himself who is .being' admitted:
point of view, what it actually does .
!are agencies in our communi-: cost to keep1 person 1. day, - at It is,also known that these • same,
les," : in "order to'best serve' the Four County Home 'Let them make persons, ` with adequate means can •
iealth , and care .needs of : our
:itizens.. This we still hope may
le the spirit in which these needs
ire, best: served.
full, use of ALL cost' fi . es from Cared for more than amply in
ALL `level OnlyOther . ways
s. in, this :way will .
'the .taxpayersrealize ho h pp
Further to this. in para.. 5, of . our
�i : much
submission. , it is. stated -. that ` in
has been hidden from him and
We submit that, as is so often .how =chile really .does have to I order :to. Justify the expenditures
he, , interviews f this pay out. of his several. tax• bills. of public money, for, .and the ex
• ' Homes, an • admission policy' which
50%, hi'gher „than the rates .paid..
also disregards the: physical: con
by O'.H:S.C: for the care of a - .' . • ,
dation' of the applicant, has been
patient outside's a . hospital, we can: /
receive some small •comfort from adopted' in .some; Counties,. includ
mg . Bruce, :. with. ' the result that
the County.. Homes are,..: in part.
becoming " Government sponsored
nursing' homes,, in direct compe-
tition with private enterprise,;and•
subsidized' by the tax dollars of
this same' . private enterprise.'
This • welfare patient:. • This wag ',Prim- t. o ` 'being
. , question ,reduced., by the ;
unsavory, distasteful; andunwant- arily the public responsibility '.Home '. Committee Chair-
ed , aspect, of 'government, that of the responsibility , of • ',caring fora man, Countyto one of personalities by
direct, competition with. private en- chronically :i11, indigent' oar. wel-!•
the mrs�staternent ' • of ' information � ,
terprise in the same field,•has in fare patients . - and - quite ;:rightly:c -n
oncerni g 'things' that happened,
some ' measure , been discontinued' the ;County : Homes were approach-las as ``recon 1 " as 1961: 'This Board
ty h ,
ed to assume what'was only their ;•however, .• has • no.. 'desire a moving
duty .to ,:assume. _ .
Y ; .•, this'.• issue` out of as rightful -place •
Today, five years later, the plc- as a public'question, • vi •to
P . tat
ture is vastly different. Many in- ::every tax ,a: er .. m the . Province,
digent patients are Y P Y.
paid dor by
the •Department of ..Welfare in.lie-,
eased Nursing Homes all • across
the . Province of Ontario:' .We ' have,
e case In m rviews o this
istence of these' new County
.and, ' the . side, of : a question fav- While the true rate is high, nearly
lured by.. the'..interviewee is us-
rally : put in the most favourable
ight, with .the resultant omission •
r downplaying .of other aspects
uhicb " cast: a truer dight on the. the information that in some coun-
vhole. picture. As:. suggested: by •ties the true :daily rate. to -keep
he Chesley : editor,. "we would•a resident , in their homes runs
want to be coniPY
letel .fair: in this as high" . as $11.00: per day and: up -
natter, and.: so would the: press •wards:
1 Bruce'- County." (See •'Q. '17). The 'Association takes strong'
'herefore, we:;'wouldwant to. point `issue with Question 17 •6f the' inter-
ut : that in no place in . our sub- view, in : its. effort to discredit
nssion . to the Bruce County Coun- 'the. motives behind the 'submission
it was any special favour or con- of its -, brief to Bruce County Coan
ideration • sought on: behalf of any cal,. by the.' twisting of the claim
f our ` members; We have, taken made in our submission. The -brihf
,o' stand to' create .'a "contentious • did : NOT claim that "in order to:
;sue" of •'County Homes vs. Nur;. fill up County Homes; people •.have.
ing :Homes' assuggested in ;the been '-'solicited:to•o'there and thus
nswer to Q, 19' :: of the. interview.. ;deg
� . ,
.. prive Nursing:.'Homes ; of ;pa-
'his •contentious issue is the tients.". This can not be construed
rain -child of t h .e ' Committeeas editorial or poetic license: It
'hairman, alone and 'need •not.be is plain distortion of the facts,and
aised 'now,. nor in the future, if we ,quote from. para. 1 of our.. brief
!lespirit of co-operation which we to 'Council: ' "It is , : felt that the
trongly advocate is. t0' : exist: • . soliciting • of, '' and admission • to
In order "to be completely '•.fair County ,Homes of . persons .with
n this . matter,'" and : in order ado nate and .more. than .adequate..
hat the 'people, .of. Bruce County. means le care ' for " themselves,
e given ALL the information on: THEREBY DEPRIVING • SOME
zis matter,' we submit the, follow- OF OUR AGED PEOPLE WITH
ng .facts to clear up. any .disfig- OUT. THESE MEANS, OF : CARE,
ration or omission of information
tat bears' on our main submis-' IN : THE COUNTY HOMES FOR
ing cattle or picking apples, or
merchandising, without. having ac -
.cess to . unlimited,.deficit budgets' -
of public money., and.without hav-
ing the ability to write with 'gal-
lons of'red ink. .The answer to
Question 9 is, 'therefore, no answer
at. all. •
With• referenr'e to the°•press : re-
lease alleged in this manner,' the
Association would point out ,that
1959.was the years' of its birth. It'.
was : formed . as a professional, `or-
ganization : to "Promote good stan-
dards of care: in all. Nursing Hom-
es of this Province;'. by adherence
to a Code of Ethics.' among: its
members, community agencies,
professional personnel, and the
y . some County Councils The
followingquotation tation ' frdm . para. q 4 �. . p .,Y
of our .brief shows . one . example
.of the..effort to 'disassociate Gov;
-ernment agencies from' direct com-
petition ' with private : • industry,
which is 'the backbone of our way.
:o£ life. •' .
"A":.'resolution passed by ,tie and ' still are,:striving . to dentin
Council of: the Corporation. of 'the.
'County , of . York. •
. ,WHEREAS. there . are only vac-
ancies for :a limited number of
residents , to be ' accepted' at York us. We have also received unto d
Manor; benefits from. the 15 years' :exper-
•ANDWHEREAS , it has been' the
nonce; of • the '• American Nursing
Home Association and we have
policy to :accept residents ,•regard- .been extended membership . • ' "
less of their ' financial tat a p in
uously, improve the . health care
provided for . our ailing " citizens.
We. have a :history of 5 .years'
hard; concentrated` effort .ehin
D, IS' •IN .:DIRECT' CON- , e s us
T A'VENTIO•,N •OF . ' TH zAi;,: PRIN-
CIPLE AND WHEREAS there is nursing
� home accommodation for personSTAB-•
L• ISHMENT,• ' OF. SUCH HOMES with the ability to`, pay;
IZENS. "' Nowhere are, Nursing ED THAT the York : Manor Com- the case today as he infers
the Ontario .•Hospital
Association. Therefore, what
the Committee Chairman . insinu-
ates by inuendo as being an un-
palatable solution in 1959, is not
• Mrs. Emile Norgaard of Chicago.
is visiting her brother, Bruce Mac-
donald., _
Mrs. Alex Macdonald .who spent
the past few ' ` months with her
daughter. in .Windsor, is home..
Mrs. George, Kitson is home after
-a month in Wingham Hospital with
Mrs. :Colen . MacGregor • return-
ed home. last week from • a three
month visit in • Arizona.
The children of the church ' met ,
on Monday after •school. in •' the
church 'basement,
ti a owhere is �.. _.
-_H.omes men �n d and _
": ublic .sympathy -being solicited" i:•1t•••ti•••i••r•X100-•.••••0•f•.0••••••6i0••••••••••••0•IU•0rii 00••••••••• •
except ' for the . taxpayer: himself,
ora whose, behalf : the brief was •
submitted, This solicitation ' is 'a 2
fact 'and might prove to be most • '
[AI? ENANCE, W ft H DUE. � . •
•• •
Gs''1' BRF� w
••' O. 2 • .
• .
• : •.
embarrassing if publicly aired, but •
vvailrr,tLA1'1ViV VP ALL LVa1a it is a known'fact;• and it occurs.
Inmore. than ' one' County.
(ENT, IF THEY CHOOSE TO We . also take strong • exception
In.. treating this • question—of—costs.
L the eentirelinancing.-andLop
tion of Brucelea Haven, the an- ,
vers. to ' questions `2, 4,. and '19 •
i the . interview skirted' or omit-
:d some of the pertinent facts, building. and operating the County
nd only gave the:cost to the tax- Horne, and therefore people go to
ayer at the County ':level. This is . the County Home , who should be•
rily half a picture and to get the in: Nursitg Homes, as they are'
'hole, one must consider the rest able to pay, their way." To correct •
r the costs at Provincial or Fed- this attempt at discreditation of I•.
ral ' level too,'before the tax'. the Association, the quotation from •
ayer really, kows just'what it our brief to Bruce County Council.:
oes cost' him, •And.' since. these of ,'the• claire 'as IT' ACTUALLY •
dditional costs that have riot been WAS • MADE' is here submitted' •••
'-Vealed in the interview, when Pa1'a. 4, ` "It is. felt that when a •
dried. to those alreadyubliciied, resident of Ontario is admitted to 0 •
pore than double thdaily rate a. County' Home for the 'Aged,, and •
$4.55 quoted, as being the coat he has means Wherewith to sup-
kee a residentrt himself,, a realistic daily rate . •
, p an Brucelea Po 'his ,. • ,
'Avon for one day, they are not for his care must be charged •.
welt on.. The Association feels
rongly that all the other tai'
ire prethree good reosons
.or care in choosing your .herd: sores
to the m'is-statement of claim in. •
estion . :,.aquestion which. did •.
Qu 8,
not receive . a direct- answer. This
question "It is • claimed counties . •
are quoting bargain:rates.which
do not include the full cost of •
1-: 'YOUR. CALVES FOR. 196,5
To uicrease the value of your beef herd ::as. calves, 'yearlings, Or
• market• cattle you. can rely on W.C.B.A. beef sires, chosen "'for
good body
rap economical
id n o cal ..
gains gqins
II ..
against this resident, . and;: one a •
.....,.... , , ,, , ...�. .. ,..: .
which ' ancludcs all costs of • oper 00••i•*•••••
•i••••••••••••0••aN0••0••$••••••i••44 iSii0•••el••:00011•• + 0
• •
•. ,i.•'. •
0 • •
• Y`.