HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-03-04, Page 8• • innn t�f PAGE NIGHT AfrerigIRM 0 THE LUCKNOW' SENTINEL, WOCKPAIOWif. ,ONTARIP TEC CH and DISTRICT `The :meeting of the Whitechurch Presbyterian W.M;S. was held "on February 19 at the home of -the president, Mrs. Victor Emerson, Who opened the meeting with a -."Prayer" ' poem. The worship service as prepared by Mist Mar- ,garet Webster',.B,A. in the Glad Tidings; was followed, The minutes. were read by . the secretary Mrs. Jacob Kuiper- and the Treasur- er's keport was 'given . by Mrs. Dawson Craig. 'The supply alloca- tion is $1,3. It was decided to have the Easter Thankoffering ;meeting on -Good Friday and to have • Stti dent minister, Mr. Jacob Kuiper, as speaker and to invite three 'other societies.. The roll call was answered by 18, members telling of a dream in the Bible. The offering was received, by Master Paul ' Kuiper. and the dedicatory prayer given by Mrs. ''Emerson. A missionary letter .from' Walter and.. Barbara McLean of Nigeria was read , by Mrs. Earl Caslick. The Study Book topic was given by Mrs. McInnestaking, the' part of Mrs. Green, Mrs. Kuiper the part ; of Mrs, White, Mrs. Lott; representing Miss Lal, Mrs. John- ' stop Conn - representing Mr. Prs .oda and . Mrs. Dawson ' .Craig as Miss .Parker. The playette proved a very interesting way of intro- ducing the Study . Book. Mrs.. Daw- son Craig conducted a quiz "Who Too Late .For Last Week) Dreamed?" A short discussion followed' on, "Are You Prejudic- ed?" The Ladies Aid meeting fol- lowed.. Mrs.• David MacDonald gavethe financial. statement. Mrs. Earl Caslick offered het home for - the quilting, on, February 25. The committee in. charge of the quilt at Mrs. Caslick's is Mrs. Frank Coulter, Mrs. ' Earl Caslick and. Mrs. Dawson Craig. The commit- tee . 'in, charge ` of the second quilt is Mrs. Johnston : Conn, Mrs. ' Vic- tor Eirnerson, -Miss Lila .Emerson, The committee .,to' check on door expenses. is Mrs. James McInnes, Mrs. - Wallace Conn and, Mrs: W, R.: Purdon. Mrs:, Emerson closed the meeting with prayer, . Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ritchie,. Barbara, Brenda, Stephen, Donald and 'Marry Ann,, spent ' Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Don- ald MacAdam of near ' Belmore. Mr., Kenneth Laidlaw ; of London spent a few daysthis pastweek with , s mother Mrs. James. Laid- law.. ► Mr. and Mrs. Charles ` Tiffin; Mr. and Mrs. Johnston Conn ` spent Tuesday :evening in Teeswater with Mrs. Wm. ,Conn and Mr. and Mrs, Hardy Simpson. . Mrs.. Gibson' Gillespie returned home from Sarnia - on the : week- end, Master Ronnie Solomon returned home on Wednesday from • Wing- 's ham and District Hospital where he had been .a patient for . a couple of, weeks.. Mr. Peter Kennedy and . Mr. Jim McIntosh of , Wingham visit- ed' en Tuesday ' with. Mrs.' .Albert McQuillin.. Miss: Edna Carr, MN. of Wing - barn spent a few days last week. with Mr. and• Mrs. Russel Ross. Mr. and. Mrs. George. Fisher and • Doris; spent the week ;end with. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Fisher and fames. of Guelph and Miss 'Sandra Fisher spent the 'week-ehd. with her 'friend . Miss Janis ' Farrier. Mr. and Mrs. Gershom : Johnston' spent Wednesday evening with Mr. and Mrs., Clarence . Ritchie and family -and. celebrated . Mary WEDNESDAY, MARC!I 4th, 1t 4• ' Ann's first birthday and that of. her grandmother . Mrs. Johnston. Mr. Warren' Sanburn andhis sister Miss Lorinda Sanburn have left their East Wawanosh` , farm. home and gone ' to Brookhaven 'Nursing Home, Wingharn.. NEWS BRIEF The death of a 69-year=old Har-- riston , woman' from infectious hep- atitis, and the • report' of more eases,' in Harriston, also in Elora. and . in the' rural area around Ar- thur,: has prompted ' Wellington County Health Unit to take pre- cautions against spread of the dis- ease. Custom Butchering' Mondays — Hogs,: $12.00 in by 4:00 Erin. . • _.. Cutting and WrapPrg, 2cpound CATTLE, CALVES and IAMBS EVERY DAY, EXCEPT SATURDAY, . Curing We Do and Smoking Beef,. Pork and Lamb.. Service, Sold : Whole, Half. or Quarter . For Better . - - Lower, Prices Call 'Ripley 100. And" Lower, ,.- Cha. Hpoisma Prop. . KINLOSS and DISTRICT Mr. Fraser 1VIacKinnon attended the Good Roads. .Convention : in Toronto last week; / Bruce Colwell spent the week- end at. Winter - Scout Camp at Ayton. - • •er Dickie visited ; .Saturday. . Denver in London with Mrs. Grace Mac-- Iver and family and Calvert Town- son. . Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd MacDougall visited' on °Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Carl: Pollock of Kincardine. ,There was a goodattendance at South 'Kinloss Sunday School on Sunday, March 1st.' ' i' ' Mrs. Allan,MacIntyr e and Mrs: Ira Dickie 'attended' a 'shower ;for Miss Sharon, Johnson in Ripley Saturday afternoon. Her marriage,. to Mr. Donald. Lowry of :Ripley. will take place in Agincourt on March 14th, Kinloss ' Boy Scouts enjoyed.'.:a. toboggan. party Friday - night with refreshments served after .at the home of. Scout Leader, Mr. ,Lloyd Ackert. NEWS :BRIEFS Work on the provincial patk at Point Farm, . north of //Godrinerich,. will be commenced ti in the.''spring 'P g and: while some use may be made.: of .it by :'fall, it will be' 1965 be- fore it is fully 'suited for its pur pose. NEW SPRING STYLES and COLOUlt3 WOiVIEN`S RESS SHOES htOW IN SiTOCK, -- Patent; also hi Black, and Stocking Tint Leathers usion and FIat Heels othwell'' Shoe Store Phone 528-3I17 • r• For Value, 'Quality atad Satisfaction: Our Shop ,In L i ,know Store Lucknow: - Phone"5 28-2129 ' •s , =--,- HERE . ARE THE RULES Evca'y` Cash:'purobase of Two':Doliars ``at eny . of .the co -aper-. Ming . business+ fad : m this oon best, entitles. you' to a coupon arnd :the 'opportunity to win t�hie weekly and 7n'otifhly • DRAW PRIZES, Deposit your tickets tin the D aw,Boxes provided .an each Of, theparticipating'busmess esbabl> ri+ents.: Each week a'winner ,of a $5 00. Merchandise Certificate/will be selected and at the end of 4 weeks , the winners of the two ,Minit ]ty:Merchandise. Cerrtifioates of: $25.00 anid $10:00 vtnikLl. be drawn in addition to Ahe $5.U0 weekly prize. Weekly prize ' winners w nill'talso be eligible tor' the niwithly Draw Certificates, and Monthly Certificates will •be .redeemabiie _at any oute participating anerahants„ Decisi'o'ns of the judges will be Eine&: Servtin'efl staff are .not oltghtle to enter this Contest Draw. This Week's 'Winner of $5,. Merchandise Certificate: Leo' Myra* Hollyrood who made his purchase at Lucknow Fruit Market The draw was made by Bill Irwin, Kincardine. Merchandise' Certificate May. Be Picked. Up At The Lucknow Sentinsl jScOUflt on.• LADIES' WINTER COATS: Discount - on 'Ladies' ' and: Men's ,CAR. COATS'• ' . �. . MILLINERY Price' Sanderson's Ladies' and Men's .Wear mop; Bulk Fertilizer Service SAVES YOU = Time, Money . and 'labour Lucknow District co-op. Phone . 528-2125 peciai ThiSIW�e. 5 0 -Piece Dinner: Set Regular $35.00 , ONLY X25.00 Scbmd's: JEWELLERY ` and', 'CHINA Phone 528.3532 SOME MEN'S and' BOYS' WINTER (OA! YET TO CLEAR' Lined Jeans, and Men's: Denini and Drill Windbreaker•: at: :WINTER CLEARANCE • Headquarters 'For ,,ALL Yotr "YARD GOODS SIEGRIST1 AR STORE • DROP • IN TODAY We have installed a new key cutting machine and will be ' pleased to Iook after your requirements in . this regard. Crest Hardware • Phone 528-3008 •' LS .JUST AROUND THE 'CORNER TIME FOR :A `Safety Check Of Yqur •Car Drop:• In At Supertest Service Station JOHN . GAMMIE ; Phone 528-3430 SSE OUR LARGE SELECTION OF " MATTRESSES and ' BEDDING ; .. . Maci enzie Furniture: Phone 528-3432 Uper' :auesw.6. :: When You. Shop The RED and WHITE WAY . .Savings • For You: Hall's Redand White' FOOD MARKET: • 'Phone 528,3001 To Serve You . Better With Deliveries Of FUEL OIL and GASOLINE Wy .now have in service A-' NEW TRUCK, with,' duel' pumping . aystern, W. A Bud Ha Crri'ES SERVICE Agenn .. .r. t Phone ho 528-2427 ; Open. Daily from 7 30 to 7 !UIT 1Yjarke YOUR ',BARGAIN 'FOODLAND Na tamps =- No Gin',tnicks LOW PRICES ALWAYS, Phone 528-3420 Ca-iic�BjJ{Tjme} : and our new line of DRESS FABRICS is on display . for your choosing ►Srton s Ladiee IVIen'a and Children's Wear Phone 528-2126