HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-03-04, Page 5W DNESDAY„ MARCH 4th, • 1964
Have you watched teenagers
dancing,lately?, If you haven't, and
you are,' bld-fashioned, and your
blood pressure : is high, take my
advice. on't. . •
Saturday .afternoon, through
sheer inertia, 1 found myself be-
fore a • television set •showing one
of those teen-age . dance' programs:.
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Fortunately, , I am neither old--
fashioned nor high -blood -pressured.
(it says here): But I must con-
fess, I . was 'wishing 'I were , 25
years' younger. •
Today'skids dance dolefully,
but sweetly, 'to the 'slow *numbers;
heads knuckked .together, bodies
scarcely moving', intent, serious,
tender.. yet strangely impersonal.
But when the music begins to
clang and thump; they .come into
their own. They ',laugh; :they bob
and bounce; they wiggle and jig-
gle and giggle. Their faces light
up., Their .feet weave .and shift
and trace Peculiar patterns, 'T;hey
'are . very young . and -very much`
alive, and completely caught i.up
in that most ancient means. of
Watching' them, .I was .sad. It's
a •pretty bitter, 'thing;' after., .all,
tohave been too- young ;.for the
Charleston, too old for the Twist
But I couldn't stay sad, Letting
my mind drift ' back' over the
years, I actually ' began to feel
sorry for. the youngsters. .•
;'These kids,": I;: thought :distain-
fully.::"How many of ":them have
mastered, a. step as .1 did? Sure,
they: can- do'the Cha -Cha and the
TwistOrd the Bossa Nova. But is
there a. single one of. them who
cant base • a .whole era of dancing
on.: one step'—the fox-trot—at " 1
There '' are ample -bosomed mid-
dle-aged; ladies, across' the land
who,will testify that •Smiley ` was
a 'coker, ' if not' a terror;, ,when he
tripped. the `light fantastically.'
There are ;gr. andmatliers in . Can-.
ada, England,, France . and Bel-
gium whore eyes. still light up
when they remember the . way.: we
whirled about .' the dance -halls, a
symphony• of smoothness, • a fant-
antasy. of fox-trotting..
`How. . many of .these'. kids,". I
wondered; `have ever"danced with
a Brazilian 'beauty: who couldn't,
speak a word of 'English and 'was,
doing a. dreamy tango while `you
were doing a brisk ..fox-trot?
How. many. of them/' I quer-
ied,' "have • ever , been to a' real
old country square-dance, .where
the sign • that 'the dance was over
was not : the ' band playing "'The
Queen,' . but 'the stovepipes com
'ing down when the fight. started?
"How many," I thought; "have
' to ' ' fox-trot with a
brawny 'Land 'Army: girl who • was
bound ,she was doing a waltz, and
Could .lift, you right. off the floor
in the .process? .
"How •many of them," I 'con-
sidered,-``havewalked- up to• a
flashing -eyed : young French 'mat-
ron in. Brussels,' at a , nightclub,
bowed ,to her; • bowed- to her .hus-
band, 'asked her for a . dance' in'
impeccable Grade Eleven French,
and` -received a slap in - the -face-
from. her,' a kick in the groin from
her husband?"
No. •Let them have their fun.
I have my memories Long before
these kids were running around.
with their diapers dangling, I was
cheek-to=cheeking it on enchanted
summer evenings,' and breathing
.heavily, into the •.ear^ . of, their
Aunt Mabels.
Chris Shel#en's
Move.To Kinlough
Mr:, and Mrs. Roy .Schneller,
Jimmy and Betty were recent
visitors with. Mr. and ' Mrs., Elgin
Hogg . at Wingham. Mr. ''and Mrs.
Donald Earle' of , Ingersoll,. also
. me- home, ,
The Evening Mi
orkers met' at
'the home of Mrs. Roy Schneller
with `Miss' " Edna Boyle ; 'presiding;
The 'opening` hymn was •' `The king
of love : my shepherd ' is." The
scripture was read by Mrs.. Har-
old Haldenby. The minutes were
read by Mrs. ---Ronald • Thacker.
The word for theroll call . was
"Love." Business was dealt with
and plans ' are now under way
for the centennial and commit-
tees were ' appointed, Mrs. Bert
Nicholson thanked the hostess and
the -meeting:' closed with prayer.
A card was signedfrom the . group
for Allan' Nicholson who is a pa-
tient in the War Memorial' 'Sick.
Childrens hospital,. London; The
afternoon 'was spent 'in quilting
a ,fancy leaf quilt. Refreshments
were served by the hostess and
committee.. The March meeting
will be devotional, with Mrs. Har-
old Haldenby; hostess ' Date,. April
Mr. James: M. Hodgins . is im-
proving from , an attack of pneu-
Mr. ' and Mrs Verne Hodgins
were recent visitors with. Mrs:'
Tom Hodgins.
Mr. and .. Mrs Chris Shelton.
moved Thursday from ,: Hanover
to their, home • here..' We.. welcome
them to ,the village., Chris` has
to undergo major eye • surgery :in,
Toronto • in mid=March.
• Miss May Boyle visited Wednes-
day, in • London with Mr...: and Mrs.
William Lloyd and Mr. arid Mrs,
Karl 'Boyle. .Mrs.' Lloyd, is making
favourable progressfollowing mai
or surgery.. -in St. Joseph's Hos-
pita], ..
Mrs. James Campbell,: Mr.. and
Mrs. Mervyn Campbell and= Nan-:.
' .cy visited on Friday evening: `with
Edna and May Boyle.
Sunday visitors with Rev.. Ben-
son `Cox and Mrs, William Co,,;
were .Rev. ,and .Mrs. ' Charles:: Cox ,
of Teeswater, Mr's.'G.ertrude :Walsh
Mr. • and Mrs. John Scott; :Bill :and;'
Bob .'and Miss Bertha 'Blue. .'
Mr. 'and • Mrs..Jack. Hewitt spent
Tuesday: evening at the same
heme. - .
Mr. and Mrs Gerald • Rhody . and `.
/farnily spent Friday. evening` with
. •.Mr.. and Mrs. Morley Bushell and
Canon R.. W. and Mrs Stump
Were dinner ,guests on Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Rhody and
family., ,.
Mr.. .and . `Mrs. ;.Bert ' Nicholson
visited with .Allan. Nicholson who
is ‘ a patient at the Sick Childrens-
Hospital,,..London. 0 •
Mrs. Claude '.Dore.,....Mr-and-Mrs:-
Gerald-Rlicie in London. on
Monday •when they .visited with
Mr. Claude -bore who has been
hospitalized for some time and.
also .visited with Mr. 'and. Mrs
Karl Boyle.; •,
'The ' Holyrood•. Custard Queens
e1crtheir th mectinriti the:;K7n=•
loss Central School. .The discus:-
sion was: • meal planning. There
was • an• exhibit of a dinner tray
for bed service. The roll call was'
"custards" which were judged" lat-
er. There was a demonstration on
"White . sauce" (No.1• and 2)..
Ham ala• „king was, 'made and
served for .lunch:
Mr. Alex: Hewitt and ; a ; fellow
student from _ Waterloo,' spent the -
u� ek-end._,with_Mr., and.:Mrs; - Jack/
Mr. Ronnie, Iialdenb `y
of Mel-
fort, Sask., Mr, and Mrs. Howard
Thonipson were ,Sunday evening
dinner , guests .with -Mr. and Mrs,
Bert Nicholson and Lois; .
The Presbyterian ,W,M.S, met ;on
'Wednesday ,at the home of Mrs.
Perry Hodgins .with; the hymn. "0
send thy light forth" opening .the
meeting, The.' scripture and med—
itation was given by ,Mrs. Weir
Eckenswiller and prayer by 'Mrs.
Don• Bushell. The word "for the
roll call was ,"Wisdpm." Mrs. Tom
McDonald and Mrs, ',leek Barr
were appointed leaders for a
C.'G'. t T. group, Mrs. Glen Halden.
nV ,«11, the program convener.
The twin ' "I love- to tell- the
st�•�`"' .,,as sting': the •Study hook
Top Quality' . at Reatonable. .Price.
Wheel, Balancing and Alignment
Shockabsorber Service
2. Licensed Mechanics
We extend sympathy to Mrs'. • nesday visitors with Mr. and Mrs
Tom Stewart and , Bud
Miss Elda ;:Wall, :London, spent.
the . • week=end with , her parents,'
Mr. and Mrs. Morley Wall.
T'o m : McLaughlin,, Brampton,
was • the guest of Floyd' Stanley
over the, week -end.,
Mrs. '.Frank. • Brown and Reg
spent, Sunday with Mr. ' and; Mrs:'
Albert Shelton and Peter, Park -
Frank Schumacher .in the loss' of
her , uncle, ' David Bell.
Mrs. Frank 'Brow.n. and, Reg
spent Monday evening with Mr.
and Mrs. 'James Wraith, Luck-
Mrs and Mrs. Mac . McPherson.
and children, 8th con. were Wed
js "Missions in India." ' The Bible
quiz was .from Samuel'', chapters
19 and 20. .A letter from . Miss
Donald 'McEwan and Mrs. • Stew-
art MacDonald, The hymn "Where
crossed, the crowded'' ways of life"
the .e ` meeting:
and prayer .closed.
The courtesy remarks ;'were given
and refreshments were served
Misses/ .:Sharon Hodgins and
Marie Adams of Wingham, visited
on Wednesday with Mr and Mrs.
The 4-H Milky Martians • held
their 5th meeting:Jn' the Kinlough
school. Joan Percy presided and
Jean Sutton .was • • Secretary. The
discussion .was. "Invisible Milk"
and white .sauces: ''The 4-11 :.Crecd%
closed , the *meeting. •
NEWS BRIEFS •• -.y, _
9hesley:, has now, received don-
ations 'of $7,500 of, the , required
$15,000 to complete their artificial
ice project.''
Mr. and Mrs:. John Bell of Strat-
ford and. formerly `of Listowel, re-
turned recently from a trip to
California: John, who is well known
in West oWawanoshleTownshi was born in
• , * *
An earlier season for hunting
ducks and geese in this area, has
been urged by the Seaforth Fish
and Game Club', •
Several reports of brush wolves
have been received in the. Paisley
area; •with theirexistence con -
finned .with ' the shooting of one
of "le animals last 'week,•
At .the first of/ the week. Harold
Stewart and• Reg Brown. made . a
p q ancas .er, near . e n ar o.
-Quebec border.
Mrs. Everett Parker, ` accom,�
. pained Mrs; `Clayton Meyer 0 of
Teeswater to Toronto where the si
ladies: took in the.. Gift *Show, They'
visited Mrs.Cotterill of Agincourt
Tuesday night . and - spent Wednes
day. night. with. Mr: and Mrs.: Gary'
.Mr. and Mrs. Everett Parker,
Yvonne .:,and Dennis •were in Fit
chener .on, Saturday. • '
"Are they a well -mated couple?",
"Yes, . indeed; . he snores and'.
she'S deaf
aref ree :dear s 1.
r These :wonderful days of, boyhood Iast such
a short lime. But while yoor'soni.s growing, up,
you can be helping him to face the future•
with confidence through life insurance.
i=or example,_ you ,can 'assure hirci an advance
education with one of Sun Life'a,educationa('
policies; you can guarantee his 'future
' Insurability
insurability with a Guaranteed
Benefit; you can lay. the foundation for his future
Iife insurance with a Junior Adjustable. Policy
where, with no increase in premium, each
$l,000 of insurance increases to $5;000 at age 21.
Most important of all,' you need an up-to-date
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•R.,R..• 24Lticltiriow
Phone:; '' `i9gkaiT•35 7 1X87