HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-03-04, Page 4PAGE POUR • .. ,, �' ES,�A-Y�- -MARCH ,. t . 'T9f4A-.. WEDN�, D THE LUCKNOW .SENTINE,,L,, LUCKNOWR ONTARIO • •-�--- ��(� 0.w 5:. � fR 'MOR• Sts ACCTG 045 www$ o', i� tH �wacr 1� W 4 iwr-w.MMR • CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES First Insertion 2c per . word, minimum charge 50c. Repeat Insertions, 11/2c per woad,, minimum 5'Oc. Notices,Cards o f Thanks and Coming Events; minimum 75e. In Memoriams, minimum $1.00. 25c extra for 'replies/to The 'Sentinel. Billing charge ,of 1 Oc for each bill. rendered. FOR SALE FOR SALE -- ,centrally located > in Teeswater, 6 -room house, insul siding, modern 3 -piece bath, dou- ble car garage, full size lot, apply Angus Strome, Box 301 Teeswater. HOUSE FOR SALE in. Lucknow. 6 room house with bath, 3 bed- rooms, goodbasement, sunporch,, attached garage. Fred' Webb, Luck- now, ' phone,. 528-2127. •FOR SALE hydro ' or, litter carrier 'poles,. cedar, : .Tamarack suitable for barn timbers up to 40 feet , in 'length. Clayton Alton, R.R.,. 7 ; Lucknow; phone ' 529-7295 Dungannon: DOGS;: FOR . SALE _ purebred Chihuahuas, born ' December llth , top '. quality purebred ' , German Shepherds' excellent , temperment. Pricedfor quick' • sale. ' Contact Donola .Kennels, Blyth., phone .523 :.' 9240, :. AVON.` 'APPOINTMENT Mrs. Clarence Greer has been appointed 'Avon representative for Lucknow. and ;would" be, pleased to look'. after your, Avon requirements. Phone 528-2327. FOR SALE.` — CSA.' .Allis Chal- mers tractor, with manure `• loader, both in good: ' condition. Wm. :. J. Arnold,. R.R. '' 3 Ripley, phone 2292 Bervie. FARM. FOR SALE— 100 acres, 10th :Concession ;`West Wawanosh, situated ' ,across from . St.' ' Helens store, all seeded down, 20 acres hardwood ' bush.... Elmer Woods, R.R..2 Lucknow: AOR SALE Two unit : surge milker :• complete. with.. four unit pump in excellent condition. Also. quantity of York seed barley grown " from' certified seed. Apply, Glenn M. Young, R.R. 2 Kincar- dine, Bervie 2433: FOR . ` SALE' '- floor -length wed- ding .gown,appliqued bodice, seal-. loped neckline and flower clutter- ed veil, size 12. Purchased : new at $125. • sell for .$60. will . dry- clean. Phone Sandra Graham, ..125 Ripley after. 7:30 p.m. FOR .. SALE • ' GOOD .GRADE . COWS 2 fresh heifers with calfs at foot 2 . 'cows to . freshen'soon. Jack Van Osch, R.R. 3 Lucknow,tele- phone ' Ripley 76-r-7:. FOR SALE Jersey--cowsrgood quality, heavy producers, cash :or. terms to 30 'months. G. L. Martin, 11.R. 4 Goderich, phone Goderich 524-6315. FARM EQUIPMENT SERVICE Gehl hammermills and mix -alis, Fox . forage•.' harvesters, Badger :barn - cleaners ,and feed , handling Systems, - Immediate .delivery - on new' . snow' blowers. N. , E. Hage- dorn and Sons Ltd;, Cockshutt -. Sales & ',Service,. phone 80-J,-- Pais>_ • CORN FOR SALE •— Cob and kiln: dried` corn from' the Ridgetown •-- Chatham area in 5 -ton and. truck- load dots. -Jim MaeEw an,, Kinloss, phone 2410 Bervie: • Mechanical and Body •Repairs Wheel 'Alignment' and: Balance Window. Replacements Radiator Repairs ' Protect against rust with Unda-Spray Davidson's Texaco Sery:e: ti 0. 8 Highway, Goderich Phone JA 4.7231: FOR SALE STOVE' FOR SALE' — Empire range in .good .•condition. P. M. Johnston, Lucknow. SEED OATS FOR SALE Good clean' Russell: oats. :Grown from registered seed Iast year. For par- ticulars apply ' to • Henry MacKen- zie, 3 Lucknow, hone , R.R. �... P • Ripley ,.105-r-18. FEED CONTRACTS, Inquire about new Master Feed contract' and Master Feed Pro= gram for. Hogs; at D. R. ' Finlay- son's, inlay,-sons, . LucknowP,, phone 528-2903.. PIANO • TUNING' Regulating repairs - experienced Contact Eric W. . Rice; KR'.'. ' 2 Lucknow, ,phone 528=6695. FARM FOR SALE Farm :consists' of ::206 acres in three parcels, all reasonably close together. Stone house,: good barns, some . bush: All on sideroad . 6 and 7, Con. 11 E.D. Ashfield Township; about 8 miles, from. Lucknow. One: ;parcel ,under lease , For fur- ther particulars contact Mrs. Eliz- abeth Stothers, Lucknow, Ontario; • FOR SALE circular table saw with extensionsand motor coni- plete skill saw; : jig saw; white baby buggy 'like" new; jolly jum- per, • baby . seat. Mrs. •John Mac- • Rae,'' R.R.3 Lucknow, phone Rip - ,ley 4-r-14. SEEDS FOR 'SALE We.; offer this. long ,"term ' hay pastura mixture: at $7.92 per acre, mixed free - 8 lb... alfalfa 2 lb.,: red: clover, ,4 ib timothy, ,4' lb. bromegrass, 2 lb. meadow. fescue, all Superior .grade No. 1 seed. SPECIAL =- March .'7 to :14 only.' Top grade Canadian. Alfalfa 27.00 per , bu. Complete dine of • seed grain. Custom Seed : and grain cleaning .• service. -ROY ':CRA/VIM & SON, PINKERTON,. phone Car- gill '366-2494. CUSTOM .BUTCHERING Beef and pork• sold in any quantity. , ' Custom. butchering. in Government "licensed.'abattoir. Pigs' every Tuesday. Beef. front Monday through Thursday': BUTTON'S MEAT MARKET " ` AUCTION SALE- Allan ALEAllan Maclntyre Licensed Auctioneer ucknow, . = Phone 528-3519 Elliott's Seed Mili LUCKNOW 528.3500 Barley Contracts • Cleaning ` and ' Treating "Bagged . or .Loose" Seed Grain " _Covets .and Grasses 1Vlixed if Desired o••••••••••••••••••••••••i • • DON'S T1 c • i •. iir SERVICE • •. •• . - xperienced ' a o" ' .All . Work Guaranteed •• . Prompt Service . • • Reasonable Rates . ' • s *PHONE 184, RIPLE'Y` - w W • IN NEW CASH BINGO Legion Hall, Lucknow ry Thursday. ,.evening,. 8:45. p.m., 15 regular games -- $10.00 each. 4 Share -The -Wealth' .games with •jackpot :included ' in each . game. Jackpotthis week $60.00: on 55 calls. BRUCE COUNTY SEED . FAIR • FORMOSA,. - WE'DNESDAY, MARCH, . llth•. VARIETY CONCERT Lucknow Agricultural..'Society will ' `sponsor a . variety . concert featuring local ' talent in the Luck - now District. High School .Auditor- ium on Thursday, . March 26th at 8:15 p.m.' Admission adults -50c, children 25c, advance tickets avail- able , from society : directors, door prize for .those.'with advance .tic- kets. :OPEN HOUSE AT HOLYROOD The annual Open House ' will: be held at Kinloss • Central. Public School ' on Thursday March 5th, from 8 until •10 p m„ Parents and friends are • :cordially invited to attend. DANCE AT: ROYAL:"T Dance , ,to ' the . "'music . of • . The BeauMonts on Saturday; ,March 7 at' the . Royal T, Wingham Danc- ing 9:30 12 : p,m. D OF THANKS IT` wish to express my, apprecia- tion and thanks to my' ,many. neighbours andfriends' for ;the host of cards, letters, visits, gifts, treats andflowers while in .Wing - ham and Victoria hospitals and since; coming home. All these kind- nesses were very much apprec- iated. • Mrs, Ted Collyer. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Van-:Osch and family wish to "express their heartfelt : thanks to all those who were so thoughtful " at : the tine of the loss of their son Jack, with special thanksto neighbours who assisted in various ways. All this kindness will long be .reniem- bered. NoTI-cES-. NOTICE; Why be inconviencedby having. pay YourOntario Hospital' In- surance Premiums every three:. months'. ' Pay once "a year through the Huron ' County Co -Operative Medical Services, the only -official collecting agency for this insurance in the county. We also offer to• all the residents -of, --the county : a plan for prepaid medical, health insurance which• provides greater benefits than. any' other plan in operation. :Family rates as low as $5.40 a month. For further information,, contact Gordon -Kirkland, Dungannon ' 528- 7508. ' NOTICE • HELP WANTED farm help re- quired• atonce• in West .Wawan- osh- Township,, preferably young.. man' to live . in., •AppIY The Luck: now Sentinel PASTURE WANTED- fairly large acreage of pasture for the 1964 season, must be well watered. and recently' seeded, Percy Gar- butt, phone - Lucknow 528-6140. HELP WANTED girl to do payroll,invoicing and general of- fice duties. Apply, Lucknow , Wood , Products. - LOOK ,.HERE! Wanted Men to start in business on credit.: Sell some 200 farm -home Products.. Thousands- of Dealers now make quick sales; good profits:. For par- ticulars write' Rawleigh, , . Dept. C-271-192, 4005 Richelieu :Street, St. Henry, Montreal. . Timber and logs ;Wanted hardwood bush' and logs, We are paying' top, cash' . prices for hard .maple, basswood, cherry,' ash, .soft Maple and beech. JAMES T. CRAIG' and SON SAWMILL, AUBURN, ''Phone Auburn 526.7220 •, . PIN BOYS WANTED for . work -'at Lucknow .Bowl and' Billiard Academy. :Apply , Friday evening, : , March 6th between 7:30 and: 9:00 p.m. at the , side entrance:: . HELP WANTED part time, :' ' female, between 16 and .: 21 years of : age : for . snack bar work at Lucknow Bowi and Billiard Academy.. Apply at side en- trance „on Thursday night, March 5th between 1:30 and 9:00 p.m.. .FOR RENT HOUSE . FOR : RENT 2' bed- room ' house in Lucknow on• the corner of . Havelock ` and Hamilton Sts.,. convenient. location, available' April' 1st, Gordon Johnstone, "Luck- now,, uck-snow,, phone 528-3719. THE HURON. COUNTY 'COUNCIL will meet on Wednesday, March 25, 1964 at 10;00 •a.rd, forone day only.. 'Any documents or notice of deputations must be in the hands of the • Clerk no later ' than Tues day; March 17,: 1964: JOHN G. BERRY, Clerk -Treasurer, County - of Huron, ' Court House, Godericb, Ont. Dead Stock emoval Service'. We are licensed'' to remove' your dead or crippled ,farm animals for , sanitary.' disposal.: GORDON ':YOUNG, Elmira Phone Coiled ,to:' MARS. GORDON 'TAYLOR ' 528-5950 Lucknow 24 - hour Service. Licence Nos. :215C53' and. 221163 Dead Anima Removal 11lm►f/ortl/4whilow.l4104 Dressed -and Rough:- lumber .2x4's, '2x6's. 2x8's, etc. DISCOUNT .PRICES • :ON; 'LARGE QUANTITIES- T Wesont. ..,,.COMPANY LIMITED. SAWMILL, LUCKNOW W�ter'WeII Drilling WE DRILL.OATARIO'S,. BEST Our experience ..: is your guarantee --- and. nowhere ..': can you • find prices as low as. ours, 'WE ' USE' NEW CASING Phone .Collect. — Cliffod 123w-1 r — , ",or write : ,,/WATER :WELL. DRILLING . R.R. 1 Clifford . TION SALEASC AUCTION ; SALE . ; of livestock and farm machinery • at the farm of ; Oscar White, Con: 2, Huron :. Township, 1114 miles north and 3 mileswest. of Lucknow on Tues- day, ues day, March: 17th at;: 1:30. See bills for list. Oscar White, ,prop., Allan Maclntyre, auc AUCTION' : SALE of : livestock; implements ' and hay wilh , be held ' for Cliff.. Sproul, -:part lot 14, ;.con- cession' , 3, '. West Wawanosh,,: ' 2 - miles south and ' . mile east of Dungannon on Saturday,' ' March 14th at :1;30 p.m. . See bills. for -list; -Terms Cash, . 'Cliff :. Sproul. proprietor, Allan' Maclntyre, auc- tioneer. AUCTION SALE' ' - . of modern power machinery, hay and :grain ' for Gerald Walter, Lot' 5, Con. 8, Ashfield Twp,. 51 miles south and 21 miles " west. of Lucknow .on Saturday, March 21st at 1:30 p.m. ,,, See billsfor. list, No reserve ,, as farm is sold, Gerald Walter, prop., Allan Maclrttyre, 'auc AUCTION SALE • of—livestock,. will 'be . held for Wm. Lyons, ; in Lucknow, oneblock, south, of Tre• - leaven's Feed' ' Mill, • on ' Thursday, March ' 12th . at . 2:00 : p in. See bills— for .list.' Wm. Lyons, p'r p., Allan M acIntyre, : auc. DISPERSAL. AUCTIONi;,‘SALE — . of . Highlawn Duat • Purpose Short -.';horn ' Herd,.machinery,-poultry;r: hay and grain will be ' held. for • the estate of the ' late Arnold 'Al ton,.. lot • . 6 ` concession 9 Ashfield Township, 2 blocks ' west of Luck - now ,and 5 miles' south of Highway 86 on Thursday March 19 , at one p.m. See bills for. list, catalogues. available, 'lunch cjo u n ter on grounds, Terms Cash,' Allan'- Mac- •Intyre,, - .auctioneer. For DEAD or DISABLED ANIMALS -- Call COLLECT Darling and Company 'of' Canada. Ltd,. Clinton HU -2-7269 ,bead Animal License. No. 262-C-63. Pecr�stManod Nursing Home 14ember: w ASSOCIATED NURSING ." . HOMES' of Ontario , 24. -Hour Supervision of. A Registered =Nurse • Considerate Personal Attention For ersonsBiderly. and' Convalescent . Excellent .:Home -Cooked Meals Box • 220, Phone 528-21186 LUCKNOW, ONT.'