HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-03-04, Page 31111.111110111 • WEDNESDAY.:. MARCH 4th, 1164 411111C10-' gillESqqgttwf"' THE LU.CKNO.•WSENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE THREE • .1IIIUlI11I01OPIRIre ser 1111111.111!!11rt1.11IIll■lII■1.I000I!IIU.111.1111111w.1.111 ■ �`_ ._ .1Ne kee u= �� i.97717.0r-you- or p_on • ■ `�. 4.. . .:// :'F . �+Y �S P,M;;e 'V q X % v,/.,.' ter,: e f.. ;•• .:- , .yam: F /-.rii ■ s: UllIITi1 ■• • ■ ■ ■ ....a Fish 2 for 79c FREE at; .Red • ain •White. • .:. lig ■. it.: = Clover- Leaf : 7' -.oz., - • - SAVE .1.5 c • . li ReRqsed Tea Bags . , 77c i • 60s SAVE :8c OatsOgilvie c � . .Quick or Instant lee. fake Mixes. a Duncan Hines pkg. Kraft Velveeta Cheese 57c • .lb. loaf Thri Detergent : Liquid 24 -oz: ■ Johnson's'■ Piedge • ■ 6%z'•dz.' ■ . ■ • Carnation .' Instant lbs: • Peanut' utter i Club : House ' ' 16 -oz. . 1. B. 1 with purchase. of $5.00' or • More FREE OAKWoOD, TUMBLER coupon 'valid March 2. to. March 7. • • Please clip and. present . at store' Only 'one coupon accepted' • from :each. customer Nestle Quik 2 fib.. 20c off 93c.I. ■ Criscol Shortefling.1.09:. • FREE Canister Offer • 3 lbs. •• Tropical Fruit Cake 31cE, lVeston's or . Sunbeam '; 12 -oz. • Luncheonll.Ros •• 25c!.. Wes o ■ t n s � Regular' •29cSAVE, 4c Chiqui.ta Baianas:.. :,_ 29c • Nutritious Famous 2 ..1bs. : ■ • ■ '' .• 1 ■ . ■. Oranges I�z.:,for :8 ■ PFONE 52$=3001 FREE DELIVERY LOCAL.,. and :GENERAL NEWS Rickey: and Randy Hunt of Ford- wick<arevisiting with their grand- parents Mr. . and Mrs. Harvey Webster. Mrs. Norine (Hodgins)' Sieloff of Detroit :writes ' that . "your trip .;to California : revived memories:" of our visit there in: June.'.' Miss Viola: Kerry' of Elmira was among those who ;recently ' attend- ed the U.C.W. •.Presbyterial '• meet- ing in eet-mg':in Kitchener: Miss Kerry who' served .in thea Silvetwoods office in 'Lucknow for. ' , several years, says she 'scans • The Sentinel each week • for news of those whom she recalls. /. LUCKNOW UNITED CHURCH Rev. Howard W. Strapp _ Minister SUNDAY, MARCH 8 ' ' 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship •THE MASTER'S MEN (4), Andrew ' • Lucknow` Presbyterian•.Church Rev. Roderick MacLeod Minister SUNDAY, MARCH _e 10:00 a.m. Sunday :School; 11:60'4.1p.. Morning Worship ST. ETER'S ANGLICAN, CAN CHURCH FOURTH •`SUNDAY IN LENT Church School . 50'30 IVtornhig prayer • 11:15 a.m.. The AeV. R, King, Rector • lc) —41464.11.1.1414.414116041‘104‘1 Having fine weather' writes Alex MacGregor. of Stettler, Alta., al though •some quite high 'winds last week, • Mr. and M.S.. Jim Smith :and family. of Listowel , were Sunday' Visitors : with Mr. and 'Mrs.' Wm. Ritchie.. Mr. and :.-Mrs Everett Finnigan returned to:. Walkerton ten days ago after a three-week:, holiday' in Florida. • • Mr, :'land .Mrs Mac . Graham of Toronto spent theweek=end with her ar-ents, _,Mr._ ..and�....Mrs. Wel- lington Henderson. Keith Reid, 12 -year-old. son•. of Mr. and. Mrs. Milvert Reid, has. been "a •' patient in Wingham." hos- pital for five weeks..• , Oliver Glenn returned honie on Friday . after undergoing ,surgery on his nose at; ,St: Joseph's hos- pital, London. aria rount visit- - Fred Martin . of P • .edr.Thursday=with•.. Mr -.nd—Mrs, John, Martin, . David and. Robert of 'Maple. Mrs., Harvey Kilpatrick, of Be1- fast is a patient in Wingham. Hos- pital with a fractured elbow hav- ing. been ' admitted on Thursday of last week. ' • • ' Mrs. Fred ' Emberlin who was hospitalized for a couple of weeks, returned to her home • here. • the first `of last week, • Readers write: Dr. A. E. Barn - ley, Hamilton, "Do "enjoy. it . very much," D. • M. Johnstone, London, "Look for the paper every . week and read it front to` back;" Mrs. Lloyd Averyz•. Teeswater, ' "Look forward 'to getting the paper each week." Lorna .Campbell ' of -. Toronto • is visiting this. week at the home of her' sister, -Mrs.' R. H. Thompson. • Mrs Charles Steward Spent last w:eek-end with her ' family in Lon- don. Mr:: and Mrs. Charles Webster' and Mr. - and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton of Lucknow returned Monday from a' three-week, vacation in. Florida; the majority of their stay having been spent at Hollywood • Beach. Earl Cranston, ' mail' driver on, R.R.7 Lucknow, was admitted to Westminster :.Hospital, London; on. Monday where ..surgery will be performed. In; •,his absence' the mail route is being looked ` after by Mrs. Allan Cranston. _. Guests with Mr. and Mrs. Earle Wightman and' Harvey on Friday were Mr. and Mrs. Peter' McRae of Oak Park and . Mrs. Albert Me- 'sellar of Freeland, Michigan; Mrs. J. W. Stackhouse and, Mrs. Mac V�i1Si -of` rucefield ,and lylr. and, 11 rs.' Ivan Wightman of . West Wa- wanosh.:' Jack and Dianne, Martin of Listowel, are spending:, a, few days with their grandparents . Mr. and Mrs. • Robert • MacDonald, 'while'' their `mother, • Mrs. Alf Martin Oft Listowel nursing staff, • is ' taking a two day. course : at Western Un- iversity, London. :: Received7-card'y-fronr-Mr and; Mrs . Ira . Campbell of Belgrave and . formerly 'of Lucknow, •who send their regards' to friends here.' Mt. and Mrs. Campbell : are spen- ding the winter in Florida ' and report lovely summer `weather. ' • Mrs. Clark Finlayson- returned recently from `Toronto where she had been with her niece Barbara • Leadbetter, while her parents•, Mr, and Mrs. George. Leadbetter' were,• holidaying • in the south. On • their return they were acceMpanied by Mrs.' Colin MacGregor of • Kintail • who ' had. been visiting 4n . Arizona. • I SEE.... By The Sentinel, THAT Mrs. Gladys Reedand daughters Lloya and Penny .of Lucknow have rented the house of W. L. MacKenzie on Outram Street vacated by Mr. and Mrs, Caswell .Hackett who are mov- ing to Wingham Mrs Reed, and family have been living in the Gordon Johnstone home on sta- tion street::• THAT Wallace Corin. of: Kinloss Township was foreman of the grand jury at Walkerton which` reported favourably. onthe con- dition of the, county buildings. Redecorating was suggested at the jail'_ and more. coat , space at the courthouse. Conditions at the county home, Brucelea Hav- en, .were praised. .THAT a 'rink from Lucknow plac- ed third. in ,the eleven o'clock draw at the curling bonspiel. sponsored • by Bruce county Mu- tual . Aid Fire Association held at Southampton on Sunday. Re- presenting • the Lucknow Fire Department ' and winners= of cig- garette lighters were Harold Austin, Lloyd Hall, Alf Ritchie: and, Allan. Hackett., Harold skip- ped one game and ,Lloyd two. THAT police chief Joe Balzer: had a busy ' time . for awhile last Wednesday :.afternoon with sev-- eral accidents attributed to 'sev- ere weather conditions. A truck belonging' to John., Crowston' of • Langside, and parked in front of 'the residence of. Mrs. Grant •McDiarmid, was involved in two accidents within 20 minutes. The first collision ,occurred be- tween ' a car driven by . Mary Ellen Shiells' . of. Amberley and the. truck: and before Chief .Bal- zer had investigated the first collision; Mrs. Harold . Maize of Lucknow, in her , car, wa in collision with ' 'the • same truck. 'While the first two accidents were , being "discussed, ., a , third minor collision. 'occurred on main street when two cars '°scrapped each other. ' Easter Seal Fund:: N�ars WayMarl Donations to the Easter Seal Fund at the first of the week total led, around $450, • wh'ich is close tet the halfway mark: The objective ' is $1,000, which: is about a 25% in- crease Over last year's total. ' This fund is in aid of crippled children and is sponsored locally by the Lucknow and District Lions Club, which spent, all they, had in last year's fund'•for assistance to handicapped children such as wheel chairs, leg braces, orthoped- ic rthoped is shoes, surgery; etc.. ' . • Donations so far in this cam--; paign . have been spontaneously, received, many of them from per- sons- who were not previous do-- nors. x • A partial list' of the names of. donors is published in an advertise- ment in this issue:, . • If you : have; overlooked •. or neg- lected making your donation, the local committee will keep dropping reminders, so` that the fund will keep rolling to its objective an this: pre -Easter period. Has Been Invalid For Many .Years John. 'MacCharles , returned to his home in Luckn w on Monday of . last week after being hospitalized at . Wingham for. ' two months. John has been.. partially invalid- ed for a long time, having progres- sively lost the use of his legs, In - fact, it was thirty-three :years last Christmas •.since he took a .step without"a cane or some', aid. Mr. McCharieS'' could get . iri and out of his car, and thus was able to get .about and downtown re- gularly; • But for some'. time. now, he has been unable to do ` this, and has been confined to his ;home:: A : ; girl can be . fond: of :.nice' clothes •'and ' not be all wraped'.. up. in them. . !■i■is■■•hs■riiiiiimp••••••■•••••snimmovi■aiili'islo ■. • AOn'. Tues. March • 9-10 !• ■ ■ ■• ■ . in ■ ■ 2 Thur. Fri..- Sat. ■ . ■ ' ▪ ' ' March, S-6-7 ■ ' ■ . Walt Disney's ▪ Son of. Flub e Starring: Fred MacMurray Nancy Olson Keenan Wynn.:. and . Tom.m:y` Kirk, This is 'a hilarious ` comedy designed to . please every member ' of the •family. ' ■loim ixa'■■■•■■■•■••••••'lid i Fr • �end / s. Pr. i on . e suss Colour' • • Starring: 'Gary Cooper ■' Dorothy 'McGuire Anthony in Perkins and Marjorie 'Main' �. This is nota new is picture, : but it best ever 1 d filme In fact it's a picture will want to see a again:' ■ o the length of Due t this pic- ; the'second sh tureow ; will Is start • • one of the at 9:30. . Starting .Wed., March 11• through/ Sat., March 14 ■ "UNDER THE YUM YUM :'' TREE" .__ d■■h■nn•tr■'irssm■merime • r • • »■■••••••••••o••••••oioiei•04•••e•e••*•*e o•••44 AT THE PARK.';: THESQUAiE' 'Goderich • o. • • • , • Showtimes — . 7:30 and ; 9:30 p.m..;` Now Playing'. :Thur.; Fri., Sat. March ' S-6- l ■ Special• Walt Disney program. in Technicolor.' • • ."BIG- RED". --,-,, :"PECOS BILL" said "ALI TO -BALI", • 8 Mon., Tues., Wed. Mar: 9-10-11 =Adult Entertainment -Rock,. Hudson with Gina Lollobrigida Presenting the sophisticateci romantic adventure story • • • • • • • •• •. • • "Come 'September" in color : i �•. •a. Thurs., Fri., ,Sat. March 12-13-14 Tony Curtis, Suzanne Pleshette and 'Phil Silvers A chase through. famed Disneyland features this 'rollicking' riot. no Ibs. Of Trouble" -- in color s • COMING -- "Lover Come Back" -- Doris Day - The 'test Week 'TO Advertise 1 ' nnient • • .: adult en' a Is Beery `i `eek! • ...a ..•N•r� • 1ti�iiiwa•M••••••r•r®•••l•w.•ani•rN '1•