HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-03-04, Page 1.4741011210(
0.00,A Year In Advance — $1.00 'Extra To' U.S.A. •
Allan Barger of the 12th
concession: of Ashfield , Town .
ship tapped some trees in : mid
January 9nd there was enough. •
of a, run of sap to 'make the
Bargers over a gallon, of sy-
rup. Allan also got a couple.
of afternoonsof plowing • in •
during the, spring-like Janu.
ary weather. •.
After the January "spring,"
the sap stopped running and
started again the first of this
week. We .hope the "run" is.
here 'to . stay this time:
Loca'l LadyWill.:...
Be '9.Thursday1
Miss Catherine .MacGregor ,of
aucknow will be 91 ..on Thursday,
March 5th. She continues, to en-
joy 'good health, . and although she
stays: indoors mostly . during the
winter, recently attended ::a meet -
[ng at 'Mrs. MacDiarmid's, But
she's lookingforward to spring to
ret : out around • again:
Miss MacGregor suffered a. frac-
;tired hip a• year ago last Octo-
)er, .but' made a remarkable iin-
)rovement and Was able to leave
the hospital and-. return to her
iwn home withina couple` of
Miss .MacGregor is a daughter
�f the late D N: MacGregor and
Iessie MacKenzie of Cape Breton,
where she _was. born. She came
o Ashfield as a child with her.
iarents, and forover fifty years
las resided.' in Lucknow; . where•
it one tithe her services" as a
seamstress were much in demand
Many friends will join in ex
ending' congratulations .and best
wishes • to : this 'iieloved lady who
s .91•` years young in spirit ':an,
)utlook..: . .
S co uts t
Wifl. Be In Oper�Io.n :BV' May
WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4th, 19614.
A new continuous butter churn
is to be installed this spring in
the Lucknow plant of Silverwood
. It. will be the first of its kind
in. Canada,, and only the' second
in North . America, as of when the
representatives from the Lucknow
plant viewed the other machine
in .operation .' recently.
I t: is 'in the Wisconsin Co-op.
Creamery' at. Union Center, Wis
consin, and a few weeks ago Wm.
Wharry,.. manager • of the Luck=
now plant and Arthur Putney,
local plant superintendent saw the
churn. in `operation at Union Cen-
ter:- • •
Ordered From France
They were "sold" on the' churn;
and : 'the Silverwood organization
later' decided to install the mach-
ine in ' the Lucknow .plant. The
finaldecision pended governmen
approval of the new butter man-
ufacturing equipment. • .
The continuousproduction churn
is manufactured in • France, . and
immediate shipment is 'expected.
It ` is expected that, the . churn.
will . be in operation here by the
first of .May.
Terrific Production
This newest invention, in churn-
Single Copy 10c
16 rPe
ing equipment is a Simon . con-
on-tinuous- butter churn, which pro-:
duces • a continuous • flow of butter
at the rate of 2000. to 3000 pounds'•
per hour: •
Cream is fed directly into the
infeed end of . the churn by a
pump :: The churning action is •
much thesame as the old fash-
ioned :''farm churn. After being
churned the butermilk is . drained
off and the butter is fed by dou-
ble augers into a chamber where
'salt is . injected int(' the produce.
After "salting the butter passes
into, 'a , blending . section and fin-
ally ` is nozzle;. extruded in a ' con-
tinuous ribbon. It 'can be • fed di-
rectly into the butter, printer .for,
printing into quarters, halves and
.one pound" prints,. 'or into solid
pack: butter boxes.
The Union Center. plant is pro-
ducing approximately 2304 to 2600
pounds of butter per . 'hour, de-
pending. on the temperature .and
butterfat test : of . the "'cream,
To " get an idea ' of. the poten-
tial of the ' churn, _:take . a figure;. of
2500 pdunds:. an ' hour, for a 40
hour Week' and y'have 100 ,,000.
Multiply, this by 50 'weeks, and.
you come, ' up with a figure of
5,000,000 pounds a year : just
,. Produce 3,000,000
The Lucknow' Creamery, the"
biggest producer in this district
•at present, produces about 3,000,-
030 pounds of butter annually.'
achieve this figure, cream
is transported from asfar as
Windsor for manufacture .here.
The . new ' churn..offers ; much 'great-
er potential:
Have Been Expanding
carried ori •fox some . time at Sil-
verwood dairies. Last year a new
ice cream storage '• plant, ' with
modern loading facilities; was
built, and this winter another. ad-
dition is ' being .built' for butter
storage. '
The new butter making machine
will: not require any . special ac-
comodation • •as it ' is . compactly
occupy a
built • to , space of,
�floor p
only about 8 feet long and 3 feet.
Building expansion has been ' wide.
Firemen Died Fire Hail To �Ilage
Built 1n 194 For New Fire Truck;
• • •
A motion was put forth at the
regular meeting of the 'Lucknow
Fire Department on Monday deed-
ing the Fire Hall. to •the village
of Lucknow. The motion has very'
little significance due to the fact
that the Village has been'looking
after all maintenance costs of the
fire hall for quite' a number of
years. While "the hall was y
: actuall.
the property of the Fire Depart-
ment., the village has assumed all
responsibility , for the building
throughout ;the years since its • con
Jean Lees Passes, Wile
Lucknow United Church As Parsonage
lome T
Miss Jean 'Lees,' the :last sur
:viving.; member , of a pioneer; Luck -..
now family, passed away • sudden -resident; ' of.. the. village.
l onSundayin'' Wingham hos- She. was of a jolly, fun loving
ee,k y gY, 1 g
pital ' . where she had : been . a. pa- nature, and `had many friends here,
tient for .several weeks.. She was,but few• of her. generation still sur-
End Illfinter.,Camp_
87 years :of age; wive. •
the exception of a few. years spent
in, the, States, had been a lifelong
Members of the Lucknow Boy
;tout troop attended the . week-
�nd' winter camp ° for the district,
it Ayton ;,on•.. Saturday . and Sun -
Seven Lucknow scouts were
joined' by a Hanover youthto
nake the 8 -man patrol.
The local boys; who :Were ac-
lompanied by Scoutmaster, George
Nhitbywere as follows . 'Elliott
JVhitby, Wayne . Jamieson, Donnie
MacKinnon, Tom O'Donnell, Gary
%ustin, David Button, Bill •Ches-
Miss Lees . has willed her home
;and its contents to the. Lucknow
United ' • Church as a. parsonage.
Jean Forsythe Lees, was the..
daughter '•of Robert Lees and` Jes-
Jean made her 'home with: her;
sister, Mrs. A. D. Mackenzie. (Dor-
othy , Haigh. Lees). but better ;known
as Dora, >' Mrs. Mackenzie's .:death
occurred in . September of 1954., and
sie • Douglas, natives of .Galash= was.'a sad . bereavement. for ,J a n
iels, Scotland. Her father pioneered as they •had • .been inseparable
*in the woollen .. mill ,..manufactur throughout their lifetime.. •
ing business in Lucknow, in the The funeral service was • c' o: n -.
building °"which still stands on ducted by Rey. H. W..' Strap') at
Canning St. across the river to . , the MacKenzie, Memorial Chapel
the 'wet of the Anderson Flax, in. Lucknow, ` with temporary. en -
Products mill. , tombment in South Kinloss _incus-
Jean- was born in Lucknow• on oleum. The palbearers ••r Wer e
November 15th; 1876, and with , George ;Joynt, ' Kenneth. Murdie,
W. B. Anderson, Jack Jordan, Wil-
fred` Fairish, Campbell Thompson.
In his remarks at the funeral
service Rev. Strapp said he` had
learned to know -Miss Lees as 'one
who loved her church '
u ch
and: was in-
t - i tI' . '1965 - - terested--in it. •He-expresssedrapprec
iation to• ' those. who had helped
With .the centenary orginally set make her last years brighter. .
for this ear, the 'dates of the Miss Lees was. 'predeceased by
,fair were changed to Friday : and three sisters + and four brothers,
Saturday; September 18th and Mrs. Mackenzi (Dora), Mrs. Wm.
eetin it was Caulfield ' (Jessie ), James,.:'Geor e
19th.. At� Friday's, ml g Will
. , .. g
'decided to stay with these' •.' dates, and iLees , and Rober and
ek-en Jessie,the' latter two".dyin in
in order•to establish the we dY g
fair and assess ,. its merits. . infancy.
-Convention Reports •
_,Mrs , ;Bert.�Alton, : George ,l en
nedy • ,and Fred McQuillin, 'gave'
excellent reports of the Fairs As- `J
sociation convention in. Toronto.
The secretary, Mrs. Fred Mc-
Quillin reported that Canada Pac-
kers were discontinuing their Dom-
estic shortening , baking competi-
tion this .year.
• Plan Variety Concert
In order to, help improve the
Society's financial position,• a var-
iety concert is being planned for
later this month.. It will be made
up of skits and appropriate num-
bers • representing the various
months of ...the year, and the pre-
liminary announcement of some
of the acts, indicates a "really
big show," which everyone' • can
• enjoy. .40
Pending Arena Work,:
Postpone Centennia
The Centennial' anniversary, of
.he Lucknow Fall Fair will . not •
ie held until 1965. This was . de-
eded at a meeting of. the Society
)n Friday afternoon, which was
well ' attended, and presided over
)y the president, Oliver Mac-
.."_AL. special - pr-ovincial grant-
tvailalile. to _agricultural -.societies,
aeon their hundredth anniversary
ihich is earmarked for the .erec-
ion .of memorial gates in honor.
�f the . pioneers.
The Lions 'Club still have ' a
)ermanent floor to be laid` in the
Crena, covering '.the, artificial ice
Apes, and a municipal ,project is
)eing discussed. regarding
• a new.
auditorium and Parking area at
:he west end of the' arena.
' These were 'factors in the Ag-
°icultural' Society deciding on the
postponement, so that' all those de-
tails could be "dovetailed; as ... and.
when proceeded with. • ,
It was also .felt that. the 'society
vas not properly prepared to
aunch. the Centennial project and
Shat' added . . .
Ile the Arne for planning
c event would be advantageous.
fair Board
In 1948 the ,:firemen purchased
the Reid property where the hall
now ,sits. for $250. The present
•cement block structure was built
by the fire •department in' 1949 at.
an estimated cost of $3,350. ° This
price did snot include:insulation,"
wiring, painting and.: eavetrough-
ing:. 'At ,this time a new fire. truck
was purchased and a fire protect-
ion agreementmade with neigh-
boring townships.
Continued . on 'page' 13)
The :original fire department in
Lucknow housed their equipment
in the old town hall :which is `.now. ,
the Supertest .Garage. With the
building.. of Carnegie hall t h e: S ..
ot So Seriously
sett As Feared
equipment was transferred to the
town: hall. In 1945; the' firemen
purchased the present`. William
Knechtel and Son;;building from T.
Wti • Smith for $1,'200 It was sold
in 1948 to' Ernie Crawford : and•• for
some time the fire'"equipment was.
located across from the.,town: hall,
the Joe: 'MacMillan .. building
which' later made way for the. new
Bell Telephone building.
Jim O'Donnell:
Leg Surgery
".Jim O'Donnell ::underwent sur-
gery at St. .Joseph's Hospital, Lon-
don on Wednesday, February -26th:
Eight and one half .years ago. Jim
developed osteomilitis": due to a
sharp bump on the. bone below his
right knee. Over the years •he has
undergone seven ,operations for the
removal , of calcified bone which
was eausing•'drainage. •
-4 In early: January he Suffered- "a
'severe flareup but modern drugs.
saved him fr"om hospitalization at
that time. However, a spot :kept
draining until surgery was decided
upon once: • more. Jim does not ex-
Pect to have to remain in hospital
too long as he has become adept
at caring for the : wound 'himself
with repeated practice.
If all goes as' scheduled,' Jim
Watson will. be winging over Can-
ada's northern wilderness: as this
. paper goes into. the mail on Wed-
nesday.. afternoon.
Jim's destination. is.'Ca e Dyer
n .._. w.p ..
on Baffili Island on therrim of the
Arctic Circle. '
..There his du les '
t on the ,DEW
Line twill consist of the operating••
andmaintenance' of , radar` and
mic,•' , sye equipment..
Ken ,;Gardner of Zion , is a pa-
tient in Victoria • Hospital, London,
as a result of 'a Sunday evening
car accident, but his injuries are
less serious ::than was' at first
feared. •
His companion, anion
p Wendy Ember-
lin of 'Lucknow, is. in . Wingham
hospital; suffering from bruises.
and shock but :.otherwise unhurt.
`They were enroute to Wingham
to , visit . Chas. Anderson, .who' .is
hospitalized ; with .' a blood infec-
tion. •
About three miles ` east of Luck -
now on Highway 86 the car went
out of control and.. did some rolls
on . the highway, ending Upside-
down: . •
• Ken, who will be . 19 in M a y .,
was " unable' to • move,but had
Wendy turn the , motor .off • as the
car • was full ofgas fumes. ' Wen-
dy got a wind& , down and got
free of the vcle, but 'den . had
lost the. use ' of' his, legs : and had
to be pulled: from the car, . which
was a complete wreck. •
n was temporarilyaraltzed
from " the ' chest down. pHe was
first taken to ' Wingham Hospital, ,
andthen to London, when'
damage 'was feared,
Since then Kenha,, ,_ s • regained
Some use of his limbs, and no
fractures have been revealed, • but
ligaments. in his back are •torn
and bruised. He is also Suffering
severely from shock.
in Island
Jim, age 21, is the son of 'Mr. parture plans were ' briefly dela
and Mrs. Rae Watson of • West
Wawanosh and . London, and '' is
a 1961 graduate of Grade 12 of
Luckrow District High School..
Jim then went to Toronto to at-
tend .the
t-tend.the • Radio College of •Canad'a
and upon tom feting' ,his • course:
continued. at` the College as ' an
instructor. At the end of Nove
ber he went to Streator, • Illinois,
•f" 7 `*vo 'n"nfhs' cotirs,e, prior
t" '/4tro, ~'t++ tho ' Afictic, 1lis . do;.
ed when ..he : was 'hospitali2ed ing
Jini flew from London to Melton
and then, o1 to Winnipeg the first
of the. week. 1e was scheduled :
to fly from Winnipeg; on Wednes-
day : for the, Arctic hinterland.
Jim Will he . in the northfor
eighteen months, but atthe end
`ef eight • mends expects to fly
out 'for two weeks ' holida �s.•