HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-03-04, Page 1.4741011210( f 0.00,A Year In Advance — $1.00 'Extra To' U.S.A. • LUCKNOW,, ONTARIO, , MAPLE. SYRUP,: PLOWING IN• JANUARY IN ASHFIELD;. Allan Barger of the 12th concession: of Ashfield , Town . ship tapped some trees in : mid January 9nd there was enough. • of a, run of sap to 'make the Bargers over a gallon, of sy- rup. Allan also got a couple. of afternoonsof plowing • in • during the, spring-like Janu. ary weather. •. After the January "spring," the sap stopped running and started again the first of this week. We .hope the "run" is. here 'to . stay this time: • Loca'l LadyWill.:... .... Be '9.Thursday1 Miss Catherine .MacGregor ,of aucknow will be 91 ..on Thursday, March 5th. She continues, to en- joy 'good health, . and although she stays: indoors mostly . during the winter, recently attended ::a meet - [ng at 'Mrs. MacDiarmid's, But she's lookingforward to spring to ret : out around • again: Miss MacGregor suffered a. frac- ;tired hip a• year ago last Octo- )er, .but' made a remarkable iin- )rovement and Was able to leave the hospital and-. return to her iwn home withina couple` of months.. Miss .MacGregor is a daughter g �f the late D N: MacGregor and Iessie MacKenzie of Cape Breton, where she _was. born. She came o Ashfield as a child with her. iarents, and forover fifty years las resided.' in Lucknow; . where• it one tithe her services" as a seamstress were much in demand Many friends will join in ex ending' congratulations .and best wishes • to : this 'iieloved lady who s .91•` years young in spirit ':an, )utlook..: . . S co uts t Wifl. Be In Oper�Io.n :BV' May WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4th, 19614. tter A new continuous butter churn is to be installed this spring in the Lucknow plant of Silverwood Dairies. . It. will be the first of its kind in. Canada,, and only the' second in North . America, as of when the representatives from the Lucknow plant viewed the other machine in .operation .' recently. I t: is 'in the Wisconsin Co-op. Creamery' at. Union Center, Wis consin, and a few weeks ago Wm. Wharry,.. manager • of the Luck= now plant and Arthur Putney, local plant superintendent saw the churn. in `operation at Union Cen- ter:- • • Ordered From France They were "sold" on the' churn; and : 'the Silverwood organization later' decided to install the mach- ine in ' the Lucknow .plant. The finaldecision pended governmen approval of the new butter man- ufacturing equipment. • . The continuousproduction churn is manufactured in • France, . and immediate shipment is 'expected. It ` is expected that, the . churn. will . be in operation here by the first of .May. Terrific Production This newest invention, in churn- Single Copy 10c • 16 rPe !s ing equipment is a Simon . con- tinuous- on-tinuous- butter churn, which pro-: duces • a continuous • flow of butter at the rate of 2000. to 3000 pounds'• per hour: • Cream is fed directly into the infeed end of . the churn by a pump :: The churning action is • much thesame as the old fash- ioned :''farm churn. After being churned the butermilk is . drained off and the butter is fed by dou- ble augers into a chamber where 'salt is . injected int(' the produce. After "salting the butter passes into, 'a , blending . section and fin- ally ` is nozzle;. extruded in a ' con- tinuous ribbon. It 'can be • fed di- rectly into the butter, printer .for, printing into quarters, halves and .one pound" prints,. 'or into solid pack: butter boxes. The Union Center. plant is pro- ducing approximately 2304 to 2600 pounds of butter per . 'hour, de- pending. on the temperature .and butterfat test : of . the "'cream, To " get an idea ' of. the poten- tial of the ' churn, _:take . a figure;. of 2500 pdunds:. an ' hour, for a 40 hour Week' and y'have 100 ,,000. Multiply, this by 50 'weeks, and. you come, ' up with a figure of 5,000,000 pounds a year : just struction. coastiri Presently ,. Produce 3,000,000 The Lucknow' Creamery, the" biggest producer in this district •at present, produces about 3,000,- 030 pounds of butter annually.' To achieve this figure, cream is transported from asfar as Windsor for manufacture .here. The . new ' churn..offers ; much 'great- er potential: Have Been Expanding carried ori •fox some . time at Sil- verwood dairies. Last year a new ice cream storage '• plant, ' with modern loading facilities; was built, and this winter another. ad- dition is ' being .built' for butter storage. ' The new butter making machine will: not require any . special ac- comodation • •as it ' is . compactly occupy a built • to , space of, �floor p only about 8 feet long and 3 feet. Building expansion has been ' wide. Firemen Died Fire Hail To �Ilage Built 1n 194 For New Fire Truck; • • • A motion was put forth at the regular meeting of the 'Lucknow Fire Department on Monday deed- ing the Fire Hall. to •the village of Lucknow. The motion has very' little significance due to the fact that the Village has been'looking g after all maintenance costs of the fire hall for quite' a number of years. While "the hall was y : actuall. the property of the Fire Depart- ment., the village has assumed all responsibility , for the building throughout ;the years since its • con Jean Lees Passes, Wile Lucknow United Church As Parsonage lome T Miss Jean 'Lees,' the :last sur :viving.; member , of a pioneer; Luck -.. now family, passed away • sudden -resident; ' of.. the. village. l onSundayin'' Wingham hos- She. was of a jolly, fun loving ee,k y gY, 1 g pital ' . where she had : been . a. pa- nature, and `had many friends here, tient for .several weeks.. She was,but few• of her. generation still sur- End Illfinter.,Camp_ g 87 years :of age; wive. • the exception of a few. years spent in, the, States, had been a lifelong Members of the Lucknow Boy ;tout troop attended the . week- �nd' winter camp ° for the district, it Ayton ;,on•.. Saturday . and Sun - Seven Lucknow scouts were n joined' by a Hanover youthto nake the 8 -man patrol. The local boys; who :Were ac- lompanied by Scoutmaster, George Nhitbywere as follows . 'Elliott JVhitby, Wayne . Jamieson, Donnie MacKinnon, Tom O'Donnell, Gary %ustin, David Button, Bill •Ches- er. Miss Lees . has willed her home ;and its contents to the. Lucknow United ' • Church as a. parsonage. Jean Forsythe Lees, was the.. daughter '•of Robert Lees and` Jes- Jean made her 'home with: her; sister, Mrs. A. D. Mackenzie. (Dor- othy , Haigh. Lees). but better ;known as Dora, >' Mrs. Mackenzie's .:death occurred in . September of 1954., and sie • Douglas, natives of .Galash= was.'a sad . bereavement. for ,J a n iels, Scotland. Her father pioneered as they •had • .been inseparable *in the woollen .. mill ,..manufactur throughout their lifetime.. • ing business in Lucknow, in the The funeral service was • c' o: n -. building °"which still stands on ducted by Rey. H. W..' Strap') at Canning St. across the river to . , the MacKenzie, Memorial Chapel the 'wet of the Anderson Flax, in. Lucknow, ` with temporary. en - Products mill. , tombment in South Kinloss _incus- Jean- was born in Lucknow• on oleum. The palbearers ••r Wer e November 15th; 1876, and with , George ;Joynt, ' Kenneth. Murdie, W. B. Anderson, Jack Jordan, Wil- fred` Fairish, Campbell Thompson. In his remarks at the funeral service Rev. Strapp said he` had learned to know -Miss Lees as 'one who loved her church ' u ch and: was in- t t - i tI' . '1965 - - terested--in it. •He-expresssedrapprec iation to• ' those. who had helped With .the centenary orginally set make her last years brighter. . for this ear, the 'dates of the Miss Lees was. 'predeceased by ,fair were changed to Friday : and three sisters + and four brothers, Saturday; September 18th and Mrs. Mackenzi (Dora), Mrs. Wm. eetin it was Caulfield ' (Jessie ), James,.:'Geor e 19th.. At� Friday's, ml g Will . , .. g 'decided to stay with these' •.' dates, and iLees , and Rober and ek-en Jessie,the' latter two".dyin in in order•to establish the we dY g fair and assess ,. its merits. . infancy. -Convention Reports • _,Mrs , ;Bert.�Alton, : George ,l en nedy • ,and Fred McQuillin, 'gave' excellent reports of the Fairs As- `J sociation convention in. Toronto. The secretary, Mrs. Fred Mc- Quillin reported that Canada Pac- kers were discontinuing their Dom- estic shortening , baking competi- tion this .year. • Plan Variety Concert In order to, help improve the Society's financial position,• a var- iety concert is being planned for later this month.. It will be made up of skits and appropriate num- bers • representing the various months of ...the year, and the pre- liminary announcement of some of the acts, indicates a "really big show," which everyone' • can • enjoy. .40 Pending Arena Work,: Postpone Centennia The Centennial' anniversary, of .he Lucknow Fall Fair will . not • ie held until 1965. This was . de- eded at a meeting of. the Society )n Friday afternoon, which was well ' attended, and presided over )y the president, Oliver Mac- arles. .."_AL. special - pr-ovincial grant- tvailalile. to _agricultural -.societies, aeon their hundredth anniversary ihich is earmarked for the .erec- ion .of memorial gates in honor. �f the . pioneers. The Lions 'Club still have ' a )ermanent floor to be laid` in the Crena, covering '.the, artificial ice Apes, and a municipal ,project is )eing discussed. regarding • a new. auditorium and Parking area at :he west end of the' arena. ' These were 'factors in the Ag- °icultural' Society deciding on the postponement, so that' all those de- tails could be "dovetailed; as ... and. when proceeded with. • , It was also .felt that. the 'society vas not properly prepared to aunch. the Centennial project and Shat' added . . . Ile the Arne for planning c event would be advantageous. fair Board To atson In 1948 the ,:firemen purchased the Reid property where the hall now ,sits. for $250. The present •cement block structure was built by the fire •department in' 1949 at. an estimated cost of $3,350. ° This price did snot include:insulation," wiring, painting and.: eavetrough- ing:. 'At ,this time a new fire. truck was purchased and a fire protect- ion agreementmade with neigh- boring townships. Continued . on 'page' 13) The :original fire department in Lucknow housed their equipment in the old town hall :which is `.now. , the Supertest .Garage. With the building.. of Carnegie hall t h e: S .. ot So Seriously sett As Feared equipment was transferred to the town: hall. In 1945; the' firemen purchased the present`. William Knechtel and Son;;building from T. Wti • Smith for $1,'200 It was sold in 1948 to' Ernie Crawford : and•• for some time the fire'"equipment was. located across from the.,town: hall, the Joe: 'MacMillan .. building which' later made way for the. new Bell Telephone building. Jim O'Donnell: Leg Surgery Has ".Jim O'Donnell ::underwent sur- gery at St. .Joseph's Hospital, Lon- don on Wednesday, February -26th: Eight and one half .years ago. Jim developed osteomilitis": due to a sharp bump on the. bone below his right knee. Over the years •he has undergone seven ,operations for the removal , of calcified bone which was eausing•'drainage. • -4 In early: January he Suffered- "a 'severe flareup but modern drugs. saved him fr"om hospitalization at that time. However, a spot :kept draining until surgery was decided upon once: • more. Jim does not ex- Pect to have to remain in hospital too long as he has become adept at caring for the : wound 'himself with repeated practice. rct'C..., stinath If all goes as' scheduled,' Jim Watson will. be winging over Can- ada's northern wilderness: as this . paper goes into. the mail on Wed- nesday.. afternoon. Jim's destination. is.'Ca e Dyer n .._. w.p .. on Baffili Island on therrim of the Arctic Circle. ' ..There his du les ' t on the ,DEW Line twill consist of the operating•• andmaintenance' of , radar` and mic,•' , sye equipment.. Ken ,;Gardner of Zion , is a pa- tient in Victoria • Hospital, London, as a result of 'a Sunday evening car accident, but his injuries are less serious ::than was' at first feared. • His companion, anion p Wendy Ember- lin of 'Lucknow, is. in . Wingham hospital; suffering from bruises. and shock but :.otherwise unhurt. `They were enroute to Wingham to , visit . Chas. Anderson, .who' .is hospitalized ; with .' a blood infec- tion. • About three miles ` east of Luck - now on Highway 86 the car went out of control and.. did some rolls on . the highway, ending Upside- down: . • • Ken, who will be . 19 in M a y ., was " unable' to • move,but had Wendy turn the , motor .off • as the car • was full ofgas fumes. ' Wen- dy got a wind& , down and got free of the vcle, but 'den . had lost the. use ' of' his, legs : and had to be pulled: from the car, . which was a complete wreck. • Ke n was temporarilyaraltzed from " the ' chest down. pHe was first taken to ' Wingham Hospital, , andthen to London, when' sinal l? damage 'was feared, Since then Kenha,, ,_ s • regained Some use of his limbs, and no fractures have been revealed, • but ligaments. in his back are •torn and bruised. He is also Suffering severely from shock. in Island Jim, age 21, is the son of 'Mr. parture plans were ' briefly dela Y and Mrs. Rae Watson of • West Wawanosh and . London, and '' is a 1961 graduate of Grade 12 of Luckrow District High School.. Jim then went to Toronto to at- tend .the t-tend.the • Radio College of •Canad'a and upon tom feting' ,his • course: continued. at` the College as ' an instructor. At the end of Nove ber he went to Streator, • Illinois, •f" 7 `*vo 'n"nfhs' cotirs,e, prior t" '/4tro, ~'t++ tho ' Afictic, 1lis . do;. .,1 ed when ..he : was 'hospitali2ed ing London. • Jini flew from London to Melton • and then, o1 to Winnipeg the first of the. week. 1e was scheduled : to fly from Winnipeg; on Wednes- day : for the, Arctic hinterland. Jim Will he . in the northfor eighteen months, but atthe end `ef eight • mends expects to fly out 'for two weeks ' holida �s.• • • ,447 4.4 • i, • • {