The Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-02-26, Page 12'•n THE•L LICKNOW SENTINEL, • LUCKNOW, ONTARIO For, sound counsel' and a. fair price dna monumen' correctly designed from. quality material,, 'rely on SKELTON MEMORIALS Pat O'Hagan, Prop. Established Over Sixty Years ' Phone 881-0234 Ontario. SUGAR and SPICE By BILL :SMILEY'. GRASS IS ALWAYS .GREENER and concerts; that it's : grand to be able to go. ,out for an • exotic meal in a -fascinating . place; that the small town doesn,'t provide the same cultural 'opportunities for your skids. ; * * Privately, I chuckle - at both points of .view, Both are full of contradictions. ' The city fellow claims . there's . no privacy ' in a small 'towil - everybody :' knows your business. The small-town fel- lew' explodes, "Privacy!" How can you have privacy in the city when you're jammed into 'a two-by-four lot, in a house beside people you don't like and who have horrible kids?" . The small-townfellow raves about that mythical `rat -race" in the city, and goes out and roars around in service clubs and frat- ernal organizations and athletic clubs and church groups at a pace no.. city rat could stand. The myths ; multiply. In a city of a , milion, ' theatres : are half empty, . concerts play to small crowds, exotic restaurants" •go broke. In a small ' place, .: one-tenth of two per cent of ,the:` population is reveling .in that: fishing,. hunting and so. on . at , the front . door. The rest are at home : watching the same' TV program as ' the fellow in the city."• On : Saturdays, the whole grub, lea is : brought into perspective, on a four -lane highway, ' D'own' to the city, in ; one stream, • pour,. the .thousands of people going in for a day to shop, see shows, : suck upsome fast culture. Up from the city, in the Other stream, pour the thousands of people , going. north for .the . skiing or swimming or fishing. They wooden', live . • in that Tronna ifye gave ,me ' the whole dump on a . silver platter."This is'an. ex- pression oft heard in the ,vast hin- terland of our dominion, the true north, _strong ` and free. • It '' is echoed with equal . em- phasis about Montreal, HaLfax, Vancouver, .Winnipeg,.,and the .oth-. er ` dozen or so'cities of any size. The statement "aboveis, usually followed :: by a diatribe .':against "city living." Its high rents,its heavy 'traffic its unfriendliness; Its' distance from that demi-para • dise, the ,speaker's home town.; "Ya, 1 know it's nice` in the summer. up :north there. But :wud- daya do , all winter in that dump." This is. equally familiar:, It is ask- ed in the tones of. simple incred- ulity of a sophisticated, suburban- ite who' spends all winter doing exactly what you do in that dump up north: working, playing, ,• bring- ' ' ing ' up .: your family, trying tc •pay, the , bills; and growing older On most, matters, : I . , take ' a stand. But in ` this denunciation • of the :other' fellow's mode of.' life,: I take .'two stands. ' The first is ' gentle agreement with my small-town friends. I go along ' with ' their . belligerent, argu- ment . that the city, is . no , place' to live; that I'd: hate to battle that .traffic;I:that living is cheaper in a smaller centre; - . that it's wonderful to li'ewithin five .1 in- ' utes of . fishing, : curling, golfing; 'and' friends. When 'I'm- listening to some: old buddy who lives in the city, i" nod sagely .when he pointsout. that the •' city is an exciting place to hive;• that it's wonderful .:to: be, able to take in all the ;shows :don'teven wave to each other, tW mace :And when the. titbit- tomes, ime- comes, Make sure yon: get in efficient, hard : wa•rkrying Esso 011 .Furnace, the furnace that staysLunger as 'much longer! No Down Pay:nent --. Up To 1,0 Years To Pay ROY HAVENS Plumbing And Heating A. Phone' ' 528-3012 Lucknow D O1L4BURNER SALES And SERVICE HOME HEAT ' SEIWICE • Claim Industrial. Laws: Favor The Larger Centres. Provincial laws cov ring. decen- tralization of industry are loaded by the • government in ' favor of the large communities, itwas said recently atthe annual meeting of the Bruce zone of Georgian Bay D velopmentAssociation held at Ripley, Speaker . William MacDonald of the Ontario Research Foundation's new centre, to .be opened next year : in Toronto Township. The Georgian Bay • Region' has made an ,unsuccessful 'bid for the .cen- tre and the •association manager, Neville. Keefe, said politics ' had more to dothan economics or statistics in the selection of the Metro area as the site. The provincial. , economic coun- cil 'has agreed to the. association's request for . a study of the laws' affecting decentralization. The importance. of ' the founda- tion's work to small business 'Was stressed by 'Mr. MacDonald... He termed the foundation a workshop: for industry. There ismuch= knowledge; and information' available for industry and 'much of it is,: free. The 'foun- dation also does research for coin munities.. ' Bruce County council ; has been asked to promote industrial` ex= pension. Last year the county spent $10,000 for agricultural :pro- motion and $7,000 for the tourist, but nothing for industry.' ' William Matheson; ` of Chesley fwas elected chairman of the; Bruce •zone.' George .McLean of Ripley is .vice chairman and Arhtur .Dav- ey of Port Elgin and Ivan.: Lloyd. of . Kincardine are directors. Mr. Davey is also vice `. chairman , of 'the region. Wednesday, FEBRUARY 20 1tµ Judge: "What . possible 'excuse did you fellows have -for . acquit- ting, cquitting• that murderer?" Juryman: "Insanity.' Judge: "Really?. ,All twelve of, you?" 10, • 1 ALLIED FARM' SERVICES EA FARM E . • ALL PAYMENTS TAX DEDUCTIBLE; . • THERE I5 NO "DOWN PAYMENT • ALL EQUIPMENT IS INSURED: * PERSONAL • ACC(DENT INSURANCE * FARM LIABILITY INSIIRAyCE *,,•GROUP SAVINGS 'ON" FARM iUPPLIES • FARM INCOME TAX PREPARATIONS 373 QUEENS AVENUE -- LONDON, CANADA YOUR HURON COUNTY AGENT, .Phone ,Bayfield 95 SENTINEL EPS CECIL Pprt KEColborne, Well, Cam.. I can't begin to. tell . you ,,how. much I .appreciate` the Sentinel. and maybe' :I should give you a few : "whys:"„. Mrs. Jessie :Allin's ' daughter' works in • our . hydro office and. P wouldn't '.have known her as I guess I had never Seen her befr-e:'. Alex Smith,. is I.P.S. where my daughter teaches school at Keady, (near Tara). J. C. .:MacMillan, , I. knew by'- the Sentinel, lived in St. Kitts. (Cath- arines 1.and: I .often wondered what his. work ., was. One ,night Russell and I:. went to our union ;meeting is the anionhall in. St. Kitts. and here we ran into young MacMil- Ian,' Who is an electrician with the St. Lawrence Seaway Author- .ity on the Welland Canal where Russell and I both work. • Alvin Hamilton; who met such • ARMSTRONG IN TOUCH tragedy used to come up' into the : control room here to visit me, . and also to °find' out' where the' boat was •that his : Wife wascook. on and • what 'time ` we expected • One *of . the Chin boys • always waved to me as the giant Scott- Misener went.; past the control room as well as: • several other local fellows whose identity. I ' wasn't sure.. of. • , `"This is'. just ' a little. of, the ser- vice we get tiro' the Sentinel: besides•' such a detailed coverage of all that's going on in the old home town. certainly don't be- grudge your raise in price when .: it . `becomes effective and 'I don't think you need ' • to be, the' least bitapologetic about it either. Thanking :you -again, I remain yours sincerely, . Cecil I. Armstrong OW TO HAVE A "COME JAS:Y E',' O U : AR PARTY 'friends 'as they,are'-and wheth- er it's for sociable fun or a seri- ous need, or any one. of a puri-. dred other reasons, its your pitone you reach for when you frit to: reach otter people: eoplo xaggerated? Weil now—just im- agine where you'd•bo without the phone! i • ELI BiIIVr ItfANAGIM An OWNED BY CANADIANS. Of V (0 De: