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Ashfield' Council Name Offjcj�I
• Council met on February. 4th
with all members present. Min-
utes of the January 12th meeting;'
were read and approved by 'How-
; . and and "Boyd,
Bylaw. No. 1, ' appointing the, of
kers. and setting their salaries
was. ;given a' final. reading . and
passed "'on. ,a motion of Reed and.
Howard.• The ;assessor's' salary was
increased to ` $700'" per year.
Theclerk was instructed to ad-
vertise ' for 1964 gravel contract..
and also for the Warble Fly ' Con=.
trol :program:`
On a: motion of Reed • and ..How-
ard application was " made for the
final payment , of the , 1963: road
:These:. accounts.. • were ' ordered
paid on a .motion. of Howard .and
Boyd. •,
Huron County , Federation of
Agric ; 1963 levy, ':$956.97; Donald
Simpson, collecting Fed. 'of Agric.,
$34.50 Pinecrest Manor Ltd ' in -
d - "gent ' care, " $230.75; . Township of
,relief account, ou i, $1,45;.
Ontario Good Roads "Assoc., " fee,
$1500; Ontario Assoc•. of Rural
'Municipalities •fee, ` $15.00; Huron
County Soil and Crop' Improve
ment grant, $15:00; Donald Simp-
imp-son,, telephone . calls, $20.65; John
stone's Furniture, :rent of chairs;
Eedy's Grocery, relief, 460,-
John Nicholson,, $110.88; R.
West, $124.45 ; Jack' Irwin, $56,00,,
Imperial Oil• Ltd., fuel and tax,
$158.60; . Grant Chisholm, , esso-rad,
$556 Sifto Salt': Co., salt,, $82.81;
W. R. Mole, ' sanding, $2800; Don-
ald Curran, snowblowing, $24.00;
Ernie :' Gibson, snowblowing, $9.00;
Murray Johnston, snowploughing.
$345.00; Murray Johnston, snow
plowing, $386.75; Tom Helm,' snow-
plowing, $25&50; Jack Farrish,
snowplowing, $195.00; R E.• , For-
ster; ,.chains and chain pinchers,
Council adjourned to :meet Tues-
day,- M..rch 3rd at 1;30; p.m...
Donald Simpson
In 1929 Caser-.h.-�
p Oa1came from;
Hungary to make a home for his
wife and., two children .Last:. week
- 35 .years: later , his wife ar-
rived ; at his farm ` near Exeter,
and unable: to speak a word• _ of
English. The ' . depression 'years.
made , it impossible " for her husr.
band to ..establish . the dreamed of.
home:. °Then came World : •War II,
and the day it was over, Mr.
Olah ' made .application to bring
his wife to • Canada. After, years
of delay they were ..reunited last
week. There';: seems little hope •
that ' Hungary will _permit : their
son and. daughter, now 38 • and 40
years of age, to come to Canada.
on " a permanent • visa.
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r 1SHF.IELD. U.C.W. ,
The World's day ' :of Prayer'
Service was held at the Ashfield;
Manse on ' Friday afternoon with
..members .of . Blakes, Hacketts and
U.C.W. "present. The theme
was "Let Us pray.". and was
written by Mlle. 'Madeline Barot, •
Executive Sect'y. , of World Coun-
cil of Churches. Mrs. Bert , Alton'.
opened, the meeting with .explan
ation° of ` Mlle. Barot's." work and
theme: Mrs:. Blake ..Alton was
pianist for the • meeting. Mrs.
Kaiser read the, • scripture, . Psalm
148. Prayers of Thanksgiving,
were taken by Mrs, James •Arnold,
Mrs. Clifford Menary. and'. Mrs,
Gordon ' Kirkland. Meditation on
Prayer; prayer , is 'friendship by
Mrs., Frank • Ritchie,' prayer is
fellowship, ' by •Mrs: Warren Zinn
and prayer . is • action' .by Mrs.
Alex Hackett were explained. Act
of : repentance was taken by Mrs.'
Arnold, prayers. of .intercession by
Mrs. C. Menary and; Mrs B. -Albin
,and..rededicaion to the• : service
of ...others by Mrs.G. " Kirkland.
A pleasing, solo was rendered by
Mrs. ' Kenneth Alton;..The offering
was received by :Mrs: Clifford . K11
.patrick and Mrs. Russel Alton.
Mrs. ; B.." Alton ' • prenounced, bene-'
diction. Mrs. Isaac ..Cranston Mov-
ed 'a vote:'.of" thanks. fo: Mrs: ;-Kai=
ser' :for•• . her, hospitality and
Rev., Mr.: Kaiser for . shovelling
the driveway. so . • the members
could' park their- cars, Mrs. Kai-
ser and committee Served a' dei'
acinus lunch,
Zion. U Cw.
The. February' meeting of the
Zion ". U.C.W. was held . at " the°
home ' of •.Mrs. Robt:: Helm on
February 12th with 23 members:
present Following the opening of -
the ,meeting, Mrs. Howard• Bar.'
ger had charge' of the 'Devotional
period with Mrs. 'Russell Swan
reading the scripture. Mrs. D N.,
Hackett had " 'the Bible Study'
from the Word : and .;; the Way:
Mrs. John. Gardner , sang a solo
and. • Mrs. Gordon Kirkland' gave.
a'.• reading. During the business.
period, plans were made for the
.World's Day of., Prayer . meeting
to. ..be :: held . at ' Mrs.. Kaisers on
February .14th.` " Mrs. ' Raynard
showed materials ' she had receiv-
ed, and. plans : were ..made for.
another. ,quilting. . Reports were
given' by .the treasurer, flower fund
secretary and 'supply" secretary.
Visitors for : the coming month are
Mr..s..:Robt.,, Helm ,and' Mrs. 'Eldon
Ritchie. Mrs. Allan Barger will
have the Bible Study for the next.
meeting.: Mrs. 'Swan. gave the .talk.
on the Chapter from the Study
Book. ;. , Mrs. Kaiser. closed - . the
meeting with prayer. Lunch was
served by Mrs. Helm, Mrs: • Allan:
Ritchie. and : Mrs: Eunice• Duns
muir...The . next` meeting . will. be
hr Of Mrs .. D. A.
held at the, home .
Hackett, on March
Wednesday, PRORUARY 9, 194
For sound 'counsel and a: fair' price on a monument
correctly` designed from. ,quality, material, rely on ,
Pat .O'Hagan, Prop.
Established. Over Sixty Years.
Walkerton ' Phone 88110234.
held their monthly meeting Feb-.
ruary, 9th in ' the school, with aa:•
attendance of 22. membereMrs.
Mark ..Dalton . presided ad .._... the".
meeting opened" w . hLeague'
prayer•led by Rev, Fith r,tCearawana.
Financialreport was given by
Mrs. 'John . Austin. Mrs. Walter
Clare gave • a reading on the'` hun-
.ger of the world. Mrs.' Carl : Rieg-.
ling gave 'a reading; on Catholic
education for children. The silver
collection taken .up at each : meet-
ing is to..be" sen to .the. Propa-
gation of :the faith. It was de,
cided to ; do -some quilting for the
League; ,Plans were'- discussed" for
some :entertainment . for : St. Pat
tricks Day: The meeting closed
'with prayer" led by Rev ' Fr; Car- n
singing of hymn 671 and the bens
ediction' brought_ the• meeting to . a
,close. ,
Unit "$ United Church Women.
The February meeting of tlnit
5 met• at. the `home of Mrs.. Ray-
nard Ackert with 23 ' .answering
the roll call. Mrs; Bob Finlay took
the chair in the absence of, Mrs.
Geo. Newbold. Plans for the spring'
tea'. were. finalized. • Mrs. Leonard
Ritchie took the study' book. Miss
June Ackert favoured; with a piano
solo. Mrs. L. C. Thompson show
ed. her •• pictures. on their . recent
trip. , to California which all en-
joyed. A 'social half hour. followed
with 'Mrs. Jas. Mathers and Mrs..
Wm. Bolt •assisting the hostess..
Officers, are: • leader, ' Mrs: Geo.
Newbold assistant, Mrs. R. Fin-
lay; secretary, Mrs. A. J. Wilson;'
treasurer, • Mrs `John .'McDonagh;
pianist, Mrs,,.Gordon Montgomery:
St. , . Peters W:A '
The February . meeting of St.
Peter's " W.A.was held in the
Parish Hall with • 6 members' pres-
ent.. the -scripture: was read by
Dorothy Cooke: Cards of thanks
were .read and ' a letter froth the.
Rev.. Peter l iarris ..of'. Fort. : Mc-
Murray .thanking us for the white
gifts. Also . included 'in the ` Tetter.
was .:a "Thank .,You" card from
the 'children with their' .signatures
on it. The : roll'call was the pay-
ing of fees`. Mrs. Roberts , gave
a reading : "Let :Martha Do. It''
and . "A Modern Parable" Was:
read :by "Mrs. ,Connon,. The meeting
closed with •a hymn and ' prayer
for. the " Parish by Mrs. Roberts.•
Kingsbridge "CW.L..
St:. Joseph's C.W L; Kin sbridge
World's : Day 'Of Prayer
The World'§ Day" of Prayer .ser-
vice was held on Friday, Febru-
ary' 14th,; in the LucknoW Pres-
byterian church. Ladies from. the
Anglican, and the: United churches
joined in the service, :.and ,there
was a .large attendance. Mrs,' M.
Henderson was in charge of the
meeting, and : Miss Margaret Mal-
colm ivas pianist: Psalm 1.48 was
read by Mrs. E. Gaunt. Prayers
Of Thanksgiving were read by, . .
Mrs. K -Cameron, Mrs., Com_ Ham—
ilton ; and ' Mrs: . 'Etta. Roberts;
"Meditation on Prayer," based on
scripture 'passages,' was . given by 1
Mrs, W. Wherry. A duet • 14Th
times like these," wa's rendered
very beautifully • by Mrs. S. Jam=
ieson . and her 1414 daughter • Diane.
Prayersof repentance were read,
responsively,iby Mrs, N. Johnston
and the congregation. Prayers' 'of
intercession were read by Mrs,;
Omar Brooks, and concluded with
prayer by Mrs, . M. • Henderson..
The offering :was .received," which
amounted ..to $30.00, Sowed with
prayer' by all. Rededication to the (
'service of 'others Was read by I
Mrs. M. Henderson and. the con -1
gregation responsively, and with
the Lords Prayer yer' in unison,. The I
Mrs, Donald R. MacKenzie 'spent.:
a few days visiting in 'Flint, Mich-
Severalstudents' tudents of this district.
who • attend: grades '12 and .13; at.
Ripley ,District . High School' were •
in •Toronto • Saturday to " see the
play Ceasar and Cleopatra at the.
Crest Theatre:
•Mr. 'and Mrs. Frank : MaeLencian.
spent • the week -end . in Toronto.
Miss Elaine ; Robb' spent aslay'
in' Guelph ;recently..
• •We • are sorry 'to report ;that Mr.,
tlerti Ensign is a 'patient in hos,
pital " at Wingham:
Mrs. Oliver McCharles spent A.
:few 'days ' visiting" in Brantford, and
. during .week "
The World -Day of Prayer .service
was' held on 'Friday afternoon at
the home. of • Mrs..Bill• MacDonald ,:
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