HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-02-19, Page 8• • PAGee` !LIGHT ,'Ti'!i"o ' I.UCKNOW SEN,T.IWEL, LUCKNBW,;, ONTARIO ' • r4 a SPICE py '7 BILL SMILEY THERE'S. A M Once .in a while, it is the good fortune of an , English teacher to come across •a . fresh, •original, piece of writing by. a', .student:- " . 'When . he does, it's a drink of cold, pure water .. after' days' of wandering • in : the desert of man- gled 'syntax, crucified spelling,' howling 'triteness . and . , tortured thinking : through which . it ' ` has been ordained that he 'should.plod., It happened to me' this week. Al first, I thought my judr1*•. meet might be ' • prejudiced, .be- cause be -cause . I was quite . fond 'of the youngster • in. question. 1 read it again.? •‘It still sounded good. ,To make sure, I had .it . mim- eographed and; tried it ,:.on 'My • Grade 13 students, as a: piece for. critical analysis; Their snorts and. gigles confirmed my fist impres- •sion. Then , we 'discussed : it in. depth They could find little 'wrongwith it. It had urti e co- herence and emphasis. Thtone Was consistent. Well, here it is, just as it was written, on an ex ORAL IN IT' amination, under stress See what you think. *. The title' was: The .Wanderings of a Ten -Dollar Bill, :.. "My' '' mother. was extremely - large 'and could make only • loud, Whirring sounds in her throat. The thing •that puzzles me is how I turned out so thin ,when she is such • a fatso;. "Anyway, when: 'I popped .out feeling like :;a " wet piece. of . cab- bage, a. long, dark. man with .a. black, mole .beneath his left eye. clutched me and cried., : 'Oh, dar- ling George.': He and the rest of the boys kissed me all over, ,' even on .the Queen's head I..:was later to ,discover that I had. the honor of ,• being the first bill: in an 'evil batch • of counterfeit money. I was would set /the lo the 'one who l �' t in plot motion , . "First 'of. all r was : given to an unsuspecting, old ladyr fo r a packet of cigarettes. The decre- pit . old woman hesitantly. handed. them the change, , all In. 'nickels. They then turned andscampered out, leaving me to face the con -,seq e_n. s It turned out that the old lady Was-trifle—goo_iy. "One. fine ;day she 'traded me for pennies, au 'pennies. I was. pushed wildly We the buyer's pocket, where. I met a girl ten dollar bill. It was so cosy and dark in there that I . have to. ath mit I •was a little fresh., • "Suddenly'I was jostled out nd traded for more cigarettes. ' The store 'owner grabbednme and.'yell: ed, 'The Queen. doesn't have that many bumps : on her ' nose.' The trail ' was hot. , "Well,; MY? boys were •found. Unfortunately, they had, already died from , lung ,cancer'. because they had smoked so many cigar- ettes when' getting bilis in motion.. "I 'write this while 'sitting am- idst coals: in a large furnace. The penetrating heatis beginning to stifle rine; My breath is :,coming shorter, the happy hunting grounds are coming nearer. . ' "But the moral •of ,,my story is,. 9f ' you're going to: produce counterfeit ,money,, make only one bump on the .Queen's 'nose . and always buy gum, not ctgarettes'" •The, above` essay was: written, ,by my ,daughter, Kim, age ` 12, Grade ,.8. A chip : offs the 'old crock? - I'm only surprised . that, her sec- ond last sentence. didn't say, "My breath is, . coming in short . pants." MEN'S • "HEAVY DUTY Black with Red Trim ERSHOES ecialy Priced $5.•99•• Made by: `Miner ' Rubber Co: ,Ltd. • F.'athweII L- Shoe Store Phone. 5284117 Sepoi For Value, . Quality and 'Satisfaction 0 e. • Your' Shop In Lucknow.'' Store Bennett's poy:'Store: •Lucknow Phone 52/8-21,;9:. • RIPLEY N custom Wedn sday; ,IaBBRUARY 1'►,; 1$4, EAT MARKET '. Mondays Hogs, $2.00 in by 4:00 p.m. • Cutting nnd, .Wrapping, 2c Pound • ` CATTLE, CALVES. and LAMBS EVERY DAY, EXCEPT SATURDAY • • ox We Do Curing and Smoking..Beef, ..Pork and 'Lamb: Sold Whole, Half or Quarter.. „F Better Service, ' And Lower Prices, .— Call Ripley 100. Ci s. I-looisma Prop, iT. HELEfdS a Mrs. Andrew Gaunt spent a few days in • Toronto with 'Mr. and' Mrs. Gordon Gontier ' Mrs. Harvey ' Carrick ' is a 'pa- tient pa -tient in' Wingham H_ ospital follow- ing a fall , on . ice. ' Mr. and Mrs. Chester ..Corbett. of Barrie, Mr. Richard Elliott and Mr. and Mrs. Ellwood • Elliott were Sunday visitors . with Mr. and Mrs. Allan. Miller: Mr. Joe Foran ,.returned; `home on ized :Fridain'yLondon- 'afte.r being hospital - .The ladies of the community 'at- nd DISTRICT the. theme "Let Us Pray." Sev- eral ladies ' • of. the : community took various' parts in ' the service Rev.. Tristram: addressed. the .lad- ies. Lunch was served at the conclusion with Mrs. Frank Mc Quillin, Misses W.' P., Rutherford and ' Isobel Miller ` as hostesses.. Just a reminder` ,of thesocial evening . rn.,.thd hall on Friday, February 21 at •8:30.. . Mr. and :Mrs. Gordon , Montgomery will' show . slides of their recent. tour of Japan as well• as 'Whitechurch: Y.P.U. one ;act •play: tended the World Day ` of Prayer. NEWS BRIEF �' ' `` 'home of Rev. • Fred' Fronk formerlyof Ripley, on. �Fr�day at•: the o� and Mrs.' .Tristram: `.Mrs. Lorne is, the new meat manager at the' Woods opened the .; service with IGA Foodliner in . Harriston. • HERE ARE THE RULES. Every` cash purchase of ,Two Dollars' at .aay of theea-oper- ating business firms m this .00n'best,:entitles. you 't4a coupon and the opportunity .to win . thhe weekly and montihly. DRAW: PRIZES. ' Deposit; your tickets -an the Draw Boxes provided an each of `'the ' participating business esta'blish'ments. Each week a winner of a $5:00; 1VMerchandiee Ceetificate'wi11: be selectedand at ;the end of 4 weeks the winners :ofithe two monthly Merch+an�diee Certificates of $255.00 and .$10.00 wig'. be drawn u addition to. �bhe: $5.00,'week,1Y pprize; Weekly prize wnnners 'mull also' be eligible .or..the anion:Willy. Draw Certifioaibes: `Weekly, and Mombhily Certificates mal ,be redeems, bite at any of lite participating merchants. Decisions of the judges wti11 be final. Sentinel staff are not el'lepbtle !to,.enter. !due; Contest .Draw.•' This 'Week's Winner. of. $5 Merchandise: Certificate Mrs. Graham Cook, Ripley., Ont. who Made` the purchase at 'Ashton's :Ladies and Men's •Wear Th• e draw was made by Frank Thompson, Dungannon Merchandise' Certificate May ,Be : Picked Up At The Lucknow Sentinel: DiscOu on LADIES' WINTER .COATS`• 'Discount : on La'dies': and ; Men's CAR COATS MILLINERY Z Price anderson's. •Ladies' and .Men's: Wear Fertilizer :Discounts the end of February is the ' last chance to . ,pur-' chase ' ' your Fertilizer at early` booking discounts of $1.50 per "ton. • ' LUcknow. '• :District Co-op Phone 528-2125 Sped This Week 50-Piece Dinner Set' r 1 W Regular . $35.00 ONLY $25.00 Schrnd's jEWELLER1' . and CHINA • Phone 528-3532 R wn DISCOUN' Till Feb. 22 We' 'Have Tle.'.NEWEST MATERIALS : for the DRESSMAKERS SIEGR'IST'S MARKET ....STORE • • DROP IN TODAY .. • ander SEE OUR• LARGE SLLEG'I`IOIY OF MATTRESSES and 11EaDING • MacKenzie • Furniture ': R • Phone .52853432 We have. installed a • new key cutting machine and will be pleased to look after your requirements in this regard. Crest Hardware Phone 528-3008 51uperVaIues' , When .You Shop The RED and .WHITE, WAY .y. Savings For You Hall's' ed and White FOOD MARKET' Phone ' 5283001' IS JUST AROUND THE CORNER. to r . TIME' FOR , A. Safety Check Of: Your Car' • Drop.. In` At Supertest . Service Station JOHN ' GAMMIE ..Phone 528-3430 'o Serve You Better With Deliveries Of FUEL OiL and GASQLINE: • We' now have in service A; NEW :TRUCK. with duel pumping system. A.BUdHam;Ii�n CITIES SERVICE Agent' ° phone 528-2427 Open Daily from 7':30 to. I. "Lutknow T'Fruij MOrket YOUR BARGAIN FOODI.AND "'NO Stamps -- - 'No Gimmicks • LOW •PRICES ALWAYS Phone 528-3420 'BASEMENT CLEARANCE of • Ladies' tresses ... 2r98 and $�00 Ashton's Ladies' Men's and Children's. Wear: Phone 528'S2 26'