The Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-02-19, Page 3inspanasw__ .4=Nwaffmaiwwwwwwwxpek.w...vmMIEW.L.WINFIWM als;h1Y....HFEBRIJARY. 1, 164 Agri, .W...,. 'W. , • . THE • 1.-KKNOW- SENTINEL, LUCKNOW. OFTARIO " • I , • PAGE THREW initn$1011001011111101111110111100111.0001.11101111161111111110111111111/11111411.1111110.1010Bitinninsiniknimmnonso11nn. • SAVES YOU MONEY EVERY DAY • )atada Tea Bags c Kleenex Towels 4 foe 89c Pkg, of 60s SAVE 8c White Twin Pack rolls SAVE- 9c • Ialad Dressing. ,35c VIIRACLE WHIP 16 -oz. jar SAVE 8c Vlonarch Pastry Flour 63c 7 lb. big • 2 SAVE 8c Pie Crust Mix 3 for $1 V1ONARCH SAVE 1,7c . Peanut Butter Cookies 4,0c t WESTON 30 to pkg. REG. 39c ABC Laundry Detergent ea, Duty COLGATE Marked 69c 49c with 10c coupon ' . LDH .Cgdets Held *Map. Exercise (By_Elliott_Whith Sg Gr. Reed of London, local cadet .instructOr, condqcted a map readingexercise for the High School cadets on Sunday,. Febru- ary 16t1i. The,. group met at Abe High' .Schock at , 11:00 hrs.. The boys were equipped with 2 -way radios, and then . proceeded by army vehicle to their appointed spots in Ashfield Township. Each party was given a series of map references, and then . the cadets advanced on foot' to find their rendezvous. • : .• ' After the exercise was over,. hot 'chocolate was supplied by • Sgt. Reed. . . • The following boys tO9k .part: J., D. MacDenald, David Thomp- son, Jim McNaughton, Doug John- ston, Allan, . Colwell; Allan Cor- nish,. Dave Robinson,Percy Mc- Clenafban, Roy Button, Elliott ' Whitby;' Bill Chester, Donald An- drew, Ross Hallam, David Wall and -Eldon .Eckenswiller. ,.... Peanut Butter :: ':',.' .1‘.29c ra • .11 IG.SAVINGS ..... ■ ■• is a . • at sr e ,. .. .„.... ,... . .. 1 s. 8 c.• • ..- • .. . a 'lb's- 89c '2 ,. • .. s . • .■ . ■ •. all's,., . , ed and White Food I .. , • . . , • Store , •.... . • . ... • . . ... . . . . .. , PiioNt...5284.400i —: FREE .DEtivERy...- . .. . , .:. ,...: -. .....:*: . . liwkiiiii•••••••••••••••••liint....0.••••••....o....•••••siornioiiiiiiiiiii0.0. led and White Homogenized SAVE, 8c • , I6 -oz. jar - Liquid Bleacif 37c rAvEx 64 -oz. plastic. lc Off Pack / , • SAVE 12c Supreme „Donuts • fo'r 49c Fresh Pack pkgs. 12's 'SAVE 9c , Oranges . doz. .3 c 2ALIFORNIA Good size, for better health EINERS OLOGNA by the piece Ir. and Mrs. Barry McQuillin [Jill of Kitchener spent Sunday 11 Mr. and Mrs. Fred McQuilliti. Lr. and Mrs. Alvin, Hamilton I Larry Salkeld visited last Ac -end in Toronto with The n family. Irs.. Emnia Kimbal . of Hyde it an aunt of Mrs. Jack Hewitt Blackhorse, is Visiting this week h ,Mrs.. C. Shadclick of Luck - v. The ,'ladies were friends an the • Shaddick• family lived Hyde Park a number of years n a' recent 'letter from Mr -s: Ala, Hall of Detroit, •she men- u that her mother, who has enjoyed. good health ,for some ke, wishes to be remembered all her good friends here, Where and her. late. 'husband spent, tie time with Sheila and Har - When they resided .in pick - N. Her address is Mrs. John aro,. 20 Gardner St.,. Dundee gus, Scotland. 1,41•1114111411•140i411•11140111.14114411.0!04//0400041/40 LUCKNOW UNITED CHURCH Rev: Howard. W. !) ' Strap • Minister SUNDAY- FEBRUARY 23 060' a,rn. Sunday School 11:00 a.m., Morning Worship THE MASTER'S MEN (2) Nathaniel • kime.orimmiiimearmoasrsima:emonaolf Lucknow Presbyterian Church Rev. Roderick 'MacLeod • ' Minister ' SUNDAY, FEBRUARY ` 2; 10:04); km, 'Sunday Sehooi • 11:0 etikc; .Morning Worship A. F. (Alf) Mitchell of 'Kirkland. Lake, says it is now the "fifty years ago column" which gives him the most news. . Mr.' and Mrs.' R. A.. ThomPson and ,.sons John and Robert. of Windsor spent • theweek-end at the home of Mrs. R. If. Thornp- Sop. , . Ray McGuire of-' Ripley and his brother, .Howard', McGuire f Guelph, are on an extended 'visit "in the southern states including California. • James' J: Houston' of Newinar- ket visited the first of the week at 'the home Of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Houston. • Mrs. Millicent Bowles of .Lon- don:spent the week -end 'here with' her. 'mother,' Mrs. David .Hackett, and other relatives. 'Mrs. Hackett will. ,be in the spring. Mrs. Ron • Rothwell of Norwood spent the weekend'' here and on her return was accompanied by. her 'mother, Mrs: Ed Thom, who will visit hi Norwood ,for a couple. of weeks. .• Stewart Cameron of Buffalo says he' still enjoys The Sentinel al- though he never .knows When he. will receive it --. sometimes 'with- in three days and Sometiines three. weeks. and. Mrs. Worden Howald, Harold, Billy and Ricky visited on the week -end . with .Mr. and MrS:—Arthur--,Howald---in—Treriton, Ontario. On their way' home they called on Mr, and Mrs. JOe How-, aid in Toronto. , . . Mrs. Wm. Corbett of Toronto writes:. "i look forward to re-:. ceiving the paper each week with :the news 6f the home town, but each year bring8 more unfamiliar names, and at the same time mcssing'severtil names of old' time friends and neighbors who have passed on," ' • . . . By The Sentinel. THAT, effective Monday, MarCh. 2nd the. subscription 'price of The. Sentinel will be •$4.00,,, plus an additional dollar for postage on subscriptions to United States. Subscriptiong which expire lat= ...er in 1964; tnayalso be renewed' at the present rate . to Feb- ruary 29th. The .office will . be Open. all day Saturday, Febru ary. 22 and 'Saturday, February 29th, as. actually has been the case ;practically all winter. ' THAT, Irwin' Campbell had a freak in the animal .world which ,• he showed us ' last week. It •.was a' "little 'pig, born with. a ., Combination of abeut.. three low- er. jaws and three tongues, one of them much as if the little •pdt-Iter was starting- 'tO blow :bubble gum. It was such a mouthfulthat: this freak • of a litter .of '14„ - couldnot feed' or , swallow and soon ,sticcanbed, Otherwise it was quite 'normal, THAT Mr. and Mil. Ralph Cam , eron of Ashfield attended the 'graduation of their daughter ' Marilyn, who received her, Ex- ecutive Secretarial Diploma at .Lougheed's graduation dinner dance which was held at the 'Coronet Motor Hotel, Kitchener on Friday evening, February .14: afiryliTbeen—ein-P1W-61 The Workmen's Compensation Board of Kitchener since De- cember. ,THAT Mrs, 'D., MacLean 'of Peoria, BC., writes: "My. .daughter and 1 enjoy keeping up on the news. and the •com- ings and goings �f our relatives` in ' Lochalsh,* Amberley, Ripley, etc. After we 'have readeach issue of the paper we pass it ..tni to an old friend, W. J. "pill" MacKenzie, a retired bridge en- gineer, who was born and rais- ed in that part' of the country and now lives in beautiful Vic- ' toria,q,• For: 'Wot�r .• Licences There's less than ten days to go to obtain your 1964 licence Plates and the new :style drivers licences, :and those who , delay much -longer (as, have we) may find themselves in' the "line-up," The 'final day •, for obtaining •plates is Friday, February 28 and Transport . Minister Irwin HaSkett has announced there will be no extension of this deadline. • ' Locally, the 'issuing office at the residence, of Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Thompson will be open evenings next week, Monday thru Friday, from 7:00 to 8:30 pm. as a _con venience to those who find it dif ficult to obtain their plates during the daythne hours. The new type driver's licence is obtainable at the local issuing office, in case any confusion still exists in this regard. Thereafter they will be 'renewable on the driver's birth- day for three-year. periods. Births PRITCHAItD — in *Ingham lios- pital on Thursday, February 13th, to Mr. and Mrs, John Pritehard, R4 1 LucknoW, SO11. 1 • • .. • ENJOY PANCA.K.ES'. ON SHROVE TuEspAy. . 1 • . • ' • . The Anglican congregation in' Lucknow have been making good uSe Of .their Parish Hall and about 100 local, residents will attest to the quality tithe pancakes serv- ed up by the ladies of, the W.A. at their Shrove Tuesday supper last week. - Following, the pancake super, another of the regular card par- ties was held with 'the following winners: shoot, high, Mrs. Les Purvis, Fred Jackson; low, Mrs. ,Ross Gammie, Mrs. George San- ders; euchre, high,' Mervyn Hod- gins, Mrs. E. Lewis; low, Mrs. Wilfred. Famish,. Hughie ,Johnston. Mrs. Richard Martin won the chair prize. The oldest lady pr •ent was Mrs. « Margaret Sproul and the ,oldest gent, Wiliam Buc-. kingham. Is Your Subscription Renewed? '111 ronecsnacraccennOnesoneonoOME ListoWel, Ontario Have a number of openirigs for Female Plant Workers Good wages, working . conditions, cafeteria facilities ‘and- insurance • benefits. are available. • A Company Representative , Will Be In Attendance. At The Legion Hall,/ Lucknow ' From 7:00 to 9:30 p.m., Wednesday, February 26 For ,The Purpese Of Intel-Wei/kw 3000000000=0000.01nterested PersOns: • . . MRS. KEN 'SHOWER HOSTESS. FOR- BABY 1 TUESDAY • Mrs. Ken Barger, Lucknow,, was hostess. on Tuesday night of last week for a baby shower oin ton- • our of Mrs. Bill. Sanderson Of the • village: Mr'. and Mrs. Sanderson reside above Button's Meat Mar-' • About 15 friends, many. 'fellow employees at Lucknow Wood Pro- ducts, attended the surprise show- er ,and a pleasant' evening was "en- joyed by those present. • SUFFERED 'FATAL. ATTACK Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Elliott and Mr. and Mrs. Orville' Thomp-, Son of Amberley attended the funeral of Mr Walter Fujarczuk / • ' in Toronto, .„-Thursday, February • 13 Mr. -Ftijarczuk employed 'by the Elliotts• clied on the way to Kin, cardine Hospital where Mrs. • • liott .was taking him following a heart seizure that morning, Feb-, rua.ry 10, at their farm: .11e was. 41 . years old and is survived by three brothers in Coqcsville• • .• • ZION /An and Mrs. Jim - McKay of Port Elgin orisiterl Saturday with Yin and Mrs. Wesley Ritchie. - Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Hackett and boys visited Sunday with Mr. and4s: Ross Errington of St. Helens. • Church will be at 11:15 next Sunday as it is communion, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shropshall and boys visited Sunday with Mr. • and Mrs. Nelson Raynard. Jim, Hunter, Frank Ritchie) Dou- glas Hadkett,, Douglas Raynard,, Bill Hunter and Charlie Wilkins were seen on Sing Time on 'Sun- day. • • .1■■■ressasasni■■■■■tsiaserinesairsainelisaismasomerasiliinie • • • • E M-Winghain • L • • .••••....••••• - .••••- re • le .• ilitiR. . FRI. - SAT. MON. - TUES. - WED, 1 10 MI FEL2O-21-22 i_ ei le ii FEB. 24-25-26 ' II _II .,. I ▪ I • . , II ' . vainly and "Hud" . a in . • . . a im • • • . i • III ' 2 . The Doctor ,. 4 ' , . ii CnemaScope . . • , , ■ ' j a- Colour. • • Starring:' Sandra Dee - Peter. a Fonda • MacDonald Carey si and Beulah Bondi , This is the newest in the, • "Ttinany'' series and it's the best, It makes for a fttnfill- ed evening for every nient.., ; ber of the family, ADULT ENTERTAINMENT a • Starring: Paul Newman Melvyn Douglas. Patricia Neal- and Brando De Wilde • • This it the story of tbi odern west, and is :engross- ing, oss RI r - mg, dramatic entertainment. It will, be enjoyed by 'a wide •• . • , audience, .''. . ' ; • 1 .• . .. illitiiiiiimillimillesaillitilittilitillitflitiilitillikiiiiikilliallilliiiilliiiili. . . .. . • .,.•A , . r • ••