The Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-02-12, Page 13Vikktosday, FEBRUARY' 12 1H44.- ;rr«'7'72111111411.2111111E Cinpfihao,H.F•74111, B TH4 I UCKNOW $I#NTINlIE.L, LUCKNOW,. ONTARIO PAGE THIRTEEN PURPLE GROVE and DISTRICT purple :Grove Institute. met ,at r Mr. and Mrs. Glen '' Stanley, le home of Mrs.. Herb �Farre,ll Dick, David and .Anne Marie r Mr. Mrs:=Peter keeson, Mr Walter Needham and Julie Stan- ley visited Mrs, .Helen Swan ana r, Norval Stanley.. ' Mrs. Frank Dore and Ronnie; Mrs, William White, Mr. and Mrs,. Robert .White. 'spent Sunday in le also conducted a contest on'London. M ties of the province. Mrs. Got. ' Mr, and Mrs. Gordon ' MaeDon- in MacDonaldprepared a paper- aid' and -girls visited Mr, and Mrs; the Dominion of Canada . which h ; Fred Gilchrist. as ...read by Mrs. Donald . Mc- ' Mr. and Mrs. Victor Gawley, Marlene and Gladys were' Sunday guests of Misses Ma, Ethel and Lettie Gawley..° • .p 1 Mr., and Mrs, Chester Camp- a- Wednesda amp Wednesday afternoon tdies, .and some children., pres at. Mrs; George Harkness presid= 1 with Mrs., Morford. Mackay, ;cretary. The roll call was an- wered by an item; of interest pout another province of Canada. [rs. Jack Farrell was convenor ash,- Mrs, ..".Francis Boyle was anist fore a sing -song "The Ma-. e Leaf Forever" and "Alouette," rs. Peter ' Leeson, Mrs. "Frank; pre and 'Mrs.. Howard. Thompson bell, .Lloyd, Lynn and David spent. e to plan family .night. Ladies Sunday with Mr: and Mrs. George. ought a gift for Mrs, George Emerson, rnerson . who :lost so much in : a cent fire. Lunch was served by Mrs Donald McCosh, Mrs, .Har- rs, McCosh, _Mrs;. Leeson and vi Thompson. and Mrs. Francis rs. Harkness. Boyle were the committee for .a euchre party on Friday evening. Kr. and Mrs. Glen 'Emerson and, prizes went ;to Mrs. George Hark - milt' of Georgetown were Fri- Hess,, Mr: Don Robertson, Mr; y visitors with Mr and Mrs: Steve .Irwin and Darlene Currie;. >nald. Gillies • and Valerie. . lucky,.' prizes' to. Joan Thompson Bob Forster spent Sunday with and Mr; ; Frank Currie, ck • McPosh. .,., The second meeting .of the Pur - Mrs. George - Emerson, ' visited r..' and :Mrs. John Bell; Kincar-' Virs.: Frank : Dore visited , Mrs. nude :Dore :and, .boys on Satur- Kiss , Eva Culbert ''.had ,'the mis- ple Grove. Constellation ',met.•. at Nancy Dore's ,home on Wednes- day. Nancypresided with Susan Farrell secretary.. The'. meeting opened -with' the 4-11 Pledge cussion was 'on mill, inmany forms.. Leader Mrs. Cecil Sutton' tune to fall' and •hurt her foot -"demonstrated- the way of pas` d ' •is a paient . in Kincardine teur*zing milk at home. Mrs. spital ". ':Frank Dore demonstrated the ma, dr. and Mrs. Goldie Huston king of dandy.. candy. while Nancy int Wednesday, with Miss Mar- Dore and ,.,Elda` Harkness made ret Robertson:: • • milk drinks: . 'urple Grove Institute• ,met at Mr and Mrs: Donald' :Bushell. s; Herb..: Farrell's on• ' Wednes Mrs. Don: Dore, Vickie and Frank -.l y.: ie,. Mrs. Jack Barr, Susan and Gimme, Cathy and Vickie- Dore Murray : visited Mr. and :/Mrs. ited Diane Dore Gordon. MacDonald: Lionism, ' cane e fun, rewarding, and a way of life which if the.. code of., ethics .is: lived up•to, will make a man :a ,credit -to ;his comlrmnity, his church and himself. The District Governor was 'in-. trodueed . by Jack McKim and was thanked and presented with a: gift by Gordon Brooks. • LET:YOUR LIGHT.SO SHINE • OR Djstrict: Go.vernor. VIiUOIs1C.U1L=11 District Governor, 'Ken Hender- son of Palmerston paid hisofficial. visit to the Lucknow and District Lion's Club on Monday evening: He was : accompanied by Dougall Campbell; twin brother of Duncan Campbell -'"of Kinloss. DISTRICT .'GOVERNOR KEN HENDERSON . uIII/EiE E■iuuuui .UUIr,�� wAaw■rr ■ ���r �■ il.Ir�®A�■® .. SAYE. 4% On Aluminum „, ___„..,........_ ,i'...:.: ... • .DoorsWinaows, , Amin s . .. ... E, . Order� :. ; For. ' ring and' Su mer Delivery, "■.. Naw _ Spring R .. � els . � Bo' It ■ o : v'r on ril■ ■ All Fyroducta go up 4 %' P. l;�st: No Money Down '� ■ .N . Nothing To Pay Until: June let, '1964. ■ Glenn's . Aluminum Sales ,7' t. , - LUCKNOW ,.._.,- . Dial 528-372..3. ut. ■EmornRB'■ai�■nanaxiinlappiapanaUIlpiaaaRi NUII • . ORGANIZE .. HURON. COUNTY SHEEP CLUB SATURDAY The organization meeting. of the newly formed Huron' County Sheep Club. was :held on Saturday after noon, February 8, in the Belgrave Forester's Hall.' There were nine- teen ' members enrolled under the leadership of Don Lobb; Clinton and Dick Etherington, Exeter. The meeting, opened with a film on the various ,breeds . of sheep in. Ontario 'followed by the election' of . officers ` for the coming . year whichare: president, Ken Black; vice-president, Joe Jefferay; sec- retary, Margery. Smith.; press re- porter, ' Lila Black ' The president Ken Black then After. a humorous prelude to his , led..the •group'n,' the 4-H Pledge. adddress, the 'District. Governor Den Pullen, .;Assistant Agricul gave some statistics about District tural Representative who worked A-9, of which Lucknow : is a part, diligently to organize. this• • club and in which area there are some in the County outlined the project. 1,800 'Lions members, for the year and handed out the. He spoke of ; a yoiith . exchange necessary material:: which is a new portfolio in Lionisni:: Dick Etherington spoke on Care and commended ' it to : the local and; ; Management • of . sheep and club for - consideration : and support hoped to ; see more members in The idea is to sponsor a youth who another. year. Don Pullen -adjourn- would spend a time in 'another. ed the meeting and told us that.. country, or in ' anbther part of Can- the next meeting ; would be on ada„ on .' an exchange basis, to see March ' 21. • how other . people live_ and as an Kintail W I solo.• : Mrs.' Wylds : played the. Queen and Institute Grace tot' close.: the 'meeting. The hostess and ..as- sistants served: a dainty lunch. The' hostesses for t the March meet- •, int -will be Mrs. Dave . MacDonald.'. and Mrs. ' Bill Ross.; ' ambassador of goodwill. • Mr.1 Henderson 'stressedt h a t e (Clinton News:Record) • One would fully .expect lowing, words in reference to the life a devoted, :clergyman, and certainly these are due in the case the late Dr:, D. J. Lane, whose; death is being mourned through- t this area: • But,. his passing is being felt not only • by those to whom he .• ve spiritual leadership for so . many years, but by .persons in walks- • of -life and from all religious denominations, because. was undoubtedly one: of • the •:areae most active'. men.. Besides attaining high honour in positions in the Presbyterian urch, Rev: Mr. Lane was active as ` a former president of the , nton, Horticultural Society,...chaplain of, the Clinton Legion and 'rnber of Seaforth Curling ;Club, arid Clinton • Bowling Club: ;. Isis "retirement'sfrom the pulpit :-'was' never really in effect, he continued to speak at special services in thearea, and was vays ready to fill in where •his services were required: Only' last year' he spent many hours in .conducting a written • I verbal appeal for funds for the addition to Clinton Public s ital, • Despite these and a host of other activities and interests, Lane was never too,,busy to stop for a " "chat" with. his many' luaintances, andp these' were generally srinkl'ed with a few - id chuckles and words of encouragement for thosewho needed. • At thesame time he maintained a keen interest in 'affairs of. community and nation, and when the ' occasion arose, could e thought provoking opinions. for the betterment of his fellow ,, whom he neversere in the true spirit it of his ceased. to v p ling. Certainly, it. is not enough that Tuve pay our res pec is and tri - ea with there words. Tributes; should come. througgh a dedication . answer • the challenge of. the words and deeds of this fine "istian . gentleman.'y Then, and then only, :will we have' said a sincere thanks for energetic and 'devoted work and ensure that his reward be on th . as well as in Heaven: ' ' Stu'de'nts Perform Two '.talented youngstudents it Grade,. 10. at Lucknow' District High School 'entertained. Jean Sutton who' won :the junior division at the Wingham ' Legion speaking contest,':gave the address. on Canadian Unity :which ` won her the honor: She will • compete in tit=contest onMarch 29th. ed how tomake a tufted bed - Jane Joynt, who ` on saturday, spread, each one' wishing to :',Halo tried her. Grade, 6 Toronto Conserv-' atory' piano 'exaination- at . Strat• ford, played a selection. 'The, girls The February meeting of the Kintail • Women's Institute was held at;. the home :•of : Mrs.'• .Bill 'Mae Donald, .Mrs Bert Alton, the:, pres- identopened the meeting with. Institute Ode: • and Mary Stewart Collect Each one answered the roll' call, "My .'favourite cheese." Mrs. Gordon Finlayson ': had the topic "Cheese" and demonstrated the ;making of a cheese cake ".which each one sampled for lunch.' Mrs. Bert -Alton brought a : mat on which they sold "tickets Mrs. George Collinson drew thea lucky ticket which was held by Mrs. .1.ack Collinson. MrsAlton show - Your:- Organist Wins :Recognition (WHITECHURCH' NEWS) Mrs. Alvin Hart'received! the. following ` news item ' about .� her niece, Miss .Lorraine Bell, Coaling- wood, who was left an 'orphan- at the ; age of . one year, and was raised ' by her: grandparents .Mr. and Mrs. R. Ross: Miss Bell, now 17:.• years old, . is.. belived to be the youngest full time organist in Canada..• She: is:. now in her 2nd year as organist '. at All Saints' . Anglican, Church, Collingwood. She leads.. the.. Senior:: choichoirstituter ofof., 18 16 voicesvoices andbesides the Juniocon-.,r tinning: her own'' .musical studies.. and attending the,Collegiate Ir. . Miss • Bell is a fine musician full' of Miss enthusiasm and' i`, popular''' with..; both choirs:. Her beautiful executed , . voluntaries pleases the'' congregation Miss. ' 'Y Bell. has one.. • sister: , Mrs Hugh Hand :`is also, an aunt of Miss Births MacKINNOri at Calgary, berta to Mr. • and Mrs: Wm. ;. F MacKinnon . '(Mary Johnston) on Tuesday, February 4th,` 1964, a daughter Judith Marjorie, n sis- ter `for 'Michael,; Bruce, Hugh . awl. i , • • RqULSTON At Wingham and'.. District Hospital, on : Wednesday,,, Januiw :29, 1964, to, .Mr. , and• Mrs. Arthur Boulston, R.R. .1 Luck - now, a daughter. . MAJOR - At Wingham and Dis- ftrict Hospital, on Wednesday, . Jac uary 29,' 1964; .10 Mr. and Mrs. Roy ,Major, R.R. 1, :'Holyrood, a son. one is- to bring.: material to the next • rneeting. ' , It was :also de- cided to make one for the In; stitute . to be sold. later. Mrs. Bill were introduced by L E'. Guyette, Johnston ; favour. ed with ' a piano principal of L..1/11.B.' • • i , Campbell, :'Thompson compli` ■i:iB�nEn■iRE�nittin■uiina : ■■nn.nEir�■oa����EEst• E■rr.. ances . and presented . each with .a • ;. memento of their visit to the ■ meeting.. Gordon: Montgomery reportea N. that the Easter Seals letters were ■ ready: to go into the. niaiis; ', for - the • annual appeal on behalf' of . the ■ crippled children's : fund.. • a • President. Bob McIntosh told the �. members they would be looking : for ideas to. raise :money for the �, arena floor,,and there would be 'an „open discussion next meeting: ill L. E. Goyette, who was inducted into .the Club at the last meeting ; by Deputy Governor' Peter Bisson ' ■ . nette; was presented with his Lion's kit by the District ,Governor',. and a ,advised by the president that. he .• had been assigned • to assist with. �i • • Teen Town. ` ' A• Deputy Governor Bissonnette in is formed ...--the- .•.meeting-- he would:yb� :. paying official visits to the Exeter, ■ Zurich and: Grand Bend •Clubs in �. the next few days, 'if 'any • of the; merited the girls .on their .perform- ■ BE members wished : to . accompany: him: e St.. Helens 4-H" News The• first • meeting of ,Jenny's' Girls was at the . St. Helens com- munity. hall: The meeting opened with the election of Officers. pres- ident, Marie McWhinney; vice- president,' Karen Gaunt;, secre- tary; Marybelle Hunter; treasur- er, • Jackie Cooper; ,press, ,report- er, Pani Cooper. The discussion was about the type of . clothing you 'should wear 'if' you were.' a dainty girl 'or a ontdoor.,'type of giol. The meeting closed . with : the 4-H Pledge.' 0 Notice Re Subscription Rate Increase . EFFECTIVE :MARCH :1st, 19 The Suhscrlption R�t To., wilt be TINL- .r Year InAdvc'nce To Unified States New and renewal' subscriptions will 1e .received at the present rate. until Saturday, February 29th, at 6:00 p.m..• r ,Advance Payment limit .December 31 1,96. 1mmuli a nminumrtnomamrinnl�r>r■rrr nitric ■ ■ • ■ ■ • . ■ ,0 •. ■ • f ■ ■ ■ O ■ . ■ . 0 • i r■i w• ■.rl�■rMoiOM i!k d • O ■ ars 0 O . ■ 0 O r ■' ..