HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-02-12, Page 11964: lc 'E C C • k.. •.r.._._ $3.00. A Year In . Advance— $9.00 Extra To U.S.A. LU:CKNOW ONTARIO. FEBRUARY 12 1964.. Ingle Copy 10c • 1.4 Pages: . tessivt110nicpal .Progr-aminclui es eking , im= . pro • the con : new,. eon- •ege• - it.in • sof • im it,r Var., hris- Alvin rdon. Mrs.' arch ion; '` rew r be ition, pool,.. the' yard ated `per" that just pried will' cur- per 'app one tea ible, roll' of and • rted iced ear:, !red and. ses 4or• re- Re- ttee Iou- and oyd. ited :the ;'ui • ped : ac' ung irch pith .. ved Siz ige. , r. ',nt8, The 837 �. for .� The February ;meeting of the LucknoW • Municipal Council was 'actually a continuation .of the Jan - t, uary inaugural meeting, which was cut short with two ; members, absent by sickness and. bereave- ment : Council ` gave preliminaryV con- sideration . to a. progressive pro- gram of municipal . improvements, • continuing a program that has seen manyimprovements over. the' past. few 'years The current program has some long range planning, but several projects ,will. likely receive atten- tion this year. Some . of the pro- ' ro tit: posais will . require the advice of an engineer, and estimates re- ceived before the final go ahead is received. To Replace Sign • Mrs. Wm. Wherry and .. Miss Eleanor Plumsteel . of the Library Board; asked :if the' ; Library sign, listing the hours, could be put up again at the Town Hall entrance and were assured by Council ;`you "• have" our,,�permission." To Modernize . Entrance:. v , Joynt n •�F,��,, Reeve G. W. J y t mentioned at this point that'" Council .had plans for. '•remodelling and mod- ernizing the Town. Hall entrance :n .: keeping with ' improvements which 'have been made , 'to this building .in recent years, ' and which now houses the 'municipal office. Approved Grants In requesting ;thea annual grant, the . executiveof the Horticultural Society said ; they would'. welcome suggestions as to how they could •" continue their work in the beau- tification of. the community. Grants of $200 each were made to the ' •Horticultural Society and Agricultural ''Society, . to be : paid when required in order to save bank 'interest.. •• . Approve Fire. "Co : Budget The Fire Department. ..budget ' of $4,943 was submitted by Fire Chief:. George : Whitby and was an; proved by Council. The budget is similar to last year, :: other than providing for new hose,' as the Chief predicted . that some of the fi �kP1a present hose is sure to go this year. . Appointment of municipal em- ployees had been made at a spec- ial meeting, with the exception. of : appointing ;the assessor,. as the present 'assessor is notanxious to. continue the job. A new system of county assessors seems in the offing, and in view of this the appointment was ; not made pend= ing discussion with " Mr. Collyer. To Replace Bridge Among the first ranking pro-• jeccts on the agenda is a new bridge • on'. Willoughby St. west of Jack MacDonald's 'garage and the widening and resurfacing of this road. It is in this area : that . a municipal ` parking lot is in the. making. Also, on Willoughby street` is. one • suggested 'site.. for the pro- posed " new municipal • equipment Served 11 Years On Hospital Board; W. •B.. Anderson of Lucknow. has'' retired from the Wingham and District . Hospital Board on which he has : served for . eleven years.. ' Mr. Anderson:had been appoin- ted annually by- the municipal Councils of 'Lucknow, Kinloss . and West . Wawanosh ' and represented these three municipalities on the Board. Mr. Anderson advised .: these councils that he wished to retire, and at the annual meeting of the hospital board ` on Friday' even- ing, Wallace Conn was -named • as the representative of the three municipalities. Mr. Conn is • a member o f Kinloss ' Township Council The Hospital Board is now stud- ying plans for a building program to expand the hospital's facilities. In` W. B.'s final .report on Friday`. night, as chairman of the fin- ance inance committee, a surplus of just over' $1,000 was shown. Revenue was $625,294 and expenditures, $624,218. ' • air 'Board Delegation Meets Council egarding Centenniul Memorial Gates A : delegation from the, Lucknow Agricultural Society attended. the February meetingof theVillage Council last week to officially .in form' the council that this is:, the centennial ,year . of the Society, and as such they are eligible for • a special, $1,000 `provincial grant • Tor the erection of memorial .gates,. Location of the gates will be gov- erned • by any future plans council has for changes at the Caledonian Park entrance; • • The delegation consisted of ver MacCharles, president; 'Allan Miller 'past president - -and-- 8. B. Stothers who was spokesman. Reeve G. W.. Joynt said that a cleanup of Caledonian Park was o the agenda for lvillage.improve-* enis If arena planning is approv- ed Proveed eventually, it • 'would mean a parking area within the park and closing in of the highway ditch along Highway 86 at this point and where it turns down through the park. This work would have a bearing on the locationof the entrance gates. The reeve asked the delegation "what • do you •want 'us . to do?" With planning only getting started Mr. Stothers said that as yet they didn't know. • It was decided that other or ganizations should be contacted in regard to centennial • year plan- ning, with the idea of the ro " p ect P J having community. support. , •.Organized In 1853 Early history ' of the Societyis a bit vague. Last year's prize list recorded It as the 98th .annual fall fair, but it .seems certain that this is Wrong. The history of the Village published at the time of Lucknow's centennial in 1958, recorded that the Society was organized in 1863, so that actually last year was the, 'centennial, an- niversary. .• The Centennials,, Hook history somervilleg s the first. president. He had • re istered his survey of the Village- five years before on September.. 21st, 1853, and became known as the "Father of Lucknow" while Eli Stauffer was they first settler, Wm,.' Lane •was vice . president of that original Agricultural So- ciety/ T. J. Rookledge was sec- retary, Malcolm . Campbell,' trees-:. urer . and the directors were John Treleaven, John McCrostie, Wm°. Andersop and Thomas Harris, .. This information is substantiated' by a Gazeteer and general, bus, iness*' directory published at that time by Sutherland Bros. of In- gersoll, a . `copy of which' is ' in the 'Huron County Museum at • "derich, • • shed. It has .been suggested this building ' ::could also incorporate the . fire hall. • This . proposed , municipal, shed would , .be built •under . Winter Works and the'• municipal loan fund. Another 'bridge that may even- tually be " replaced is on Have- lock ..St south near Jack Mac - Donald's, sawmill. The engineer `will look this area over, and it is possible that a creek diversion may- first be : done to eliminate the culvert to the . south, of the bridge. ° With the majorroad: surfacing program completed, ..Reeve Joynt pointed out that . more money would be available .: for . someof these other -projects.•; A• drainage problem at the . Co- op fertilizer plant north of the. CNR. is to be looked into and an. estimate: of the cost of remedy- ing the' ;situation received. Councillor Hamilton reported drainage problems on Outram St,,.: including his ownresidence, w hich he : attributed to road ; work . which had. been ` done . last ` year. / New 'Traffic' By -Laws New . traffic 'by' laws must'' . be considered, . in accordance with a survey made by.. the ; Department of Transport. New Department of Highways regulation signs and a perking area, ties in ' with this matter. Buildingpermits, parking met- ers were :.other : ideas tossed . out for :thinking about. <` ; • A hand rail on the Town .I all steps will be included in entrance renovations. TO remove or not to remove the cannons from, in front of the hall is to be decided. A tractor loader with .a -flail type . mower was also mentioned as practical :equipment .Its would reduce grass cutting time, which takes' up 'too many hours during the summer, . and does not Per- mit enoughtime. for hydro work. • •CounciSalariesI To Remain As 'Is 'Remuneration received'by mem. hers of the Village Council is $250 for the 'reeve and. $150 .for each of . the four - councillors, . and it will remain the same for the present year at least. This amount is shared equally by .the Village, Hydro and water systems. Councillor Brooks proposed a $50 increase for each member, as the ' present allowance didn't` fig- ure .out at very much per meet- ing. There were some 31' meet- ings last year. • Reeve Joynt said ' council could. do as they wished, but : his "sal- ary" would remain .as it was: Referring to what ,he received when out . of .town on municipal business, he . said such allowances fell shot of covering out-of-pocket expenses, but brought -14 bi .. returns' .g" in the form of .government grants and. subsidies. ' "• He said municipal service had brought good experience in. County business and at Queen's Park. To. be paid for time spent, and ex- penses incurred as reeve, he would have to: receive much more. than the present honorarium, with which he . wassatisfied., , Councilor Bud .Hamilton said he had previously advocated a r sal- ary increase;' hoping it would en- courage and interest ratepayers' in serving. on Council. It does not appear.' to• have had that of feet, and. 'he hesitated tosu rt any further increase. After d s- cusing .the matter briefly, Conn, cillors Sanderson and Webster al. so approved "leaving it as it is.", M. L. SANDERSON'S MOTHER• SUFFERED HIP FRACTURE B•uys Omar -Brooks Mrs. Mary Sanderson of . Goder-. ich, ' whQ has been visiting . here" since. 'Chris as at the hdme of her • son, M ▪ (Mike) and Mrs. Sanderson, ; a patient in ' Vic- toria ° Hospital;, London, with a fractured hip... • ' • Mrs: ' Sanderson is in. her. . 88th year. The limb: collapsed on her on . Friday and she was removed to London, where she underwent 'surgery on Monday. • She' came, , through hrou� h the operation well and. her. condition is • as good as '.can be expected. ' Implement Shop` Gordon n Montgomery has • pur- chased : Omar Brooks . implement building on Inglis St. north of the Post Office. • Purpose of the purchase is to' move Gordon's entire Ford trac- for sales and service business to the new location and separate it entirely. from the Ford car sales and service at, ' the Campbell . St. Garage. ' . The" move- takes ' effect March lst. • Omar has operated : the Massey -Ferguson agency here for the past several years, along with an : extensive . farm operation. r•.For :Bowliflg�:APeySet End Of Ma ch •," Licence.l Opening, Mumcipal Hopes To �Iflclud�: Laundron�at� � Service . , ransf r a ion: is currentlycement A t o m ,t. metol sheeting and � on. ' a taking place at the' former United wall is :.being insulated inside, Church . shed' on the cornerof covered with polyethelene for Campbell and . Havelock streets, moistureproofing, with "the cell and. for certain the horse . and ing and sides being _tented 'toy-; - buggy days : are over in Lucknow:. erect. Spence ' Irwin • is ' getting Whenwork is completed in this ready to pour a cement.floor over P s acious. buildingit ill' house; a the' present . floor, . which will: also; .. 6 -lane . bowling alley, a billiard be waterproofed •'-and reinforced. .his the alleys will laid. hall, snack 'bar • = .and,' if it: can Overt t y be d be worked.out .-= a la..mdromat. Professional . installers are .ex Drainage :' is theonly stumbling "pected to be here some time next block to.incorporating this, • ser- . week to start the alley work. The vice. .; end of Marchor thereabouts is • tentatively .set to have the being-` . John `Van der Veen -of � Lochalsh is the young man; behind : this alleys .ready ;.to go. Besides the bowling and billiard facilities •there • will be a snack. bar, and tables ;,and' chairs ,: ac-. eomodation for • about 35 or .40 .'. persons to sit " around : while wait ing • for their turn on the alleys,. or as, spectators. Licences Granted Mr. Van der Veen appeared at. the February meeting of the mun- icipal Council um-icipal,'Councilrequesting, and be- ing granted,' a licence forthe oro g billiard hall and snack:bar. Mi. Van der Veen said' the billiard.Laid To 'Re,st in keeping with the conduct: installation would be . such. as to. be:" on the ' bowling alleys, and'that. he hoped to. encourage , ladies ta.. become ` devotees . ,of billiards to which there •is a growing' • trend major enterprise,, in association. with . his father. This' week /workmen are • swarm- ing • all over : the buildings with heating, lighting and carpenter work in " full' .swing:' •• A.1,500 • d furnace ace .has .been: installed : overhead to '`'heat • the building. • The original -building: of uvn np Victim This community was deeply touched Iast week by . the death of. Lyle, McInnes, six-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. George McInnes, who lost , his life by drowning:: in the MacDonald sawmill pond.- The funeral service was con ducted •on Wednesday afternoon at the MacKenzie Memorial . chap- el by Rev. Rod -MacLeod of Luck now Presbyterian • Church. The annual County Lodge meet= • Lyle was a member of _Tony g s held at Amberley- Orange :. ` : T'on. ing wa Johnston's_ Sunday ---School clas' hall on Tuesday, February 4 with and he was regular in: attendance an attendance of thirty-one:.1 Rem - at both Sunday :School and at,'bers were present from Kinlough, :church with his parents. Kincardine, Lucknow and Amber- ' Everyone had 'a good word for ley, this.. likeable ., • youngster, . whose Guest speakerwas trig is P Mr. :David •g death affected both. young Worden of Listowel, Chaplain of and old:.. • • t . the Grand Lodge . of ,Ontario . West: Temporary . entombment was in Officers for 1964 were elected South Kinloss Mortuary with ,fo'ur , as `follows County Mester, Char oyoung.. neighbour boys acting as les , Emmerton Deputy Master, pallbearers, Donnie MacDonald; William Houston Chaplain, Wil- Allan Kreutzweiser, •Jimmy ' Far- ham Haldenby; Secretary, Donald • ".ish Ricky Leader. • Courtney; Treasurer, Bert. Alton. Charles Emmerton • Heads County Lodge RonnieManto Struck; .In �Eye'. By Nail, Savin. Of Sight• Is . Ronnie Manto, 11''vear-old • son , ev4 bloodshot,' n �''r' `did i .., . � ,. c► did it cause of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Manto, j Ronnie any, pain/These were un- was home from 'Victoria Hospital usual: circumstances, and Rennie for. 'a few days, where he is re- I to his delight, was. even in the" ceiving treatment for an eye in-• �' lecture ; room' having hinjury, jury, the seriousness of which .. pstudent the S. h explainedto � doctors. cannot yet be fully determined: Oddly , enough, Ronnie occupied Rennie was taken to London on the same bed as did Carl Prit- January 27th, after, being struck + chard, ,when he was hospitalized italized en the right eye' bya nail which recently n. g lie y .: tly for eye treatment. flew up as was attempting. to Ronnie at present has vel v into .......,.. .� `y� may drive it a board. I limited s 'to' He was kept ' under close eh- r what . degree it the eye, and„ servation and :if • he injury� may be i estorc� • affecting , jhad. is .. as yet •very uncertain; The. shown` signs of affecting the other . young lad _was allowed to come- eye, , specialists were:: prepared to home on Saturday p � . , day when• his. •par- remove the injured optic, k: } eats visited him. He has to re However no hemorrhaging de. turn on Thursdayto • veto d,. F The i ...' have the ,pE injured .eye. wasn't dye checked; � .