HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-02-05, Page 51964. ends and akes and " All .. iston . . n R. ends tri lness Iving ecial and odge inity cials erful gave the: s to:. • 'ar- o' all ro'all )m's,: n.' Orton • Mrs. hank. 'f of s., to Con- sin eigh- 1 tri - bless lent;. Kui- • !orge Fun- ishes sited riotts All 1 ap-' wish-, iends her turn-. Jean ,•sirn other Pring. f her and 'e all' )hews sh:O. 1.-• and Cary .. me of sourY sent 1 best n. -any wed - day; ered. Ice; Hove 'arm sal, re weds sday, :FEBRUARY 3; 1964' ubmit$Brief I itar . ,.:>,,,,.. loam;. THE LUCKNQW SENTINEL,.• LUCKNOW,. ONTARIO*. • ruuntyeouncil n Su��p�ort 0 Priva At the January session of Bruce Council. brief a b of was: sub- mitted by, the Associated .Nursing Homes Incorporated of .Ontario, entitled,; "Re the Contemplated consideration to be given ' to the enlargement.. of Brucelea Haven, County 'Home for the Aged, .Walk- erton, Ontario, by the Bruce Coun- ty . Council." • • • At .the. November. session last year the County Horne Committee, advised Council that in the near. future consideration . would have to, be given to planning Tor - a 66 -bed addition which' was in- cluded in the overall master plan. At the ' January session 'Reeve George .Joynt of Lueknow, who chairman; of .the County Home :committee,' . told . -Council it,: was not their intention to request •`an addition to the. ` building at the 'present time. The .Associated Nursing Homes. brief ' was read to. County Council by George .A.: Newbold; proprietor of Pinecrest 1Vf anon Nursing : Home Lucknow, and vice-president of the. provincialNursing Homes As- sociation;. , The brief . 'bore the .Dames , of • Mr. Newbold . and Wil- liam Oltnlan of. Kincardine; : pres. ident : of ; District. 5.- a • ' The. brief . was .as .follows It is felt : that . the . spirit ' of the- idea ; of the • community, ,• through Government, being : morally re- sponsible ;for the maintenance of, our aged. 'citizens due to 'their in- ability, 'through n=ability,'through inadequate means, to provide this • maintenance: at a`. proper level for themselves is, In a number of instances, . being vio- lated.. 'It is feltthat'' the, soliciting of, : , and admission to County Homes of persons with adequate and more . than adequate ..means to care for - themselves,' thereby depriving some of our aged people without; these .means of '. care. , in* THE LION is the,King of Beasts and stalkshis>prey with little fear of attack from other animals: But when old age comes the ' lion falters;. Be is King of • Beastsno er. The other n long ,„..,anintaltiose_theirleaLothin and. he is attacked.'rnd destroyed Fortunately men • and women, -unlike' file lions cavi have a .happy.old 'age-. If they prepare for 'it. The best way to m prepare for it,•financially, IS through it Sun Life retirement income policy. Let me tell you,how. i the County Homes for the Aged,, is in direct contravention of the principle behind the establishment: of ;succi homes° for our ' needy, older citizens;' " It is felt.that the admission to the County Homes of; ' persons with adequate means,; and ' the .consequent: depriv,ition of accom•• modatiori fors others less forunate,' is one'. of ,the contributing, factors to- the alleged, need for more. of this type of :accommodation, "there- by putting 'an added; unnecessary tax burden :on. ' the tax -paying pub- lic. to, ,the • p esent: County Home in . Further- more, Walkerto ould entail, th more, they . are immediately avail- able at no• extra cost' to the' tax- payer, It is also ' submitted , that the 'members. 'of Associated Nursing Homes •of 'Ontario are also:. mem- bers of the. tax -paying public, and are vitally concerned with the e and *abuse of general taxation,. We are not in,, favour of, people with adequate and more than adequate means being subsidized in their 'daily care from general' taxation, nor 'of further expenditure of :pub- lie money in adding to the pres- . It is felt, that the dailyrate. for ent facilities .resulting.: from g suctii care of residents which is: ' noted persons' ;of means' depriving our - as being the cost of care shou needy citizens of care Knowing le that :.the :official more accurately reflect. the • true, position, :of the actual ,cost. for this .care. It. should ' Ontario Government and. the De - not Drily include th'e costs for partment of Public' • Welfare is foo • care, maintenance ,etc. but not ;one. of .direct competition. an the same ' fields' with, private en- ah .• ... p. should also. include ALTs, capitalmon- ter rise as evidence b : the. ri id cost, interest on'borrowed p : d y g ey, amortization, depreciation of admission policies adopted by some of the County, Homes in Ontario, buildings;' depreciation, of , equip- � • � • • nient and all other.'. costs not re- it is felt that a 'review of the actual 'needs - bf our aged citizens. fleeted., in the" daily � rate for main- . tenance, together with all grants h uld 'be d g.. grants , fr.'om, general taxation from : 'all sources not. accounted for as men- tioned abo'v'e. It ' is felt that when a .resident ,of Ontario. is admitted to a County Home for.,' the Aged, and he has means wherewith : to support him. self, a realistic daily ° rate .for His care must ,be charged against. this .resident; i%and one ,which eludes allcosts • of :operation of the .:home. �It, is'further felt that wherever' true • and actual costs are not 'charged.: to :residents. of County, Hoiries who have adequate; means for self support, the tax- paying public is: being ..called upon; to subsidize the daily, care; of per sons who,; in :many •, cases, . ;are rn a superior financial: position to the taxpayer. It is subniitted that this. was not .the intent when .County Homes were established. York: Manor ,Commission be auth- orized uth- d t pt: as residents.to PAGE pow i ursi�tg Homes the Manor only; indigent persons or ;applicants ► rith- limited assets Who . cant afford'; to stay else- where. - Carried, . It is felt .that. General `Hospitals, Chronic Hospitals, ` Ontario Hos- pital's, Research Institutes, Con- valescent Hospitals; - Low Rental' Housing, . Countx. Homes..- for the Aged, ' and Nursing Homes , each 'has.. a definite place in .providing, for: the health and , care needs'of our citizens. tach—has a separate and- distinct Part_ to play, separate and apart •frgmn all, : the, .' others,, taking care of these needs. There. fore, ; in line : with study going on at provincial. levels, a 're -appraisal. of the . health -and care. needs of the olden and. ailing residents of Bruce '` County' should. be under- taken and 'the best use made of all existing :'facilities. It is also felt' that . only. by : a spirit of full~ co-operation among all the health and care .agencies in our coin- rnunities :.can.' these . needs be, best served, and at the lowest atten- dant. cost, • some . and, costly new Brucelea; Haven, ,county home for the aged,. was opened a couple of years ago. it was.' generally, assumed that the : building; would provide all the acs • commodation required for year*. to' come, It came as, ' a surprise to many tolearn that an addi- tion to, the home ' may be re- quired in the near future.. "We carry no. brief 'for • Assoc- iated Nursing Homes Inc,. but if, as ANHI intimates, "persons with adequate and more than adequate ,means 'to care . for• themselves'' . ` are in residence at 'Brucelea Hav- in en,, it would be' - imposing an 'in justice on the : taxpayers to 'burden . them with the , cost -et an addition, to: the home. There is almost . un- iversal approval for the provision by county council and the Ontario government .of . adequate, ..comfor.- table accommodation for . indigent aged citizens; but, it: ,is a rea- sonable assumption . that ratepay- ers would `:object : to :. supporting, through ' taxation' ,residents who • are so financially' situated as to` be„ j.al le.. to support- themselves. "If . the situation- suggested` by the .ANHI . brief actually exists, a rationalization ` of its , policy by the county' home • cormmnittee is due; the .:taxpayers of the \county." • s o undertaken-. cite ust PAISLEY PAPER • COMMENTS I .:The Paisley ' Advocate in . pub one ,example ;'of the rigid policies . of admission, 'in conformity :witn lishing the brief , m part,. had .this the intent behind the establishment; to say lastweek: of 'County Homes ;for . the Aged When Bruce County, s hand-: • adopted• •by one' •County .Home, the following excerpt from :the min- utes of "our. Board „of Directors' :meeting 'of July. 18; 1963„is . sub mitted. resolution, passed by, the Cotmcil of the . Corporation of the, County of York. : Whereas there ,are' only vacan- cies for a limited number of• res. ,idents to. be accepted at Y..rk. Manor; . And whereas it ;. has .'been ti.e policy to accept residents :regard less` of their `financial status, And whereas:there' is nursing home accommodation for -persons. with:: the, ability. ' to. pay, Therefore be it resolved that'the It is felt that in order' to bus prize o acct tify the expenditures' of public` money for,: and existence of,, new; modern, over -equipped and 'ap- pointed public .`: institutions forthe care of aged persons, 'contrary to, the rigid adherence , to the in- tention .behind the building of sucn' institutions practised: by ':some", of the County.' Homes in Ontario, .,e policy 'has been . adopted concern- ing' . admissions : to .other 'County Homes which disregards -the phy- sical and :;health condition of the applicant. This has resulted in the admission. of persons whose only other : alternative .'place. of `adinis. cion would be an . active.'' treat- ment /General Hospital, ,thereby. turning parts of the County Homes into . Nursing 'Homes. This has re- sulted in .Our large Government institutions; competing 'directly- with privately, owned andadministered Nursing Homes,' and attempting to provide . the same homey, pro-' fessional, - personal and attentive tender loving care that only an efficient,' high '-standard' •Nursing Home can provide in ' an environs ment .mere nearly akin, to . that to which the aged person was ac- .' customed during' his lifetime, e, and among • his family and' friends, in or near 'their community.. It is further felt, that by admit: tingresidents with adequatemeans to' County , Homes 'at innaccurate .' and unrealistic daily rates,, , 'ac- commodation has ' thereby been, denied t� a : similar number of • otir needy older - residents in '`'Ontario. It is felt that. these persons With •, adequate.means.,Lai ingAn healti> or 'otherwise, are not the ;public responsibility,' but the responsibil=•, ity of ' the person. himself ` who is being 'admitted; It is ' also known that, these same • persons, with ad- equate means .can, be cared for ore than amply in-, other ways. A , recent survey ,,of the licensed ...• Nursing Homes in Bruce County reveals that' in 80%. of the homes' n •tile County there were,, at. the time . of ' the /survey, 55,,.available Nursing •Hoole beds" for occupan cy. These beds were not centrally located but spread over the 'whole County,' thereby, being more read- ily, available ' and closer ,to the homes of more;• people in the County.. The use of these beds: would not itiyolve the' huge ex- pendi ,tires• : 'of •public monny,, my terest'� charges, depreciation,. etc, and amortization that an addition. • • m. JKinahan R.R. 2, Ltickuow ; prime Wingliam 3571987. SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY' OF: CANADA. RIPLEY,MEATMARKEt' Custom -Butchering "Mondays —. Hogs, $2 00:.in by, 4;:00: �.m.. P Cutting ,.:and' Wrapping,2c 'pound CATTLE 'CALVES and LAWS EVERY � .: DA EXCEPT G .SATURDAY . :We. Do Cum ' � and .Smokin - Beef, Por >�g .. g... f, � Dna: b Sold" Whole,.Half' or , Quarter 'For Better Service,; And Lower Prices Call • Ripley. 100. • Chas. Hooisma ` Prop. 9. expires February.28 The mailing of the newapplication forms for Ontario drivers' licences has; now been completed. Present your application with the required feewithout delay at your nearest motor licence' office so that your new licence May be issued. Nreceivedyourapplication, , contact your. If you � have , • OT , licence office immediately, or write to the Ontario Department motor t of. Transport, •• Parliament Bui:ld�ngs, Toronto...2..-Be-sure re-sta e-:thei ” — o .-W..W..�.�... . # l�ller of your',1963• • drivers licence, whether.i't is an operator's'.or chauffeur's licene, ... � licence; and.your full name, addressand birth :date. : ' YOU are responsible for getting your new ,driver's:licence by .February 28. Get Your f964:Automobile Licence Plates Now! 1963. platesfor passenger.arid dual purpose automobiles arid motorcycles also'' expire February p 28. There yvill be no extension. 1964 plates are now on sale at your local motor. licence `office:' Get yours now and avoid the 'last-minute lineup! ' ' Truck, BitgAnd rrailerLicenceP. hates 1964yearl plates for commer- Y, ciai vehicles'and.trailers go on sale March 2 and are valid until March 31, 1965. Quarterly plates wi,li'not be available until March 25. Last year's plates for c'om`ma ' "merblal: vehicles and trailers expire March 31, 1964. There will be no extension. ON rAmO D!PARTMENT OF TRANSPORT Parliament auildlogiii Toronto 2 Hon. lrwtn Heiskett, Minister • 1