HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-02-05, Page 3ow;, ary, and • end 5 a d•a: pen:' am- r- in the :11 • 5 to. re-. oti'a )est• The aar4. am of .. . the Sow irst ... ' ire air, the Tri- to kes iest'. pry: ierS all. i field ' non in Ad ►,L. gut= , • nts 'es ka- the'• 1St ing vet om.- ern pow wit ,ar.,,_y ev. •. led fs,. nd er, poll Wednesday, FEBRUARY s, 1964 inuelmamilssiiisinessmissuppanasislainsizia ' ■. 0 ■; :■` • 11• • ■- I ■ 0 :Ha.: ock Portions L'UCKNOW SENTINEL„ LUCKNOW, ONTARIO ° aaa■■IBUBBI®R■aisiam MIUa.iU■B■■■rim■ai■, ■ ■ ▪ ; ■ ■ • ■ 4■. N . ■ ■ ■ ■ . lmstead's Breaded .• Pre -Cooked. °Crown Golden syrup 35c: SAVE 4c Whiz jar 55c SAVE• 8e • for.89c. •■' 2 . lb:. Decanter Kraft Cheese 14. ox. • Ballet :Tissue • .White or Coloured; twin DOmo IMarked' 39c .Spec. Prem-■ Luncheon ■ ▪ . ■ ■ , Ice: Crean 12". oz ,unspun Orange , Juice ■, Birds. Eye oz. tins.. ■ • ■. - ..8 .pack ■ ■ �. RHONE 528-3001 FREE: DELIVERY SAVE .1.1C kg1. 35c SAVE -a c' eat SAVE 1:2.c' ricks -129c save: 25c for 6.1 c SAVE i 1 n ■ ■ ■ . ■■. Home-made • .1 49 .c . • Weston's Buns •Special 1.8c i .).-Heat and Serve,• .pkg.. of 12. ' Reg'. 2. 1 c, 'i` ■ ■ . ■ Choc.4. •Guest Cake ��I. Sc MI Weston, reg 49c N. :. O FR'EE....ot.Red•an with purchase of. $5.00 or More FREE OAKWOOD TUMBLER' 11 oz. Water Tumbler ' coupon valid'. February 3 ' to February 8 Please clip and . present at store Only one coupon ' accepted' from each... ',• customer Grapefruit Refreshing Thin' ``.Skinned .Florida, Oranges :. Repeat, SALE ■ ■ .■ ■ ■ ■ ■ M. ■ ; ■ . ■ unionEBBS.•a•n■:ia;■aB■i■■■■1;1ean■InMMO■rBEMI ■■a■■s■■E,■■■■■■R■■•■■••Enar■'•••■1 an GENERAL NEWS Kenneth Cameron, local post- master,, who was hospitalized in °. Wingham, returned home on. Sat- urday.. Miss Annie. . ' MacKay returned home on Wednesday of last week after being hospitalized in wing - ham for a tiYn e .. , Mrs. Nellie Scott, "Aunt. Nellie" to many of her friends here, is now at the Queensway Nursing Home of Mr. and Mrs: Orville Jones in Hemel Joan Tiffin,. Tees water; p upil 'of Mrs.Clair Agnew w passedgrade II. ;Theory examination of Royal Conservatory • of, Music, .• Toronto with lst' class honors. Miss ~Margaret` Kelly of :Lucan spent last' week -end with her sis- ter Mrs. Wm.• Hogan and, Mr.' Hogan.. ` . Dan a. Ron o,.. Ontario,vis- ited eofEm, ited here over the week -end. Lucknow resb terian Church Rev. Roderick MacLeod Minister 9.,! SUND,AY,. FEBRUARY • 10:00 ami, Sunday School .1 11:00 �a m MorningWorship • LU'CKNOW IT UCH Rev. Howard W.• Strapp Minister'' . SUNDAY,; FEBRUARY 9 10.00 a.ni. Sunday' S'c�looY 11: .. Morning 00' a.m . Worship' "The • Quest For Faith" :kr; ` and Mrs. Gordon. Steward and ' son. Bruce of London spent Sunday with • his: mother : °Mrs.. Charles Steward' of Lucknow. Visitors with ' Mr. ` and Mrs. Sid Plowright Saturday were reMr. and Mrs. DougNorthey (Joyce Plow~g): Terry i ht and Mark of Woodstock and.. Mr.; and Mrs. H. Northey of Oshawa. ' Mrs. Mac: MacLennan .of Luck- now uck now returned to: her home `here Sunday, after spending, :some time. with, her 'daughter and son-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. John Crow of Wayne, Michigan. Her 'daughter .Marlene is staying: here with her . mother for a, few days ' before returning home. - • Billy Gibson,' 2 -year-old 'son of Mr. nd Mrs. • Bill . Gibson was taken to., • Wingham hospital on Tuesday 'morning. of last week: with a• severe attack ,of croup. A. year: ago • the youngster was in hospital with an 'even, more Sev- ere attack. • ° Mr. and Mrs. George Book of 'Loreburn,., Sask., are visiting here at the . home of her parents, Mr. ande_Mrs. James Beaton :and with other . relatiyes. Mr. and Mrs, Milt Rayner were in Guelph for a few days. Mr. Rayner attended t h e , Regional School in Agriculturi,for' Bankers at the O.A.C. • The regular ' meeting of the Lucknow . Women's Institute; will be held in the assembly room of •the Lucknow . Town Hall on 'Fri- day, Friday, February. 7th at 2:30 p.m Bring' your questions for the ques- tion box • Mrs. `Russell ,Johnston of Ash-` field- is ' home again after being hospitalized fox' a couple' of we . Mr. and Mrs. George Rogers have returned .home to Moose. Jaw from a visit with, relatives, in a_, couver, In renewing ' The Sen- tinel e Rogers said:: `'We en- joytiitiei 1Vtrs , g. it very much. There are .a , lot of strange names to- us now, but I have a lot of • old 'friends and relatives in the district. Mr. Dan .' Rose of. , Emo visited over the • week -end .with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey . Webb.. Miss Isobel: Miller' visited with her father, ' .Mrr.: W. I.. Miller in Victoria Hospital, London for. ' a few days. Sunday ` visitors with Mr. ` and Mrs. • Frank 1VIcQuillin , were Mr. and Mrs. Carl Johnston of Blue - vale " and Mr. . Terry Wilson of • U.W.O. at London. . SHOOT PARTIES Ten tables . were in. play at :S.S.- No. 4 on Tuesday evening. Prize winners were Mrs: Charles Mc- Donald and. Bill : McPherson with the consolation :.prize going to Gonion McPherson. ` The travel- ling shoot was won:, by Ward Sel- lers . ,of Brussels.: • On Friday:even.m.'.... 15 bles e n- joyed the shoot party in the hall. High 'prizes were, : won by Mrs. George Fisher and Rodger Pan- nabecker ;. ' Mrs: Gordon' McPherson spent a .few days with ' Mr. and Mrs. :Pied Thompson in London. Births THOMPSCN ' in Lucknow on Wednesday, January 29th, to 'Mr, •and: Mrs. RonaldThompson of Lucknow, a son, Ronald Wayne, a brother for . " Bonnie. • Local and..General In an interesting' letter from Mrs. Annie . C. MacKenzie of Tor- onto, she expressed .appreciation of Dean MacLeod's» . Christmas poem. Miss Janet Rayner, R.N. of Ham- ilton Ilton and Miss ,Diane Ra ner of Kitchener spenc Sunday their, "With parents, Mr. and Mrs. Milt Ray- ner, Eldon Irwin of Sarnia says that alth ough ' itstwenty years . since .. t h e y left .Lucknow community thereare still interesting items, but a lot' of unfamiliar names:. PAGE • THREE- Made HREE:- Made 1,434,900. IF'i..,,,d,s'..r<lieese. �►t Pine River Lasi Year Net Profit $17,079 The 25th annual meeting of the Pine River Cheese and Butter Co- Operative was held in Reids Cor- ners hall Friday, January 31. Thee, meeting was, called' to• order by thea President Cecil Humphrey and.. Gordon_, Bridge was appointed chairman. • • The ~auditors' . report was given by Thomas Phair of Phair • and Acheson, ' Kincardine, showing re- ceipts ' of '$577412.00 with a net profit , of $17,079.00 after capital cost allowances, One million, four hundred- and, thirty-four thousand, and nine hundred pounds of cheese and twenty-four thousand, one 'hun- dred and fifty-nine pounds of whey butter were manufactured from. the sixteen . million, one hundred and forty thousand pounds of milk received duringtheyear.This v d T ex- ceeded the . previous years pro- duction of cheese by . 25 tons. The president Cecil Humphrey reported that a Federal • subsidy of $20,840.00 ' was received amount- ing to 50% of the renovations, extensions carried out ;;and equip ment purchased .: during. ' .the past two years. A 'new Century press, had recently been purchased to. facilitate the wrapping and : -seal- ing ' of square cheese and ' a new churn. was '.on'order. He , announc- ed:that • a bonus payment. of 10c per hundred of milk grading 1 and having a ' sediment test of A ' or B would be 'paid ' each month 'be ginning with .January of this year. The manager G. M. Eckmier noted that 717 tons of cheese had. been made during the : year, pre- miums received were down . slight- ly from the record set, one . year ago. Sales through the retail store were up considerably and stocks of square cheese were.. up 15 tons from last year. He reviewed.. the building ' program carried out : dur- ing the past two. years. The cheesemaker Glen Martin statedthat the quality of milk had been generally good through- out the ' year. He urged ` that pat- rons check cans; lids and ' utensils; for milk stone periodically. Cans should :be rinsed with . a ` sanitizer and milk ''cooledquickly for ;im- proved quality. J. M. Bain, Director of . Milk Products, was present ..and he' noted that milk production through - opt the country had ,appeared to have levelled ',:off, butter stocks had not increased this past year and a slight increase :. in cheese consumption was expected. Cheese prices had been very ". good . dur- ing the entire year. Twenty-six million pounds of cheese had. •been. exported . to Britain during the Year and the 30c. subsidy paid to producers of cheese milk by the Federal government had diverted some milk to.. the manufacture of cheese. He .announced that '1964 was to be the Cheese . Centennial Year: Walter Locke, manager of. the Royal .Bank, Ripley addressed the meeting. He -suggested that rec- ords of production in all herds, with more culling of : poor pro- ducing , cows could help ' .farmers` considerably. He read off an • ins - teresting,list of nicknames ofis- trict • families which ' he .has col- lected. recently, These . names had been given,., to identify them be- cause: ` or the similarity of sur- names andgiven names. He pre- sented, cigars re-sented,cigars to all those present on behalf of the ; Bank.. ° Bob Ferguson and Bruce Rut- ledge Dairy Field/nen' for Bruce..- were present.They presented cer- tificates to 'the following patrons • for producing Grade 1 and 2 milk consistently during the past year: Cecil , Humphrey, Leonard Reid, Glenn Campbell, Howard • Orr, Alvin Osborne, . Harvey Orr, and Murray Culbert. ' Seventeen other patrons were one count 'short - • of receiving certificates. Bob Rutledge gave:' a report of the. Cheese Producers' Convention in Ottawa which. he had attended as a delegate. He gave ` an inter- ' esting account of'the. speeches and resolutions'made at .;the conven- tion noting ' that -milk' would'quite likely be paid for on a protein basis rather than butterfat test in :.the near future Directors for 1964 were elected. being Cecil: Humphrey, Bob • Rut- ledge, Leonard Reid,' Alton Smelt- zer and Glenn Farrell. Cecil Hum- phrey was elected president by the directors. All milk hauling contracts 'were renewed. After ad- journment lunch d-journment''lunch was : served by,° Mrd. Glenn .Martin and Mrs. Cecil Humphrey. . Births: BREGMAN At Wingham and District Hospital, : on Tuesday, Jan uary r 21, 1964, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bregman, R.R.3, Tees- water, a daughter. • MAIZE At Wingham and Dis- trict istrict Hospital, :on .Wednesday, Jan- uary ':23, 1964, to Mr. and Mrs'.; Harold Maize, R.R. 1, Dungannon, s daughter. • KIRKLAND At Wingham and District _Hospital; on, Wednesday, January 23, 1964, to Mr. and Mrs. David Kirkland, Lucknow, a dangh ter, Suzanne . Ariene. • MURRAY - . Dorothy -and . Donald Murray, R.R. ; `2' Lucknow, ' are Pleased to 'announce the birth of their son at Wingham Hospital on Monday, February '3rd, . a ; brother for, Marjorie and Allan. Dinner Party On 75 rth � d. Mrs. Annie Struthers, who sides at Pinecrest Manor, was a dinner, ' guest . on ' Sunday , ,at.: the- home hehome of her sister, Mr. and. Mrs: Philip Stewart. 4 It • was the occasion of • Mrs. Struthers' 75th birthday 'and those, present for the dinner were . her '• brothers and sisters, Mr. • Will Fisher and Maudie, • Mrs. Kather ine Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. ,Root. Fisher, all of Lucknow; Mrs. Al- bert :Reynolds and Donald of Tor- onto, and Miss' Winnie . Stewart who was home . for the week -end from London. ; ,uennills ■.■IIIE■i.■■E•i■E a. • ■ LYCEUMWinghan,.-r-i ■ •• MON`. = TUES. - WED. • THURS. .FR'1. SAT. ■. E' THUR. FR1. - . SAT. ■ • - FEB. ' ■. •,. FEBRUARY 6 = 7 8 ■ ■ • r'` • Hoo • tenann • y. Hoot" LI Starring: Peter . Breck and ■ Pam Austin with Brothers. 2 ' Four, Sheb Wooley, Johnny a■ Cash,.George Hamilton IV w' and many .Wore' r This one should fill the bill • for all th,e lovers'' of the ■ Hootenanny craze' that is •,'� sweeping: 'the country. In. y fact .it's fun for all. ■itslimwii4Bsas ■bwiii■i SPECIAL — a Lciwience Of •Arabia ts. :a Colour -- Cinema$eope 4 Due to length of picture ■' One sht`w.• 7:30 •' Starring: • Peter' O Toole,:, Alex Guiness, Anthony Quinn~ a! • Jack Hawkins • Here is mot'ion• picture et • tremendous Magnitude, °with :. thousands 'of tribes'men,, ca- • mels, and horses sweeping .r■ii 'across the screen:. in • epic'i" at tle scenes. : III: l i I, uNSUIi�lN.Ii��'�iiI