HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-02-05, Page 2y
Wednesday, ,FEBRUARY` .5,.
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Following extensive study, the
Department of Labour in response
to , .the , recommendations of ,,the
Coirirnittee on manpower,' . is
strearaiining its ' apprenticeship
programme: Skilledworkers are
already in short ' supply and the
demand for them can be expected
to ';grow considerably as Ontario's
industrialeconomy continues to ad=
vance at . an increasingly ; acceler-
ated pace. An active apprentice-
ship programme has been in op-
eration for . many years. This •pro-
gramme .is going to be extended
to meet today's technological,
changes and challenges more ade-
quately. In . this ' connectionthe
government . intends , to extend
compulsory certification to the fol-
lowing additional'.. trades:
' • Refrigeration and air condition-
ang,' electrical,' including domestic,
commercial- and industrial; plumb-
iing: steam fitting, sheet metal ,and
watch .repair. Apprenticeship train-
ingprogrammes have been in ex-.
istence for a, number of ' years : in
the case of all these trades except
watch' , repair' • which is , covered
under the new programme.. • . :
Anyone practising. any one . of
these trades at " the time , the new
system goes into operation, will
• have . two years to obtain his cer-
tificate , of qualification: Certifi
cites will be granted automat-
ically to' those, who are: able . to
• show wProof of , experience in ,the
trade fora period equalling, or ex-
ceeding the apprenticeship period
prescribed for that particular
trade.:...Anyone_ Anyone., unable_to_ resent-
` such proof will. be required' to un-
dertake an examination to . estab-
lish his proficiency in . the trade
and qualify for certification. In
- this way, with experience and.
knowledge' verified either by proof
of time or by . testing, everyone al -
en ed: incon ,. ,ready Y` engaged. thet ec trades co
cerned 'will be able to obtain his
certificate . of ualification, In the
;case of ,newcomers • to these trades
all' will be required to' go through
the ° establishment aprrenticeship
training programme ' for . their
trade, attending a provincial insti-
x. Lute' .of trades for the prescribed'
courses.' •
This P
w.: 'Past week a great deal of.
• time, was spent discussing` conser-
vation and its - effect on' G water Vineial governments for ,aproject
levels' in the province, .Man. of which would take n J
.. n another ten years
these remarks were' prompted by I to Complete ata cost of $10,00,0,000,.
B .. An 'act. ;.j.
.� to az'rnetid the be ( How Much: would, elle :protects de-
partment of Energy .Resources
Act which changes . the name from
the Department -of Energy' Re-
sources to Department of Energy
and Resources Management. This
is 'designed to: co-ordinate the'- work''
of all the various 'birdies, such as
the Conservation Authorities; . On=
tario Water Resources Commission
and the' Department of "Agricul-
ture throug,h
:Agriculture,..throug,h. the ARDA, 7program.
This past .summer many com-
munities in Soutar Western Ontario
experienced water. • shortages.
There. is • no 'doubt that rainfall has,
not been as great during the 'last
5' or 6 years and has' therefore con-
tributed to -this situation. In the
London area over a 54 year period
the annual rainfall Was 38.17. • In
1963 therainfallin. the London area
was only '21.02 . inches ,or 17,15 inch-
es ' below average. The average'
rainfall' in London area. for the 4
year period. 'between ;1960 -63 -:-was
29.48 or 8.69 inches below normal.
Indeed the ;average rainfall: across
the province • has 'been consider-
ably below normal in the last 4 .or
5 years: However, ....it . has, been
pointed. out that every , inch. of rain-
fall . amounts to . 14.5 'million gal-
lons 'of water per square ;mile or'
approximately 23,000gallons per
acre and so the, effect of reduced
precipitation. is rather 'obvious.'
G vernment apparently feels
that' if. the ` cgnservation measures
are developed to . the point , 'that
most, if not all, .rainfall 'is con-
served,' supplies would , be ade-
quate to .meet the „need. -For ex -
envie, ' in Ontario the annual' -run-'
off in. inches. is 11.2 which is equal°
to 160 million gallons of 'water per-
square mile, 'The `go'vernment has
indicated thatif this were conserv-
ed through proper conservation
methods it would be a . tremendous
'asset to the economy of the•'pro=
Vince, This'. undoubtedly. is so but.
the catch lies in the length of
time it will taketo' develop pr. oiler
conservation methods to catch and
hold an adequate • amount of this
runoff.' This could involve 15-20
or •'even '30 , years, if past exper-
ience is' any indication.
It' has. -taken-,,a fulldecade" for
the Upper , Thames River Conser-
vation Authority to reach '• an
agreeminent with federal and pro-
nor en - - vcknawuo�€e e rate-_ ' mon
At Ripley :Friday:
6 Officials and ratepayers of Hur-
on Township. honored . Chester Em-
merton and Mrs. Emmerton at. a
"Warden's Dance" . held in . the
Huron Township Hall, Ripley :on
Friday . night. ' '•
Chester was recently elected
Warden of the cdunty. of Bruce
bringing this ' honour to , Huron
Township for the. first time since
1928, He is in his 14th , year of"
municipal service in . the township.
Over 75% of county _council ,mem-.I`1
bers were in .attendance at the
dance, . indicative of, the popularity
of the ,new warden. ; I
Deputy. -Reeve' William ' R. Lowry
of hHuron. addressed Mr. and Mrs.
Emmerton and with other mem-
bers ,of council, Russell Needham,
Russell . Stanley. and John Fergus-
on, presented Chester with luggage
and a brief case, :on behalf. 'of the
township, "Mrs.. Emerton was
presentedroses by 'Mrs. Lowry.
Chester replied fittingly to .. this'
Weddiflg, Hold Family Diflner •At Leg
Mrs., Bernadine Kenny; and Mrs.
Nora Sinnett, : Detroit are spend-
ing' a few days among relatives
Mr: • and Mrs. ,George Pollard
and ' babe, Hamilton spent . the
week -end at the .Martin home.
Mrs Maurice Edwards and
Mrs O'Brien, London Spent Sun-
un day with - Mrs. ' Gus Kinahan. .;
;, °(Intended' for .last week)
Mr. and : Mrs ' Ray Dalton, .Mr.
and Mrs: Dennis Dalton attended,
the wedding , of .,Mr. Walter' Dal-
ton Jr. and Miss ; Judy Le Blanc
in Windsor.. on Saturday. �.
Mr. and Mrs, Maurice'Edwards
and family of ; London visited Mrs
Gus. ,Kinahan over the week=end..
Mr. and Mrs..' Herman Lamber-
,tusreturned' home after. -spending
the past month in Walkerton.
Mr. , and Mrs. Joe Martin and
Teddy of Hamilton,. Mr. and Mrs.
Jim Martin of .Londonspent the
week -end 'here:
Mr. Kerry; Hogan, London:
the week -end with. his, 'parents,
Mr.. and ` : Mrs. Con, Hogan.
• Mr. Maurice Dalton, ' Hamilton
spent the 'week -end at' his ' home..
Congratulations to Mr. and ' Mrs.
Mark. 'Dalton , on the birth of, 'a.
daughter . in Goderich . Hospital'.
At his late .residence, 35 Cronyn
Crescent, on Monday, February.
3,. ,'1964,' Thodias Blake; beloved
husband of Clara ,(Webster)i;'dear
father„ of•. Mrs. Crace MacIver Wand;.
Miss . Olive Blake, . both of . Lon-
don. Dear grandfather of . Jack,
Ronald and Donald' MacIver; all
of London: In his 87th year.: Rest-
ing at the H. Millard George 'Fun-
eral' Home, ,Wortley ,Roads at
Wood Avenue,. until Wednesday
morning, February' 5, ..• then ' . at
Blake's United Church, Ashfield.
Township after 10 a.m., -.where
funeral service will be . held at
2 .p.m.. Temporary entombment in.
South Kinloss 'Mausoleum with •. in-
terment '. later in Greenhill Come-
tery, Lucknow '
Miss Audrey boss .of • London
was home for the week -end:. . • '
Duncan Allan is a 'patient. in
;ingham Hospital and 'Nirs. Ken -
n th Farrish , in Alexandra and
:..Ros ital `-Goderich:
Miss Sharon West of ' London
spentthe week „end with , herpar-
ents Mr. and. Mrs,.R. West.: •
Miss Jane Finlayon: ' of .Strat-
ford was home: for the week=end.
Kenneth MacKenzie *spent a few
days in: London and
d ..
Toronto last
signed to conserve most of the run-,
off'` rainfall ai
and "how Yon would
g it
take to complete and what do we
do for water in the riieantinfe if
the needbecomes' acute,
The Minister of Education, Mr:'
Davis, • indicated'' that in all prob-
ability the results ofgrade thirteen
. ,.. , ...
examinations will be later. in be-
ing released this year as compared
to last year. A. committee will
study the entire subject of grade
thirteen examinations and prob-
lems mvelvedwith. marking them.
Residents /of the Lucknow dis-
trict since, 1947, Mr. ' and; Mrs. ,Don -
old Campbell, Kingsbury 'observed
their'60th wedding anniversary, on'.
Monday, February 3rd. '
Mr. ' Kingsbury was born.at Tees -
water ' 86 years ago, and, Mrs.
Kingsbury, the former Phoebe Reed
was . born at Pinkerton 82; years
ago. ' Although: Mr., and Mrs Kings-
bury were 'both "Easterners", they
met and• married in Western. Can-
ada. Dan, as he is familiarly known
went west to Saskatchewan. With
an aunt and uncle ..with whom he,
lived. Mrs. Kingsbury went west
for a visit, liked .it'there, and stay-
ed. -They were married at Dales-
boro, Saskatchewan, on February
3rd, ;' 1904. -Dan homesteaded', in
1892- and. their. ' half ' section now.
has four oil wells on. it.
- After their marriage, <' Ur. and
Mrs Kingsburyfarmed in .Sask
atchewan. for.. -eight -years before
going. to Kelowna, ; B.O., where they
lived "for, three years. •
They` then ;came back, to Ontario
and for. 11 years, Dan' was a con
:ductor and driver on . the radial.
railways at Hamilton. When, the
railways ' closed .down and the buss --
uss 'es, took, over, Dan :• worked for Ber-
trani's:-,machine shop in .Dundas'
where he spent the'-. next 21 years.• .
Mr. and,: Mrs. Kingsbury, retired
to, the Boundary West in 1947 and
took up residence acrossthe road
from their daughter, Mr's.. Robert
Reid. In 1958' they Moved . to: Luck -
now. ,_
Both Mr. and Mrs. ,Kingsbury
are . in good health. Mr.'. Kings-
bury's eyesight is not good but it
does -not prevent ;him fteni mak-
ak ing his.'.daily ,..trip to .the post.
office' and his "round . of ' the
street." 4,e can watch TV if 'sit-
ting ' close to' the set: •
They have a. family of onedaugh-
ter, Mrs: ' Robert Reid (Nellie) of
the Boundary West, : Luc •
three sons,, William • ' .of Calg
Alberta, Donald of Brantford
`Charles of. Guelpih,' nine :gr.
children and six , great gr
children: 'Mrs. Kingsbury ha
sister., in Stratford' who is 84.4
sister in Thessalon' who is 90.
To celebrate the .anniversary,
family planned a. dinner and
Ihquse for their parents on S.
day. ,Thirty-five .members of 'f
and close friends had diene
.:the, Lucknow..'Legion: Hall with
Anglican': ladies` catering.. About
u e afternoo
called throughout t th
extend best wishes to.;:the
Cards. of congratulations were
ceived from Seattle to Nova. Se
among them, being' letters of
;wishes from, John `Roberts,..
Queen, Murray Gaunt, L:: B:. P
son, John, Diefenbaker and a fr
ed certificate: from the , provinc
Ontario. G
-The _anniversary gave them
opportunity, to visit with their
William of Calgary for the
time since 1947., The .;family'.
rented their parents: with , a ch
money and other,.gifts.
In 'their years in. Lucknow,
Kingsburys have . endeared , th
selves ..to - ll. "who have. come
know them
� and the. Sentinel ` to
this opportunity of . extending .l
wishes'., on their '60th annivers•
They reside in ' the Carruti
house just south of'"the 'Legion E
Gatherings - Held
�o •Mark. Birthdays
ida evening rs
�' vem Mrs. Y g.
Walker and her;sister, Mrs. Dow-'
ney,.' who entertained twenty-three
guests'. at . a turkey' dinner, in hon,
our of a. Couple_ of_her_friends
who were having. birthdays * Mrs..
Herb Curran' and Mrs.:. Ed. Thorn.
A pleasant social ' evening was/
enjoyed with Mrs. Jessie Alain at
the piano And her father, W. L.
MacKenzie, with , his violin pro-
viding accompaniment for the
singing of ,`'nappy , Birthday" as
well as providing some -toe tap-
ping ,old time fiddling."
On Monday evening Mrs. Thom
who marked' her 82nd ' �
. birthday on
Tuesday,. was .guest of 'honor . at
a surprise party ` at the home
of Mrs. Campbell Thompson when
Mrs. Thompson . and Mrs.' Stuart
Collyer"entertained sixteen ladies;
among whom.'was her friend Mrs.
Curran: whose birthda:''.was last
The hostess showed' pictures of
a recentCalifornia,and
l. rip to .forma Ca
inch was served to eonciude a
pleasant evening; •
St. Mary's: C.W.L
The February. 'meeting was
at the . home 0f Mrs. Ray Gan
With League, prayers recited.
:unison` : by : eight --members.
• P , MacDonald read several it
of correspondence: • A book:. "
vanced Calculus for Applicatio
has been purchased by 'the' C.
to' ,bepresented: to Archie`
Quillin in recognition of his
'standing :scholastic', achievem
here .at TL.D.H.S: and' now •of:'
tern University, London. The
ting party sponsored. 'by.
C:W:L:, ' Saturday, F'ebruary •
was enjoyed'' by about 60 yoj
people with' lunch being ' ser
afterward in the . Assembly Ro
of the town 'hall League rnemb
agreed to assist the Luckr
Women's Institute members q
for r : thein the -""n
Red Cross .
future. •.In • the' absence of •1?
/,Fr. Mala',-' Mrs: • .J.. O'Donnell
in the closing prayers and s lug
was served. •
Nature makes. no, one ; perfeet
Still '• sheis rather kind
To make us all, ' to our. own : fau
• More 'than a little; blind.
T�o'Late To Classil
ITOUSE FOR SALE. - 12 :nil
from Lucknow on Highway •
close to school,store and churn
Full price $3500. Aluminum :stop
and screens, oil heat. Phone DI
gannon: 529-7327.
Att. SALI , --- used stove
frig, 'both in good running ord
$3s,: eomiplete Phone' 'Dungan.