HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-01-29, Page 124
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mt quality'...$earotess; NY -1,..0
Extra Specials This Week -end
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The Sentinel
lee, and Men's " Wear Luckncriv
ame Off!cials Of aulis Anglican
hurch, Ripley, At Vestry Meeting
The annual Vestry ineetiiig. of Donald Paquette, Walter Lock and
SL- Paul's Anglican Church, Ripley Mrs. J. Dodds to the Board of
was held on Monday, January 20th. Management. Frank Scott, Mrs. F.
, The meeting was apened witL Fair, Mrs.* W. Lock and Mrs., Joe
, prayer • by the. -Rector, the Rev. Scott were elected to the Board
J. R. 'King. Mrs. W. Culbert was. of ManagemenL The ..church trea-
elected Vestry clerk; Jack 'Scott surer's report and financial re -
was appointed Rector's Warden ports of the church organizations
and Jack Farrell elected People's were ` read. Mr. King gave the
Warden. . rector's report. and thanked all
Willer Culbert' will be church who had helped to make 1963 a
treasurer ' for 1964. John Dodds successful year. The meethig was
was elected delegate to Synod closed with the Benedietion. Lunch
and Joe Scott substitute delegate was served by` the women of the
to Sine& The Rector appointed chureh. •
S. Attendance shfield Kir
Reached A igh 06 Last Year
The annual meeting of Ashfield
Presbyterian church was held .in
the church basement Monday
McC,orabie -,preSided and opened
the meeting with scripture read-
ing and Prayer, The • minutes of
the last meeting were read by
the --.secretary Mrs. D. R: Mac-
Kenzie. The Miaowing reports
were given: Session report, Mr.
Wm.. Ross; Sabbath School supt.,•
°Mr. 'Gordon Robb;, Children of
'the Church, Mrs. D. MacDonald;
Explorers, Mrs. Henry 'MacKen-
Lean; W.M.S. Secretary's repert,
Mrs. H. MacKenzie; Vii.NI.S. Trea-
surer's report, Mrs. D. R. Mac-
Kenzie; Financial report, 1VIrs,
.Duncan Farrigh; Budget rephrt,
Mr. Ewan IVIacIiiean; Sabbath
School Financial, Mrs. Wm. ROss.
.The record attendance at ' the
Sabbath School was 106 and the
average attendance 85. . Mr. Mc-
Combie reported that a young
people's Society had been newly
'organized . and will join with Rip-
ley..With the organization of this
group they now, have a ;full pro-
gramme for all young people in
Mr. Alvin Robto;--mr. —George
Moncrief and Mr. Ewan MacLean
Were elected to the Board of Man-
agers for a three year term. Re=
appointed to the printing commit-
tee were Mr. Gordon Robb, Mrs.
Duncan FarriSh and Mr: Ewan
MacLean. •
Preparatory service will be held
in Ashfield Presbyterian church,
Friday evening, January 31st
with ,sacrament to he held. on
Sunday morning, February 2nd.
Commencing Sunday, February
2nd services for „, the next six
months will be held at 11:00 a.m.
140WS YoUt? DRIVi NCI IC? ?
If it takes 47 feet to 13ring, your
car to a stag when, you're travil=
ling, at 20 miler an hour on dry
concrete* (average 'reaction lime
included) ho'w many. feet would it
take on glare ices, (t) 70 leel
,7 st14
Co-oPerators Lite Insurance AssoCiation
THAT alinost weekly we publish
comments . from subscribers,
'Mese have at least a twofold
, purpose,' Names Eire •neWs and
the mention Of these subscribers
"rings •a• bell" for manY readers.
But . moreso ;it should convince
the "folks at bogie" to _keep
us up to date the news so
that .former residents may retain
the intimate . tottch .with the old
TAAT . Mr. and Mrs. Well Hen-
. demon . of Lucknow left '*for • a
Florida holiday , on - Monday.
They were' joined at Sarnia by
Mr. and Mrs. Don Graham;• the
former joy Henderson. •
•THAT a week -end storm -with 'a
sharp dip 'in the thermometer,
like weather whiCh had been
enjoyed all • week. The thaw
which l.00k most, of December's
heavy • snowfall, wag a blessing
in restoring the • water level
which had dropped to a point
that some wells were going dry.
THAT in looking 'through a 1908
Ole of The Chesley .Enterprise,
Clayton Schaus noted that the
Hepworth Journal had ceased
-publicEition reducing the numb•er
of Bruce County 'weekly papers'
• to 17. Today there are ten. At
that . time the larger centres
THAT it's . an ill . wind which
doesn't blow someOne good," if
yoti .have no scruples. On Sat-.
. •urday evening Mrs. BM Hogan,
who. is employed at Siegristi
store, Was on her. way home
• through ,a "blizzard which made
visihility' about nil. • Her car
went • off ,the . 'road.. south of
-Greenhill Cemetery; sufficiently'
tO leave. her stranded. She. got.
a chance back to town and
' less than an hour later, when-
. they returned to the car, it was
discovered that her week's gixt.
ceries ' which . had been left in
I THAT . Stuart Reavie would like
to *now whO "Jim• MacKenzie"
is. A mix-up of two go:Sod dress
• coats tooli:place at the Burns
night dance and the coat Stuart
has in his possession, has a tab
THAT at the January session of
Huron County C,ouncil last week,
•Ashfield was named to the Roads
•Conimittee for •a four-year teem.
a member of the Legislative and
Educational tommittee and the
, Property, committee. Reeve
illation and E.M.O.: committees.
'THAT some of the Lucknow Ban-
-tam. hockey.. players will be con-
cerned that We. •called them
"PeeWees" in last Week's pa-
per. Sorry boys,. we really, knew
THAT seven tables ef :card play-
-Otitto the -St. 'Perers
W.A. card. party Monday night.
'Shoot winners were Mrs. Arm=
, .strong Wilsen, Mrs. Harold Rit-
chie, Mrs. 'A. Solomon: Arm-
strong Wilson; euelwe prize win-
ners .were Mr& Evelyn 'Bark-
. well; Mrs. Pharis MatherS, Bill
Caesar, 'Pharis ,,Mathers: 'The
chair prize • was won by
will...be on Shrove l'ueklay in
two weeks and Will be preceded
by a' pancake, supper,
THAT a 'LticknoW rink, skipped
by Al Hamilton, placed third
in the eleven o'clock draW at
the Co-op Curling 'Bonspiel held
jn HanOver Wednesday. of lest
'week. Other inerAbers .6f• the
tit* were VernOn Hunter, Glen
Atkinson and Glen Walden and
the boys pidlced Up a curling
broom each as an award,
NESCAF 6 -oz.
Instant Coffee Sale
Jar '89;
Tea Bags, Sale
size SAVE 10c
kg. 69c
Weston's Soda Crackers 2 'pkg. 59c
CAMPBELL'S 10 -oz.
Tomato Soup Sale
, sAye...1.:7 •
argOlinel SO10.;-
5 lbs. 99c
Ice Cream Deal
We'• Sell For Less
Phone.. laucknOsv 528-3420'
THAT Murray. Gaunt, 1VI.P.P. for
Huron-ltruce addressed the an -
Liberal Association on Saturday.
of.• an amalgamation between
the Liberal and New Democra.
tic parties. He felt there was'
a • possibility of some form of
• „co4meration between 'the two
- opposition parties, but it was
much too early and too nebtdous
at this point to sa what form
the co-operEition might take.
THAT Walter Bmwn of Amberley
. had a., successful going -out -of=
business Sale On Saturday., •In
hist .,week's paper. we carried a
- - story :of the sale -of-' his- garage
property, bringing to an • end
• forty ' years of hardware and
garage service 'at Amberley.
Values. Effective..
THAT subscription statements are
being, or ,have been Sent out,
to a subscribers whose Sentinel
subscription expired at, or. prior
to, the year's end. This is to
inform everyone that renewals
Will be accepted at the $3.00
rate until February 29th after
which the new rate of $4.00
($5.00 . to United. States) ; will
THAT the Fire Department's an-
nual Burn's Ball drew a good
attendance Friday night with
Sandy McQuillan pioviding the
traditional Scottish music on
the pipes and Garnet Farrier's
Orchestra playing 'for dancing.
If: all School kids 'who. Snooze
in. class w. eiLe plac,ed end to OA
they'd be .more corafgrtable,'
• . tliver$ tar