HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-01-29, Page 8ay.
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The first meeting of the Colwan-
ash . Learning Lassies was held
at the' home of . the leader, Mrs.
Pete McDonald, on January 22.
The meeting .'opened with the • 4-H;
`Pledge and 'the roll call was an
wered by all'. eight members.
The election of officers resulted.
as follows • President, Lynda Cam-.
eron; Vice : President, Linda ' Lit-
tle; Secretary, Every One; ; Treas-
urer, : Mary • Andrew; : Press Re-
porter,; Susan Arnold; Pianist,
Mrs. Ken: Alton. .
It . was ' • .decided' to • charge a.
dollar : for. membership. Miss Dam-,
ude, the Home Economist, is plan-
ning on paying a visit on Tuesday; ..
March 31 in .the, morning at Mrs.
Alton's. Achievement Day will be
held on April 25th : at Auburn`:
Notes on Planning. the Ward
robe were read by Mrs. Alton and
Mrs. McDonald..
The first meeting of the club,
"What. Shall I Wear," was held
at. the home, of the assistant lead-
er, • -Mrs. Frank - Ritchie. The
leader, Mrs. Gordon Kirkland op-
ened the meeting with ,the 4-H
Pledge.' Election of officers follow-
ed: President, Nancy Kirkland;
Vice . President, Donna .Ritchie;
Pianist, Wanda Hunter; Press Re-
porter, Anne Ritchie. Other mem-
bers are .,':Brenda Ritchie and
Elaine Cook. The next Meeting:
will be : held at Wanda Hunter's
next Wednesday at 4:00. A discus
sion followed on Achievement
Day, record books and the . ordder.
of meeting. Mrs. Ritchie dictated
notes on "Choosing Colour and
Design to Suit Personalities." Mrs..
Kirkland demonstrated how col-
ours suit the personalities of the
club members. The mothers of
the club.members were present
at this meeting,',' Wanda , Hunter
closed the meeting by playing the
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Congratulations, are extended to
reeve Chester Emmerton on at
tauung the ' Wardenship of Bruce:
County: =
There were players for fourteen
tables of euchre at • Amebrley
Orange .hall on, Wednesday ' even-
ing of last week. High prizes were
'won by Mrs. Robert Courtney and
Delbert .Wilson. Consolation prize
went to Herbert Bowerrap. Com
mittee. in,-. charge were r. and
Mrs.•.Cliff Geddes, Mr. and Mrs.'
Leonard Courtney and Mr..' and
Mrs. John Emmerton.
Mrs. Arthur Smeltzer. held . a
quilting on • Wednesday • afternoon.
A . delicious • tea was served and'.
the ladies spent a pleasant time
over the teacups. Assisting Mrs.
Smeltzer ' at .•the lunch. hour were
Mrs. Elmer Smeltzer and Miss.
Aria Smeltzer. ,
Mr. and Mrs. John Emmerton..
visited On.- Sunday with Mr.. and
Mrs.,Reg ' Godfrey.. .
Mr.. and Mrs. John C. Mac
Donald, Courtney and , : Corrine
Were dinner. guests of . Mr. and
'Mrs. William ' Courtney on Sun-.
Mr. Lorne ;Henry( is caretaker
for. Huron West School.
On Saturday evening' members
of Pine ° River and Bethel C.G I,T
held a• social time -in Reids Cor-
ners hall:;. Crokinole and euchre.
was played and dancing followed
after.., which lunch ; was . served.
A ,successful . sale was held for.
Walter .Brown .' of Amberley on
Saturday' afternoon, ,
Born to Mr. and Mrs.' John
Miller' (Karen Benson) at Inkster,
Michigan, . a son, Erich ..John.'
Rev. J. Rowe of `Meaford con-
ducted the service at St. Lukes
;Anglican ;church on Sunday •in
the absence of : ,Rev. ,Mr. Lupton
who is ill with the flu.'
`Girl -Guide News
Guides of the lst Lucknow Com-
pany were pleased to : have. ,with.
them ` at their last . two meetings,
Miss R. Thompson, Reg. N., Pub-
lic 'Health Nurse with the. Bruce
County Health Unit. She instruct-
ed the girls in the "Child Care"
badge. Special .emphasiswas' giv-
en to '`babysitting." ,''m .sure
Lucknow parents will join the
company in thanking Miss Thomp-
son " for time and efforts she put
intothis course.
• At the monthly Court of Hon-
our' meeting, we were sorry to
learn of Sharon ' Mowbray's de-
cision to leave Guides: In her
place, Donna Forster' was elected
Patrol Leader of the. Scarlet, Tan-
ager patrol, and ' Linda Marriot
was named Seconder.
For their Christmas good :,turn,'.
the Guides gave fifteen" dollars 'to
the Bruce County C.AS.,. and a
very nice letter of thanks was
.'Plans are: nowt underway for'
Thinking Day, February 22nd, the'
joint birthdays : of the founder
Lord ; Baden-Powell, .and our; Chief
Guide, . Lady ;Baden-Powell.
Mrs. P. A. Murray _and' Gerald,
Mrs. Catherine O'Neil and Mrs.
Jas.. Struthers attended the fun-
eral of William. Shearer at Port
Huron, Michigan on Monday. We
extend sympathy.
Many , relatives from district
places attended the funeral of Mrs,
Mary:, Wall -on- Wednesday. After
the services, neighbour ' ladies
helped: ,serve lunch" at ` the home
of Mr. and. Mrs. William Kydd.
Mrs. ' Ezra Stanley spent a
couple of days fast • week at Luck
now at. the 4-H Club, leaders'
trainingschool;: a'•
Mrs. Frank Brown and Reg
spent Monday evening with Mr;
and Mrs. Harvey Nicholson and,.
family, Bervie:4,
The weather ` has been balmy
and k mild, much like March wea-
ther. hence much of the ground
is bare and many outdoor flow-
ers are 'showing signs of growth.
By the week -end the picture chan-
ged and we had th: best Storm
of the winter,' `"
Mr, , and Mrs. Art Hodgins vis-
ited Thursday afternoon with Mr,:
and Mrs. Jas. Hodgins, Kirilough,
Mr, and Mrs. Jack Morrison
Uxbridge, spent. ' the week -end
with Mrs.. A. Green and boys.
Custom Butchering
Mondays Hogs, $2:00 in • by 4:00 p m
Cutting and Wrapping,; 2c pound
We Do Curing;and Smoking . . Beef, Pork' and Lamb,
Sold Whole; . Half or, Quarter . • . For Better Service,
And Lower Prices- Calf . Ripley 100.. �.
H;oQisma. Prop:
Former Ashfield Farmer ;Passes,
• M
The death : of John ` Cowan oc-
curred at Corunna, Ontario, on
Wednesday, January 22nd, at the,
age of 76. He had not beenin the
best of health ° for some time,
having suffered strokes three : and
four years. ago; Death came in his
sleep from a . heart 'seizure.
John Cowan " was a native, of
Ashfield Township and ;'•farmed
practically all his life in the town-
ship until retiring a few years
ago. He.. was well : and ; widely
known, particularly in the Loch-
alsh-Kintail area; and had many
friends :who' were saddened to
learn of his passing.
He was a son. of John Cowan..
Sr, and Christina Buchanan, and.
was born in Ashfield on January
15th, 1888. On , June 20th, : 1918,
he : married Edith Taylor of 'Ash-
field, who survives him, as well
as one • daughter, Mrs. ' Sam ' Mc-
Quillin (Marion), of .Galt and :.one
son David Cowan of .Corunna.
Also surviving are two brothers,
Dr.Arnold ' .Cowan . of Toronto,
Mervin Cowan of Greensboro, N.C.
and two .: sisters, Mrs. Ewart Jam.
ieson (Annie) of Lucknow and
Christina of Cobourg, He was 'pre
deceased by • two sisters, ' Mrs.
Charles . Robb (Margaret) of .Ash-
field ' and Mrs. Melville Scott`;(Lu-
ella) ' of Kincardine
Thefuneral service was held at
the MacKenzie Memorial Chapel
on. Saturday, January 25th, con=
ducted by Rev. Neil McCombie of
Ashfield Presbyterian Church''. of
whieh Mr. Cowan was a member.
Temporary, entombment was at .
South Kinloss mortuary, with the
final .resting place to be in Loc-
halsh Cemetery. -The; pallbearers'.
were ' Bill Farrish, Dick.. `West,
Henry MacKenzie, Jack MacKen
zie, :: Roy McKay and Anthony:
Chris OberfneYer, :an :employee'
of. Teeswater Creamery, has made
his 69th blood donation.:; He trav-
elled to a. blood clinic , at . Hanover
to make his latest :donation..
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