HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-01-15, Page 64
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On Saturday .evening the Lang-
side community gathered.* the
school, now the cofnmunity hall,
to honour Mr: and Mrs.' Everett
Wh .tock and family, . who have
moved .to Teeeswater, . The . even-
ing was spent, :playing euchre and
crokinole,' after which lunch Was
served.. At this time, Mr. 'and Mrs.
Wh yt were ock : P wresented ' i a.
chair, • the three 'older';. children
with a crokinole,`4bfiard and the
baby with a teddy bear.
Oh Tuesday evening , the Young •
• Peoples Society held their meet-
. ing in the, United Church. Pres-
ent were members :from. Chalmers,
Presbyterian and Langside Church. •
The meeting presided ,over by Mr..
,Elwyn Moore opened with a sing-
song. Mr. Bevin Tifin and Mr..
` Elgin 'Sleightholm' had ' charge of
•' the: worship service. The mission-
ary ; topic was' given ': by Mr. Elgin
Sleightholm. The following' offic-
ers, were : elected •,for" 1964; Pres-
ident, Mr. ' Elwyn Moore; .1st vice;
• Warne . Martin; "secretary,
Miss': Marlene Martin; : treasurer,
• Miss; Nancy Scott; Miss Margaret
Moore, pianist and assistants Miss
Edna ' Wall, Miss,' Janis: Farrier
,. and Miss .Sandra•'Fisher,,.The next
meeting • is • to be . ' held./ .January
21st :. in, the United '. Church, • The:
'repeating of the Mizpah ' Benedic
tion' `" unison '.closed the meet-
eeting. The attendance was 25
The U,C.W:: held 'their January,.
meeting on the 7th at the hornet
of :.Mrs. "Dan Tiffin with :an at
•"tendance : of .17. The president,
Mrs. Milian Moore, had charge
• of the meeting ' and : 'chose ': as her
theme, The "Light ,of the World."
Scripture readings : were given by
Mrs: .Carl.' .Weber,„” Mrs Russel
Chapman, Mrs. George Thompson.
Mrs.. Millan • Moore and Mrs Rus-.
sel.' Gaunt led in prayer: Mrs.;
Garnet .Farrier gave a ;.reading'
from- the, Upper Room . and the
Thought •. for the Day. We Rev:
George Mitchell:; led in prayer ::and
read, the, chapter.. from the, study,'.
Book; . The . Word • and the . Way.
Different 'Ways': of Love a r e
Friendship Desire, Aspiration • ,and.
Compassion.. The special number
was two poems. Little Country:
Churches , and Theology ` ,which
:' were' written by 'Edna Jacques
and read, by Mrs Elwood Gros
korth Arrangements' ' for • t 'h e
World Day . of Prayer,. February
14th :' were discussed. Mrs.. ' Millan
Moore thanked ,the hostess . Mrs.
Tiffin for". the use ' of, her warm,:
comfortable ..home and her hos-.
•: pitality:'Mrs. •'.Albert 'Coultes gave'
the financial' statement: A state-
' ment of sales of ' cards .and visits`.
to. •. the 'sick ..:was •.given. It : was
decided to have a ...Pot Luck sup-
per at the :annual .meeting. Rev:
George ,Mitchell closed the .meet-
ing with prayer.
The regular meeting -of. White --
church Women's Institute was held
January, 8th, :at , the home .of .Mrs..
Wallace Conn.' The president . Mrs.
Claude Coffin presided. The meet
Ing ''.opened with the singing of
the ` institute Ode and repeating
the :`Mary. Stewart Collect : in =gun-
Ason.`.In her opening` remarks Mrs.,
Coffin thanked all for•'. coming and
extended them New': Years greet-
ings'. The * roll call was answered.
by A Itesolution. I would, like •
My husband to. make: Ten .11iem
bers humorously gave their . an-
swer. The minutes were read by
secretary. Mrs, Vic Emerson. The
correspondence was • than);.. ; you
notets fbr .boxes of' cheer 'sent ; at.
Christmas;; Peace' letter; 4-H' club
leaders meeting, Federated. • Wo=•
men's -Institute President's letter
announcing the raising of ,fees: to
• $1 per member as of April 1st,
1964. It was decided to cater for
the lunch for the ;euchre and
+` dance sponsored on January 17
by S.S. No .10 in ' the Whftechurchh
community inemnorial ' hall: It was
decided to' have a variety ,pro
gramme ,and a record . hop with
~some square dances ''after the
programme On February ' 7th in
the cordmimity hall. The . par-
ro-gramme committee .: Mrs. Dan
'Tiffin, Mrs. Jim Currie and Mrs,
'rank Ross` .are in charge. and
are . to include the ,'Y. Peoples SO,.
ciety's Play: "A Mad ... ;Break-
fast," The ' Home Echnomist'Mrs.
Donna 'Mae, Holm is to be °:invited.
to the February' 12th WPI.. meet+: ,.
hR '.
ing to -be held at . the home.. of
Mrs. Victor Emerson, Mrs '. Rus-
sell: Ross gave the motto.°Do
it now,.: dont'' waits for ' Spring.;
Due to so much 'Sorrow,- she said
it we' -wish to sympathize with
those' wbo have lost loved ones,
weshould try to get . • them, to
talk.. ; ;bout them • and if they' do
shed fewtears., tho-y
'better' for ; it.She displayed. ar-
ticles'Made from: javex., bottles
;which were decorated forflower,
Pots. ",House clean. now .and late
in January or 'early .February
park warm clothing you don't
• need and °give : it to they Salvation
Army.; Pack: y. o u r Clristmas
cards, old nylons;: print ' patches
and take -then to Advance, Times
who' send :them to'Goderith, On
tario Hospital. De lime your elec-
tric " kettle, wash the bag of :the.
vacuum cleaner. Do us much as'
you • can'.. NOW, • don'ts .. wait for
spring. •' Mrs. Garnet;; Farrier gave
a piano `.. instrumental "Whiter
Wonderland."Mrs. Victor . Einer"
son conducted, , a quiz on the Hand-
book as' pertains rtaiins to. the brach.
The hostess Mrs Conn was. thank-
ed' for the use sof her' warrp . home
and her. hospitality. by 'Mrs.. •Cof-
fun.: The meeting closed : with' the
singing of . the National< Anthem:
Collection $2.55 pennies 9c.
Y , ��
Mr. and Mrs, Mel Brown, Mrs.
Mabel Murdie of.. )) Ritcheier, and
Murdie of Chicago
Mr; Robert g
were recent visitors With Mr. and
Mrs. Lorne „Woods. ,
Mrs. RobertMcQuilhn, George
and Marilyn 'of • Hamilton . were
recent visitors with Miss Beat-
rice, Charles and Wm. , McQuillin
and other. relatives., 0
• Mrs..' Gordon' . McPherson and -
Mrs. Ernest- Gaunt are attend
ing the 4-I1 Training .School• . • is
Wingham . on Wednesday : an d
Thursday. The 4-H , girls are
planning. an. '; entertainment -. •on
January 31st in the :hall.. •
St... Helens U.C.W'. ` •
Miss W. D. Rutherford ' opened
.,._ P
her home to the. U.C.W. for the
January .meeting. The roil call,
",Resolutions for' the . U.C.W:. for
the •New Year" was answered; by
eighteen ladies. Miss Rutherford
opened'the, meeting and . Rev.
Tristram conducted; the : installa-
tion of , officers : for .1964.,, Mrs.
Lorne Woods, The new president
for the .'coming year,. openedthe
devotional ., period And Mrs. Tris-,
tram ' . read a• ' scripture- ' passage
from ; .:Revelations. ' New 'Year's
poems,, were read by .Miss Ruth-
erford, Mrs.
uth-erford,.:Mrs. Rice. •and ,Mrs. Mintz.
A ; study of Nepal was :.,conducted
, The Purple . Grove Wo en s
stitute members learned that ' po=
tatoes, can be served in. an end-
less variety ' of attractive and: de-
licious methods .when Mrs, New-
. and .Thompson prepared a demon
stration • on. Sways • of • Serving.
Potatoes for their.. January meet -
ing. The. hostess. `was Mrs Frank
Dore assisted by' Mrs.. ,Donald
Gillies, Mrs,` Walter Forster,
Mrs. George. Emerson. ' The' .roll
call,: " a product. we would lack
if the farmer ran away: and never .
came „back reveaied we'. are
by His. B. F. Green, Mrs. Car-
rick,' Mrs John . Cameron. and
Mrs. ' Harvey Webb . followed by
prayer :by Mrs. Charles;, McDon-
ald. : Annual reports of , various
officers were givenwith: the an-
nual meetingof the church' to ; be
held on January : 21st at. 7 o'clock
in the form of a Pot . Luck Sup-
per. ' :A discussion was : held on
bazaar ideas. Mrs. Tristram in-
vited the -U.C.W.::to her, 'home
for the. World's .•Day ,.of Prayer..
on, February, 74th '. and a . work
Meeting is planned. for Miss Ruth-
erford's home. id.., February': Rev.
:Tristram . closed the . meeting ; with .;
prayer' and lunch, was ; served ..by
Miss Rutherford and Miss Isobel
Miller • .
pendent on the f: ger for
stable foods.. Mra.. Harvie ;Th
son was; '.convenor for the
gram and gave :some 'New 3
thoughts.. Mrs, Alvin Blue)
sang' . a. solo. and:. read :.a. :1
"Never, • : time. enough," Mrs..
for Cawley gave some
thoughts 'in• dealing with the .
to "Man , builds the house
woman ' builds the home.1
is our ' first- school, . first chi
where hurts are : shard and
ey not so important a happi
Mrs. Harvie : Thorimpso condi
a contest. . Mrs.' Fra ' D'ore
Mrs. Cecil Sutton will. attenc
Milky Way course in Luckno'
January 21 and 22. Miss. Mari
Robertson, Mrs.. Wm. .Ar
Miss, Eva Culbert, Mrs. Don
Cosh,; Mrs, Harvie Thompson
Mrs. Francis 'Boyle will ac
committees . ' for card partie
January : Miss Eva ' Culbert
the ,.apple pie contest.. Mrs..
aid Gillies and: Mrs.. George 1
ness;'showed the . blouses.' mad
the ' Club' girls in their last
ject;,and .also' explained son
the: new ideas, The members
,the girls had: reason to be : p
of their' blouses' and record bb
Mrs. Don 1VleCosh will : be ' gl
. stamps: to send to , assist
workin connection with leper
The .hottest'thing ••,on
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