HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-01-15, Page 1•
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$3.00 A •- Year,` Ire' l Advance $1•41I1' Extra. To .0 S.A, LUCKNOVI,.. • ONTARIO •
Reeve Outlines .
'Single Copt 10;;
Lucknow ` Municipal C o u n c i l municipality the good govern-
overn ' wound up the 1963.business in a ment it deserves. "
brief session on Monday morning, In the seven years . Mr. Joynt
• with only ' a bare . quorum in at= has served . as reeve, he said he
tendance. Councillor "Bud"Ham had been fortunate; • in: � • a,•
ilton had entered the hospitalon ibre .of men serving on Council
Monday,. and Councillor M. L. and they had seen many improve-
Sanderson's,, absences :was. due to ' ments.` However, , it hasn't been
the death of his brother at God- easy, and the work ` at . the mun-
erich. " w icipal office becomes heavier re -
OUTLINES ' PROGRAM-' ;. .'quiring some idea of engineering,
,' Reeve ''George W. Joypt outlined business managementand door
the 1964p ro am that•will be up crashing at Queen's Park Yto take. for. action- or consideration, be fore advantage:of the grants available..
the session' was: adjourned with You've got to'be dedicated. the.
the' inaugural " Reeve said 'to meeting ,ao - be held ' Council, and, add -
it ,
ddat: the call of the Reeve. , • ed .that ' personally he 'enjoys it.
In his opening ,remarks, Reeve TO, CONSIDER`. HOUSING
Joynt extended sympathy to Mr. Reeve Joynt . 'said. Council should
:.:and. expressed the take •a hard: look' at the'future.
trust that Mr. Hamilton • would 'generally and at continued DM
soon' .berestored tog ood':' health icipal' improvement projects. Since
and take hisplace at the Conn; he took office in 1957, :he hadnow.
cil table.- seen hip vision`of a million dollar
Reeve Joynt pointed
to assessment •in. ' Lucknow : exceeded.
: ' nted but � .
' 'Council ; . that:. , the', mandate ,: given -To continue going, ahead Council
them by the ratepayers was more must . take ' animmediate look. at•
or less an endorsement':' to carry housing, but herecommended'
on as in thepast and they should :getting::a builder ' interested ,,as he.
continue . to strive to .' 'giive : the: (Continued ' on page 13)
enderson Concludes 1 Years
..t ri
:�Pr a an e
Jim . Hendersdh has ...concluded
thirteen, years of valued and faith-.
ful' service as superintendent of•�
Lucknow 'Presbyterian C h u .r ch
Sunday' School. u•
His resignation, resulting .:from
additional , responsibilities n o w
:resting on Jim's shoulders,', was
effective' at the end of the year
His successor is : Dale .Haldenby
who had served with. Jim as as-
sistant superintendent. Dale's as
6sistant .has 'not yet been named'
•by the Kirk Session.. ' ..:,
Mr. 'Henderson' 'succeeded, John
D. -Ross now of Cayuga, as S.S.
superintendent In'.: addition to his
duties as 'superintendent he ',had
acted as teacher of the young
men's : class for. ; :sixteen .years.
Rev. ' Rod .: MacLeod 'is temPer-
arily:.supplying as 'teacher of 'this
class. •
rs. 1. W.;loynt End
hoir Member for
Mrs. 'J. W. Jo YY -nt, choir leader
: for some 45 ears •at' Lucknow
United Church and. a member, of
the church choir.for over 50 Years;
ended her long and valuable term
of service the end of the year, With-
Mrs. Joynt's . resignation comes an
end to : a musical career that rub-,
;'bed off on . Many'' hundreds. who
passed through her choirs • and,
many, thousands who ". sat ' in . the
congregations since 1909 and who
were • jmpressed • by ' her personal*
talents as well as the choir num-
bers she directed. Over the years,
Whenever and ' wherever-. a .solo,'.
duet orquartette was • required,:
Mrs. 0 Jaynes services• were,:tial
ways. available. '
Mrs:. Joynt's place in the choir
loft always seemed to be a per-
manent •one, and ,with :'the realiz
ation that her. leadership days have
. come to ' an end,'•many will hope
to see her familiar face continue
on as a choir member % n years : to
Mrs. Joynt's position has ° been
• one that required :her attendance
year in and year. out without. too
much of a :chance -to . visit other
places of worship or go away on a
_,social visit',--on---:gunda as most
people do' quite regularly. S h e
served her church with, devotion
and conscientiously carried out her
' duties as choir leader.
Mrs. Joynt was ;the . former
'-Edith Freeman, daughter Of ' the
late Mr. aiid Mrs.. Frank Free-
man. The family came here from
Ethel in 1909; when Mr, Freeman
assumed the position of miller at
the Treleaven Flotir Mill. ° "Edith"
jointedthe choir °at that time- and
.two years later assumed, the role
of . organist and, choir leader, sery-.
• 7
s Choir Leadership,
in in -this caPacity in 1911 and
1912. • In 1913 • she married J. W.
Joynt & Mr. ''and, ; Mrs.• T. S. Reid'
took over -the: choir : duties : for a
time. Mrs. Joynt:.was then 'assoc-
iated . with. Miss Mabelle . Alin ' as
organist and then for many years
with Mrs. G. A. Newton. She has.
been choir leader continually. ` for.
. .
.nisi p.al
It was indicated at Monday
mornings Council:' meeting that
the Board w 6111 d 'at an early
date, ' give consideration to . the
constructionof a municipal shed
which would . provide accomoda-
tion for. the housing of Village.
machinery and equipment.
Not . so many years ago about
the .only municipal equipment of
any consequence (other than hy,
dro: supplies stored in the Town,;
Hall, basement) was a pickup
the: Village has a . road
Today g
maintainer ` witty'. snow plow at-
tachments, a laddertruck, a plat-
•form. truck,' road patching mach
inery,along; with • tools and other
equipment which ' would be ' cen-
trally, housed. in the proposed new
'over,' forty-five years exce
-perrod of when .J.f,o
Greer took -charge.
Mrs. Joynt commenced her choir
associations during , the pastorate
of Rev.. J. Ford, and has served in.
the church, during the subsequent.
ministries of ,14. pastors — w. Jol-
iffe, G, ' McKinley (who married
Mr. and Mrs.. Joynt), R. . J. Gar-
butt, R. F. Irwin, J. Osterhout, ; T.
Cosens R. W. Craw S. T. Tucker;
R. C. Todd, J. W Stewart, W. J.
Mumford, G. A. aMeiklejohn and
Gordon Geiger, igen,p and the' ...resent
Minister; Howard Strapp.
The death . 'of Cecil ' Mullin, age
`61, occurred suddenly at his home
in Listowel from a heart attack.
;A,'son of the 'late Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Mullin of 'this community,
Cecil's wife was. the ,fernier Hazel
Raynard, also . of . thicommun
Stewart: Mullin ' of ' Mullin's Bak-
.: ery .is.. a brother, A. and; . Mrs. Gor-:
don Ard (Roszelia) of Wingham
is, a sister:: The funeral was on.
R. G. Sanderson Passes al"
At, Goderich hospital on..Satur-_
day' the .death occurred .of ;Robert
G. Sanderson, age 61, : and • a pro-
minent Goderich resident, who
was vice-president and ,general
manager of the Goderich Elevator
Transit Company. '
Among 'the 'survivors is a ' bro-
ther, : Marvin L. Sanderson of
Lucknow. • The funeral ' was ' • on
At'Monday 's . meeting Reeve
Joynt stated that plans for such
a building- were available, . the
Municipal Loan. fund had been in..
'vestigated''and it.: was intimated
that when a :'.full': Council was
available, the matter' would be'
A 'tentative estimate ' places the
cost. 'of ; the proposed' building at
about ''•:$16,000 with. the cost to
t h e municipality ; being ' about.
Thesale.. f :the "church shed
in .November. for conversion to a
bowling -alley; .-brou -t consider-
onsideration of a municipal; shed to the
fore. The "church shed" had been
under the trusteeship of the four
reeves of Lucknow, Kinloss, West
Wawanosh and Ashfield. The shed
ownership. was.. a "shareholder".
arrangement resulting from indi-
vidualcontributions to establish::a
fund.' to make possible the pur-
chase of the shed from the Un-
ited Church for $1,600 - and thus
retain ' it asa community shed.;
Having outlived • i t s. useful-
ness ..as `such, the ' shareholders
signed off their . equity , on, the
understanding that the . proceeds
,of the : sale, of ' the shed - would
go to .the, Lucknow :and -:Districts
Lions Club in support of the art-
ificial ice. project:
s. M'ontgomery
U.C. Choir Leader:.
At , a meeting • of the Official
Board of the United Church on.
Monday evening, • -Mrs. Gordon
Montgomery was appointed "as'
choir" leader to fill : the vacancy
resulting ' from the retirement 'of
Mrs. J. W. 'Joynt;
Mrs. Ross Cumming will . con-
tinue as organist.
Mrs. Montgomery - 'has.: h e r
L; T.C.L., a music ;•deg degree i'n piano
received from Trinity College,{
London, ° England:
Ruth, • as sheis known to a
wide circle 'of friends, directed a
choir in. her • home, ' province . of
Newfoundland, prior to ri_coming:'
oto Lucknow: She also took a sum-
mer course at Toronto Conserva
tory in choir training.
Mrs. 'Montgomery has on oc-
casion' acted as organist, in Luck-
now United Church, 'which is her
home church; and on special special oc-
casions ' she and;. Mrs. C mining
have combined their talents very
pleasingly • in piano and organ
melodies. '
Mrs, Montgomery assumes her
new ,role within a few days, and
after she'' is , established in.her
new duties, plans . to comMence,
a junior "choir in the near future.
Deed Legion'
ToLocal Branch°
Lucknow Branch of the ; Royal
Canadian' Legion has now :acquir-'
ed the Legion Hall, with the own-
ership- having been 'transferred by:
the Village of Lucknow .with ..the
signingof the official documents
on. Monday. .
This "Officers .Mess" ' building.
was moved here in '1947 by The
Clansmen from the Port 'Albert -
airport, which had served as a
British Cbmnionwealth Air Train-
ing) Centre, during World War 11.
For the ' information of• former
residents the location of this hall
in ;Lucknow 'is the ,site - of the;
former Cain House
The ,Clansmen found the oper
ation and ,' maintenance . of . ', the
building too costly, and ' turned it
over to the Village the following
year, when it ''tame 'under 'the
supervision of - a 7 -:than' board ap-
pointed pointed bY . Council under the
Community` Halls Act.
In 19458, ; the year : of ' the Cen-
tennial, the Recreation Centre,.
as it. was' then called, was leased
by : the Lucknow Branch of the
Canadian Legion, ' with Garnet
Henderson. servingpresident
o. as pt
that year. d
The Branch' needed larger
ceded larger
ters and sold their. ` Campbell
street property, known ' to "old-
timers" as the. Dr. A. M. Spence
:residence 'and office, -to Art Gil -
il-•more, who converted ' it to two -
The Legion took over the Rec-
reation ; . Centre • on . a 10-yearlease.
basis at a yearly : rental of, $1., and
,immediately went ' to :work in ' the
spring of 1958.' to spend several
thousanddollars on renovating
and remodelling the building,
which was. available .:foruse dur-
ing the Centennial. celebration of
that summer. '• . '
Terms of the lease provided
that the Legion, could : release the
building, ' purchase the building
for- $1.00 or surrender the lease.
The ownership transfer of the
Legion ' Hall was carried out ' tin;'
der •-the provisions of , the ' $1.00
purchase fee, and the building is
now. deeded to the ,local Branch.
For the past • fewmonths fur-.
ther alterations and, improvements
have been .made at the Legion.
Hall, to ' meet -the requirements- of
-the Liquor ' Licence Board. • Ap-
plication for:• a .,licencewas made
last. llfay,
In ;August 'the Lucknow Branch
was notified that their applica-
ei , appli
ifor • •a club licence had been
granted subject to the premises
being officially approved by tie'
Licensing Board, ' and extensive
renovation, carried out according
to ' the' Board's. "specifications,'
This work has since been tarried'
out under, the . inspection • and to
the approval of the .Board,. and
the. Legion's licence ,just recent-
ly became -operative, " '
Infeciion. .
Damage To . Siglit
Carl PritchaidR
Carl. 'Pritchard, 12 -Year-old son
of Mr. and Mrs: Elmo Pritchard
of West Wawanosh. Township and
a grade 6 pupil .at Lucknow Pub-
lic School, has lost the central.
vision 'in his left '.eye .and has',
undergone treatment ` since ' aim-
ing at ; controlling an , infection
that had worked ' its way into' the
other eye.* ' ' '
Carl's vision When tested 'about
a : year ago . was oalmost 'perfect,..
but. last: May it. became necessary
forhiin to secure glasses being
short sighted in one eye. This,
Fall,' when being tested at school'.•
by Bruce County Health Nurse
Ruth Thompson, it : was discover
ed that his central vision (straight.
ahead)_ in his left eye had been•
Immediate medic a •1 attention
revealed ' that 'the damage
done to the left eye could not be
corrected but Carl • was hospital
ized and 'treated ;in; an effort to
save the other eye in which the'.
infection.: had `started : t 'his par_
ticular type of disease of the, eye
Yl? .. Y
has no ; symptoms. There , is. ; no
soreness nor itch of any type and
without ::.the Health; Unit check'• at
school, Carl ` ..might
have been
blind before the .infection was ode
tected }
He was hospitalized for • a time
before Christmas and a '`checkup
since returning: from hospital re-
yealed : that there was a ' slight,
improvement in the condition of
the : right : eye. Carl ': is scheduled
to . visit : the eye specialist again`
later this :.month.•
„The„ infection causing the tro u
ble is not common., Carl still has
slight vision to ' the' side .. in. his
left eye ; that; ,helps p, him catch his. ;.
c oughfans
orla- sae Trave
David Kelly, e y, a oung man own
to many in Ashfield and surroun
ding area, has had an interesting
experience and has, crossed half '
the world in a "work your way
tour" that has taken him to many.•
countries; David worked for Andy.
Ritchie after coming to Canada.
from. Yorkshire,. and -later work
ed for Harvey Ackert north . of .'
Kincardine:' Two, .years ` ago •., in
September' he returned • to • York '
shire following. 'the. death of his
While here., he became friendly
with Mr. and Mrs. Jim McNaugh
tort'. and; family and when on a
recent tripto her homeland, Mrs.
McNaughton and Jim 'Jr.: visited
with David, ' his mother, step-
father and . brother in Yorkshire.
Mrs. McNaughton received a let-
ter from,. David recently. He is
now in Melbourne;- Australia', hay- •
ing left, his hornelafid..the first of
last' year.
In'.' his cross : world.. trek, David
and a friend , visited France, Italy,
Yugdslavia, Greece, Turkey, Iran,
Pakistan India They hitchiked
practically all -of • : the --way: " When
in India they ;parted, David going
g g
to Bombay and • his friend.to ,
Calcutta.; David got passage as .a`
leek hand for a shilling a Month '.'.
& in 14 days he was in Australia.
His friend Bill 'did notrrive. for
3 months having taken a "Side
trip to Malaya, Thailand leaving ,
Singapore on a fishingboat that, -"
'ended up':on the rocs off the
northern territory with no one be-
ing ; hurt. The two werereunited
in Melbourne.
•-By January, David
hopes toearn'enough money to tour Australia,
New Zealand and Japan and then
return to Canada for ,a short time.