HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-11-24, Page 1• to Ado+
IJIP Extra Tr U.S.A.
WEDJ1£SDA , NOW 2*,,. 1163.
DELEGATES The i we ing the recently approved atd McC , Purple, Grave (it),
meeting, cf o fir; Bre Bruce tartan,.: :Mrs. Harold Sias- and Mrs.. Harvey. Houlton, i+ -
instils in Owen ing, ' Ne tadt toeatreL cornplih rood, rte t -
saw many Bruce 'delegates I meets -tartan: wearers Mrs. Don -1 Goerrte► K. W. Record
ultimo! SxiNp Elect Officers
in the ' - Legion' last
Village �.. L�amv.Qt!; 1�e
Tulip Bulls To Grace Village
By `Norman° `Taylor I g a planting, 'at the +C ial
Oyer one wed °and s and �' a , in the
- friends of the , - t Horti- p and a display of vegetables
societysant , } fl to a teal i and floir'ers in the arena.
ay bast last Fri - .l were• received : from the
s "$�' a e_ . were . we t � of Ontario -115E44 and
o was ' and . '• Kone nuea ori page : s
S said Grace_
Tie president
ester- Bess OZIRD- Free Skating This
and. �: ' •
' /Week , For Tie Kos
hinr to the stmt of tbe programs. silence was Bring the kids to Ladmow this
illelaory . of the . tate • £fiord y- :: . of � Lacings
Amer ',anew. " places' have c ,i erated
Sue s of the'yetis ae r f to .give the kids a' free
were given by • the sa ,qday, aft
T1yior_ The .: num
nark . t0
has a membership 4 'JS. will be ' for t1 lid Norm-
and a Junior' Society' ori bet 27, December 4, 11, : I&
main aim of the y . Places ..have
huge L u[' ' ,and vicky a I also arrangedfor. �iII be in
Place ` in "hid' to 1 Ladkno a every ..i.. }r ,Demo -
orbs , needs: >ber, to Christmas- So r+e-
d r is member, it's free , of -tree
thehis Sat -
through ;gam of .may, ' arid' a and' the obtaining of dins- �3r" g. and. Sana each
hoed then on. '
rates from the seed houses
isitseries- •The Garodeta t'
planted. add =wailed a 33 STITCHES' FOR MARION
of gardens and. flower JOHNSTONE IN TUMBLE
is thevillage and punted
112, of pests and this Marion Joffe, 9 -year-old
aeir P rdy. 2,110 t ' of fir: and - GOnkII
IwillalCiagthe main street where ' Johnskie of Lam, aa'
v be seen by the thousands ed last Friday at.I.01mmm Pub3e
temple who travel Hrgbway !6: ' School vie player'- in the base -
Two flower shims
flootes were held, one meat g recess -',
lay and the .Ser Show m'
la all there terve Some 310
and ..Ifiss June
fie winner is both sbonrs
la the Centennial of the Luck-
a1 Society by estab Ole tum
aaWos took ',a. hirable into a. door
jam and end: her .fes,.right
back into the hair line33 Aitches
were } 01 -. to close the
The grade4Yonagstec a -Wears to
have neo'ered quite ctym
afis. past wet that;
fey of Amberley ' had
aa hoPortarit sale of a
bun may, for'. 3M,-
contacted inn at his
igesday evening ' as we 'felt
_accomplishment such as this
1111411 drees should not go
Br's Citation
was to nerd sire on the
Mentalfa• rm an + Zt;jag
Paled ma the Bradley farm
IS ale first Huron bred boll to
as -:exerliktot, The
t !'' Of • excellent. is the
i top .rating in dairy dicks_
purchasers of the bull 'mire
NOrthers Midis BimCo-op of
Ham, Minds, .and
>�es IncOrpornted
Co ,
Ohio. W.., D. Gsee a the Coup
andRhode of the iLrU.
versity of Mods, the s analyst
for Northern. Illinois. made the
purchase at the Bey fes/
ase bbl is f a c, Br.+ a
ro Sate,
also from the
lherd„ Who was:grandctanllsonithe
IPr L.ir`_ County Blach and
shine m -ISM
Cart1yn �, daughter of
Mr_ and Mrs: ° nr. .. ,
1 L ow, bas received oto
that passed her
' BQg-wed Nurse's examination.
:Caro is a June gam of
Barger Fa
M.r_ and Mrs. Man Bargm: and
t- 2 Glu l us ..Ic of Astfield Town -
.have bad to talLe slief for
the death of a six -
rabies f.
month-old pup belonging 'to their
son Jody, age •
The: dog .was a gift to
Jots' and the sudden de of
t seas
The other 'WF.1. C6 i!G
"Pat one yam',.. and l:n�scsec , who.
• be fife rars oldnext .
'Tummy renew ' oniabooster
„ mase of previous be had
ed after iniiiiusti with
mem al a
fgroand hog some time no.
The+'i,, col ; are.
of a preventative nage and with
the number +off rabid awls in
the commundy, it is Wig tobe
wa more frequent experience.
?Hayle , Grp, 111c
2e Pages.
r 80041 kiplep (wed,
(by a Wy !)
k , The anneal variety '� and
:commencementexercises were
;held last . Thursday and Friday ev-
athe Ripley District
L Clise to eight wed
people •*:/ 4and on Saturday
following the event our -Fa ga COMMEIniS as Fre-
day eve is a 9 rn students nig ' ff ''44 .Ms " former de
now In ' Toronto, kutobener, Strat-
u eu a,4 a dia'I,PbeleS
Wilb the result that 1, e high'
j�� wall_ � �r2•�l; . itm tie
3fissk' 14n Ball, 'daughter of
Bev- and _ George Ball of Rip-
d delivered the valedictory ail -
on Friday. Lorraine, now at-
' tenertag the,Univessity c4 Tomato,
was only 1f@QTee ters of a ; d
toil .n.4
.111i.41It 'bat
la a..,
he w the ttit Baer' cent =Wage
:for Grade 13 needed for ai.Ontario
Scholarship standrrog. • Sbe .r-
ed tine 3*--Beritemant Jack Mc-
Memorial' Prize:, armed by
pr. Donald W MacDonald 'of' La-
. ,
:>ftwata,.. lfiss glary .�"�4n
now attendieg the 1;7..iII7ver
.cff'G gh. remised the .litipleyi
Wow's hiSallate Prize. • VIES
Shirley Steele ofSlim/ford . Timtb-
efes College received'aStUdell4
Award and- Sands' Mae-.
P11d ]'119 a pre—dental, at
the University� i Tor'to was a-
warded the Dr A.. .E.. R. (A ,. •4
Bursary Pato ffrlom. ICUrcardrze
for - Other . gradu-
ates neceiviag pines here Joon
Par 'and Pani Baths. f ' the
University of Western Ontario,
(Csoted on ' page 17),
Explcii0.5TPpsition In:
School' Resignation
!Dear kfitor:
I', order t t .... ��4 Gln4un"`I .4®'+F
prompted me.•til resign my.
on the Ashfield School
0,111 I; 'fly.. be folly under--
It was decided to antimafia tV73
PartiiiS en the •Wawarx.h
,sirb of this' road to see if would
. Both were
-to sell
or even name a price and it was
the oprealon of the Health Inspector
and the Artintecl that surely a
More suitable roperty could be
drained_ Ibis kit the property be-
longing to me alongthis road to be
;considered awl il, too, proved no-
' ,sathcfActory..
With mo suitable site being_ avail-
able on the 9th Cowes:um of
w calf. e within the 'first =le,
the Boards moved hato Asbfield to
:lock ewer the firm of Bissell
r 0., which, was looked ewer and
;Mr. Afton W25 Canialeied. lib) 12-
&Cala that if he were to sen,,it
:would be at a very high figure..
(Continued ow page 14/l
Hetes Farces Sid
Wliitby ToResignSid popular anAAvery
' District :mob tIsila A Al since tie con-
, has been forced 'to' r - ,:. ,0 because .
of gl
aoid health for sonic tame_
hay- ni 'been Wren back there "last
ane ithreg..
1.4.10;!..2.33 and had .42a niOely returned ,
'the faSt Pita.i, been fox -0d
man. to IN the position.. A cleaning
!partner iffaral•AroneChas leased
:Garage in Teesivater_ ." '
been ao employee: of Doug Mac -
for Sever -al years 'and he
end of life
in an armorranement
• the Teems -Mir paper. advises the. '
as: a new and used car dealer_
Nominations will hold the ved- The three 14 60 1132'
Vet/ in the area in the cosi*: elected last year are Melville Pel-
; week_ Rural muricipalities will lock„ ,Russeil Stanley aid Litamil--
. nominate this Friday, November too MacKinnon.
meeting 'on '3110adal, Nwember member ea the ode& area bean&
29111.: me eft' Me for relleetion.
We hear hrle about anY Delc,, 25- ; WEST WAWANDSH MEET
Reeve Geo- 410/111:. vrano is not expected to see 'any
arid Lome Dar -Z13 Was elected by It*
be to mc JIMI.J=11 044 WM, kt two after ten simers
-osf Members of council are
Wth2ter arid " _..Pn13". Sent Councillors are •. mit; g
• Schca ii;Lf:3: "Pete Jefferson. Gordon Smyth.
frtg are Garibn 3bulgi3InerY, Bob Lyons Jr_ and* Harold Erring-
:igth.:ld-iepifEru,oATur,„„fr,reRab'°'v-eEiectie9-ie,N mathictipedifuRpo p"::+7tor. tmsteeSWawara°123the neurto' IlinlidectA43533113;'elai*efivonnes:
y,ear as Reeve .ter- serviorg as Pr sone interm4 and a pas -
deputy ' for three years and a sale election- • •
cot= '.,‘Mor for five years- Russell ASHFIELD SCHOOL INTEREST
velleefillamear a s depotAsY after thnee Year ; eraa of low Years' as Reeve and
get the Ood 4.1.4513 AS*14(ri'
that The Mber three coma mem-
geed: Howard
show that Mea would he
for thCe seats but neho
..iday. The school boa -d
Miriejld West licairario41 area and
this could pr an eget-Lan.
seems quiet 311 vire not
beard of any 'changes a anz ac-
count cleaning in' that tossis#p",-
;Vie ElbOtt and Wm: E. llakiers-
Wafter Breaks and
Thacker are the retii—L4
;coat causidope, eiert. ns, cooicilker, WHI is0 desk an the rooloss Scheel Area