HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-11-17, Page 12o-,
res t WA ILS Tiffin,
Nominating Committee 1966, Mrs..
Hugh D. .MacDonald, ,-firs„ . Mac-
Donald and! Mrs. W,' IL Pordon. z
The Ladies Mid meeting was
:then held. Financial report was
given by treasurer, Mrs. H, D.
MacDonald; .The work committee
gave a report and 'firs Robert
:Ross gave the. ladies '$15.00' for
,,,quilting, a quilt, .It was decided' to
quilt. another' ' quilt at the . home
c of Mrs. Johnston Conn;.during the
week of November 22-2i6, .Mrs
the _meeting- with
z the Mizpah� Benediction, The host-
ess served, lunch: 'assisted by•the
giventpy yrs_ Elroy Laiwaw, Her- Whitechurch. U,C,W
ries were. folks with feelings such " On Wednesday Whitechurch
as us,, Everyone wants: a peaceful U,C W: held': their meeting at the
" world and brotherhood of man home of Mrs. Dan " Tiffin. Mrs,
but selfsbne. does crcea in caul George Mitchell presided for the
'ing war which would not occur warship service .based on "Mem-
if we would do'as Jesus. 'tells us,µ ories," Missions and Peace. Mrs.
Love ane Griot Whererer we Millan: Moore read ' Hymn , 525 in
are on Remembrance : Day in keeping; with . Remembrance. Mrs,
homes, ' at work . or attending : Mitchell gave the story "hi Re-
a war i nemorial ' service we membrane of Men, Mrs. George
should. give honour ' M. those at Thompson ' led in= prayer, Mrs.
!Hugh ;Simpson and Mrs: Earl C 1
lick: pianists Mrs..A_ Gaunt and
{1 .s- J Conn, Auditors ' Mrs. J.
McInnes and ,its Wesley ..
`" 1,Thilechurch: ' News) •
C halme s Presbyterian W ,S.
d their November meeting o4
Iteraenthranee Day at the oMe
431 Mrs, Russel Ross with nn at�.
Of .16 and 3 children A
welcome was. extended to all by
president Mrs. V. Emerson,
" • Who' gave the call to worship, and
••read 8 war time .poem. A' peace
a° was sung. Mrs. Russel Ross
'the scripture reading, The
-meditation Remembrance was
given by.Mirs. Wallace Conn, ,Mrs.
aohnstoa Coma. led w 'prayer: The
iuessage "Remembrance" was
Ask about convenient departure
and return times.
. For information, phone the tonsil
CN. Passenger Saks Office
No! re .
nF F
*to w�atue ;1/4
with Peace by 17 members and George Mitchell'' cls the meet
visitorsMoore told ing with prayer. ' Mrs, Tiffin sere -
Mrs. Millan
G •
the story of the Refugee Boy who
made the Desert Bloom.He never
gave up. .faith and. kept. digging,
for water finally realizing . his
dream and all the benefits deriv-
ed . from the water, ' •
• t , fall bale an ou lit fora boy
rest, to those who through re- Mitchell read a letter from Miss .14-16 years, of windbreaker, pants,.
sults. of ...o ' raorld wars lie. •. in Shirley ' Abbott 'connected with ,the and shirt was sent. Mrs_ Moore
hospital, due to bodily injuries, Bible Study : Society in the Phz1 read' .. a letter from . the Victor
to the widows and .mothers , who °'lipines. She told` of candit ons . ex- Home and -a, donation is being sent
gave their sons. Great warriors isting . there. Mrs.. Mitchell cur -1 there. A: thank you letter was re -
gave' all they possessed even',their ;responds' with Miss' Abbott. She ceived from Mrs. Claude Coffin of
lives to fight our battles. She dos- had . all' the members sign a card Kitchener. ,A. nominating commit:
ed . with : the poem 'Lest You For- - to send , to her. Silent prayer, was tee of Mrs_ Albert Coulter, Mrs;
get". Mrs., D.. Craiggave a poem,; given by all for Miss Abbott and Garnet. Farrier,' Airs. Dave .Gibb
"Poppies": Miss, Lila Emerson i her work. Mrs.. Clarence Ritchie
led `° in, prayer and Mrs_ Russel ;'gave the Missionary Prayer, Mrs;
Ross :. gave a reading The Leper . E.;; Sleightholm gave a : poem
" Village in Viet Nam Which No- '"Peace". Prayer for Peace of the
body: `Wants Presbyterial request world was given in imignn, Re-
„ed 'one -to give courtesy 'remarks
at Presbyterial in °Lucknow, Jan-
uary 11. The- treasurer's report
was given by Airs. Dawson Craig..
The election bf officers followed
with Airs..A. Gaunt presiding and
Mrs: Rola. Ross giving the nom-
inating committee . report; ' :'Past
president, .Mrs_ . Johnston' grin,
President, Mrs. Victor Emerson,
1st Vice., Mrs. Wm Rintoul, 2ntd:
Vice,.. Mrs. Wallace Conn, seen-
tary, Mrs Russel Ross,'Assistant,.
Airs. :Johnston Conn. : treasurer.
Mrs_ Johnston 'Conn. Glad Tidings
Secretary Mrs: Waiter ' Elliott,
Welcome ' and Welfare Airs. Earl
Caslick, 'Library and . Literature
Mrs W. R. Purdon, Supply, Mrs:
Wesley Tiffin; Home Helpers Mrs.
• H ' D MacDonald, C.O.C. Mrs.
It ports from, the Presbyterial held
at Fordwich were given. ;Mrs, Gar-;
net Farrier gave programme and.
literahire, Mrs.' Mitchell money
land . bookkeeping,• Mrs.:.: Russel
Puidon, •stewardship, : explaining
What we .do with ovhat, We have
& - if . we are' not using' our :talents
1,we are . wasting them: , Mrs. Dan
Tiffin . gave a piano solo. Mrs:.
Russel Pardon gave the chapter
from the study book ;' Brazil on
!Catholic Church, the foodquestion,.
tand'a• chance visitor. Mrs. Millan
I. Moore; president conducted` the
busiNtss. meeting. All ,Signed, a get:
well card', for Miss 'Florence Bee=
croft . who is; confuted to hospital
in Vancouver Mrs. Clifford Laid-
,laty received the collection. The
roll call was . answered by • a verse
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and 'Airs..' Moore was .4-
.rip-pointed. Mrs. Moore moved a vote
of.. thanks to the hostess and those
taring:Part the . meeting,
Visiting lir, and Airs., Gordon
Finlayson for the week -end were
Mr. and Mrs, Sr,, Air:.
and Mrs. Bill Rogerson and . son
land.. Mr:. and Mfrs. Pau. Emberhn
all' of Toronto, '
Florence ' MacIRnnan' spent a
few . days visiting . in, Palmerston
with her sisters: •
We are . happy to'report that.
Mrs; Tom Farrell has' retuiieed
l.horne rairch' improved in: health,
week -end visitors with . kith.. and
Emile Aiaci,enna fl were Mr.
and Mrs. Bruce Mallin.,, and fancy
and Bir ,.and Mrs: Ian M
of Palmerston.
Mrs; Daisy McCharles
iting in Luckao . with heir
Oliver Backwell ;
and . M. Donald B.
Kenzie have . gone to
wherethey wlll;spend the
k -grid visitors. alt.
MacDonWeeald home 'were Mrsthe
Campbell,-&,y�fatmwilly,,, of
and Sally a Ma
o ST T.
observed , end Birthday
Congratulations . are in
for . Mrs: Tom MacDonald
celebrated her 82nd
IThursday at the home
daughter -Mrs.- Len Houitun:
Aiiss Margaret MacLeod
onto spent the week -end
,home ;here.
owned - by far the biggest
part .of it, anywayby people like
Margaret Reed.
When we counted up recently,:
there were some 208,000
Bet shareholders:.aver
203,000 of them were!
Canadian residents., And
altogether, they held
93.60/e of -the total. shares
That's how it has been for
a Rod many years now.'
So if some people think
Bell is foreign-owneds,--
they'd better not let
Mrs. Reed, or any, of those .:
203,000, other Canadians
hear them say so
!Wk. 'opted and owned'hy Canadians
1444444.40414.44$44.414li.4010.1 *'4•44