HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-11-17, Page 9s • z'Ic ',;11•011 Fears SUGAR AND SPICE by Bill Smiley THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, 1., BOWLING N 01 Sewage And Me vas teniog you. h last • call afingle Meeting- The Asso- 'n IswI was.shang- . dation-Mas never nut So smooth- .iito the teadtleg Mies- ' 1Y, :before Or Since - god hpW teadfing .has been • . So, if you're:having internal Ise- warfare ill one of the, organiza-, dolet want anyonertrg • -*Ns you belong to, there's your iigg ;die sifstaken Mew!' solution: Stop holdbig ineetinp, . iss kelt 4'die Mother Wafts in *bleb ow I was, ra the ggiv"irgir •• 'made nay mark wthe Resort spoioess, 1104 is get ••*Slociitiort.• g • was -president. of it,lists, and' *4 for four Years, . Wien 1 took over, the ointit•was striggfig„ peau was'' about *LAO a year. MoSt.oltisis. ,•,. Was spelt S‘pdasting folders. in a mole user • . • • of Math before just ts onwilut a bit. 1 stabeisaL time into talebing, lane from work atoll o'clock on so nnwOund by srumer 1 was practically pars - par, our stboot is Wk- . sink Oar 'shift be- att quartirlo eight th tbe fitt home front work at Sb the Ammon. I bare litr. Ott that my Iiier is tbe d marble and the color haboOn's behind. I have sink that Ill' last until PeoPle sin the',early, ihned get bardsbip pay. • misconception rd to leave with anyone is !a1te into teaching as a bat. 1- couldn't in Me lielaIPSIPOr - rot oily was I making spars- Ialatents the mettPgeo I was &ageing stymie any - to Vs a week, clear.. if 1 do say it myself, 1 Was frattY •figure in the Well, I got keen, and started dnmineing up more money and urging a bigger and flossier folder.. In the end, my twin ac- ' &ides bore fr*uit. Bight in the end. We raised so much money, and tile folder designed was w fancy, that 'we could no longer print it in our plant„ so they took it to an outuf-tem priter, Ibis is known as -How Not To Get Along In Business By Md.- ly Trying, - *But perhaps hly finest hour Was my Career in municipal poi- ' The Bay bordering the hOnse town was polluted,. and emizt for swim' ming. As editor of the Paper, 1 had harassed the . toail council for years„ trying to gei adion- • . . Fialiy,;1 ran :for council- carerally (*eosin' g a year in Which it was obvious that eke - Oral *would be by acclamaton. tlet • Irate&1 OO,' r1,1 tUr6 • KNOW, ONTARIO • LliCKNOW DUNGANNON; • , • • BOWLING The SO single for the season wa he by Jack Caesar for one game ase hid a -317 game and b the next: gaMe Donald Mac- ; Minion took him out with a 318 Pale, Donald a!so rolled the. • triple of 751, Len. MacDonald aid Jack Fisher rolled over the 700 triple„ too.. ' Gwen Caesar went al; on1 and roiled a 44 .single to take the high gin* and she had •a triple of. 707. Standing: Coons, 21„ Tigers .29; - Pole Cats, 17, Zebras 17, Beavers, 17, Lions 160 Cubs 13, Kangaroos • '12, Wolverines' 11,, Chipmunks •Gaphem 8 Squirrels 7 LUCKNOW MEN'S BOWLING (Tuesday, Nov. 9, 9 p.m. Group). • The high single and high triple honours this week go to Gordon Carter with a single game of 322 'L flat and a. triple of 740 flat, Jack Fisher's Mustang,s 4 points, 13i1I Hunter's Dodges 0 points; Boss 'Bucks 3 poin' ts Donald MacKinnons Pontacs 1 point; Bin Button's 'Fords 4 points, n'eck Button's Oldsmobile; 0 points. Team Standings: Mustangs 29 points; Buicks 13 points; Ponttiacsi 15 points; Dodges 9 points; Fords 7 points; Oldsmobnes 3 points, • Games of 250 and over: Gordon Carter 324. 253; BIJI Searle 270, Charlie Webster 258, Jim Erring- ' ton 251 .LADIES AFTERNOON BOWLING (Monday,' November ' 1, 1%5) High ShIgle and high friPie bon- ; aura go 10 Marie Stewart with a :gnee game of 254 .flal arid a' triple' score of 501 . flat, / 1. " • Wilma ; Cfnisinolines Canaries, 3 '_• 1 ,00nint s, irvosse &dueler:1/1S spagoment wrewf, 1 point; Shirley Havithor- . •• ne.'s Robini, 4 points, Marion Mac- ; ' • ' • Mason's Bluebirds 0 points; IS- • ; • abelle gAy's Oiales„. 4 points, : • Marie . Button's Cardinals, 0 ' LADIES EVENING BOWLING Scores 209 or ;rarer:. Ka alb- • 1 Ls • ; • • ; • • IF 1,01U1 IENELJEVIE IN COR SILAI • ;444,4*.:#4,•:•1414100.4*.??34.10VV.A::•:"Itirif. • ,ox • • . , You need %Ult.-GAIN 40% Dairy SiloSuPPlement Sweetened. By feeding SHUR-GAIN 40% Dairy Silasupplement Sweetened you get the best out of your corn silage and the most out of your milk, COWS. • • • • Drop in soon to your local SIIIIR-GAIN Feed Service Mill. We'II outline the SHUR-GAIN Dairy SilasuPPle- invent Program and how it con work on your farm. ers ticts Luarnow, nom 528226 P6TIlleam- Standings: Canaries 22; 210, Beth fftmdial, November .eon 28),• 219, Muriel Badge 224 2151Shirley Breaks 212, ktone-211, Kay Crradord Barb Friendorf 294, .200, Marg. rmlny 202, Manche 'Fisher 290. hi °gas"back *lib /Years' I sPart-Prugged ale Robins 1.9„ Cardinals 14, tholes akt5 Mb- imbel; 118,' Marie Jale5ttall :11 *n0 jisOfiaide COUneg int() *tang a new, 141; Bluebirds 8 Wrens 7, Games 1185 SaPPbirea '1"; lehieleat;aes is say few Years Paesi'' Er'sore Conity. Pre- • Asottelatio' Mars a clutertant Posto..** it seethes in the comity.. Wid, h,;••••0 - nay term of meal in were Thep of a fierce and inde- quarreled fierce - prices„ stealing from each ..‘.#1151# lehliue'#: Oa Mb OiOnRotv'er o ocez.1, . e wont gromok dile* ruy entire. saiainn office, pea& The wasn't a Hiker snabble. The et?.In Ignak fire President tidal • • • Fit ;'.10i • sewage ensposal system that warild end the the tai,S rate Li. about s&for 60 years. But it was worth 4'earis 1 High single 280 ent ' af 299 and, over, Marie Stewart ••• :254t Bertsice Remy ..212, Mary • and idgh triPle• ' Maike .239, Yvonne Daugherty 213„ ; ta narmY b1050a; 'Lillian Irwin 20L 229, Mitred ; Teann 5;ttaidtag; Batgles, 23',•• SaP- There was one wrong. The darn thing (*.genet vrork. Some silly little engineer- detatil about water not run- ning " Selnething*. The Bay Was race again polluted, 1.. • left town shortly aftter. And the " words sewage and Stn,y are sltIIIJI assodateihn the ..;,..0•• of Abe, outdid ratepayers, Not many men have a mo; me nt hie tha1,. daring their own Jimmie Black, Maureen `Getris- ensa„ Jack McGdire cow cmnintesit. The Meeting u• ;owl; Tyth the. Mizpall hermetic - aft by lincharrd.,ganneS, Week-eid 'taisitaiS with erman • Anger azid 11rta, Phyllis and • • r mg* Mmatitin Mich: Mr; and ;Mrs.' JaMes McLeod and Timothy et latchener;" Mr .aztell Mrs, starry • die and prep:fat ;Teeswater. • Mr- and Mrs, Boorgariaell and : Mr, mid Mrs. Simms of :Cooks- ,vgae :vent the cer-nd at the'. Blackiren faran. , • . • : Mr.. and • Mug ..'ore and BrAtad visited cm ,'Sintolay. with • Mr _au& Mrs. gicar. White and , ; • • /Mrs: Sohn Mcaartei; and San - (ha Saag' fl e 04 Ragged Cross ist.;(*vett pritetiCiarch l'anday. : • . ..•••••••,=.171. SNAPPY SNIPOiRS Bi1r4 SPP r SitipOrS Iseki Mr meeting d the Proleit "Sleeping Gammas" t chola' • nl• ;giris answered • the .roll calL suggestion for improving ray record book. • _The readers showed the gills now to se* ran faciiip, and how to) . undernatitteh, Plans for Achieve, meat Day Were :difsenssed. The errs 'tree Worked on . their gar-. ember inee.tfirg w ill he ,•.#' (1; Cameron 221, 211. Jean p•;.• 15, Blame:atones 14, Muer- 219. Bertha 210, . • . aids Minaind.; 19, Pearl; 0,' 441, • SENTINEL AM. • . GET F -A -S -T RESULTS • • • . . . , • • • : • • *....0•0• • . • • r.44,..,SPot4f,"<k).• " •••••••,e,,e'' • RENEW YOUR/SUBCRIFT/ON TO AT THE REGULAR PRICE $4.00 ANI5 - GIVE cote ORmoRe NEW sit statircootts FOR. A ciausrmAS GIFT • • FOR .½' PRICE digovited fib.ot'irriMeolfirs*VA • V, . • . •I e , • • • r