HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-11-17, Page 7ai •• 4 • • • • • • 4.•• • • ••; -• • • '.:• •••, • • 4 • , • • • • • :• .• • 4 ,• ••• H' AXI NOV• THE LUCKNOW • SENTINEL, LUCKNOWeONTARIO, (,.. • At A violin solo by Mrs Irwin, acs tom y MrsMontgomerye�� , an o er�.ng pari . b was beautifully rendered. Life The of -rt ' Cern `icate and Pin. , • feting was received: by Mrs E Autumn Thankofferiag Meet, tirement, She taught, English in, her me United Church " Women Bible classesoto ., many Japanese. lam. on. Friday evening", boys and one of these youths later became -principal of .one ,of the six major universities in Tokyo. Miss Saunders , chose as her sub- ject "The Impact of Japan Upon Brazil."' After' the war many Japanese emigrated to Brazil where. they came in contact with the Inca Indians. Thus the civiliza- tion of Japan was spread to Brazil., Miss Saunders said "that Christianity spreads more quickly .than-nwrnbers.. 12th; in the Fellowship a 'goodlyattendance- The Mrs P president, meting with:: prayer yd amended a cordial weIcome to tie guest speaker and visitors, : , Dent; 2 conducted the , worship taking `Broadcasting for as their theme. Several. ap- ipture I� by a Mrs._ Andrew and es ., of'. stir Imre Whitby led in prayer enumerate, • She told of a drama. sp a a.k,e r,: ArmsVl letf written . by Christian Japanese of London,was antz'o- youths called "The Tiger" which by Miss Flora Andrew: Miss had a ' marvellous inspiration in said she was closely re- Germany, United States and Latin to Lucknow having lived. near' America; Her very interestingtalk j . her. younger .daysadd at- was closed with a prayer' of ,thanks, e. Saunders igh mitd Church trainingTo- audience with her radiant counten- and then served in Trinidad • =ante, her pleasant personality' and a few years. Later, she went. interesting experiences of her Japan and worked in Tokyo in work. During the lunch hour . she Economics.: until 1941 when, showed 'pictures, gave ; explana- missionaries were forced to: tions, and ::, distributed. literature' that country. thereby permitting so manyy to have a friendly word with her. . She returned to Japan in 1.447 'to. Girls' School in Tokyo, which. Mrs- M. Goyette very graciously 2,200 students, until her re-. thanked : Miss . Saunders. j Taylor and Mrs. C. 'Webster and dedicated, by Mrs. W. B Anderson. Mrs. Wherry reminded the ladies of the Unit meetings on November 30th and" the. general meeting 'on December 7th when a "Pot. Luck; ,t Supper" will be served. A life certificate and phi. wai. then presented to. Mrs. Eldon Henderson by Mts. Wharry, made possible by an. anonymous donor,, in memory of Mrs Grant Mac Diarmid. Mrs'. . Henderson very capably thanked the donor forthis. honour-- Follnw,ithe singing of "Haley the home. when' God. is •there," . the meeting.. was dosedwith prayer.. byMrs. Wharry and Unit 5 served a. dainty lunch. . • SERVES AS D.R.O. At. the .election Monday, Novem- ber 8th, " Mrs: Melvin Stewart, of Guelph, and 'daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Drennan of Lucknow; served .as Deputy Returning -Of- ficer -ur a zone for the ' city of Guelph: When polls were 'closed and ballots 'counted there: were : no t spoiled ,' ballots and 'the perfect number . of ballots counted as cast. at's your stand ollogisetirig'I�fe u�ance policies to claim increased incometax deductions? Mr. Vincent.:. . If it's possible, I'M all for it! Interviewer It is... You may request The Mutual Life. to' register with the government any Mutual Life policies,except Term insurance. This will 'enable ''you, under pres crit one -Tax regulations, to deduct ;the. •savingsportion of your . premium;, up to 20% of, your earned income. Mr. Vincent It seems to me that everybody shouid know about this! Interviewer You'reright!Particularlypeople • 'Who are building a pension' for themselves: Even 'people now contributing to a . 9u con company pension lout' may , :....alify for, REPRESE mer tax relief.. � .. • NTATWNE M r. Vincent " Look, ; I'd like to check into this. Where can I. get complete information'`' Interviewer Just call .your nearest Mutual Life representative. The 1VIu tUal Life AS.sURAtiCE 'coloAN--3c OF CAN ADA•weAn ' . x 4E xt it;po, s" °E$rd►EiYsH sat: W. JACK SALTER; 294: FRANCES STREET, 'WINOHAM, ONTARIO.. PHONE: ,357-2744 .1 MONUME • For souna cunei' ,ana', a fair. Price on. a monument ' correctly designed from: quality .material,', rely an. SKELTON Watkertop EMOA 1ALS 'Pat O'Hagan, Prop . Established. Over :SixtyYeats Phone 881=0234 Buy t utl Gwen To Children's Aid,• The Noveinbe r meeting of • the . Lucknow . W.I, was. opened with the singing of the Opening Ode and the Mary Stewart collect. The. business was . dealt, .with, and it was decided to buy stain- less steel cutlery ' for' the • Institute. ;10:00 was donated • to the. Child- ren's Aid and a Motion was passed to • pay 92.00 towards the 1966.. Bruce County Institute Scholar- ship.. The secretary of the Inti- Lute . wasappointed to: be,on'. tine board of • the Lucknow ' District Community Night School ; repre- senting the Institute. ,It was de-• cided 'that the. :Institute make Christmas 'pudd r gs .and sell them, with Mrs. 0. B rooks, Mrs. Salkeld Greer , o n the con - and 'Mrs, .31. mittee.. ' . ' • 1 • The theme ,of . the program was I, citizenship and' .'education, ' and IMrs. ' George Saunders; ' .convenor .of the'. program, ;,took charge. The singing 'of "0' Canada". was . fol- lowed by the motto, "Look for the best, . it is ;often . neat you," by. !Miss 'Hazel Webster_ Mrs. ` Collins gave: some 'lively tunes: on the mouth orgin . and' , the topic on "Citizenship and Education,,, was I very ably .Oven by Mrs. ' W. Whar=. . ry. , Mrs. C. Cooke . thanked. those ' that took. part: 'in •'the: program_ ' Irs. Salkeld . gave ' a 'report on the. morning session of . the In- siltute Rally held at Pinkerton, and. Mrs.. O. Brooks gavea re- t port of • the 'afternoon session . The i•Current Events were given by Mrs: : ..Russell. Robertson:. The '"Queen" was sing.. and the coin- mittee in, .charge 'served • hutch_ ST. HELENS 441 4GIRLS HELD DANCE FRIDAY NIGHT The St. ' Helen's .4-H ' girls .club held a . very successful ' . dance Friday evening The pie counter was quite popular;. $pot dance winners were Mr. and. Mrs.' Bill . 'MacPherson, el-' imination winners' were . Frank Mewhin ney. and. Mrs. Bill Mac- Pherson. The' girls would like to helped thank ' those • who i. • INITIATION ' SERVICE AT.',ASHFIELD CHURCH Initiation ' service for tineAsh- field . C.G.I_T. girls was held on . November . 14th at Hackett's ' Church. .Those' initiated . ~were: Donna Ritchie,.. .Lynda .Cameron, ,Faye ' Henry; Nancy. Irwin, RP -57 alene Phillips, Janice Kilpatrick, . :Elva Ritchie, Dianne Zinn, Char- lend )Anderson, Lorraine . Nichol: Rosa� H:Barbara' Wilkinj, Wanda "Hunterackett; . The , girls sang,' 'the, C.GJ T_. Hymn and then filed 'along the front of the church.. Their leader: Joanne Alton :presen ed them 'with theit. pins and Mr.., Kaiser congrat- ulated: 'each girl ,' ':,,:• ;For the past ,six weeks the girls have been . learning about the.' C.G_I T - movement : its ..purpose, history and, imiforui and 'on Nov:. ember,14,, these girls'. entered into the life of C:G.L '� as, members of ,a: group.... Speaking.for' the: 'girls, h..would lite' to. thank: Miss Alton ' for• her leadership ' and time spent in ` 'jap- ing us and letting us meet in her home, alms -000m 'EXPIRES DECEMBER 1 1 Cash in on : � ,. granary lion extra p.rids. a coop .balanaed> faeang progra,i. Gains are deficient in same nocentary. nutrients.. Co-op Conon titin wan rip there. defdelic es and .give '!o• tiVer4iSiPa M and .mat p odes on linea ;q Lucknow District Co-op Plow 52&2125 •