HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-11-17, Page 6Lucknow
CE ElEcroRs of
VILLAGE LUCKNOW thaten to the in compliance with the
in that behalf, I , require the pry ' of the , said.
electors, at the Village Hal. in 'the. said. Village of Ladulow,:
at the' hour of Seven O'clock and 'Thirty minutesin the after'..
noon of
For One Hour
For the purpose of :nominating fit ' and
proper persons for..
the. Offices s of Reeve, Four Coemcdlars and Three Public
School Trustees for the, Village of : LUcknow, for the year 1966,
15rustees to. hold Office For ;Two Years, of which all Electors
are hereby required to take notice and govern themselves
accordingly, and if a greater number of Candidates, than re-
gadred to fill the said offices, are nominated andmake the
required , declaration.
PON : No 1, .Town Halt; Poll No, 2, St. Peter's Paris. Hall;
Poll Nur.. 3,' Noble ' Johnstone Residence.
will be opened in the said Village of Lucknow, on
nd waill open from ,Nine O'`c%ck aan., umb7 .Five,O'clock
'and ono longer
iven :udder my hand this 12Ur. day of November, A.D., 1965
E. H. AGNEW, Returning .Officer
and Mrs: Gordon 'Wall. commented
KAIRSHEA KATERETTES , on the ; the girls' .work. The ''roll
The ' Hairs' heat KatereDes . held N e:all was "What' I have gained
their eighth meeting in Kairsbea t froni this proj"'• ' Each, girl
Vie` Hall on November 11 at moaned',or- demonstrated one' part
3: o'clock_ Mothers • of ithe 'Club . 'nf the course..'. The guests ~ were
girls. and Institide; members and gwen:'the opportunity to look at.
friends were gets at this meet—. the display • . of record kooks and
mg, numbering over thirty., Don- , re=ference fides, ohne the .girls pre-
na Bart and Barbara Mchntyre :pared an 'afternoon tea.. Mrs_ Ted
were h and received the at Ka
ed irshea
.lad 'l
Recd:: e f the ��e' prfe
< : $ Slate d tea ; at the tea table
Chin' Presided- ' The 4-11 Pledge' and the girls served • a dainty.'
was repeated. Barbara, McIntyre
read the . Judy gave words g
at welcome to the . gets_ . Plus ¢E - p f d Ston 'behalf
re guest thanked `•the ,.girls
were completed ifor Achievement--€6"far the lovely after rn. tea_'"
. 4t..
E y
• j . .
• 114
yrs Alvin Baker...
Is.Ge:st,Speai1egret gular meeting of the Ran.
nesdayevfiening withitnineamem
bers and four guests present: Jan-
et' Carruthers condµcted the bus-
hels meeting, Bev • MacDonald
read • the minutes and Sandra
Boak. :gave the treasurer's report.
Nancy Corrin conducted games
introduced the guest speaker Mrs -
and a sing song. • Linda Chisholm
Alvin. Baker,' who demonstrated
various• ways .to set • and._ -comb.
hair, gave hints. on grooming the
hair and a . question period fol-
lowed. Linda". Boyle thanked'. Mrs-
Baker .and presented her with a
gift on'behalf. of the members.
At. a -previous meeting of the
newly. formed Ranger Group, un-
der ' •the leadership of Mrs. Mil-
'•hn Rayners officers were a cted
as ' follows: president Janet Car-
ruthers, . vice -pmt • Eleanor
Whitby, . secretary Beverley Mac-
Donald, treasurer Sandra Boak.
• •
NZ •0•000•••••••• •••NNN*i*
Mr. and ' MrS.. ' Bruce MacDoIp-
ti.w Improved. Tread . Design.
In. Lewy Profile Sizes
At Aftractive Paces
ail of . cue' 'Prairie, Alberta
have been ,Visiting, With -the for-
mer's aunt,` Mrs.
D L. MacKin
,scan and . other ` relatives. ' They,
camehY Plane ' and are driving
home in a new truck which they
ordered at Oakville.
Mr a..and Mrs.. Lloyd MacDoUg
all, and 'life. and Mrs. George
Lockhart visited last Sunday with
Mr _and Mrs. Jack' Needham, Suz-
anne and ' Janie of Ceu»a_•
;.Mr :and Mrs. Ira Dickie, and*
William spent the :week -end at
their cottage at Hope Say: On
Saturday evening they were guests
at a dinner in honour, of: Mr. and
Mrs. Rnmoil Beacoclet twenty-
wenty fifth wedding ariversary.
South ` Iles Y.P.S. met Sun-
day evening at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Lloyd MacDougall:. Dir-
ectors were Donna Burt and
Brian Keith.' Mrs. Evan ':Keith
gave a splendid topic on. "Re-
emrrance Day.!'
for* Peopws .Society/
Luciano,' U.C.W. Unit 2'
Mrs.'Hen. Murdie was hostess
forr// 20 ` members: ,.;of • Group. , IL
C.W. lMrs.'' lion 'Came con • o
Ore meeting wtt't a poem '"A
Prayerful Reme trance." .Peace'
was the 'theme of the meeting.•
Mrs. Spence Irwin read the de-
votions. The Bade s dy was given
by - ' • app= "The ,Chosen
People" was the topic" God 'in-
, tervenes to rule the wad_ He
gave us dominion over the world,.
but the. 'choice is ,ours. Gad ' uses
man to crop creation. Mrs.
George. Elliott ' readmotions.
d this' fact:. The Jewish race was j.
chosen as a.. pee&Ie lead the:,
world : to God. •
• i 31r.. Strapp showed a film on
the• 'Curch at Work in Brazil
Elliott read a poem, "My
Cup Rutmeth Over"; Record mus` t
ic was enjoyed during the meet:'
ringicia. Is Hereby Given To The municipal Electors Of Tie
And Ratepayers in Former • Union; Sem Section S in tine
Towitsifip of West Wawaosh, 11 in the Township of Colborne,
and ,4 in the Township ,€1 Huron, . that the ' of
Proper. Peace to serve as Reeve, , Deg:e, Three
and three • Trustees for 'Township :School Area for
the Township • •,Q, , ...for the year lam, will . take .place
at. the TOWNSHIP HALL, . ',
At.. dire tYetoek b' T'he .'_ For Ocie Hour, At :width'
rune And, Place All 'E[eiters 9f Said Township Are Hereby.
f�� + To Attend. And That Should A Poll 'Be Required
Palling Will Open the
Monday, December 6th, 1965
Front. 9 a m. to 6 . pm:. at the 'B'arious. Failing Subdivisions
Ratepayer i The Above ifenttoned • Former • talon ' *Wuxi' '
Sect ons Are Eligible To - 4 For Tree And Are
Ent e'.d To Vote. On rfrus `
S Divisions • D.R_O. '
Na.1, Dungannon:
Nee- 2, S.S. K0-__ °•
Na.: 3 Orange Hall
NO.4 FortAlbert
No 6, Parrish Home
No:, 7, Laurier
Bin. Mole:
John Cin
. William' Hahn
Morin Digin :.
lechael °Weil
William Vanish
Frani' flaralton
Poll Clerk.
Allan Pet
Bert Altonti
Al Irwin
Harald Adams
Earl Drennan
Gordo Boger
lititiA9) NC y
Returning Offi
Presentation Made
To Mrs. Richardson;
(Wh fecWrch )
On Wednesday evening a large:
crowd gathered at Langside'' Com -
inanity Hail.. Charles 'Tiffin'. pre-
for ' the programme, which
opened with the singing of 0 Can-
ada_ Nancy . De Boer played ' a
piano solo and mfrs_ George
Young gave ` a reading., A piano.
solo was given by Fern Kragt . .
Charles. Tiffin introduced . Mr. `.and
Mrs. Farish Moffat former 'res
idents now of Wingbam, : who:
Showed slides of , thein 'trip to, and
of the East .Coast provinces. along
with a commentary. Whenthey
bad shown half the . slides an: in-.
teimission was .' held and Fern
and . Ingrid. Kragt and Nancy De
Boer sang two ' numbers _'accom-
panied by Mrs_;.:KragL Common=
its singing' was enjoyed led by
Mrs. Bill Scott
The remaining slides of the East
Coast,, and: alsoones including;
Toronto, °Wmgham and :local' slides'.
were.. shown. Mrs_ Wallace Conn
gage a poem TN. Connnercials.
Mrs_, James Richardson was then
called to the%platforin :and given
a seatof honour vie Mrs John-
ston Conn read an address ' and
Mrs.' Charles Tin :.and. John-
ston Conn presented her with 2
Mrs. Peter Vogt, Detroit, 'spent
last week with her. bro>her Frank[:
Mrs Viadef Sutter, Detroit '
ited Mr>, and . Mrs.. Curl Auistin
last: • ,
'. Eldon , Austin . returned
"+'bome' Saturday after s iendi ng a
e week is Winidam Hospital.. i
. Ted and . Peter Maw. "Hamil-
ton s`sem the wed -end with their
patens Mr. and Mrs Blaise' Mar -
Mr. ' and Mrs.. Chat, Reynolds,
Sudbury visited Mr. and Mrs Ray
• litre may.
Herman Lambertus is ,a patient
in Goderich o llospitaL
Mr. and firs.. Bruce Hansford,,
Galt spent the week -end here.
Linda Vassella: rets home
last week .:after being a paw in
Wnnghairn, Hospital for ., nearly
three weeks,
The burial of Mrs. Mabel Quit,
ley: widow of the late Austin Quug-
ley place -Wednesday morn-
o y Quigley died Monday
m Goderfch Hospital,
the %al mass took place, int
SL am
, G,
. ..1 .:x
large. Pieces ' of Marine lugf
and an. envelope with a card'
the names of t ,ose. who had i
tributed . toward the gift as `,
as names of those who, gave n
ey. amounting. to $15 during
evening. All 'then sang
She's 'a Jolly GOod Fellow: Ni
lunch ' was ` being prepared .l
-Bi1 • Scott led another ' sing s
Notice is Hereby Given To The Municipal Electors Of The
• of WSt:'W,IWanoSh
That the nominations of fit and proper ; persons ' to serve a
Reeve,::four Como and time, School Trustees for the Towi
ship School • Area for the Township of West AVawanosh for DI
ensuing yearp Hall, We•
' • will take.- place at the To
Wawanosb, on
FRIDAY, ;NOVEMBER 26th, 196!
At one e 'clock in: the afternoon;, for one hour, at which' tiff
and ;' place all.electors : of . said township • are hereby >iotfa
to attend, and that should a . poll be required, 'polling
From 10.00 a.m..to 6:00 � at -the `various Polling sob&
mons:P "
No. 1, Dmigannon
No. 2, Public Library, Manchester
No. 3, Township Hall
Na. 4, W.1; Hall, St. Helens
No. 5, Residence of James Curran
No. a,,; Parish Hall, St. Augustine
WWhen.a pr+opaised scandidate. is., not � at . no
meeting his nomination paper will not be valid unlessthef e
is, attached thereto evidence satisfactory to 'the Returno
corner that the proposed tsar/date ' to be so not
MR.' JOAN AMISI fiOi 'G, Cler