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• Pine River Church.
Hold. Supper •
fAnsherley and District-NoWs)
Pine- River Unibzd Church held
their annual congregational din-
ner On Wednesday evenhig
November 10. After grace by Rev.
H. Prlen over 170 PerSOM ea=
jaYed a !mindful turkey dinner_
After a sing song led bY GaYle
PoYd and Linda Reid,. aocompan-
red . by Mrs. 'Ernie Gilman, a
poem, "Why Buy A Poppy" was
• read by Mrs: Sam Snobelen. Mrs.
George Kennedy of Whitechurch
who was a Vecial guest of •the
evening was introduced by Mri.
Eldon Bradley, president of the
Kemedy, showed slides of
her trip to Hawail, Lois Angees,
Disneyland and ether points of
• interet_ She gave a humorous and
informative or:mm.374m' .these
tourist attractions.: Mrs. Bob
Cmultney„ president ef Unit 2 of
U.C.W., thanked Mrs. Kennedy
for the evening's entertaimnent
and presented her with a girt of
Pine River, U.C.W., Unit 2
Unit 2 of Pine River United
Church held their meeting on
Thursday at noon November 11
with a good attendance.. In the ab-
sence of Mrs. Leonard Cowttney,
Mrs. Perm" Limy presided and
gave the call to w
The program Convenor
Leonard gave a readiag and a;
passage el scripture was given by.
kw Delegates To
Port Elgin Seminar
to the Vcnansice ef the
nrail et Jehovah's Witnesses in
dal, am& a new. cangregmtrum has
ken at Dungnnn_ Mr.
Blare from R. 1 to
melt avail be the presiding mini,s-
ler_ Ntr. Brodie and other ftigin-:
lers Of the congregation win be
lung to poi Elgiu this week -
cud to attead a 3 day s 'erninar be -
kg bell them. •
Brodie explained ti us Why
k is that Jehovah's Witnesses
acne together in•assembly. As -
ane a tett of the regular
educational and train** g ['migrant
iltir Johomit's Witnesses" be said
"la equip them for Christian liv-
irg Oms is a living faithwbich
bIsagbt hope to Many p.
We Wad the shone that holm 14tb,
efitun and these assemblies aeLP
IS 110 do that" Mr. Brodie went
'igvery member (I
fissallY siwho• attends them
• the Iamb
tarn this males a contaftrution to -
•world runty?
/It 141 be in charge Of
artubsor. ,
' A
. • tot.
Mrs. Melvftie Henry followed with.
meditations by Mrs. Cecil Hum-
PhreY- 'WaYer by. Mrs. Leonard
Reid and -11%le Study by N.
Gordon Mott was 'followed with
a •"Remembrance Day" poem; by
Mrs, Gordon Fry. A hymn, was
sing and :the. mixting ,doSed with
prayer. •
• . .
Pine River U.CW.,' Met 1
•Unit one ef Pine River United
Church held their meeting in the
church on Tueiday„ November 9
with an attendance of twentyL.
• Ws. Leonard Irwin opened the
meeting with the call to worship
ant prayer followed -by a mom-.
ads silence, hi honati:0I brae
who gave their lives hi .two.World
Wars: After the minutes Were
read by Mrs. Meriyn Hooey_ The
roll Ca was akiwered with the
word "peace". Irs. Duncan Thor
burn gave a reading in: keeping
with Armistice pay. Mrs. Gauge
Wight/mart gave the treasurer's
report also an account of the meet-
ing of at Southampton
which she attended naming. Was
fl Brewn was guest speaker for
thei Oarasra- • -
Mae Study Book taken by NIrs.
Ernest ihoWpson 0111 the "WIStiMiy
of the Presbyterian Church in
Trinidad where Rev.. John Mor-
toa worked as a. Irrnnitary, gave
a the difficulties
IUD 't trying to ionise the natives of .Trinidad.
ter an organ selection a reading: on
The Last Post" was :given by.
Mrs. •Sarn /Gftrson_
' An, interesting Bible Study per-
iod taken from the book,' "God
• , 7
and his PinPoin" VMS. inch
of Mrs. Sam Saobelen who led
in_ diSCUSON1. Of. the hearers and
writers of the word, the _making
of the, Bble and tranila. Cep=
ied' by Land was:. most in-
teresting. After a reading by
M. Morris Reid -on "Iteineni-
branCer the meeting closed with
a hymn, and prayer by Mrs, Leon-
ard k.in Limch. was served by
the hostesses Mrs_ Murdock Mc-
Dwadd and Mimi. Ifit. Oliver -'
Lokes.A.. GOdd •
St.„ Lukes Anglican LadieS Cad
of Pine. River met at the. home of
Mrs, Wftbur Emmerton on run's -
day, November U with Mt allen&
ante of . ten. Mrs. ,„ Reg Godfrey
presided 'and the meetmg •opened
a hymn- follOored • bY the
inrck . Prayer_ The. roll call:.v!as
answered with a Lverse contannpg
the wont "lollowing. The scrip, a
tore. reading was • given by Mrs_
•W., J., Courtnek.
• The Si:Meta:7 Mrs. Jolm. Scott
read the :minutes of the last Meet -
log, 'also cauls of thardes_ After !,
the business period plats were
discussed for the. congregational
• supper which is ' to, be held on
December 11.
Readings Were given by Mrs.
WEDbur "Emmert:M. and' Mrs. John
Emmerton., After the, closing
hymn, Rev, & 1L Lupton :gage
the beneaction.
Emmerton, assis. t-
edliy Mrs_ H L Cameron, serv7
ed :abandiful hmch and a social
hour w -as :enjoyed, '•
The November meeting Of non
waS. bad. t "the home of
Mrs., man., Barger on N9vember
11hwith an attendance of t9,• At- •-
ter the opening Hymn. and, Prayer,
theroll call was answered by
ReMembrance Day verse_ The de-
•votional period 'was Conducted by
Mrs. Kaiser, with Mrs_ W. G.-
Homer reading tlm scripture pas-
sage. Reading vras given by Mrs..
Chas_ Andi. Presnil- _ent
Ifartw,. Ritchie rerlded
the sedionall wefthold
Octer Th Irma Ritchie gave
the treasurer's, report_ 1Piansluene .
made for; the ' annual Innaak. on
Notrember 20:11 at the,Legion Hall •
in Ludwoiv.. The ladies are ask- .
ed tirhe: at the hall 'as early as;
posiable to help get the . tables
etc. setup, as the bazaar opens
at 2 o'clock The StudyBook was
given .by Mrs. Howard Barger
and Mrs. Frank Ritchie coirduCted. '
the Rage Stady• on chapter LI..
Orders were taken , .for :hose
wantim" " the new Bilde
Books.. The Animal -Cirtuit meet-
ing will, Ire held in January 4:
the home if Mrs_ Kaiser_ Tie
'visitors' for this inonth..are Ths.
Robt. Helm and 'Mrs_ Eldon Rit-
clik., . Mrs. Kaiser closed the
meeting with .prayerLimb was
served 'by the hostess„ and. Mrs_
Allan Ritchie and Mrs. IV Barg-
er.. The Deceni.ber fleeting Will
be held at the home of Mrs.
don Ritchie, with an exchango--if .
gifts at the meetng. •
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