HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-11-17, Page 4PAGE FOUR. u • J. sit. day . out FOR SAt,E. 'cob corn from pick- er. $. F. Green, R,R. ' 2 Lucknow, -phone 528-5954., FOR; SALE Philco refrigerator $65.00. in excellent condition. Char. ence Bell,. Lucke ow, phone :528-3211.. FOR PLAYING ` CARDS— double and single decks. see,. Cie selec- tion a`_ the Sentinel Office :• FOR SALE — 1955 Volkswagen:: Priced for quick sale. Phone W8-3723 Oliver Glenn, Lucknow FOR ' SALE —00 head of second -calf : Herefordheifers, due Feb- ruary and March. -Alex Hackett, Phone 5M-7267 FOR SALE — 10 choice Holstein heifers, due :anytime Lloyd Mac- Dougall, ' R.R. 6 Lucknow phone Ripley 126 r 30. FOR SALE—girl's red velvet dress, size; 10 to .12. "Mrs; Alex MacNay, phone 523-3100.. • NEED' SNOW. FENCE. SEE .YOUR CO-OP 517.00 Per 100 feet Phone 528-2125 Lucknow 'Co-op VACUUM 'CLEANER SALES: : and 'SERV,t E For; `all makes .Filter :Queen' Sales, ' Varna, ,phone— .262-5350. FOR SALE- .!ibis -Chalmers tractor with loader •; Case. Craw- er with loader. Jack ' .Farrish, phone, 523-3711 •':Lucknow: ".` •FOR 'SALE .OR RENT—house at Holyrood, „electricity, hot and cold Water; 3 -piece bath. Ernest Ackert, Lucknow, ' phone 528-3720. FOR SALE 2 girls' • coat sets, 3 piece roy:al blue with white 'fur trim, sizes 3.,. and ' 3x. Mrs. Don Thompson, phone '528-3516. FOR SALE—homemade Christmas puddings, sponsored by the Luck - now Wor. -sn'sInstitute. ' For in- formation contact Mrs_ Omar 'Brooks, Mrs. T. J. Salkeld or ;Mrs.. Mel Greer. FOR SALE--G:E; °upright, 15 -foot freezer, ' 9 -foot G.E: , refrigerator,. G.E. ,electric . stove, `washing ma= chine: Mfrs. Jaines Richardson, phone Wingham, 357-2518: r • GIFT IDEAS. Choose purses, wallets, • key, tamers, belts •- 'etc. Order from Mrs Eunice Dunsmuir• Phone 77 -r' 24 .Ripley. ' SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Septic tanks, cess pools; etc:, pumped ad cleaned with . modern equipment.work guaranteed. Louis Blake R. 2 Br. ussels, phone. 422-w-6: • .SALE. ELLE .rROLuX CANADA . LTD.;. Sales and • Service: • Alvin ; 'Riley.,,. authorized dealer, 153 Lighthouse St., Goderich, phone 524-6514: FOR SALE - - 1963 Volkswagen,. cream • with tau interior,' radio,. auxiliary gas heater, good ` tires, 36,000 miles. Phone Ripley 26 -5 - FOR PLAYJNG CARDS double and single decks, see t:' selec- tion a' the Sentinel Office, 'phone 528-3134. PULLETS FOR SALE—Gray X Leghorn; live or dressed White Rock roosters. , Bill. McPherson,` Holyrbod, . phone Teeswater, 392- 6028. SEPTIC TANKS, CLEANED Vacuums.: cleaning and pumping of septic tanks, Ronald. Forster, Lucknow, phone 528-2346, m'anu- facturer of cement, septic tanks and. well tile. NEW .'PIANOS AND ORGANS. in stock for immediate delivery .and for.. Christmas Many makes. models and, fin- tw. ishes a : low prices. Reconditioned Pianos:. (tuned to A-440 pitch) From 585.00 up Full line of Heintziaan , .pians Special quantity purchase of Walnut, Mahogany' ° and piano benches at _50-. .off• reg- • gular price. Garnet Farrier Whitechurch Phone 3S7-206$ ,Wingham FARM 200 acres, near 86 Highway, 140 • acres workable, balance, pasture • and 'bush, , good 4 bedropin fraine house, barn ties 25 cows, water bowls, silo, pig pen, drive .shed, $14,000,00 • FOR SALE —Holstein cows and springing heifers, three • year terms with no money down, satis- faction gua-anteed.: Apply Stan Horsburgh, phone Wingham, 357- 2744. CUSTOM;;' BUTCHERING Beef and pork sold in` any: quan- ity. , Custom butchering an Govern - melt Lcensed.abbattoir. pigs:every Tuesday. .Beef ` from M o ad a y through Thursday. BUTTONS, 'MEAT MARKE1 ELECTRIC HEATING FREE• •ESTIMATE on Electric Heating, Heat loss taken so cor- rect wattage .:will be installed, Tune payments. avaiaable;' 1000 watt baseboard heater.only:: $39.95. POLLOCK.. ELECTRIC Ripley,' Phone 191 Your Qualified Electric Heating Contractor NEW AND USED DUPLICATORS ADDING` MACHINES TYPEWRITERS . DESKS CASH REGISTERS For all your ' business equip- ment needs Phone Collect, K. A. Hammond & Co. Ltd. Moorefield 3346 or 2471.' P.S. Now is the time' to fire- proof your Records and Valuables. fOR RENT FOR RENT - . farm house; situ- ated just off Highway 86 oin .the 15th: Frank van Diepenbeek, .R.R. 7 Lucknow. ' FOR RENT 2 be droom duplex on , the corner' of . Havelock and Hamilton St. `centrally located; close to school' and churches./ Gor- don Johnstone, phone 528-3719. • c .. BEAUTY SALON. n theJohnstone 'Block on Main Strom iLucluiow (Deana Farrish, proprietor)' PHONE 528+3431. • ora, ',S211.-1.3115. •` DON'S: TV • STAN RAID ' • Lucknow, Ont. Phone 528-3531 Representing Wilfred Mcleitee i Co. Ltd., .Walkerton,; Ontario . SERVICE i° � I. .. : Experienced 6 All Wotlt (`ua rant .. Prompt Service • • .nable fates ., PHONE 184, RIPLEY V. • .COMING EVENTS BANQUET The Lucknow Horticultural Soc- iety"will hold their annual banquet: on Friday, November 19th at 7 p.m. in the Legion Hall Luck - now. Tickets $1;25. • EUCHRE, PARTY School' Section No. 9, Ashfield,. will hold:. a progressive euchre party at the school, on Tuesday, November 23rd, at 8:30 p.m. Ad- mission 35C; ladies with lunch free; RECEPTION A reception will be held in the Legion Hall, Lucknow, on Saturday,. November 20th, for Mr. and Mrs.' Barry Menary. Boyd's orchestra. Lunch .will be served, NEW 'CASH BINGO Legion Han, Lucxnow, every Thursday evening, 8:45, p.m. 15. regular 'games .-- $10.00. each. 4 Share -The -Wealth games with jackpotincluded in each game. Jackpot this •'week. '$95.00 on'. '59 calls: ' GODERICH LIONS BINGO The Goderich Lions will . hold a:.bingo on 'Wednesday, November 24th, 8:30 p.m., at the Harbour: lite` Inn, seventeen regular • games at $10, ' one share -the -wealth, one $53 jackpot and the new acceier- afg ' jackpot up to $250. and 2 door. prizes. 'Admission $L00 BAZAAR and TEA Zion U.C.W.: will hold 'a bazaar on. Saturday, November 20th ,at; 2 p.m. in the Lucknow Legion Hall, Sewing, baking, tea tables. BERVIE COW SALE .. Now every. Friday 'at 2 p.m.; always good assortment of fresh cod. and springing dairy cows and heif- ers, yearlings and calves. Credit up to 3 years. ELTON McLELLAND R.R. 4 'Kincardine Phone Bervie 2211 ARD AF :'THAN WANTED WANTED a '. .R a to rent, Contact Btil. Searle R. 5 Lucknow, ,phone Ripley 26. r 19.' WANTED --a good home for : 4 black collie dog and two cats. Applly to ° Mrs. Frank Mier, R,R. 5, Lucknow, FEMALE HELP ' WANTED' CALL TODAY START EARNING TOMORROW! AVON Territory available • in St.. Hel- ens and W iiitechurcb :'areas. Phone collect evenings, ' Mn.. M. Millson, Lenders 451.6541. • WANTED --accommodation wanted for about 100 feed cattle`. en the gain; . wilt pay as high as 25c - Northam O'Connor, R.R. 3, . Gode- rich, phone 529.7378. NOW BUYING TIMOTHY, prim- ary rim:ary ' cleaned orin the 'rough: Con- tact Lucknaw Co-op, phone 528- 2125. WANTED. man for steady or part-time . work. .Apply by .letter ex to' Boxy . • F, . Lucknaw ..:Sentutel,; stating qualifications and wages „AVON' VIS CATLING" In your neighbourhood through TV. Be the .Avon Representative. and turn spare time into money. Openings .in Huron Township INTERESTED? Write ;:District Manager Mrs. S. Craig 875 -15th' St. E. Owen. Sound, Ontario. Joe ,Conley wishes';. to express sincere thanksto an who so kind- ly 'remembered him while he was hospitalized: Special thanks to Doctors ' Corrin and Menu u and Rev:. Howard Strapp. I wish to thank all, who so kind- ly remembered` me in . various ways, wide 1 was a patient in Wingham Hospital. Bill' Helm We, wish to express our thanks. to all- who so kindlyd.remnembered us with'eardss and gifts. while in Wig; hafn "District Hospitalt Dorothy and Marlene ;Murray The Lucknow Sentinel has some real bargains on display in'boxed writing paper, writing pads, en- velopes, hasty notes, etc: Na♦N�a�ero�NHN�aoNe. MALE, HELP WANTED DOZER OPERATOR SHOVEL OPERATOR '. AND: SEWER LABOURERS FULL WINTER'S WORK GUARANTEED.. Apply In Writing Or . In Person Only NO PHONE CALLS GRAHAM and GRAHAM .LTD.. 734 WHARNCLIFFE RD. SOUTH LONDON, ONTARIO Hewei► o s• w4AA**O. ,11u►aaa, �� st Required CLOSING NOTICE Flay Decorators will • be ed Monday, Tuesday, . Wedne November 22nd, 23rd and 24 NOTICE TO CREDITOR in the Estate of ANNIE STRUTHERS Deceased p • All persins. having claim Wane the Estate 'of Annie thera, late • of the -Villag Lu w,. in ',the County of b Widow, 'deceased,: who died abont the 16th day of Septe 1965, are hereby notified to full particulars of theirclan the undersigned Solicitor fa Executor of the Estate, on c fore the 25th • day of Novo 1965, after which date the 1 will be distrid amongst entitled' thereto having' regal ly , to the, Claims of wine) Executor shall then have' t Dated at Listowel, Ontario 5th ' day at November 196s, Andrew, Listowel, ' Ontario, leiter for the Estate: LOST. The. Lucknow Sentinel will have.. an opening m the very' near #u= tore ' for an experienced typist. It is essential that ;chi's person have ability to type with speed a n d accuracy: Further details will be explained attime of in- terview. Applications shovid be made : by letter only, :to : he Lucknow Sen- tinel, Ludnnow, Ontario. 1 n te r- views win be arranged at, a . lat- er ater time. Do not apply by phone or in person- Apply. in' wrilin9 only, stating qualifications andex- perience. NOTICE. NOTICE • Having sold my general insur- ance busmen to Wm: S. Reed of Wingbam, I wish to thank my former policyholders and trust they will continue . to enjoy fine business relationships with Mr. Reed. Richard 'T. Xitpatrick STRAYED --: from farm c 4th Concession of KrulosS on: t day, Novern& er'11th, one: H Cow. Anyoneknowing of 'its:i abouts 'Contact Omar 11 phone Ste. LOST • Hereford Steer a i ately 800 lbs.. Strayed fm 2, Ceneession 6, Heron Toa 2 to 3 weeks ago. Anyone kr its contact MacKay, phone 128 r 25 ' CLERK'S 'NOTICE SOF POSTING OF VOTERS' LIST Voters' List, 1865, 'Township of ; Ashfield, County' of ; Huron. Notice . is herby given ,'that I have complier with Section 9 of The Voters List Act, 1951, and that I have posted . up at ' my office at Klntaii on ' the 10th day. of .November, 1965, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said ' municipality at • Municipal Elections and 'that such list re- mains there for inspection. And I hereby Ban upon all vo- mrsto take immediate 'proceed- ings to have any omissions or er- rors according to law, the day for, appeal being. the 24th day of November, 1965. Dated this 10th day 09 November 1965 Donald M. Simpsi, Clerk of ,Ike Township of Ashneld the . Best Week To Advertise Is Evers Week 01. ;16: r IN MEMORIA BRADLEY -4n loving mem our father, John., A. Braille passed away. November •113 A trlbute of love and mineral To a `father,„ who was one. / best,. The joys ; that he ,roiesecl I journey, •, May he find .in Gal's rest. s Ever rem by tie FOR SALE Bargain priced 6 roam pletely up to date home all modern convenience noted on a landscaped lag to schools, churches, : et price $9,900. • A Modest ,paYment and the :balance repaid interest only. Lucknow home, up to da modern conveniences l on a double lot. mill only $8 priceOOD, with a payment of : $24soo Riad terms. Investment pnoper1 ' A strip of land measurb proximately'760'' x 5225' 1 for developing into sites:. nig property is 1 is at Lake' .Horan : As1dn $5,000, ,owner 1 atce us to submit .all Sacrifice te0 acre mgaw with a: go set of ice and located close a ► ping fatalities. The full ping is a recce $10,900. GERALD WAL'TE RePresentatiwe WINGHANIr PHONE 1 •••1+