HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-11-17, Page 1Ic lit •. Year in I1J Eono o .1044- • ' CUCKNOW, ONTARIO. WEDNESDAY, NOV- 17th, INNS res -After 37 Yeats With $ilverwo dsBusiness Group s Caretaker Job At Ripley Arena • Pion For Santa $ =p elf" Johnson, ° an operating one of ` the trucks Mr Lucknow 13Ddens • ' As - of Silverwood Dairies and Mrs.. Johnson resided in .Luck- sociation this creek is circulating for over 37 yearshas re- now until • about six. years ago a, 20 . • page supplement to The but • eff is not 'going to take when.: they moved to. Ripley where Sentinel which will go` into every nig chair. He has accepted , Mrs. Johnson operated a clothing home in the trading area of caretaker's job.' at the Ripley . for the coming winter. Neff . was through • work at goods • on November 2nd, but' lith months' vacation,coming''to his ficial date of retirement ft Ole first of December. $e is a native of Glaini is' and forted work . with Sverwoods at Carel in 1928. ' While at Cargill, had ' just nicely' started cations; at that time, the Cargill ,was managed ' by Wilmer *ay and David Scpbie. Wff came to Lucknow five yearn. inhere J. R. McNab was the For 25 • years,:: he ran better churn at. Lucknow and tier the past. eight years has been store. She sold, this to Mrs, June Lucknow. Dodds about a year ago.' In : co-operation with the•'. busin; Since their.' move to Ripley, . Neff ess . association, The.`'Sentinel is has driven back and forth to work ; printing. 600 extra papers this here. Working at the Lucknow � week whir& will go out ' as sam- plant, he has served under man- pies. to non subscribers in the agers J. R. McNab, J. C. McNab, : trading area. Wilmer Howey andthe, present I; � And so, your issue of The Sent . manager William. Wharry," inel will be 36 pagesthis'. week, Mr. and Mrs. Johnson have 'a two larger than. a . similar pro- G family of two girls, Mrs. 'George , motion last July, and the biggest " (Joy) ' MacLean of Rimley and` ; Sentinel . on record. - Mrs. Guest (Joan) Mitchell of In the ' supplement, printed on Wallacetown l yellow paper, many stores have Meff lives right •. next to . the I offered specials . which will make Ripley arena and has consented to if Lucknow a good .place to shop look after the rink for the winter. in the weeks ahead- Check this, Artificial ice ' was installed there supplement closely forthese bar- recently- arrecently- j gains.. Inaddition, businesses ''of - OOT TO VOTE Ar911 GETS EYES TESTED., TOO ' ik 1ilss Jessie MacKay, ` Luck: aoVs grand old lady who re - her" home re- ars in �: Gaigi. aro(' was the. area's oldest` totes at the polls last week.. Ifs . MacKay... voted at ' the non hall, and in the MacKay family tradition, her ballot ►o n us a Liberal one. Jessie was 93 years of age a the 23th'of October: She. -enjoys reasonably 'good. health and is out for a car ride .. frequently with her. coin Mrs_ William Mac- ho awho: resides with her. Monday Jessie had her eyes'' meted: Her vision; has not been s good as it used. to be and decided to have her eyes lte ted to see if , her glasses r., 0f be improved. Mr. and Mrs. 'Donald Rae Scott Randy of Mossbank, Raskateh- are visiting his parents ;Mr:. Robert Scott, in Ashfield. r Fallen wo Wars (by Tony "Mone)- Bo Thursday, November lith, and District reside together to offer , reme: to those men who died in Great Wars. •LUclmow Presby - Church . was the scene of piles service_ A Parade consisting .of Auxiliary members, Scoots and Guides and led Ludmow ,District ' High' School marched to the Presbyter - Church for :the service ' at am. The Colour Party was up of Jim' Henderson, .Hugh- tnne, Harold Ritchie, Rus-, ii thy, Gail Jamieson, Brea - Mrs. Clare Johnstone, Dias: Bob Lyons. Be , service was:by Mowing and. DiSli`ict `I. Call . to worship . and rT drr+_ •U..I 1 MacLeod; IIn Jestamest v.. Rod .Rev-. G- r. A Pastoral Prayer,Rev. inns;• !ew.Testament Rev. S. E:'Jay; The mes- given by . Rev. Derk • I I : of the rr: rl li "*'�+•&..G (�li>stian. �Re- " reeling the service the parade ill ,: to the cenotaph for a ser- Irl*L MI �rif. lIjn;of - • iiiArt Ontario, Legion, AuxAlis. ; Village of Luck- , Reece George Joynt; Lions await' Collyer; Womeia'S VI= Al'az- George 1;'• Boy 't n_Datid Button_Girl Bob - Parr fering services ` have made their. RON 'McLELLAND 'TAKES` lines.. known . through the. pages ROSETOWN-BIG6 AR SEAT I of this paper. • ree • Friends of R011_, McLelland of . • Bus/ iness Fplaces Skating •participating m Loreburn, Saskattchewan • w,e r e. the: Lucknow, promotion, are 'listed Pleased to see in tie • daily piers On the front' page of ,the yellow cup= that he was elected Progressive plement. These business men and Conservative ' member. for the' rid -°I women have banded together• and ung of Rosetown-Biggar in . Saskat-, through their . contributions Free chewaa in the recent Federal. elec- ,,Skating will be offered to all child - tion. ren on November 27, December Roil came east a number of years 4, 11' and. 18 at the Lucknow arena_ I ago to play hockey for Lucknow Be sure to be in Lucknow on and while m this. area 'met and these . days, and for that matter, married Agnes Conley Of this Com- ; every day that you plan to do munity ° ; your shopping and , buying: He has been . a ,frequent visitor , : Santa .. ,Here: Too.: '. here and his father-in-law, Joe ; The same gran) of business Conley:: of . Lucknow has . been a r -iiple have arranged for Santa frequent visitor with them in the 'Claus to be in Lucknow for three est- Saturday afternoons in December, ' nailed so . votes. His near ; , 'r a 4th,; 11th end 18th. Santa will Ron 8 . ' ' � ;,;. est 'rival was am P candkiate be located in e Archie Smith. who • polled 6,912 followed by t store on main .:street' to meet Literal with 4,318 and e Social S1113 ` u . accompann y I Credit with 467. . • . their parene ts. He will be there each da} from 2 to 4 p.m. and will • 1 have favours and treats for the SELLS INaJRANCE USINESS , kids_ Santa will also have a mail TO WILLIAM 5. REED ;r:x set up e store where you can post your letter ito the Riebard T ' Kilpatrick of Wing-' whiskered gent: • ham has sold his general insurance Shopping Hass business to. William', S Reed, also : ` l leli;naw stores Will: be open of that ' town. r ' • : three Thursday afternoons in Dick operated the insurance bush December, the 9th, 16th and 23rd, ness while on the farm in Ashfield- every night during Christmas and has' continued, to carry on this , week, December 2) to 24 and work 'since moving to . Wan am ` Friday nights during the Christ - where he: teaches school. ' mai season_ Bill Reed` is well known in this 1' No matter 'how- you look at it,' area Be • has been:in the Real Lucknow. is the place to . do ' your Estate 'business for a number of . Christmas shopping_` Small town years and will • add ' the insurance hospitality and $et -ti�big line to his present work_• town prices. 1 Single Copy tic 16 Pagel:;, I,.0ck,noW.H.PIiIisciie. On Dec....IH.emhir 6th Is For Establishment Of Two weeks: from ' next Monday; December 6th, Lucknow will vote on .a liquor question; The ballot will read "Are you in favour of the establishment of government stores for the 'saleof liquor?" Only the one question will be voted .on. Three, years ago, in October ' of 1962, two' questions were voted ; on , and both were defeated,,. The ballot three years ago was for .a dining lounge,, which was de- feated with a negative vote of about 55%, and for government stores, the same question as is being voted on this time. The vote on the gov , ernment stores. was ' about 50% for and 50% against. A 60% ap- proval is required before, any, vote passes. Stores' Only For those who become confused on what is actually being voted on this year, and there appear to . be many who are, . it should be noted that - this. vote is . for the establish- ment of a liquor and beer store only. If the vote was approved, .Lucknow would be eligible for .'A liquor and beer store which would sell packaged items. Under • no circumstances . does . an affirmative vote to this question allowoutlets for the 'saleof liquor or beer by the glass: Proclamation' Issued The proclamation . of the vote has Liquor, BeerStore been posted ` and 'published and. lists the tlate of voting as. Decem- ber 6th_ This is the same date as a local municipal, election would be held if the offices .of Reeve, Council' or Public ' School T istee were contested: Polling :Division No. 1 will ,be at the . Town Hall, • No- 2 at St.. Peters Parish Hall and No. 3 at Nobe Johnston's residence. In accordance with the provision of the liquor .act, managers for both sides will be named at the ' town hall on November '2`2nd. at l p.m. An announcement of an advance poll for ' those who . expect to be absent on the polling day has been posted and published. The advance poll: will be: held' at , the; town hall' on Saturday; December 4th, two days prior to., the regular :polling day: Residence 'Qualificatians The Federal Voters List, used for the November 8th election, has been :authorized • as suitable for the liquor plebiscite bythe chief elec- tion officer of Ontario. Persons be- coming residents,' of the ' •village from September 8th to October 6th, and not on the list but who are gualifled to vote on_ they liquor vote may be vouched for at the poll by someone who is on the :list and sworn as provided by the election act Sells KinlossFanrn AL BAKER TAKES POSITION , • WITH PRUDENTIAL •• Frank • Johnston,' Lot '. •7 : Con- Al' Baker ;of Leicluiow, an em- cession' 10 Kinloss .Township, has ! ployee of Lucknow' Co-op 'for' some sold .his farm. to Hendrick . Duileer• N: time;..has' accepted' a '•position of 'Acton- The farm has been in !;with .the'Prudential Insurance Co.... the Johnston name for most . i and v assume • his new. • duties. 100 years.. It will be 100 years on I the end' : of this . momtth_ ' ' • • July 16, 1966 since Frank's grand- 1 Al bas been' in charge of the pet -- lather fatkher took it up from the Crown... roleum division at. the ' Co-op.. •. . . $200 was the original price p. On his 'new.; job, he will serve• ' rlr.. and Mrs. Differ •ergo! from Lucknow. RhpPey'` and S'incardine 1$®hand; fliia teen years ago: They ; and surroiindpmg tterrrtary_; Jack have a family of s x three gills Graham. well known to flee people and •three boys.' They have been J.!" f I.Lu>9ekmow and Districlt. ,had pre -- renting .a farm near . Acton ' and ' ° y' worked this .area., have been in the • dairy business , which they will be`. continuing en" eir Kinloss far. 311.•. -and •Mrs; ' •-- - rte. Dauber get possession Apr? 1 %hinder 'ofnextyear_Far San • The Year. are `. members .' of I. . .. the Christian Reformed : Chock- 1 .' Mrs James , Richardson• of the Mrs. Johnston has not enjoyed Langside ' " comnmeimitty will leave health since suffering • a i. early in December for' the city o stroke. some time ago. Mr.and .• San Salvadori El . Salvador, a Mrs- Johnston are planning to re= : small. country in Central America_ tire in Lucknow. ' I ' Mrs. Richardson • • wil teach The sale was transacted' by • F. gFades 7. 8, 9 and 10 in .a privateC.. Van Eyl,' agent for Bosv'eld •Real ,' school there- 'There 'are' about 29„ ' Estate- pupils at the school w•r ich .is . made up a€ children of mit.5zion aries: searing in that area. The '. ['missionaries are im4erdeoummmin , tional. Mrs. Richardson will teach the senior pupils and another American r girl will look after the junior grades. The school follows' a cot - ', or -r respondence ' course .set out by . a school in the United States. t .`Mas ' Richardsons sister ' 'and brother-in-law,, . Mrs:'': and . Mrs.. Horace Holt of. Toronto have made I• the trip ' to . San •Salvador : every li winter for a number of Years where they have assisted in 'vari oils ways. Mr, Holt: a balder, has i, been 'ha charge of various building programs to ' further the work 6! Ithe missionaries there. He is re- tired and his • wok "is of a voluntary' • nature • • Mrs Richardson plans - tto rerrnan until next Jeune when she will re- turn .home by air. She is mo:orhng ' t down with Mr. and Mrs. Jolt in a trip that will take them through the united States, .Mexico and Guate- mala , before arriving at their desertion. Spada •it the ' Iangu- age of El Salc°ador but Mrs: • • • • Richardson's .pupils.are' oEnglishbsRie'„ Aorre Rµse•marriange,asA•att veaecherf Toronto, she came to Murray& School' in Kinloss and taught'. from 1943, to 1951 and where she met and married her husband whose, death occurred last July.. • • ll< mem a fink 1.014 -Si Get MORE .1 EVER Y1IIING SWOP: .Y LUCKNOW 5 y This issue ssue Feafures A Special Shopping Supplement Which Is Being Disuted to All In The Tr .:,ung Area ;- .+► 94:1'•,+:; •