HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-11-10, Page 61 tbE resented Ta Knox ; Rev. Nei McComhie rn- "In the 'faith of our Lord and_` to Saviour Jesus arid, 'I now dal - Presbyterian i Rip- this. plaque bearing the. l of Lewis: Set crest of.the town of ; Stornoway, ty, owe i"thisso much".The and in the Isle of Lewis,, as a suit to� whom, church plaque was, presented by the Rev. `God,ableandmorigt to the Glory r God, , : in the honour of our D. Nell M[ bie who visited forefathers, the,Lewis: people who settled . in this community, to travelled" throughout Lewis-' and whose memory this memorial plaque is _ now set;apart In the name of the Father and of the, Son and- of the Holy Ghost, Amon". Mr.MacLeod' asked per- 1n'saion ,to: the dedication said: , «��, bean in ex -Pro. - rept volt... Donald Stewart's m Gaelic. Tube Rev Mr- McCool- phaco•. hers `where I was introduced hie comments, Ministers some- _ to irovr historicCoat of Arms the Woes- have "trouble in choosing 'Arms of.Stornoway'.;Ordinarily ; the right .text for a spec ial ' •oc. one passes such things with cas- ual interest but two "• things made: my interest in the °Arms of Storn- oway' more than casual First � .' 'congregation in Presb- ; Church, .Ripley are the thin"� work together for good to children and grandchildren of the them that love. God, to them who St oway' amt a :year ago and: In .a letter to the Stornoway Gaaette, : the. only weekly paper in the. IIe�, Mr..' MCConibie casion.. There.. was • no• d�culty on - this occasion. "Codi •Provid.-, ence Is 'Our Inheritance"' was the great theme and Romans 8.28 y Knoxby the text; "And we 'know that all Lewis 'settlers. who came. to: thus ';. are called according : to Is-pur--. - c;>ony we affectionately call ;per-' . Mr ' MacLeod preached home and Canada. . the sermon. drawing from his irr • t timate' knowledge of the great The' second • thing that ,made the ' truth." Rev. Mr''. McCombie • , af- `Arms of :Stornoway' ,of more than- ter his visit' to Lewin said, . "This 'casual interest :was motto it' experience that t�was- a memorable, Inheritances Providence Is Our I will .ever treasure.' Highland bears " en oP ibou to�bave .such a la e m hospitality' phrase one often -.Inheritance": ow a r i p ty' is a.. Wit; • • p qu hears but now I can: say 4 know the Church." • , , . ' • • ; exactly what it means, and hay - After - the presentation. of the mg• known it , I am much richer plaque, the x dedication was inade ' . by the Rev: Roderick MacLeod . of Lucknow, Ontario ° who might- % PUT "SEI4I JNELADS : TO .WORK. any, comes from .'F_arris. He said,. FOR Yml .- PHONE 52S-313• ARI ' W.I. Rally Held � � »•«»• At Pikerton � J. E. MacDonald pN Y V+ ° '1S*, Is Bruce County. Women's 'Insti- tute. Inti tute. held` their -'annual fully., on Thursday, October 21st. Pinkerton branch: as hosts entertained in. Pinkerton United Church. dine was chairman, using Hmcar Mrs James Rown .. la8�her theme, "Wider • Horizons." 150. members from t h e 61 Institute Brancheg represented, . t b e 1600; me An Wtiitech�� •Mrs: Em present- ed the Bruce County Scholarship to two young ladies, Miss 'Grace Ann MeDougall of Lucknow, who -is noivtaking' a course in •HOme Economics at Kemptville and Mlss June Ackert of ' Holyrood, who is taking a nurses training course in London. In Ness 'MacDougal 's absence, Miss Ackert ` made a most gracious reply, thanking all' and told of the : good' work done byInstitute 441 leaders in help- ing them .with.their: honours. Mrs. G. Holm, Home Economist, told of` the 441 work accomplished by 550 young girls in our county. 77. won .county honours and ':26 pro- vincial honours in the' last, year. She. thanked the mothers• who : gave of their time and interest . to help. our young. girls prepare • for the future. Mrs '•O. Gateman, 'South- ampton, told of the work of the Tartan Committee Hating t h e Bruce Tartan designed and reg-: istered• in Scotland,'",plana'are now being. made to' have the Tartan ton china and souvenirs. Any pro- . it from this' venture will be used for, `a scholarship to help ' educate , N &. N„.*,\.‘,. .,,,,‘.,:-; 0f your Personal The normal day-by-day personal banking needs of mostCana- diazis. are covered by three essential banking services At: the . m • Bank of Montreal we. are geared to give complete, person= :alized service in these three+ital, areas. 'ACCUMULATING: Your It of M SavingsAccount is the ideal: E Place to save money for travel, education, . down: payment On a house, malar -.boli ehoIdptn'chases. 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In Low Prof ik Sims' MOST SIZES BLACK OR WHITE SIDEWALL NOW IN STOCK Al Price. • . • INSTAL A PAIR• NOW AND BE PREPARED• ATLAS ..BATTERIES GENERAL REPAIRS NC •i►••NN•.'N•••••••••••••••••N••••••••••• a child from. the , children's shel- , ter..` . • Mrs. Bryan Greig, Lions: Head, ,i` Warden of • Bruce anda charter member ' of Institute, was guest, speaker. She explained man y points of ; county council:. affairs. How' committees were formed and their duties. She stressed "Never be afraid to bring your 'problem tounty . council If it . is worth while, they will give you' their at- tention and: help:" A, group of la- dies , from Tara and" Wiarton . pro- vided music for . the :day, Mrs. Donald ; Blue gave a re- port on the museum. Mrs. Maun dreli' .of ' Southampton, : president. of Grey -Bruce .Area, told of the Ar- ea Convention in Owen Sound . No- vember 16th . and -17th.. Mrs. Mc - Cosh' of Ripley installed the slate of officers for 1965-66_ as follows: past chairman;' Mrs. Jas. Rowe, Kincardine; • chairman, Mrs. Wil- mer 'Rlbey,' North Bruce; 1st vice chairman, Mrs: Horace C.1 a r k, Paisley; 2nd vice chairman, . Mrs. Percy Radbourne, Owen Sound; 3rd . vice. chairman, Mrs.. Francis Gemmell, South Bruce; sec-treas., Mrs; Emerson Crawford, ' Port El- gin; ass't . sec. tress., : Mrs. Har., vey' Sparks, Tiverton;'. public re- lations,. Mrs -W. D. Jacklin, him= wood; F.W:I.O. board members, Mrs. Fred:: Moyer, Owen Sound, Mrs: D. McCosh, Ripley; audi- tors, Mrs. Morris McDonald, .Mrs. Spence McLean.. ' MONDAY: Flintstones 6:30. p.m.. Bewitched. 8:00 p.m. Andy Griffith 8:30 p.m 'Country' `Music Hall 9:00 p.m. Big Valley ;10:00 p.m, RANTEED ST CERTIFI .4, :issued ' in ane ounts . from upwards for 3 4 or -5 -years.: * earn 5%% interest, payable. half` year► by cheque. • • authorized ' investment for. all Canadian Insurance Companies_ and trust 'funds. 100 STERLING TI lisp .Sty' DY!llOp TinlNr ' .. , • grin . �r