HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-11-03, Page 13WE T, Nov. *IL 11,45 011oroomoornomiedeseeeoweellW PbairandMheson "c HARTERED ACCOUNTANTS seutlICIPAi AUDITORS Boat M. , Plane 56 A. M HARPER OI*RTERED ACCOIINTAIiT S 57 Songs,Street, . Coded& Telephone 636•79112 �Ba _TNItF LUCK NO1M' : $ENTJNyri., . LUCKNOW. ONTARIO.... A SION OF RELIEF Gramme son O M anci • Bryn. of , breathed a sigh of relief an Satan • day when a $5 bill, lost in frost of 'Sanderson 's store, tuned uP very 9�1Y Thanks to the honesty of Mrs_ Goldin Montgomery, who found the bill and turned it in. at ' The Graeme had his 5 -spot back very . 'N W. R. � Hamilton OPTOMETRIST IE71lT .TO LYCEUM' THEATRE WINGHAM PHONE.' I57 -11f1 JOHNSTONE'•. FUNERAL• .HOME Mailers •viii 'C siwenk it .,, Phone 521+31113 - Day mar Alight , Serelin AE Faults. Maoris Is ,TiterWishes Maierele "Prices estabrOod mos A. R"DU VAL' Chireprochor tis ani Electra ,Therapist Phone " 30-3510 (arne banded ad Jobn SL. West Sit to . Taranto Dominion ..Bank/," INSURANCE FiRE, .WIND, . CASUALTY AUTOMOBILE, aid LiFE 'ib. Prated your 'mirk, Insure -Ink, Jack Thday. J. 1'McDONAGH ■uelnem, Phone 511-3423 R. W. ,ANDREW Barrister nod Seicler LISrOOEL. ONTARIO IN LUCKNOW • Every Weriesday and Sa%r'iiy. AIlerneon Grace in the Jay Block r .RAWFOR SHEPHERD J:. IL., CRAWFORD, Q.C. Nr. A. SHEPHERD' ■ifeglrarre ' aei Lordinwr DI LIICKNdW •- •!EBNESDAY 1! aria:': tlr 1 psis .Loral d In•Plilpaitrick Block Pbi■e .1Y"nr 3574&30: . R,ei;. *imp IMPERIAL tlOIL PRODUCT far mit s .' and nua_tr . pain dots.: GRANT CHIS IOLM Pyre Collect aeOawrw MMUS MR* Look Tb• Imperial G. A. Willkmis,. OD = .: . • �lMti■aeta�t 9•Patti& &meet Piame 357-1262 Wingham: Mernorials GUARANTEED GRAN1TES CEMETERY 'LETTERING. REASONAILE PRICKS nay . Direct.. and ,save Bus. 'Ph. 357-1110 Res.. Ph. 357-1915 'adder's StdiO PORTRAITS weddings and Children 'GODERICH, ONTARIO 11>R SL David Stine t - Dietl 524-8107 MacKenZie Memorial Chapel FUNERAL SERVICE Services cesubieted YeUr woes at Year Home. ,.or at JroMem- cob! Chappel at no Luh►*• Phone .ice Day or Night .. . ,,0.0011q n:, K.„J MJKEtiZIE, O.D. •NOW 1N RiPLEY EVERY WEDNESDAY tree -10:CD am. to Phone Roy, Miletrongli. 9 0S Ritiey„ 96-r-31 for n'n;A'OniluI, :n'. R. W.. BELL • oivroo TRgST — GOOERICH F. T. Armstrong. The (Mire JAckiod 4Th1fl TED .COLLYER Registbered *Witter Effete .rciiiO ELECTRICAL, CONTRACTOR %metallizing' b Electric Heating; .Electric Wiring and Repairs and AU Electrical' Appliances Luckaavr — , `ninffi 5r51a2 fmvi1ler, Mcimosh and Wed .CHARTEtEED ACCOUNTANTS. Resilent Partner. J.. „ cL Opliodbe Pesti Mee Phone sitt== Vfatkerfen PAGE THIRTIES.. Leaves Shortly For Sao Salvador On,(W Mews) • Saturday . ' smes$bar . s prior to .leaving . for her 'work in San' Salvador by hav:. Mrs.. Harold coagrataas, and Mr.. & ing -s Mrs Lorne Scott her, �c�er-m IoW, will .be hods of` E and Jiffs and . . visitors on Sunday with: �* has not n Mrs. George Fisher were :Mrs: waatt is San atSathe be and Adkin of Goderieb, Mr. ' and since 19M. Prsseat for the ocean Mrs. Gordon .fir, Lori and ion were Kr, and Mrs. Charles Lonnie •of Guelph, Eddie Johnsto.• MI& Mrs. Tired and, friends of Preston,. Mr. and , Mrs. Lenslat and Henry Mi .and Mr. and Mrs_. Bill Neable, Mr.. and Mrs. DoMrs. r Russel Roes, D . Armstrong were in • IN MEMORIAM : area M� Hragt enc lane- Toronto Saturday ,evening to see Rd., Mr' and Mrs. "Gordon 'WWS* the Toronto ,-Del •l octet' game Mr. Mr- �Mrs. Peter de Boer & fern in. be maple Leaf Gardens: — in loving' ml�ry of n7y, �1 : .11k Mrs Eimer Scssii, llTr. had . the thrill of They, S®pson whop passed, away and Mrs. JohasLon Corr,•"Mr_ and � Howe in person but 'mused meet"' nae x yeap' ago, October Nth 1964. Mrs. Wake. nig 'auI Henderson. ' of his dear wee waysDonald " Watt student,: preacher, . ,� _ Cora, Mr.. and •Mrs. ,. WallThe Crekinnie and at�ciioa sale Mr. and° Mrs.. Hoiiv'�rd Savage of .• to be:, held by CaIvla Buck Che�h Sweetest Soler, too sweet .Ito say, Molesworth and. Mr.• and Mrs. instead of be ;usual Church God took ham away.," Horace : .'Toronto_ Mrs; ' Sar: - Eve . reniembereci by mother,• age and Mrs_ Holt are Mrs. Rich- per will be held oriF4iday, Nov- ember 26th •. = Uzi" of November _ ardson s sisters. The hostess ser -•29 .as, previously announced. sisters and �; WEBSTER red• lunch.. memory of Mrs. ri.,. es on w ridgy„ ev- • Mrs_ Bill Evans 'spent a few Il ePson . Webster of Windsor, who _ da last week with Novemberpasnad y se ren •. years, ago, l Ea tare games her�family m: London. members of 8th, 195a. With 11 tables >t Ia The.mon- Mr- and Mrs Russel .Ritchie God ilottook her 'H d '.was >! s sons of this party vie e Mr ,and were it Kin. at' the funeral • Mrs J-• C'ooltes; . Mr. and Mrs. , Farinrs where the re • of the But in our hearts . she liveth sins Ronald ' coolies. Those _ date �. Bill ce�ibert �'vrere, Mr. • . Ever remembered bY husband Wig. 'prizes � *were high wady Mrs. inn (nIbert was � neighbour. of nail ' " lift., C'urrre, row lady. Mrs John 1,' Ritchie when' e lived near Ripley. Cie, traveling prize • for Indy TheU.C.W. will hold their Nov - aim. .Jiin curet; who ...gave.this "ember meeting on November' loth pre to the second high M. instead of theusual day.,' November • Jessie MacKay *Esher 10 1�oasnaio C'oehigli as she had won 3 at • the' home of Mrs.. Dan Tiffta two prizes; high gent J •cFinnie;. and Chalmers Presbyterian W.M.S. extend her' Most sincere thanks low gest liriy Pattison "travei)ang are r angeng their day from Nay. and appreciation to all who. go 1? M Congram� ; Luafc)e was 17 to . iNa0v. 11 because of the Gre_ y IdndIly remembered her. with f!ow '• y Area men W.I. Co ventima be 16 ens, 'gifts, cards • and visits' on tike seared b the sponsors The nextheld in aim of :her 96th hint hday party wiz a held Friday even and 17. This meeting will be held mrg.: :November 5 when 4 and . .• at the home of Mrs. Russel Ross. I =add 'cards; m• those Whiitecghurrcwh Womens Institute who ; Ili® and visited ' 6 ' will Jieki their comm •6amil . Notice To Creditor's y�;,� ffi.any:way..whnle.:IIt in the Whitechurch Meiaariai Hall on November 91h with 'supper' ting '. NOTICE TO "CREDITORS rat 7 p.®. sharp when the:hostesses Sen: Nibs -r In The Estate Of ; : , will hethe village ladies. The buss .EORGE WESLEY GIBSON (bands are to'answer Jim roll call I desire to "express lily "fie Deceased. • 'by naming : an exhbit . they enjoyed denim. • b all who called on me, All persons having claims a : • ' o; at the fall fair_ Guest' speaker will sent messages, flowers and other the Estate of George Wesley •Gib-. be Mr_: Norman Welwood - favours, while T was ,apatient in sew. late of the . Wage of 'Luck Russel Gaunt- is attending . ' the IrincardMe Hospital.: I especially 'now„ who died on : • or about the Grand Jury and Russel' : Ross the Wish to acknowledge my gQatntede 61th` day of Dully 1965, are hereby Petit Jury being - head this week Ito the Rev. S. 'R. Lupton, and notified to send fedi •particulars of in Walkerton_ otter clergy *.rho -sited . nide; and their claims 'to the wed Mr and Mrs-: - noise' Ritchie' • to : Dr. • Tindall and to • the staff Solicitor for the Adniinistrator of , were recent visitors with Mr. and of the hospital for their untiringthe Estates on or 'before, the 511 Mrs. Bill Culbert , of Kincardine. • . „ day :of November 1965 after .. a - � � Mr_ ;and Mrs.. John.Murray, Bei Cox date . the E5tatte will be d strn"but i Jay. ltd!, Bent i" Scott and Ronnie , • ed amongst those �� f of Sharon were .: week -end visitors 1l Jae* ;McIDanagh Washes . 10 having regard only ito the with Mr_ and iMrs.. . Charles ..Tiffin._ to express her 'see . thanks claims al n ; e. the A Masi Doris Willis. Mrs::.'Dave. to an, who .so ' o a 0P I . rte- ton shad then have notice. • G Maw a r' and. Mrs. Gordon Marl fl ®d her with v- cards and Dated at . Listowel, Ontario, ' this Pherson, and `Mrs_ • Pannabecker of gifts, while she was ka • 15th day of October 196 ` I SC ; Heretic . on Wednesday attended . and since cominghome., 'TIS IL W . ANDREW, ' L.i. eL n .On- a L Eerary M.. • in Kitchener ' is deeply > appre- tario, Salim for tete :ifs- " Mr. and Mas Wesiev Tiffin. Mr...,, and Mrs_ e Tiffin Lucknow, ' MN_ Dan Ti£f-in. attended the f 00 A f of their uncle the Inter Fred, Thompson.. of. Tb A04 I A an • Tues- day:, They; were accompanied : to the city by Mrs. Russel -Chapman who visited with Mr.. and . Mrs. Ron Smith and family.. CARD OF THANKS was nn the hospital "and sig re - it it 0' U it l D i Ill clefted_ Dung's' Phillips wishes : to ex- press lin heartfeR thanks to all who were so lend and at the tfte of his :bereave- rmentt.• It was all most "*";a,,I" We Gish to thaw. aur i and relalthxe for the . la't ely guts and caromson our 251101 Wedding - W �e� also w-'tothank ,.�tthosse whowhohelped Iia" any way 10 I 1 it such a plkia,smt event. :• Isabel and Cliff AllisalridiE 4.O 3 Jni lU 3 30 . CONSTRUCTION:. SAFETY INSPECTOR - .far ff. " position .af, Construction Safety Inspector for the County of • Huron must be submitted en feremridded and may be , secured franc the office Applications is chow at 5:00 ., prido, Noventher 11, 045.• MINIMUM SALARY — 56e PER MONTH ' I, �r not; Laressr an!'' Alin accepted. • JOHN G. 'BERRY COUNTY OF HURON COURT HOUSE, • •GODEREO1, ONT. ' '00 NOTICE 'Q SREDITORS, In The . Estate Of THOMAS NELSON MacDONALD, Ali. n .. ;'o o a ; having-r4P41725 . against tl Istate off.Thonmas N• I"o I' iliac - /ate of the Mage of Lim - in in Ibe o n 1 a , ;',' 0 Bruce, de`. , who died' on or' abmit the 25th day of August 1965„ •are here- by. a A • 11red to send'full partico- lars •; of their chinas, i o the under- signed Solicitor for . the Adminis- trator Of the ]State;, on or before Vie 5th Day of ' NM/ember,. after •vwinfn date the. Estate wil"' be. ' 11 II , a o o! _ n s ' ' among t those en -i f11,5D0 ' 2 storey eoenpi►ah[y modem, term lou o 10 0 " • FOR SALE HOMES $4.510 1% storey ' home ' with conveniences, terms tib thereto having. • regard only to the cT thn of whirr the; Ad- 01,1:0 ' 11/i ' starer borne all con- , terms ori 941 11r . tor %halI • oiler have .no - Dated at o w 1 a _ o, this 15th day of October,,. '1965. L W. . <ANDREW, towel„ Ont arid„ :Solicitorfor. the Adminis- trator.. dminis-ltor•. 4 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IP The.' Estate Of JOHN ALEXANDER M=cDGNALD. • " Deceased All n having clam against the Estate off John " Alexander MacDonald, late of the Village of Limknew„ in the County • of Bruce;, deceased, who died on or about the 27th dal! of August 1965„ are hereby notified to send farm par- ticulars of their ' el 'aims to the ped • Solicitor for the Ac& ministi ato'z~ of the Estate,, OM or before' the 5th day of Navember, 1965„ after "which date the En - tate will be diinitad amort those entitled thereto, having re- gard only to the claim of 'which the Administrator shthenall have notice. Dated 4 Listowel, Ontario, this 'day of October 1965.. td. " W ANDREW, t stowel, .. Mrr"o,'Solicitor for • the our n - • orator. ,'.. nbAAi AA' $4aSIS l'12 s y with conveniences AK down Si,900 ,up to date ITA ,storey home. terms FARMS 510,900 :100 ' acre higi+erray ferns. modern buitdingss;,, SI,fN 101 acre 'farm with farms equipment included 114,510 100 acres all level workable land 115.440 123 acres good buildings rich tam $17,lgm 150 acres located ease to ,. highway $40„ 03 340 acres . suitable for dairy or beef DON HOLST Re�ltor b GERALD WALTER Representative WINGHA A,: PHOIIlE 3,474141