The Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-11-03, Page 1SENTINEL .NOW F.RINTID IN.LONDON
For Ihe.first timesince i1473, the year the Lucknow Sentim
was founded,the newspaper will: not be printed within the ':
Sentinel printing plant. This issue isbeing printed -by Wella
Publications k London, a firm designed primarily for the
printing of weekly
We not sure just how many newspapers' from Western Ont
tario are presently being printed in. the London, plant but we
believe the figure to be twelve. The Sentinel has. been planning
this move for .several . months with the main, holdup being the
delivery of a new electrictypewriter which will be used 'by the
Sentinel in place of (biotype, the method of production for
mint of the: past life of the newspaper.
We had hopedto greet the changeover with a little fan -fare,
a picturestory on the new method, and a detailed explanation
of 'what `had taken place. However, with the sadden death of
our linotype operator{ Allan McQuillan last .Friday,' we were
forced is move quweldy' m some direction. What we have chos-
• en re de is te,' "makswp" the paper in: our plant as before, but
to transfer the actual printing of the paper to the London
And so our old Lee flatbed letterpress will grind to a halt
Ithas served well and has earned its rest. Ten hours of hand
fad press work on the old press Will be switched to less than
one-half hour of presswork on the Gass" press in Laudon which
produces up'toa .24 -page paper at the rate of NN copies an
hour. The Saudi's.' presently . publishes 2311 copies weekly.; •
The Sentinel will pull :proofs : of its pages here in Lucknow
she -proofs be m the London plant. This
and • the =proofs . pholo9raphed ';
will be done for a few weeks until our new typewriter arrries'
At' this_ time, 'with the use of a new headliner machine which
we -have purchased, the entire production of The Sentinel ■nil
dweige.. If you're a bit confused don't worry, we're a bit that '•
way ourselves but we sincerely believe we are moving in the
- The last 14 months at' The 'Sentiellant .have been hectic
Dries. We m9
art look" •forwiard with antipciPa 'to 'a smoother
fable L,cal
0ll0wee11 Damuge_
Halloween in ; . Lucknow started
on a pleasant note with a perfect.
evening, ; weatherwise, :; for the
young trick or .treaders :make
their rounds. The Lions party
the: arena was a success..but.. the
evening ended on a sour note when
'.some of the local clowns' did, ex-
tensive damage to property in and'
around the village.
Party At Arena
Lucknow .'District High' School
Band lieaded,a parade -of costumed
children . from the public school to
the . arena" where they were judged
by Ms. Milt , Rayner, Miss Ruth
Thompson and Mrs. J. C. McNab_.
Winners in various' classes were:.
:. Preschooland kindergarten,
Pam ' Macintosh, Sandra Header -
SOB, Norma MacIntyre.
Grade 1 and 2,- Marilyn Murray
and Beverle • Hedley, Sandra Fin-
lay, Eleanor Johnstone with a
special' prine'bemg :given'.to.Audrey
Grade 3 and 4, Mary. Emberlin,
Janine Glenn,Kevin Murray.
Grade //5' and- 6, Gary Hedley,
Kathy. Hedhey, -Mark Chisholm. •
Grade 7 and 8,' Carol Campbell,
Joanne Greer and Gail Jamieson,
;he only ,three. entries, ...were all
givenequal Prises.
Property ' Da
Some of the destruction that we
heard of, and We are '. sure there
is'much we have not:heard of, was
Numerous 'window panes in resi-
dence of Alex Havens smashed.
This .comdnunity will have "par-
ticular .'interest in the riding :of
RosetownBiggar in: Saskatchewan.
in •the:' federal election next Mon-
day. Ron McLelland,, who. is mar-
ried to the former Agnes Conley,.
daughter of Joe Gley of Luck'
now, is Conservative candidate in
that riding '•
Ron will be rem:Mitered as one
of •the "western boys" who came
to. Lucknow °a number;of winters
ago to •play hockey for. the . Sepoy
Town. It was while' here that Ron.
and Agnes met. Ron is a Saskat-
chewan farmer.
- Re has in Conserva-
tive 'circles but this is . his first
attempt at ring for parliament.
He is involved in " a 4 -way race
with ' Ldieral..N.D.P. and Social
part . candidates:. It would ap-
pear that Ron is sitting in the.
driver's seat: The seat was held
in :the last parliament. ' by a _Con-
seroative who Ran with a.•majority
of 7,323.
Jim Gibson,''an employee of
• MacDo ialfis Garage in Lucknow,
injure;. Lis foot last Thursday in
an accident at the garage. Jim • was
changing a grader tire and A crow
bai• glanced off the rim and struck
his foot. The bar went .through his
boot ;injuring two toes and badly
severing the "tittle" toe.
It is hoped that the little toe can
be saved but this was „not known
for .sure at writing blue -
Cars .damaged': by , .totr}atces'
thrown from the sidewalk, some. Cliff Kai atriCks
of which . contained stones. .
An . old car burned atWthe nreli- in M r
Years Wed
L�c�aow ��� •
Several. `little fires started
dangerous locations about town.
Lucknow. Agricultural Society
ticket booth burned •, ,at the Fair
• Neighbours. gathered Tuesday
evening to celebrate the. ' silver
anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Clif-
ford Kilpatrick. Progressive eu-
uchre was played after which lun
Grounds containing v a 1.n' able! ch was served along with wed-
lumber and gates arum• thestock ding cake.` to their
Pens On the Sunday previous
Anniversary October 26th, Mr. and
Mrs. Kilpatrick entertained seven=
teen immediate members of 'the'
family at a dinner at Tiger Dun-
lop Inn.
About twenty-five friends and
relatives spent a social evening
Break-in y.
at ;Gordon• Johng�tone s Freda 'from the" Goderich .-•
Feed and Seed several The' couple were presented with
�Pply with on these oc-
hags slashed with an axe or' many beautiful gifts
hatchet' a cassions
performed Ilawanosh. and have. one son Bar.-
v a e a few' of the acts of They farts on the" 9th of West that we3+e
John MacKenzie of ' Amberley.
bad his car set m motion while
parked beside Johnstone Furniture
and the car rolled' across the street,
into the, rear of a car.belonging
to Mel Corrin with some damage
Federal Campaign
Reaches Climax
�At �Polis • Monday
On Monday next, electors will go
to the polls across the Dominion to
elect a government to carry on the
nation's business 'for the next few
'Locally in the. ridings of Bruce
and Huron the campaign has been
a cleanone, much in contrast to
the national pictiire . where the
mud has been flying.
personal approach bass been
used by all candidates in . Bruce
and Huron. In. Bruce, •a three-way
contest has John Loney, Conserva-
tive member in the last parliament
seeking his second term', as the
representative ' from Bruce. Kent
-Lamont, Saugeen . Township farmer
and an active worker in Bruce
Liberal Association for a ; number
of ` years is the Liberal Candidate.
New Democratic Party candidate
in Bruce is Tom Morris of liver-
iverton, a merchant there. John Loney
won : the 1963 election over, John'
MacKenzie, Liberal and Alex
Scarrow, hietpendent-. Loney Poll-
ed 7451 votes, MacKenzie 6295 and
Scarrow 66699
Over in Huron the race. is wide
open this . time. Long time Con-
servative member: