HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-10-27, Page 13WEDNESDAY. OCT. 27th, 1965. phair and Acheson THE LUCKNOW,SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTA*10 .1 PAGE. TN f RTEI . .• CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS MUNICIPAL AUDITORS' Sou 663 Phone 56' . KrncerdEns A. M. ;HARPER CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 57 South Street, Goderich. • Telephone 524-7562: JOHNSTONE'S FUNERAL. HOME. Modern and .Cowenient LucknOW, Phone 528-3013 Day or phot Serving A0 Faiths According to Their Wishes Moderate Prices Established' 1894 A.'R. DU VAL D C: Sp. C. Chirorpracic r- ' Muni :Electro.: Therapist , n --j Phone ..3.57-35110. • (office located on John St: West. tet`. to Toronto Dominion Bank)' INSURANCE FIRE, WIND, ;CASUALTY'- AUTOMOBILE Nand LIFE To 'PrumCt .' Your : Jack, Insure With Jack Today J. A. •McDONAGt hucknow, Piwne 5 tdRD QF THANKS My sincere thanks to friends and relatives' for their visits, gifts cards, letters, flowers and help received at home while a patient in "Wingham District Hospital. A special thank you to Doctors MC - Kim, ' Corrin and Tew, and nuns ing.'staff..for their care, Mrs. Harold Maidenly R. W. ANDREW Barrister and Solicitor LISTOWEL, :ONTARIO IN LUCKNOW Every Wednesday and ..(. Saturday Afternoon Block Office in the Joyce Telephone hticurov 5283116. e CRAWFORD • and: SHEPHERD ' J. H. CRAWFORD, Q.C. 11. A. SHEPHERD Wingham .and l udanow 111. LUCKNOW WEDNESDAY: 10 a.rn. to 1 p.m. Located in Kilpatrick Block Phone Winghar • ON`N* 3S7.3f30. -- -Res. 351-2236 IMPERIAL OIL ' PRODUCTS. for prompt service; and qualityroducts p , ,Contact: GRANT CHISHOLM Phone Collect 1/4 - Dungannon 5294524 "Always Look To .Ioperial For The Best' ". W. R. Hamilton OPTOMETRIST '. 'EXT TO LYCEUM THEATRE WINGHAM PHONE 357430 Wnglmm Memorials GUARANTEED GRANITES CEMETERY • LETTERING; REASONABLE PRICES ' Buy • Direct and' Save` Nus. Ph. 357-1910 .. :Res. Ph. 357-1015 Clover V�H€..4: EnterOinAt..Aa (Olivet News) The (;lover Valley 411 club en- tertained "about 25; mothers and. friends at the home.: of Mrs: John MacCharles a-xd Sandra at a So- cial ria on ?riday. evening. The program c^mmenced With the girls repeating -the 4-1i pledge and the roll call ' .was answered. with, "Something 'I have learned from this project, ., "The Club.'' Girl Enterains." . The leader, Mrs. Clayton, invited all to attend the Achievement Day in Kincardine on, November, 26. Barbara 'and Jeanne MacTavish played a piano duet. Patsy.. MacCharles, - Ruth White • and Mary I acCharles con- ducted contests,. Miss Janice' Steele sang a . solo and ' ' Janet Hamilton and •Evelyn White sang a duet. .accompanied . by ;'Sandra MacCharles at the. • piano. , Pouring '.tea. were Joanne. Ham- ilton and Jeanne MacTavisb, and atthe coffee tray were: Bar- bara MacTavish and Patsy'Mac- Charles... • , . Mr. and Mrs. Lance Morrison of Rexdale and' Mrs. Mintz of St. Helens visited on Sunday with Mrs. Mae 'Hamilton. . ., Mr. and. Mrs. Gerald Coiling and familyvisited at : the .week -end with. Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Nichol- son of Kitchener. 2511, •Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Coiling at- tended ttended a surprise party" on Sat- urday aturday at the , home of. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Collins to celebra . the' 25th :wedding anniversary If Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bushell Mr. and .Mrs. Walter Black vis- ited on 'Sunday with Mr. W.R. Mc- Guire cGuire' •at " the ':Kincardine .. General Hospital. ,11r. McGuire seemed much improved. Congratulaions to Mr.. and Mrs: Doug Moore (nee Helen , White) on the birth of a son on October. A. WiIIams, 0.D. ofit0mhzist 9 Patrick Street W WINCHAPA Phots , 35741282 laddei'sSiidio PORTRAITS Weddings.' and •. Children GODERICH,,' ONTARIO 118' St:: David Street .. Oat 524-8787 MacKenzie emorial Chapel FUNERAL SERVICE Services conducted according to yourwishes at' your 'Home, • your Church,. or at our Mem- orial Chapel it no additional charge. Ludcpow, Phone 520.3432 ' Day.•or Night J. MacKENZUE; :O.Da Optometrist NOW "';IN RIPLEY. 'EVERY ' WEDNESDAY Office • yours .10:00 aim. to 9.:00 • pm. Phone Roy MacKenzie, Ripley, 96-r.-24 for appointment. ;R W BELL OPTOMETRIST • DODERICH. j F. T. 'Armstrong Consulting Optometrist The Square (Phone .HAckson 4-7661) . iiiiNdrriioiki yiam i a TED COLLYER • Reg red Master. Electrician ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Specializing In • Electric 'Heating, Electric Wiring and Repairs anal. All Electrical' Appliances LucknOW• - Phone 52875182 N'iii�Nrrioiiilrf • Gaviller4. McIntosh and Ward CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Resident Partner„' J. E. •enfledy C.A. Opposite Post Offite Phone' 9$1441i Walkerton Marr EDc LIBERAL CANDIDATE FOR HURON Invites You . To P1....LEGI1 lit $.30 p.m. • Evening •.. • . • For'. An Even' of . Entertainment and Dancing. • PAUL CROSS ORCHESTRA .J s The Hon. George . J. �Mellraith, Minister of Public Worms For ., Canada, Will Be In Attendance COME. AND BRING ALONG YOUR FRIENDS 'TO • THIS _GALA BOOSTER NIGHT REFRESHMENTS FREE ADMISSION Published :by. the Huron. Liberal Association CARD:.OF, THANKS I' would like :to take this op-. portunity to thank everyone for their well wishes 'and all the help they gave me .while I w a s , in hospital in Toronto and since re- turning' home. This wasvery much appreciated. Wilbur' Brown Notice To creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS In The Estate Of; GEORGE WESLEY. GIBSON ' Deceased. . • All. persons having claims against. the :Estate of 'George Wesley ' Mb - son, late of the Village of Luck- now, ucknow, who died: on or • about the. ,6th day ..of July '' 1965, are' 'hereby SINCERE THANKS . Elwin Hall a n 3 his rummage sale committee . of . the LnchOow .District Lions Club Wish: to "ex-. press 'their sincere thanks':to all ' who donated to 'the week -end .sale and tothose' who supported it. hi various ' .ways.., Special:. thanks to'. the •cantrlbutors to the Saturday l bake sale:•_ I • wish to extend a . sincere thank yoq to all mrfriends and relatives who : so thoughtfully re meinbered me' with :cards fruit and. treats and to all who visited. me.. Special thanks to • Dr.Coach, MIS,s Bell and ° her ; ' :: efficient staff for their' while; i was ..a' patient in 'KI cardiae Get oral . Hospital. ' .'Thomas A. Stewart LK, 2 Holyrpod 24. notified to send' full partiof their claims : to the undersigned Solicitor for the Administratorof the' Estate, . on or before the 5th day. of November 1965, after which tr ui IN MEMfiRL date the Estate will be 'dis CAMERON - ,In: vier loving .me- mory. of a dear father and 'grand- father; Kenneth Cameron; . , w h o passed away October .24th, 1945. There is no, parting; from those. • we love, . No . distance can divide, For' today in memory's: garden We shill walk .side by side. Lovingly, remembered ''by. dao- ghter , Grace • (Cameron) Lnnley, George 'Linley '. and ' grandchildren. STEWARD — - In loving. memory of :. a' • dear . husband, father and. grandfather, 'Charles' Steward,who passed , away November • 3rd, .1963. Treasured thoughts -'of one so dear Often bring a silent tear; • ThOughts return to.scenes long Years roll on but 'memories last: Always - remembered and sadly missed, by his wife, sons,. 'daugh- ters and grandchildren. • . CONSTRUCTION SAFETY INSPECTOR Application fbr,o. pras'ra�i of Construction' .Safety Insriector • for the' 'County ' of Hu`cn *030.sst be submitted on fermi, provEded and may ' be • secured fritni the office of . the undersigned. 'Applications ts- close at SOO p.m. Friday, November .12, 190. MINIMUM SALARY - See PER MOHTH4 Lov, esari ' application not t Lovi►est or an . necessarily f accepted.r JOHN G. BERRY CLERK TREASURER, COUNTY OF HURON: COURT HOUSE, GODERICH, ONT. ed amongst those : entitled there- to having . regard ,only to the claims . of which the Administra- tor shall ' then 'have notice. Dated at ..: Listowel,. Ontario, . this. 15th day of October 1965 . It. ' W ANDREW,. Listowel, On- tario, " Solicitor , for the Adminis- trator. . NOTICE TO CREDITORS in. The Estate Of THOMAS NELSON MacDONALD Deceased All persons having claims the Estate of Thomas :Nelson Mac- Tonald,,elate of the Village : of Luc- know, ucknow, in .the .County of 'Bruce, de- ceased, who died 'on or about .the 29th day of August 1965, are. here- by notified .to send. ',partici Tars .of their claims to the under signed Solicitor for the Adminis- trator, of the Estate; on or before the .5th Day , of - November, 1965, after which date the Estate will ;be : distributed 'amongst those en- titled .thereto havingregard ' only to the claims of which the Ad- ruinistrator shall then . have ' • no - n tire. • Dated at Listowel, Ontario, this 15th, day ;of October,. '.1965..'' • R.• W. ANDES, Listowel, • Ont- ario, Solicitor for the AdminiS- '.trator. ; NOTICE TO CREDO -TORS' . • : IN " The .Estate Of JOHN 'ALEXANDER MacDCNAILD Deceased. All persons 'hawing claims against the Estate. of Jr o h'n Alexander MacDonald, late of the Village' of Lucknow„:, in the County, of Bruce, deceased, who.. died on or about the 29thday of August 1965, are hereby notified to send full pat-- ticulars of . their. claims to the undersigned . Sobidtor' for • the .. Ad- ministrator of the Estate,; on or before than 5th day Of November, 1955, after which date , the Es- tate will be • distributed amongst those entitled thereto haves re- gard only , to the claims of which the Adniinistratrit Shall thni haeme notice. Dated at Listowel,., Ontario, this 15th day of f Ucttobe .. o365. It. W ANDREW, October 1361 On- tario, Ili for the Adminis- trator.. Manson: Item wishes to 'thank all i :alio were so. kind, to. visit' him and . sent.. cards and letters while w : the 'Hospital: Special thanks to Drs: Corrin and • McKim . • and nurses at the Hospital. Thanks'.: to all who sent cards and':. letters. while: I was in. , St. Joseph's !Hospital,. L o n. d o n.` -A special thanks . to ; all who helped lCyril : and: the' children m "so many ways at. home' during my two- weeks wo - .weeks absense. p,.'&V- NeM • ; s . • FOR SALE.•. .$4;500: full price with a low; ;down - payment ent and easy . terms *for a LA& storey .home with♦ *conveniences situated : appror- •imat0lystreak ,1 .block ..from main• , :" • 551,500. full . down payment for •tbiS adorable: 3 bedroom' home: !with all modern conveniences: ;wen : located in • a. quiet n esl-• •dentiai area. , Full price only. 655„. • •Lucknowhome up to: date: *with modern conveniences. Lo-• ocated on a double lot. Fidl ask--;• Ting price only $8,000 with a•'• •daewnpayment of $2,500. a n d ••3asy terms. :Whitechurch home, ome, Fu - ll claim: ,••suepyacymnasomt4onl epyiweth$1boh; nviebuilinnencestomrl *cupboards, H.D. • wing' e t :Full price $4,900. . •, *Investment* property! . A : large: . :gip of. land mea sL ing appro-• •xsmately 760'x 525 suitable. for• . :deveboping into cottage sites. Avir b n s property is located at •lake . Huron.. • Asking . price . iso. •$5,60O. but owner, bas instruct- ed us tar submit an offers.. • • • 1 'DON IL• • • • • •Realtor • ... .. •• ' • 40 40 • GERALD WALTER • R • 0 WING AM, PNONs samsa ` •