HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-10-20, Page 11a WEDNESDAY, OCT.. 20th, 1965. Joint Meeting Pine River U.C'.W. (Amberley and District' News) A joint meeting of Unit 1 and 2 of Pine River United Church was held on Tuesday evening of last Week, with an attendance of Chir-! ty-five, ' M r s, Leonard Irwin .presided for Unit 1. a n d correspondence and minutes 'were. read, by Mrs. • Mervyn Hooey: A card of thanks was received f.om Miss' Winn= fred Warren •who bad been ,ill; in Walkerton Hospital Roll call' was answered' with , a ' Thanksgiving verse: Names drawn . for mem- bers of Unit 1 to act on • t h e • THE LUCKNOW' SENTINEL,, nominating committee were Mrs. William 'Courtney ' and Mrs. Geo- rge Wightman and for Unit 2, were • Mrs. Gordon Elliott a d Mrs. William Ferguson, The trea- surer's report was given by Mrs. George Wightman and a financial report by • . M r s. • Eldon .Bradley who attended a meeting of U.C.W.. at Pinkerton, Mrs. Duncan. Thin -urn conven- ed .the program and opened her. ; part of the meeting with prayer followed by a hymn. Mrs. Wesley Robb gave a Thanksgiving pray- er . on rural life. ` The scripture: reading and com- ments were given • by • Mrs. , .Donald Courtney and the story on "Than-. ksgivifg ...fragrance.'Mrs. Dun- can, Thorburn ..gave a reading on the "House with a Secret" . which MONUMENTS For souna caLnsel and ;a fair price on a' monument correctly designed from quality. material, 'rely on SKELTON MEMORIALS Pat' O'Hagan; . Prop. Established Over Sixty Years: Walkerton: , . : Phone "881:0234 • LUCKNOW ONTARIO- Pl1GE ELEVEN , was the home of Joseph Scriven, composer of the hymn - "What a friend we have in Jesus." This. was followed with a duet by Phyllis Bradley and Joyce Thor - burn who sang .the ' hymn. They were • accompanied by Mrs. Er- nie .Gibson. . - A , Harvest -Home reading w,;a s given by M r s. Eldon . Bradley, mentioning h ow thankful ' we should be for ' the abundance.: of our • land andfor heal t, h and strength, and: 'was .followed ' with "the hymn "Come. yekthankful Peo- ple Come." Mrs. , William Ferguson who was .delegate . from the U.C.W. spoke about the Convention .at McMas- t e r. University, at Hamilton on "Christian Education." ' In, h e r remarks she said it was to be hoped that women would co-op- s" erate in the new curriculum and how, .with dedicated hands and. • hearts we , may be strengthened • by each ' other's faith. A' panel discussion 'on the theme "All our Living" with . Mrs. Sam Snobelen, Mrs. ' John' Ferguson, Mrs.. John Blue and Mrs. • Duncan' Thorburn taking part,was an in- teresting part of the program . al- so.. • , After . the closing hymn: and . ben- ediction, enediction, . lunch was served and a sale. -af^ homemade • candy and baking was . held, :.which' 'brought an . appreciable sum.. 1 , 4. 1 ti • `SN, is your stand ori lOw: ne..cost record.? . • Mr McIntosh I didn't even know they had one!. Interviewer Let.. me explain: net cost of a life insurance policy means 'how much nonek ,you ' get out coin pared to how much money :you 'Ott in. Mutual: Life policies, in the long run, are out in front. Mr: McIntosh • Is that so? • Interviewer Right !And The Mutual Life has maintained . this enviable record for some • years now. M.r. Mcintosh ...I3ow come? Interviewer. "'� is 'of factors ... including a The Mutual Life CO SiStentl high annual dill -7 ASSURANCE COMPANY 9F CANADA • yi. ovncE wwrtatOO iNTARto/ESTABusasndeft fiend. W. JACK SALTER, 244' FRANCES STREET WINGHAM, ONTARIO. PHONE: 357-27'40 :ut a ��VIIrMcIntosh 'Sounds like something I Should look into a little more. Where could I...? Interviewer Just call your nearest Mutual Life of"Canada representative. REPRE$ENTATIVE: .• .. 'council Minute HURON TOWNSHIP' Huron* .. Township ' Council held. the October meeting with all me- tubers. present. A representative from D o w Chemicals discussed Rulene treatment • for, w a r b. l e grubs and 'offered to hold, a . de- monstration at ' some farm. Council gave approval.., lo t,h e formation of a Revolver Club : at. the Rifle range on Con. '12; Ac- cepted the assessors . roll as• Pre.= sented by the . County Assessor, Mr. • E. Finnegan; ° and;instructed the Road Superintendent: to advert -. rase for snow plow tenders. The following: accounts weree .:,or- dered paid: Township- Elliott Ca- rruthers, hall supplies,16.21; $6.21; An- nie MarRinnon, care 'of hall 00; Bill Kempto , auling a back hoe at. ball, '$4800; Benso Hdwe,, hall. supplies, $15.92; Pol- lock Electric, repairs to 'hall, $41.- 32, Kincardine . News, , advertise- ments, $10.20;• Lloyd.:Wylds,. ' ,cut- ting .grass at . parks; $14.00; Stew- art Shiells, . cedar for hall; ' $4.50; Mrs: Fludder, Nursing Home I Care; $116.25; . Telephone . System, t Office; unemployment s' t a m p s, a 1'30phone and tolls; $13.41; 'Pos ,$18.96.. • Roads . and Bridges: Wayne Lo wry, superintendent, $205.00; Bill. Scott,' grader, :$342.82; • B e n s o n Hdwe. brushkill, $29.64;: Dominion Road: Machinery, blades, $144:25; D. G. MacDonald, diesel fuel, $15:- 95; Recon Steel Ltd., bridge steel, $2093.00; Reeves Const , ":payment On Pollock . bridge, $10,376.60; Lan 1RWIN`Si CONSTRUCTION GENERAL CONTRACTIllf BULLDOZING -BACK NM SAND -GRAVEL HAULAGE 528-3048 LUCKNOW kin Motors, servicing truck,' $25-- 53; Franks: garage,. cutting . pipe, $2.60; Durham Hdwe., • :welding. gas, $9.00;, Ontario Culverts, new culverts, $46.00; .. Department, of Highways,: t a p e, $26.55; Harry Coning, hauling . gravel,- $566.06; B i l l -'Kempton, hauling, gravel, $253.72; Murray Campbell; gravel, $94.00; John : MacDonald,.. gravel, $54.40; • John.: 'McLean, dozer at fence bottom, i$7.50 Council adjourned :to meet'., on November ' 1st. Earl Tout, .Clerk.. Is Your . Subscription Renewed? MORTGAGE: SALE F FARM PROPERTY TO BE HELD AT 11:00 A.M. II Saturday, .1965'November • On the premises herein advertised . The undersigned will by virtue of the Power of • Sale con- tained, in a certain rnortage which will.. be produced. at time of '.sale,. offer :for sale by'Public' Auction, .a.:farm consisting of', approximately_ 102 acres w''t' about 92 acres tilable,' described' ayParts of Lots 20, 21 and ; 22j Concessions ` 1, S D.R., Township of Kincardine, County of Bruce. Upon the said premises there is said to be erected a . good frame house, good dairy barn,' siloand other buildings.. The property . will be offered for sale subject to ,`.a: reserve Twenty-five. per cent of the purchase money to : be paid in cash (ten per ..cent at time of sale and fifteen per cent within thiity days thereof), the balance tobe secured under :a Sale. Agreement... not exceeding twenty years, .with interest at five per cent '.(5%) per annum. For further particulars: and conditions of sale, apply to • 'FARM 'CREDIT CORPORATION; 20 . EGLINTON AVENUE ' EAST TORONTO 12, ONTARIO. ••••••;••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • . • •• •• ••; • •. •. onal • • • •• • • •.. . • •. • • • • • • • BATTERIES AND • • ATLAS AT REA30NABLE. PRICES LOP TIRES:• • • • : •• • . .. • • We Have Purchased: New• • • • • • • • • • • Precision Wheel Baiancing equipment TO BALANCE ALL WHEELS FROM .13 TO'.18" •.• • , . • • •• • • . . • . • • ' •. • • See Us For Wheel Balancing • And Wheel Alignment •• Repairs To All Makes Cars And Tractors • •. 2 LICENSED MECHANICS' • 4,•c•••••••••w••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••w•H►*