HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-09-15, Page 4PAM! FOUR ° THE 'LUCKNOW' SENTINEL, LUCKNOW • ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 15th, 1965 ii-A4-41CAO 40."i .' 1,1::::Arrtgl:401ri IF '411+1 `•4 i7';/1t tt?i'il'1 �4: C/We�cEs I �. W ■■firr: an- r CILwr ...�.lf w ..0..t : V4 w.w wM .. SP FOR' SALE- ' 2 Holstein heifers, due , shortly.._ Allan Farrell, R.R, 2 Ripley, ,phone 7.,r,.8. FOR SALE open York sows, market weight, $65.00. Andy Scott, 9th .Concession, " Kincardine FOR SALE —. 7 cows, milking; 2:, heifers: liner Vance,R.R. 1 Holyrood, phone. Bervie'2451.: WOOD FOR SALE >-- Ha"rdwood. or softwood ; slabs, in '•10 cord loads. - We :deliver. Borden . Litt', sawmill,; phone '392-6895 . Teeswater. FOR ' SALE-• 1964 Fordd • Falcon Tudor, standard. transmission; 14,- 00(i. 4,-00( . miles. Vernon . Hunter, Luck- now. Phone 528-5403. FOR SALE 1962: -Cher 1' ton panel truck, can't be told from new. Baker and Irwin, phone ' 147' Kincardine. VACUUM :CLEANER SALES and SERVICE '" For ' all makes n ":Filter Queen .Sales,• Varna, •'° phone 262-5350. FOR SALE '= " Portable Smith- %Corona typewriter..` 120. bass Ac- .cordian; . a . 'quantity of . garden corn... Garnet `• Henderson' Luck :now,,, phone 528-2605., ;FOR SALE two: 1851: Studeba- •cher hall ton trucks, one could ;be. made suitable : to . drive or . both 'used for ' parts. Phone 'Lucknow :528-2245, after .5:30 p.m..• SEPTIC ..TANKS CLEANED•. ., SePtic. tanks; • cess pools, etc., pumped; and .cleaned ;with'::nlodern , equipment.. All work. guaranteed. Louis , Blake, R. 2 Brussels, phone :. 422-w-6 • FOR, SALE = Holstein cows, and spr..inging: " heifers, three year. terms with no money down, • sats ' faction ' guaranteed; .• Apply 'Stan Borsburgh, phone ;Wingham, 357- ' 21 57-'27 t. •- )VoR SALE :..;.. Peerless P.T.O. grain roller on wheels, . withcrush- er head for "cob corn, in _ excellent. condition; four McKee double wa- ter bowls used one season, $8.00 each; :Clarence Nicholson,, ;RSR. 3. Ripley, phone , 81-r-11. SEPTIC TANKS -CLEANED Vacuum cleaning and pumping of septic , taplca,.. Ronald ' Forster, Lucknowone 528-2346 . manu- facturer of 'cement ` septic. tanks and well tile. CUSTOM~ BUTCHERING Beef and pork sold in •any quan- ity..Custom butchering in • ;Govern ment licensed •abbattoir., Pigs'everli. Tuesday. Beef . from M , o' n d a y , through Thursday. • . ' BUTTONS MEAT MARKET, TYPEWRITERS New and .Used ' For Sale or Rent STUDENT. and OFFICE DESKS With 'Matching Chairs • See . O'u r ' Selection of Office E iii went 'and Furniturelow- est -.. - q p at low est prices. Phone Collect K. A. Hammond & ' Co. 'Ltd:, . Moorefield,. 3346 or 2471. -.FARMS , 50 ' acres on ; 86 Highway near town, . 6 room brick house, ' fur- nace, ,large, 'L. Shaped, barn, now vacant, $6,500.00 100 ' acres' 2 miles from Wing- ham, `6' ` room house; bath, Earn 50 x60, . hog pen, hen house, silo, 75 acres workable, $11,000.00• • STAN KAY Phone 528-:3531 AGENT FOR Wilfred McIntee & company Ltd,, Walkerton, Ontario FOR PLAYING" CARDS -- double, and single decks, See the selec- • tion at the Sentinel Office, phone 5283134.. TILES NOTICE : !'EXHIBITORS '. As a 'convenience to Lucknow I'Fall Fair exhibitors, ' •Mrs. . Fred 1'McQuillin, fair secretary, will: be at: the • Lucknow •Arena Wednes- day and Thursday, September 15 and • 16th from 1:30 to 5:00 p.m. CHILD HEALTH CLINIC The child health clinic of ' the Bruce County Health Unit for pre- school children and , infants will be;. held in t h a Legion Rooms, , Lucknow, on Tuesday, September 21st, from 10-11:30: a.m.. MEETING POSTPONED The September , meeting of the. Lucknow and District Horticulture al 'Society hasbeen postponed' un- til 8:00.:p.in. Friday, , September 24th, in the :Town Hall. Mrs. Geo- rge • Kennedy, ' will , show . slides of her trip .to • California and . Haw- aii. NOTICE, LUCKNOW BUSINESS'PLACES At, a', meeting of."the ."executive of. ucknow ' Business. Men's As- sociation, it :.was : decided to close Saturday' .afternoon' .from 1:30 ' to 4:00 p.m. in co-operation with the Lucknow , Agricultural' Society and in observance 'of their •Centennial Fair. ",Lucknow' merchants are- re- quested toeo-operate .and observe these closing; hours. AUCTION SALE FEEDER CATTLE:' AUCTION :Rainy River,District Feeder Cattle ''sale at. Stratton, Ontario.. 1500 head :of feeder cattle . sold by auction. on Thursday, Oc ober 7th, at'1`oop.m. R A. Fisher, Sec.-Treas., Emo, . Ontario,.'` ` Allan Maclnt 're, , Auctioneer. Y AUCTION "SALE. AUCTION SALE of Real.. Estate a n d Household ; Effects will be. held for ,the. , estate of ' the. late John ' A. " MacDonald, Havelock St., .in the village: of Lucknow, on Tuesday, , September '28th . at 1:30. The ,.realestate includes the frame residence, • building 'lots and the sawmill building and lot. John E. •MacDonald, administrator; Al- lan : M'aclntyre, auctioneer. w♦♦•• •r♦•A••••♦•♦♦•i♦••I IStarrl •. 'WE .SELL RURAL ONTARIO'= • •:150 acres of: all high producing workable land: situated close to;, , ;shopping ' facilities.' The. 10 room :home is, equipped :with 4 . piece:; , *bath, .loads of built in cup-* tboards, etc. The main barn is steel and al minum sided andu d a nd •measures 40.' x 60'. The, 2nd so-* ;lid • barn is in good condition ♦ 1. !and is all inloose housing: Ther • ;full price for 'this, extra' good: *farm is only $26,500.„. •. •LOOKING for a good cottage?; ;Here is a 4 year old cottage !furnished . a n d complete with; ;bathroom, built in. cupboards', • !HI), wiring etc. ' Located on a; •nicely ,landscaped ' lot 100' x -♦ 100' at Lake Huron near Am-; •berly, ':, Full. askingrice on1 • p Y ,$4,500= with terms. COMING EVENTS • NEW :.CASH'• BINGO' ° Legion ..Hall,Lucknow, every Thursday evening,. 8;45 p.m. 15 regular games. - $10.00 each. 4 Share -The -Wealth.., games with jackpot included in• each game. Jackpot this ' week. $95.90 on 59 call's. ' • J GODERICH LIONS BINGO • The Goderich ` Lions 'will hold •a bingo on Wednesday, September 22nd, 8:30 p.m. at the 'Harbour- lite Inn,; seventeen regular games at $10, one share -the -wealth, one $50 jackpot and the new acceler- ating jackpot up .to $250. and 2 door•. prizes. Admission $1.00. ' BACK.,TO.'TH.E .BIBLE Listen. to ' "Back. 'to the Bible Broadcast' from Monday Friday inclusive, at 7;00 p.m'., Saturday. at • 9:30 a.m. from. St.. Thomas, 680 on your radio dial. • and .PIG., , CHICKEN , BARBECUE At''Elliotts B.each, Bar Amberiey < Beach EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT: 6 00 . p.m.' to , ???? Chicken ` $1.50 , .Pig Tails $1.25 children's portion: • ANNIVERSARY SERVICES. • Anniversary,. Services : will be. .held in'. Dungannon United. Church,' on Sunday, , September 19, at 11 `.a.m. and 7:30 p.m : A. `former; minister, Rev. .John A • : Walker of Kingsville, . will •, 'be the guest speaker:' Special : choir music will be supplied. ' ,,RECEPTION • Reception 'for Mr and ' •Mrs. John Vazi. : Osch (nee Sally. Knoll), on Friday., September 17, 1965 at Kingsbridge ; Hall. Boyds . Orches- tra. Everyone welcome.. RIPLEY-HURON FALL FAIR. FRIDAY,, : and SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 24:. and 25 A _parade on. Saturday afternoon will be led, by Owen Sound City Band and the Owen Sound •. Twirl- ettes.. Prizes: ' will be . given 'for floats etc: • Midway' from Hamilton ' with f erris wheel and other rides: Earl. and . Grant .Heywood' from • C.K.N.X. Public School 'Parade. Junior Square Dancing. Good :Livestock Prizes 4-H Club Show ; Excellent Hall Exhibits.. ony Dance on' SaPttirdayRide. Esvening Glen Boyd's Orchestra P. • • ' RECEPTION . ' A reception will . be held 'in hon- our of Mr. and Mrs. •Bill McInnes• (Largaret:Dor„e), in ;Teeswater Town.Hall, • on Friday,' • . September 17th. Tiffin'= orchestra. Ladies P bring 'rin g lunch. CORN ,DEMONSTRATION A Warwick Hybrid Corn Dem- onstration„ 7 varieties, 'w i 11' be' held ,at the' ' farm of Sam . , Sno- belen, concession . 4, Huron Town- ship, .Bruce County,. on .Tuesday, September '28th at 2:00 p.m. Ev- eryone welcome,, ' RECEPTION A reception will be held on Fri- day,' ri-day,' September 17th, in. the. Rip- ley . Township' Hall, in honour . of :Mr: a n d Mrs. Klaus I1einisch ' (Diane MacDonald): Carruthers orchestra, lunch will be • served. Everyone welcome. • - ' • TEESWATER FALL FAIR Friday and. Saturday, ' Septem- ber 24 and 25 Bands, Chuck - wagon races from .Calgary, • per- forming . buffalo act Hydro cook- ing show, "Big Al” from CKCO. TV, rides, County 4H show, re- gional shows, horses, `• cattle; swine. Exhibits Halt, open Friday evening. ; with local talent enter.-- taining. Variety shoal and dance Saturday night. $2,500.. down• with a full Price* •of $8,000, for an eye appealing *extra spacious home situated; •.. *on a .double landscaped 1 o t • close. to the main Street of; Lucknow::. • PAM. S �• STaRR !& COMPANY LTD. REALVol : ,••• WINGi•IAM; PHONE 159.3840 .Z NOW BUYING, TIMOTHY,' ' prim: ary cleaned or, in the.. rough. .Con -- :tact, Lucknow. Co-op, phone 528- 2125. SALESMAN • WANTED for Farm and Home Service in town- ships of Ashfield, Huron ' and Kin- loss. For personal interview write to Owen • C. Baker,68 Union St.. E., Waterloo, • ,Ontar!o. WORK: WANTED — housework by the day,, or baby sitting; day . or evening. Apply Mrs. Gladys Reed, Lucknow, ;apartment above t h e. Lucknow Fruit: Market. '; ,, . SALES HELP'WANTED' - MALE TURN YOUR ' SPARE TIME into large commission: S el 1' -famous Rawleigh Line of . Household nec- essities. Write Rawleigh,, Dept. 1 -271 -CC, 4005 :Richelieu, St., : St. Henry, Montreal, ' 'LADIES.. CASH IMS ON the big Fall and ' ChriStrnas ,Selling Season'. Represent Avon in your neighbourhood. INTERESTED ''.PROSPECTS write District Manager, .Mrs., Shirley. Craig,' 875 -15th St. East, Owen Sound: in'• Huron' and Culross Openings Townships.' WANTED `. Full 'time • Secretary Manager' for The Regional `. Tour- ist 'Council of t h e. Grey a n d Bruce. Duties comprise the . solic- itation, ' of memberships; ,prepar- ation prepar-ation of advertising material, al; so' liaison '.work'. with tourist 'or- ganizations a..,n.d .Chambers of. Commerce situated:. in Grey and Bruce Counties.: Basic salary, plus commissions and mileage allow-. once. . Reply in writing, to P.O.' Box 81, Owen Sound, ' Ont.:, Ap plications' will be, received up to five o'clock p.m.; September' .18,th,. 1965. ^ FOR RENT - FOR • RENT — an apartment' :in Whitechurch; 'large' living' . room, newly decorated kitchen, a Ver- andah, three '.rooms: upstairs•,run- ning water and' toilet; good grounds for flowersand garden; storage at barn; a couple ' prefer- red. ; Contact Mrs. , Annie . McQuil- lin, ; Whitechurch, Ontario;, Notice.To, 'Cr�ditors NQTI'CE TO CREbITOES • In The' Estate. Of • ORDA 'GLENWOOD CAMPBELL Late oft, the Township of Ashfield,. In the County; of .Huron, 'Farmer All persons claiming against the above Estate arerequired to 'for- ward f u 11 particulars ' of their. claims to the : undersigned . on : or before the 4th day of October, 1965, after which date the assets, will he distributed. ' • • DONNELLY • & MURPHY ' Barristers',. • .18 The Square,, GODERICH, Ontario.••. Solicitors . for' the Estate. PHONE 4 ARD OF THANK I... With to .express -my; sincere thanks, to neighbours 'and • friends, who were ' so kind, a n d helpful - when I was in Wingham .Hospital s i n c e. returning home. Mrs. Cliff Menary We wish to thank .our friends "and' neighbors for their many. acts of kindness ; a n d . expressions . of 'sympathy shown us in the ?loss of ' our sister. We especially wish to thank Rev. W. A. : Henderson for his consoling words . and help in. our sad bereavement. „ Annie and' Frank MacLennan We wish ,to . express' of r' sincere thanks . to: our ..neighbors,,: friends, ' and relatives for. their cards," kind ' c - ' 'sympathy ' 'and mass acts .of .. sof- ferings, at the time .of our. ber- eavement: Special 'thanks' to those who brought food and. helped 'at:'.' our: 'home. • The Scharbach' Family and Im- elda and Leo Murray Mrs . ,J. Harold "Johnstone' of' Goderich': wishes to thank the. many . relative's a n`d- friends in Lucknow a n 'd surrounding area fortheir ' .thoughtful: reznembran- ,ces' at 'the time of :the `;death . of, her : son . Emmerson Willis in the. mine accident. at Goderich. These kind acts will long , be remember The ::family of the. late Mrs: Wm Menary wish to thank every- one for their .kindness. during.. her illness : and at ': the " time of her death. THANK YOU The .• members . of, ' the... Lucknow Lawn Bowling Club wish.' to, ° ex- press .;their thanks to 'the • merch- ants, manufacturers' and ,other in- terested `parties for the fine selec-' tion of prizes, donated, . helping' to make the Labor. Day Tournament the success ' it was. ;.PUT SEN.,INL.: ADS' '170 WORK. FOR 'OU --.. PHONE 528,.;134 Dee's BEAUTY SALON. In the ' Johnstone Block on Main Street, Lucknow • (Deana Parrish, proprietor) PHONE 5284438 or 529.7305. •••••••4••4]••••••••••••}• DON'S TV • •' i• • SERVICE , • • • • •: • ' ''Experienced • • All 'Work Guarhnte d ' e• e g • • Prompt Service r` Reasonable � Mattes •, •;PHONE :184,. 'RIPLEY:. ,; • RIPCEY MEAT MARKET Custom Butchering ,. Mondays, — Hogs, in ,by 4;00 p.m. CATTLE CALVES :and LAMBS EVERY ' bit• EXCEPT SATURDAY .` We' do Curing and Smoking .., Beef, Pork' and Lamb: Sold Whole,H • . For Better Service, Half dr : Quarter Lower. Pricey,- Calf • Ripley 100. CHAS,. HOOI'SMA Prop: . •