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• :Y
WEDNESDAY* SEPT. 8th, .1965
couts To :coolp.10.,..007.theril, Ont•
04 Allen Colwell) headed for the Winisk River. Fly
(Intended For Last, Week)* fag at 3000 feet the scenery con:
sisted of lakes, rivers and bush
Three lucky scouts: from 1st
lank= Boy 'Scout Troop in the inn JUL diregen lOoked. Our
ns of Doug Eadie, Eldon PLAH, Ltuermvu us•as We flew ever
a mining camp, lumber camp
and two Indian villages:— Land-
sdown House" and `Webequie."
When , we landed on the ' Winisk
'River at 2:45 p.m. we were 240
miles froth Nakifia land ,18 miles
from .the' nearest Indian village
• At this point we Were told the
purpose of our ailventure camp
— we were to clear campsites
for prospective tourists. The De-
partment of Lands a n d Forest
had allotted $10,000 'to this pro-
ms to give us our meal tickets Jed for scouts — there had been
.1Vbich were to szltisfy us while two previOus camps and one to
we were on the tram. , follow of scouts and leaders from
nswiller and Allen Colwell
WeTe chosen for a two week ad -
Venture . camp at Lake Winisk tin
Northern Ontario from July 25th
to August 10th.
iVe were met at Barrie on July
25th at the (MR station by Dis-
who Supplied Us with our tickets.
JOne boy frora Barrie and two In-
dian boys from Cape Croker join-
ed our group at this thne. After
boarding t e train, the Rovers
charged their way down toward
some ef the piaec,s we passed Ontario. Included in our party
throdgh were ParrY Sud- were 6 seeuts' 3 4vvers' 3 lead-
ers and 4 Indian guides.
• SornpaTne.. To pass the time on While we were 'getting settled
,/ the tram some of the boyp-• who the guides prepared a delicious
' tad gui'tars played until the wee
!tears of the morning while oth-
-era tried to get some sleep. As
a, reudt sleep was had by,
anyone. •Excit,ement was starting
to build up When we arrived in
' Naldna on Monday morning at
A truck from "Austin AirwaYs"
awaited our arrival and deliver-
ed us to the two Planes At a lit-
tle lake two ,miles from Nakina.
The planes, a '"Norseman" and
a "Beaver" loaded up and left
at 12:00 hi a due North 'direction
supper. Examples of the food we
enjoyed were beef steaks, pork
chops, potatoes, corn, peas, straw -
were dried — to prepare add
Water and then, cook.
'We enjoyed many, hours of fine
fishing — pike and , pickerel were
the main fish caught but' some
3 and 4 pound speckle trout, were
hooked in the fast znoving rapids.
One scout from • Thornhill hooked
a pike weighing 17 pounds and
measured 39 inches in length 'with
the, help of Doug Eadie. I 4as
Richard Bareltart, Tina Louise and Lee J. Cobb
''THE TRAP" Color
Elvis Presley with Anne Helm
• . Tell. a tale of the Florida beaches
Frank Sinatra, ltaffaella Caera and Trevor Howard
es Don't miss this smashing, adventurous Story
comiNs:- ty Giant as "FATHER GOOSE" •
THE Goderich
"Ger and. the Pacemakers'
Britain's top -pia) recording group' in „
"Ferry Across The Mersey"
PLUS Walt Disney's wildlife feature
Adult Entertahunent',,,,
Tony Curtit, Natalie Wood, Henry 'Fonda,.
Lauren Bacall and Mel Ferrer ,
Based on Helen Gurley Brown's sensational novel
'Sex and the SinOle Girl".
'color' a
-1111 • Frank Sinatra; liattaella • Carta.' and. Trevor . Howard' - -. a
a '• • 'Ilan.. -R.. an's Express" ' •• ••••
• • •
NEEDHAM — in Kincardine Gen-,
eral Hospital on 'ruesday, Aug-
ust 31, 1965 to Mr .and Mrs.
James Needham, R.R. 3, 'Ripley ,
a daughter, a sister for Larry.
District Hospital,' on Wednesday,'
August 25, 1965, to Mr. and Mrs.
Glen Haldenby, R.R, 2, Kincar-
RAYNARD — on Friday,. August
Katharine Jane.
fortunate in landing a pike weigh-
ing 181/2 pounds and measuring 41
inches in length ably assisted hy
Eldon Eckenswiller and Doug 'Ea-
die. It truly 'a' figherraan's
paradise. .The. guides demonstra-
ted how to fillet fish''Which *as
done very quickly and'. made a
The work that, we did consisted,
of making tables out of black
,spruce, . poles and using spruce
roots to lath 'the. poles together.
Also we made lireplaces ,and re -
until 2:30 and after that our time
was free to. do as We pleased:
kost. of the free time was taken,
up by 'fishing, SwiMming or rest-.
We had about • two days' rain
der of 'the weather waS sunnY
minor nature that of cut fingers':
and •one of the leaderS 'getting. a
fish hook caught:1n his. finger.
The fflides made several trips
to. Webeqtde to get fresh, supplies
which, took 9 hours round, trip. It
was' interesting te note , Prices Of
some 'of the suPplies, we: used —
plies mist ,be flown in we' .dan
understaad, the expense ,involved
. We ,enjoyed our 'two, weeks Of
adventure in this isolated and vir-
gin area. I feel within. a. few
years many sportsmen will soon -
enjoy t h e fabulous fishing and
sny to aay scout who 'may have
the Chance tt,fi attend one of these
adienture camps to 'do so.,
in! Beach
F. Avalon, A. Funicella
Funniest Teenage Comedy in a
Long, I,ong• Time.
The Quick Gun
AUdie Murphy Technicolor
A Western Thriller. CARTOON
Vampire and the
A Bloed' Lusting Fiend -Who Preys
Tower of Lconclon
v..Price Malt Entertainment'
The Bloodiest Page in 'English
The Killers
Technicolor. Adult•:Entertainnient
Yel.low.„Stor* Cubs
Desperate Men on the Trail of a
Fall and Winter
.S•Rs, Skirts' or :Junipers.
SATIN — suitable for cushions
, Materials in plains, plaids and
. prints
FILES 2.75
:PHONE 5284129
Trous$eau . Tep.. For
Gladyt McDonald.
(St Helens News)
Mrs. Charles McDonald enter-.
thined- on Saturday afternoon and
evening at a trousseau tea in lion -
or of her daughter, Gladys, whose
marriage takes place .on' Septem-
ber 11th.
Guests 'were received by 1VIrs..
McDonald, the bride-to-be and
Mrs. Jack Musgrove, mother of
the groom. Sandra HuMphrey Was
in chaise. of the guest hook.
The tea table was covered with.
a lace cloth centered with roses,
and the wedding cake. Pouring.
tea were Mrs. Sam' Reid, the
bride's grandmother; Mrs. W.' R.'
Farrier and. Mrs.,'Peter cook..
Assisting 'with the tea were Mrs.
Don Canieron, Mrs. Ross Durnin,
Mrs; Rusi, Clipperton, 1Virs. Mil -
Vert Reid and Mrs...Eldon Miller.
Mrs. -Ken Hodgkinson, Mrs. G.
Humphrey, Mrs. John Nichol-
son,. Mrs. Bill HuMphrey, .Mrs.
Lorne Cook and Mrs Chester.
Nicholson . displayed the trous-
seau' and 'gifts.*
ford, Who on Wednesday observed
Mrs. Charles McDonald and
Keith ,Cranston visited in. Victoria
Hospital, London on Sunday with
Mrs. CranStbn who "is a patient
course' on Tuesday At Goderich
Business College..
' Mr ..and Mrs. Roy Gardner of
London were 'week -end visitors
with her parents Mr. and Mrs.
Jim Curran.
Tanner — Terry
The engagement. is announced
of 'Mrs. Justine Terry of Bran-
don, Manitoba, to Mr. Harold Tan -
wedding will take place Saturday,
September 11th, 'S 4:00 pan. in
the church of the Nazarene, ,Ninth
Street and Louise Avenue, Bran-
don; Manitoba.
Curran -- cooke
erich announce the engagement of
,their daughter Sandra Gail to
Grant Murray Curran sen of Mr.
W. A. Miller, Mrs. Frank Mc- and Mrs. John II. Curran R.R. .1
Quillin, Allan Miller and Terry Dungannon.. The marriage will
Wilson visited on Sunday with rel- take place in' Victoria Street Un-
atives.in Woodstock and called on ited Church, Goderich 'October
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sebben at Strat- 9th 1965 at 3 o'clock.
' JOhn .Goldfar
U11110 ing
SEPTEMBER 8-9-10 •
Please, Come
Starring:' Shirley MacLaine, Peter ' Ustinov. • -I-
, • All Shirley MacLaine fans will loVe this one. It's fun from :
• start, to finish. One show' at 8:00 ,p.m. Wednesday and Thurs-. to ,•
• day. Two„shows at 7:15 and 9:15 p.m. Friday.
"Stop Look and taligh"/
Starring.: The' Thtee 'Stooget and 'Paul winchell
SEPTEMBER 114.13-14
,Starring: , Burt Laneaster
- • This is one of the .finest films to be make About the tIn- :
• • derground Army that operated in France during. the 1839-45 .41
1 war, ,There'll be two shows Saturday. at l':15 and 9:30, one •
.ii• ''' Sergeant Deadheadiv . ' l'-
.. sEpTimbok 1.54647 ••;.* '
': Starring:. Tommy kirk, r Deborah Walley, Buster neaton, :
• show on,,Morulay and Tuesday at 8,