HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-09-08, Page 2*AMIN TW 4. <E' 1+ • :Y THE: ta.CKNOW , ,SENTINELS- I,UCKNOW, • ONTARIO. WEDNESDAY* SEPT. 8th, .1965 Three. couts To :coolp.10.,..007.theril, Ont• 04 Allen Colwell) headed for the Winisk River. Fly (Intended For Last, Week)* fag at 3000 feet the scenery con: sisted of lakes, rivers and bush Three lucky scouts: from 1st lank= Boy 'Scout Troop in the inn JUL diregen lOoked. Our ns of Doug Eadie, Eldon PLAH, Ltuermvu us•as We flew ever a mining camp, lumber camp and two Indian villages:— Land- sdown House" and `Webequie." When , we landed on the ' Winisk 'River at 2:45 p.m. we were 240 miles froth Nakifia land ,18 miles from .the' nearest Indian village • At this point we Were told the purpose of our ailventure camp — we were to clear campsites for prospective tourists. The De- partment of Lands a n d Forest had allotted $10,000 'to this pro- ms to give us our meal tickets Jed for scouts — there had been .1Vbich were to szltisfy us while two previOus camps and one to we were on the tram. , follow of scouts and leaders from nswiller and Allen Colwell WeTe chosen for a two week ad - Venture . camp at Lake Winisk tin Northern Ontario from July 25th to August 10th. iVe were met at Barrie on July 25th at the (MR station by Dis- who Supplied Us with our tickets. JOne boy frora Barrie and two In- dian boys from Cape Croker join- ed our group at this thne. After boarding t e train, the Rovers charged their way down toward some ef the piaec,s we passed Ontario. Included in our party throdgh were ParrY Sud- were 6 seeuts' 3 4vvers' 3 lead- ers and 4 Indian guides. • SornpaTne.. To pass the time on While we were 'getting settled ,/ the tram some of the boyp-• who the guides prepared a delicious ' tad gui'tars played until the wee !tears of the morning while oth- -era tried to get some sleep. As a, reudt sleep was had by, anyone. •Excit,ement was starting to build up When we arrived in ' Naldna on Monday morning at A truck from "Austin AirwaYs" awaited our arrival and deliver- ed us to the two Planes At a lit- tle lake two ,miles from Nakina. The planes, a '"Norseman" and a "Beaver" loaded up and left at 12:00 hi a due North 'direction supper. Examples of the food we enjoyed were beef steaks, pork chops, potatoes, corn, peas, straw - were dried — to prepare add Water and then, cook. 'We enjoyed many, hours of fine fishing — pike and , pickerel were the main fish caught but' some 3 and 4 pound speckle trout, were hooked in the fast znoving rapids. One scout from • Thornhill hooked a pike weighing 17 pounds and measured 39 inches in length 'with the, help of Doug Eadie. I 4as = SUNSET DRIVE-IN THEATRE it. GODERICH — HIGHWAY ,I1' — 1% ,MILES EAST OF TOWN, • • • • • • -11 • • • DOUBLE FEATURE Richard Bareltart, Tina Louise and Lee J. Cobb ''THE TRAP" Color • MON TUES WED SEPTEMBER 13 14 '15 Elvis Presley with Anne Helm • • . Tell. a tale of the Florida beaches • "FOLLOW THAT DREAM" Color • • Frank Sinatra, ltaffaella Caera and Trevor Howard es Don't miss this smashing, adventurous Story "VON RYAN'S EXPRESS" — Color • comiNs:- ty Giant as "FATHER GOOSE" • THE SQUARE THE Goderich • • "Ger and. the Pacemakers' Britain's top -pia) recording group' in „ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • "Ferry Across The Mersey" PLUS Walt Disney's wildlife feature ".COUNTRY COYOTE" — Color • • Adult Entertahunent',,,, Tony Curtit, Natalie Wood, Henry 'Fonda,. Lauren Bacall and Mel Ferrer , Based on Helen Gurley Brown's sensational novel 'Sex and the SinOle Girl". • • • 'color' a -1111 • Frank Sinatra; liattaella • Carta.' and. Trevor . Howard' - -. a a '• • 'Ilan.. -R.. an's Express" ' •• •••• • • • ' .1 COMING:. "JOHN' GOLDFARB, 'PLEASE COME momgii. BIRTHS NEEDHAM — in Kincardine Gen-, eral Hospital on 'ruesday, Aug- ust 31, 1965 to Mr .and Mrs. James Needham, R.R. 3, 'Ripley , a daughter, a sister for Larry. District Hospital,' on Wednesday,' August 25, 1965, to Mr. and Mrs. Glen Haldenby, R.R, 2, Kincar- RAYNARD — on Friday,. August Katharine Jane. fortunate in landing a pike weigh- ing 181/2 pounds and measuring 41 inches in length ably assisted hy Eldon Eckenswiller and Doug 'Ea- die. It truly 'a' figherraan's paradise. .The. guides demonstra- ted how to fillet fish''Which *as done very quickly and'. made a The work that, we did consisted, of making tables out of black ,spruce, . poles and using spruce roots to lath 'the. poles together. Also we made lireplaces ,and re - until 2:30 and after that our time was free to. do as We pleased: kost. of the free time was taken, up by 'fishing, SwiMming or rest-. We had about • two days' rain der of 'the weather waS sunnY minor nature that of cut fingers': and •one of the leaderS 'getting. a fish hook caught:1n his. finger. The fflides made several trips to. Webeqtde to get fresh, supplies which, took 9 hours round, trip. It was' interesting te note , Prices Of some 'of the suPplies, we: used — plies mist ,be flown in we' .dan understaad, the expense ,involved . We ,enjoyed our 'two, weeks Of adventure in this isolated and vir- gin area. I feel within. a. few years many sportsmen will soon - enjoy t h e fabulous fishing and sny to aay scout who 'may have the Chance tt,fi attend one of these adienture camps to 'do so., HANOVER DRIVE-IN THEATRE • in! Beach F. Avalon, A. Funicella Funniest Teenage Comedy in a Long, I,ong• Time. The Quick Gun AUdie Murphy Technicolor A Western Thriller. CARTOON Vampire and the Ballerina A Bloed' Lusting Fiend -Who Preys Tower of Lconclon v..Price Malt Entertainment' The Bloodiest Page in 'English The Killers Technicolor. Adult•:Entertainnient Yel.low.„Stor* Cubs Desperate Men on the Trail of a Fall and Winter YARD GOODS VELVETS .DE"NIM .CDi-TONS SILKS .S•Rs, Skirts' or :Junipers. SATIN — suitable for cushions , Materials in plains, plaids and . prints FILES 2.75 o :PHONE 5284129 Trous$eau . Tep.. For Gladyt McDonald. (St Helens News) Mrs. Charles McDonald enter-. thined- on Saturday afternoon and evening at a trousseau tea in lion - or of her daughter, Gladys, whose marriage takes place .on' Septem- ber 11th. Guests 'were received by 1VIrs.. McDonald, the bride-to-be and Mrs. Jack Musgrove, mother of the groom. Sandra HuMphrey Was in chaise. of the guest hook. The tea table was covered with. a lace cloth centered with roses, and the wedding cake. Pouring. tea were Mrs. Sam' Reid, the bride's grandmother; Mrs. W.' R.' Farrier and. Mrs.,'Peter cook.. Assisting 'with the tea were Mrs. Don Canieron, Mrs. Ross Durnin, Mrs; Rusi, Clipperton, 1Virs. Mil - Vert Reid and Mrs...Eldon Miller. Mrs. -Ken Hodgkinson, Mrs. G. Humphrey, Mrs. John Nichol- son,. Mrs. Bill HuMphrey, .Mrs. Lorne Cook and Mrs Chester. Nicholson . displayed the trous- seau' and 'gifts.* ford, Who on Wednesday observed Mrs. Charles McDonald and Keith ,Cranston visited in. Victoria Hospital, London on Sunday with Mrs. CranStbn who "is a patient course' on Tuesday At Goderich Business College.. ' Mr ..and Mrs. Roy Gardner of London were 'week -end visitors with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Jim Curran. ENGAGE ENTS Tanner — Terry The engagement. is announced of 'Mrs. Justine Terry of Bran- don, Manitoba, to Mr. Harold Tan - wedding will take place Saturday, September 11th, 'S 4:00 pan. in the church of the Nazarene, ,Ninth Street and Louise Avenue, Bran- don; Manitoba. Curran -- cooke erich announce the engagement of ,their daughter Sandra Gail to Grant Murray Curran sen of Mr. W. A. Miller, Mrs. Frank Mc- and Mrs. John II. Curran R.R. .1 Quillin, Allan Miller and Terry Dungannon.. The marriage will Wilson visited on Sunday with rel- take place in' Victoria Street Un- atives.in Woodstock and called on ited Church, Goderich 'October Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sebben at Strat- 9th 1965 at 3 o'clock. • • • • "' WED THUR FRI ' JOhn .Goldfar U11110 ing • • • • • SEPTEMBER 8-9-10 • • • • • • • Please, Come • Starring:' Shirley MacLaine, Peter ' Ustinov. • -I- , • All Shirley MacLaine fans will loVe this one. It's fun from : • start, to finish. One show' at 8:00 ,p.m. Wednesday and Thurs-. to ,• • 0 • day. Two„shows at 7:15 and 9:15 p.m. Friday. • • • • • • do • • • • • • • • SATURDAY ,MATINEE. stptgio,BE,R.•, "Stop Look and taligh"/ • Starring.: The' Thtee 'Stooget and 'Paul winchell • • • • • • • SEPTEMBER 114.13-14 • • • ,Starring: , Burt Laneaster - • This is one of the .finest films to be make About the tIn- : • • derground Army that operated in France during. the 1839-45 .41 1 war, ,There'll be two shows Saturday. at l':15 and 9:30, one • .ii• ''' Sergeant Deadheadiv . ' l'- .. sEpTimbok 1.54647 ••;.* ' • • ': Starring:. Tommy kirk, r Deborah Walley, Buster neaton, : • show on,,Morulay and Tuesday at 8,