HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-08-25, Page 16SIXTEEN. THE LUCKNOW •SENTINEL,; LUCKNOW,. ` ONTARNO WEDNESDAY, .AUG,' 25th,, 1965 ., q'" r.'i h• ' n • •10".x. i\^".wt'VP. " '�.?\ Mothers, . if school days pot you .•11 * p' sewing:daxe, be s re you sept alI:'ouh fine fabr'cs, specially priced : for back to school. UNTS 4LL MATERIALS 0 DISPLAY NOW OM:kit° f �1GiNEE VISIT Sq' .77 Lades' 'and Men's1We r Lu ow PHONE 528.2126 AGENT' FOR KINCARRINE CLEANERS Free Pick -Up, and .Delivery Monday.and Thursday KINLOSS Mrs. Fraser MacKinnon 'mar - ray and • Mary ` . enjoyed a, few days vacation in: Hamilton 'with' IUIrL::.and 'Mrs. Jack Wilson.and family. ,..: . •Took Motor Trip Mrs. G. Hamilton accompanied. her daughter, Betty and girl friend on a motor trip • around Lake Superior last week. Allan MacDougall is home from Summer School which he attend- ed .in London .• Mrs:.: Gordon Maclnnes from 1Mlanitoba Called on friends and relatives in the community on Saturday.. Mr. and Mrs.- Bruton, • Elizabeth and Bobby and Mr.• and Mrs. Nichol; Barbara and Bobby of Corunna were week-endis Rues with Mr. and Mrs. Jack. Needham and Janie at their cottage on. the Fourth. Sunday visitors" with Mr. and . Mrs.• Ira Dickie and family in- eluded: Mrs. •Grace MacIver, Ronald- and Donald of London and Mr, and Mrs: Sandy Murray and four children. of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs Wm. Townson .of. Sudbury visited here early in August and attended the Clan- donald Reunion. They spent the last week of their holidays with Mr :and Mrs, Ira Dickie, 'Douglas, ,Walter and 'William at Hope Bay. NEW MOBILE OPERATOR John Hinz' assured " new, ;duties as -o erat aor f t the.Anderson P o . � . d o Flax Mobile Feed; Service the first of the month. Mr, Binz, . his wife ''Nancy' and daughter Vicki have taken up -res- idence 'in res-idence.'in the Joynt..apartment ov- er Henry's Fruit Market on -main Street. 'It is interesting to note that: Mr. Ilinz 'learned of the opening here through Jim Reid • who operates a' Frosty Queen business at Strat- ford. Mr. }iinz had been working for a Stratford, ,firm and. 'is acct.' uainted with Jim Reid. Jim drew the Sentinel ad to his attention and he • dame, -to Lucknow at the first opportunity andsecured the job. We'd like to say "never Un- der estimate the power of an ad in The 'Sentinel." •*. • ,- .. F . . . THAT reader's. in this area may ,'. be interested to know that Mr. and' Mrs. Reg Bitton of Wing - , are moving.. to Chathamdy where. Mr. Batton •has .. accepte:. , it a position at' . the. radio station. He is' presently : employed b CK N.K. THAT Mrs. Gordon Barger, : the former Mary LL.qq� Collinson ' of Kintail , is' a neW employee •at the Bank 9f, Montreal in. Luck- now. ;'' THAT Mr and Mrs.' H. D: Thomp- son, David ' and Janet left on ',Sunday for a two week's motor trip to' the Maritimes. They will' visit with Mil. Thompson's. ,brother John Dahmer. •and:. -his family at -Chatham, New . Bruns wick. , ,THAT Mr. and Mrs. Clarke R. Lewis and family 'have taken up residence in Georgetown where Mr. ' Lewis will teach, commen- ' cing in September. Mr. Lewis' has `,been on. the Lucknow Dis- trict High :School Staff. • THAT Mr .and 'Mrs. Elliott Fells of Whitby ' and Mr .and Mrs. Bert Gammie of Lucknow, • ;re- turned Saturday' from . •a three 'week's motor trip to . Vancou ver. They visited , with`. Garry • Johnston of ' the R.C.M'.P; at `Re gina and- with Mrs. Beth 'Sher- win at Brandon, Manitoba. '• THAT rgils who will . be 'attending Ripley District High, School; this fall will be. wearing a smart. new uniform consisting of a red `blazer 'and : grey skirt. The style and < quality were chosen by a committee selected by the :school beard consisting of ' Mrs. • Sandy MacChar'les, Mrs. Stewart 'Far- rell and Mrs • John H. Elliott. The uniform:. is "compulsory for all girls except Grade 13 this •year. THAT. in last weeks article of the' • dedication •of 'the' : '.Centennial gates at the Lucknow Park; Gor- don Kirkland's name was om itted from the .list of "past prey- - dents " who were, introduced . at ° the ceremonies. Sorry :Gordon! THAT Robert .Tutchener of Learn- . ington, a former member of the , Lucknow District • High School staff, •has been ' engaged to teach Industrial Arts at Kin- ' cardine District High School next term.. ' • • THAT Mrs. •Ivan Louzon of R.R. 5 Goderich, in partnership with Paul, Linklater. of the same ad- • dress, plans to : build a new store which will specialize in groceries &: fresh fruit. Attached to• it will ' be • a nursery. Known as Skyway Market, it will be situated just north. of , Goderich on, Highway 2L Mr. and Mrs. Louzon at one time operated a Fruit Market in- town now owned by Cyril. Brown: THAT Ann Carruthers, 18 year old 'daughter of ' Mr. and Mrs. John : • Carruthers of ` Windsor won a bursary of$400 from the Province of Ontario for receiving over 80% in her Gr. 13 sub- . -jects. Ann attends. West Lorne High School. She is' •a' grand daughter of Mrs. John Carruth- ers of Ripley. She 'will enter • Western University,London in September.. Ann's sister Gayle has . completed her second year at Western University.: • THAT fluorescent lights `installed last week in. the Sepoy Store make • a marked improvement. in the store. , ' - THAT Rosemary Rothwell; seven- teen -year) -old. , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ron Rothwell (Helen, Thom) of 'Norwood, was suc- cessful in her Grade thirteen examinations receiving 2nd class •honours,. She will • commence nurses's training, at Sick Child- ren's Hospital, Toronto, early in September. ' 44 YOUR "LOWEST PRICES" FOODLAND. FOODVALUES LIBBY'S 20 ;OZ . , Beans with Pork Sale AYLMER 11 OZ I p . Tomato Catsup' Sale ROSE COLOURED Murgarine Sale DISCOUNT (100: BAGS), Tea Bags Sale • LAVO BRAND ,32.OZ. Javel Bjeach.l Sale SAVE ;17c: 4 tins 89c. SAVE ' 5c 2 bottles 39c SAVE' 17c pounds 87c SAVE 16c package 69c HALF=PRICE. bottles 23c' WITH 55.00 CASH PURCHASE 'int Bricks ' .Ice SAVE ,15c Crean ,4-'!ya9c We .Sell , For Less Phone: Lucknow 528-3420 Values Effe� August 26,'27, 28 1v e THAT Barbara Nelson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Jim Nelson of Ashfield, ' and Peggy Button, daughter of Mr: and Mrs. Russ Button, ' Boundary West, will .en :ter nurses' training at Kitchen er-Waterloo Hospital next week THAT because Of the • multiple ' fatality of the MacDonald .fam- ily, the bake sale sponsored by the Zion U.C.W. for Wednesday was •postponed 'until a further • date. . THAT Mr. and Mrs,. Pete Mullin and sons.Jack . and Bob . return ed : last week front a . two week motor trip ' to the west. They. went as far.:. as, Central British Columbia. While there they vis - with • another son Jim ' who . has. been in the ' west fcr about :a year. • THAT four members of the ,Kafir shea Women's Institute were hostess at the Log Cabin, South- ampton Sunday„ August 22nd: Tea, . freshie and cookies were served to , over .90 visitors. At- t- tending were : Mrs. Evan Keith, Mrs. Harold • Campbell, Mrs: Harvey Houston and Mrs. -'Wm: Haldenby. THAT Roy Button,' son of Mr. and Mrs. :Ernest Button, has been - working as ..an orderly : in Wing - :ham .:Hospital for .the . summer months. THAT Mrs. 'Enah Currie .of ;crest Manor Lucknow • quietly observed her 87th birthday on Monday, August 9th. Mrs. Mor- gan:. Henderson of Lucknow is a daughter. Mrs. Currie has been a resident of Pinecrest for the past • year. • THAT most press reporters . that.. submit news, of various meet- ings . in the -area, do so quite promptly . following the ' Meet- ing. However, we are still.: not' getting through to some in our requests for early copy. Return- ingfrom holidays, we were pre- sented with stacks of • news . that had occurred over the two week layoff period. Late last • Mon- day, August 16th, reports of two' 4H meetings were . dropped in our letter drop . at the ' door. The meetings were held on July 29th and August 3rd and we had noalternative but to consign them to the wastepaper bas- ket. ket. Had they been used, they would •have crowded Out some stories ' that were submitted promptly ' after happening` •, THAT Mr ' and Mrs Harry . Swan and . 'five children have moved from Bervie to R.R. 3 Luck - now to Rus '. Ritchie's farm, form- erly the . lack Henderson farm, situated just west of Lucknow on'. Highway 86: Harry is em-•' prayed with. Reeves Construc- tion of Mount Forest: TIAT . as a community service,.• Lucknow Branch of the Cana- dian : Legion is„, bringing 'Kin- cardine Pipe Band here on Fri- day night to play: a• street con - Cert.. If you are lovers of the pipes,` and Lucknow has a let of • residents who fall” in; this class,. then you will enjoy the music c of this . fine band ,; which each. week attracts large ' • crowds at its • Kincardine performance. You might say a 'thank you" to Leg - on 'members' for this piece of community . service: • Mrs. Carman., Beaton - of Detroit. says "We sure enjoy our paper. very much." FIVE IN .. FAMILY (Continued from . page':1) old Ritchie, Donald MacKinnon, Les Purves, • Phillip • MacMillian; Frank'' Alton, Gordon; Finnigan. Mr. •MacDonald is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Russel, (Eliz- abeth) Alton .of Ashfield Town- ship and Mrs. Robert (Etta : Belle) -. Smith of Sault. *Ste. Marie; three sons, Donald {Dinnie'' of Ripley, • John .'"Jack" of Lucknow and Ken= neth'' of Goderich; a sister, Mrs, Clint (Kate) Smith of Seaforth andSeaa brother 'MDo of forth wellLorne as eightacgrand-nald children. , Mar aret . Jean and Tom , Mac- Donald ' are survived by their three' brothers and two , sisters, n, •' GRIM :TOLL • Lucknow has had many sad ac cidents over the years .and ail of them strikehard butwe doubt if ver the village experienced such heavy toll in a single accideti%+''. It is ,a grim reminder of the sor- ra o - row, heart:fuer che and suffering tha can come from ' simple, Sunday aftt ernoon outing. CHARGES LAID' Charges were laid. Tuesday a- gainst Westlake, driver of the Willow' ale car. He is charged d • with dangerous driving and care- less drivin' ` and will. appear 1n Wingham ' •curt September 8..