HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-08-25, Page 10PAGE, TEN. • THE LUCKNOW' SENTINEL; LUCKNOW," ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, AUG.' 35th; • 1965 rocrest Manor Nursing. Professional Nursing' Care 24 hours daily D ning' Room and- Tray Service 1Vfemher;-- Associated' Nursing Homes Inc Ontario.. AssociateMember:— Ontario Hospital; Association ' Municipally Licensed. Licensed by .Ontario: Department ' of Health MARY R; NEWBOLD, REG. 'GE.OIGE A. NEWBOLD,.ADMINISTRATOR u• pDrawer 220 Phone 528-2186 LUCKNOW, ONTARIO • door Reunion At wanosh yl; .r• Friday, the .13th was anything 'but, Unlucky . for School Section No. 2 West 'Wawanosh Township,. when perfect .weather ' greeted a gathering. of about 300 •pupils, teachers and friends coming back to ,renew acquaintances..., The present school will not re - :'open , in September as . the School Board : has • decided to ' transport the pupils for one year to S.S. No.. • 17 /A new central school is to be built' and be ready for Sept- ember, 1966. <;• • The first •.school was built of logs -and it was here. that the sons of the early pioneers : started their education. Some of t hese 'were grandparents 'of the present ratepaYers (such as the /Mills, Finnigan, Bruce, Moss familes) of this: Section. The present sc.iool was built ov- er 100. years ago, just to the north of the old log,, structure which was the first school of the , Section, and was .used, later as ;a woodshed un- til it was torn down. The , present school was built without abasement and heated with a wood stove•': until 1934 when. it was raised and a basement, fur- .race' and -.modern toilets, installed, • hydro put • °in and a, few.:years lat- er • a well was drilled. The evening's Program included dancing outdoors to the music of Tiffin's orchestra and was enjoy- ed by many. Others played cards in the . school or visited withform-` er friends.- : There :;was a display sof pictures of former classes;' one, of them over 60 years old was brought by George Wilson who still resides in the Section. Ted Mills, : a memberof., the school board for the past 19 years, was the master of ceremonies. Prizes were presented' to the fol, Oldest pupil present, •George. Wilson, R.R.•3, Auburn, who was 78. (Several older pupils were there earlier in the evening . , but hal left before this part of the program was he ' ). Pupil coming ` e; farth'=: t, Har ry Moss, Pla ' : , le r - miles); Oldest teacher why had taught there, Mrs. Ira Merrill, Clinton;_ former Miss. Myrtle Phillips; 'lat- est teacher, Mrs, Harold Elphick Lucknow. Ernest 'Durnin. had' .• chargee of the cards and prizes were award- ed to: Ladies' . High, Mrs. George Hallam,:; R.R. 3, Auburn; Men's High, . Bob :Hallam; Ladies': Low, Mrs. ' . Harold' Stanbury, : Auburn; Men's . Low •went .to ' Warner . An-, drews Auburn; Most - Lone Hands Mrs. John. Pepper,Kippen. The registration was in charge g g of. ' Mrs. Ted Mills, Miss .June. Mills and Benson Finnigan. Lunch' was served by ladies ,of the : Sec- tion. Guests, were present .from Hens all; Kipper, Plattsvillle, List owel Clinton, Kitchener, Goder- ich, Auburn, : Blyth, Dungannon, Exeter, Detroit, Walkerton, ,:St.. Augustine andLucknow. This school is situated :on. the .corner of Donald Durnin's farm and ' was • first 'known. ,as Oliver's school. Later'. it was, known as Prosperity schooland: then Plun- kett's school when ; Plunkett's own- ed the farm ' that Mr. Durnin now owns. 1963` 1963. FORD : SEDAN 6 Standard - 62865E VOLKSWAGEN One Owner - _6Q3¢4E 1962'N PLYMOUTH 4 -Door, Sedan - 60116E • 1962 CHEV OLET 4 -Door, 6 , Standard 57150E 1962CONSUL ^' , . • •' 4 -Door, , Radio - 61679E 1961 RAMBLER :. 4 -Door 61759E 1960 METEOR 8 Automatic, •'.Radio - 60808E 1959 „FORD 2-DGOR 6 Standard 61251E . 1959' DODGE 8 Standard, 4 Door -• 62256E 1958 DODGE. 4 -Door - J78359 k , .1957' FORD 4 -Door Sedan - 465972 SEVERAL OLDER. MODELS: , • Your Dodge - Plymouth - . Chrysler - Valiant'. Dealer 4OSEPHiNR Sakti' WINGHAM` 'PHONE 357.3862 First Meeting In Commuflity Centre Purple Grove' Women's. Institute' Purple Grove Women's Instit- ute met for the first time in the Community Centre, . for their Aug gust' meeting, which was in charge of Mrs. George Harkness and Mrs; Don Gillies.' Pianist was Mrs. ;Francis Boyle . Mrs. Ben . Scott read the Scripture passage.'Meth - hers- answered the Roll • Call ; by giving a news item on ; Health. These clean with •hormones ton7 sils,s tooth buds, instead of • den tures and many new ideas. The' members were in favour of taking the Senior Course 'on Vegetables with a Flair.. Leaders' will be..chosen later • to go to Luck-. now on. September 13 and 14. Mrs. tack Farrell and • Mrs.:.. Mor- ford MacKay will • act as leaders, of. "The Club, Girl. 'Entertains."• Mrs. Wm.. ` Arnold .reported on the . clay at the Museum. Miss Margaret Robertson, Mrs. Edburt Bushell, Catherine 'Bush- ell and Elda Harkness had a busy, but enjoyable day, .and were pleas- ed with the fine appearance of the Museum and Log Cabin. The September meeting •• will, be held on 'the 'regular meeting . day' at. Mrs.• Morford • MacKay's but in the evening.. ,The program ;: was . in ' ch arge of' iss Margaret Robertson. All joined in a .short. sing -song. Songs were sung by: Anne .Mackay, dIona Leeson, Valerie. Gillies, Sandra Collins, ' Margie Collins, Shirley. Mackay, Gloria . Litt acc@mpani ed by Pat : Harrison,, : Piano solos were- played by • Pat and Gloria. Mrs. " George Emerson had read- ings on Just- Folks and What• is:, a Boy?. Mr. and: Mrs; Wm, Walsh of Kincardine •then showed .:slides of ' places in Bruce. • County includ- ing some of our famous sunsets, and a few pictures of Arizona and: the Colorado Canyon. Mrs. George 'Emerson expressed the ' thoughts of everyone , when she thanked the Walshes. The. Ripley ladies 'were guests of the Purple. Grove . Branch and Mrs. Andrew .Patterson and Mrs: Joe Scott ;~ conducted contests. Lunch was served by Mrs :Vic- toria Smith ,' Mrs. George hark ness, _ Miss •Margaret • Robertson,' Mrs. -George Emerson, Mrs. Har'- vie ar=vie Thompson and Mrs. Wm: Ar- nold. ST. HELENS Recent visitors with Mr. ' and Mrs. Wm. 'Purdon were Mr, " and Mrs. Robert McIntyre of Winona. Mr. and Mrs. Archie McQuillin. of Toronto were week -end visitors with his parents, Mr: and Mrs. Wilfred McQuillin, Mrs. Della McFarlane of Gun- li, Manitoba returned this week after ' visiting with her mother, Mrs. George Cranston .for three' Months. • Miss Mary Smith, of Ottawa and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ord of Windsor were recent visitors with. Miss W. D.- Rutherford. The 'September meeting of the W.Y. will be ' held on' Thursday, September 2 at "8:30 in the hall. Mrs. Toynbee Lamb of Goderich will he the guest speaker. Motto, Mrs. Charles McDonald. Sale : of, Candy, Lunch and Program, Mrs. • Gordon Lyons and Mrs. Gordon' McPherson. CL.EARING eal Estate and Household Effects • will beheld for Mus MARY MocKE+nE Lot 2'Con.4 Tipp.. of Ashfield,1 mile north of Port Albert 5..�iutduy i,,UgusI 28 AT y"P.M. Refrigerator Large .Oil Space Heater and Stant Dishes " tank Electric Washing : Machine Chairs Tables Rangette Electric Rugs Studio Couch ; . Antique Chest of Drawers • ' Phonograph and Records ' Rocking Chair' Fine occasion-` 2 Beds and Mattress al chair , MANY ARTICLES TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION. REAL ESTATE.. 6 -room frame e: ; house with Hydro and bath, drilled ` wed, hen house, stable,' situated on 2 acres of land. Sold Subject To Reserve Bid TERMS CHATTELS. CASH, REAL ESTATE, 10% CASH BALANCE IN,30 DAYS MISS 'MARY Mac10ENZIE : D. B BLUE Proprietor o rieto' : ' Auctioneer p PROVINCIAL TAX IN EFFECT' Hear: President f Presbyterial O 'Luckn9 w Presbyterian W.M.S The Midsummer 'Meeting of the. Presbyterian Afternoon W.M.S., was • held • on Wednesday; August 4th, in the Sunday School Room. A. goodly number of 'ladies. attend "ed _The • meetingopened with Mrs.' J. Little in thechair, and Miss,. M. Malcolm , at the:; piano. ' A hymn was sung and Mrs. Little -gave : a prayer, -The : 13th, chapter of lst Corinthians was taken for. the Scripture Reading and ,was given by Mrs. J. Little. Mrs. C.. Cook gave the Bible Study which was based on "Love", . Christ's ; great, love for • the world, reflected .by 'His death on the Crdhs. The . Pray- er Circle was given by Mrs.; P.., Stewart, Mrs. N. McKenzie, and - Mrs J. Little. The membersans- wered : the Roll Call by repeating a verse from the Book of Esther. Business was then discussed and • the visiting committee heard, from. The Offering was taken, and prayer followed by Mrs. J. Little. Solo I Believe in Miracles" was: • given by Mrs. Forster. Mrs., °'M. Henderson introduced the 'guest speaker, Mrs. Andel-- son nderson of Bellville, and , President of the: Presbyterial, who spoke on the conference held there. She stressed the fact that unless : we put something -into our work, we cannot expect to get anything ' out of it.. Mrs. Little thanked they speaker, and a very pleasing piano solo• was rendered by. Miss M. Malcolm "Come :' Unto Me". Mrs. W. Porteous thanked the Guest . Speaker, . Pianist, and all who took part. A hymn" was sung, and the meeting Was brought,to' a close with :prayer. by Mrs. Johnston. .It had been arranged that a pic- nic be heldin connection with the' meeting and • a lovely supper, which ' had been prepared.. was partaken of,: A fellowship hour was . enjoyed and the ladies dis- persed to their several homes. GODERICH BUSINESS COLLEGE 24th Fall Term Opens September 7 Practical Instruction in all Commercial Subjects SENIOR AND JUNIOR COURSES Examinations set, marked, and Diplomas issued by. THE BUSINESS EDUCATORS' ASSOCIATION OF 'CANADA, Modern . EquipmentQualified Teachers—Monthly Tuition $32 Dial ;524-8521, 7284 or 6307 for an appointment' • 1 .Ask about convenient departure and return. times:; • For' information, phonethe local CN passenger Sales Office ONS W wwrro , f±gRE. CANADIAN NATIONAL