HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-08-25, Page 9WEDNESDAY, . AUG. 25th, 1965.
• .Goderic._k Ont 4 ,
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Dear Mrs, •• Volunteer: •
Thisletter will, x 'Hope, contain
a comprehensive outline . of the.
mental welfareof the patients:
of . the ' Ontario H o sp i. t' a l
and the relative dependence, a#,
this welfare on tbe' assistance from
volunteer organizations. ;It„ bears a
close resemblance . to, previous
letters requesting aid:, however,
we trust it may • direct your at-
testi* to the various activities of
the '• patients. , through. 'volunteer
e p.. e ,public, staff & patients
understand and. appreciate the act-
tivit'ies provided through the Vol
unteer Program, and. trust in the,
continuance of fur they help . in
this worthy cause;
A now organization' is being de-.
veloped to' `cultivate ' all phases in
a Volunteer ,Program: •A special
office, in the hospital has been . es-
tablished; from which volunteers-
are assigned to various duties. ,—
in the" wards;1 gift shop; arts and:
crafts department; shop 'work;.
entectainment, •. etc: • Each ; volun-
Leer will be given his or, her?per,.
conal. badge . at—the Volunteer of-
,fice. +r
In, revicewin .the , n t ` • '
g , e . tecta;-nnent ;
supplied, many clubs, ; groups and
'indiv'dulals have . given of..their
time. and talent. Regular patient
"drive -outs .by volunteers have
proved a real source of pleast.
Birthday . parties are a regular
monthly feature. Each celebrant
receives a gift and a special pro-
gram am •for the event is carried out,
with the 'never -over -looked birth-
day cake. . •
Recently a wood -working shop
program. ;has been added to these
activities for male therapy. Scrap
wood' has been donated by sever-
al building° firms, and cloth for
quilt patches has been supplied
by 'mer'cha'nts and -bye, hospital,°per—
,sonnet. •: Several ,groups. •donated
,books :and magazines for distrib-
ution throughout : the, hospital.: Sup='
plies forr refreshments at the com-
ing Hospital picnic have been of-
fered, already,
The ,Christmas treats and pre-
sents given to all patients in, 1964
were donated voluntarily, ' CKNX.
helped immeasurably, ,h:e r e.
Through' the thoughtfulness of the.
Lions' Club, the Kinsmen and
the, . Knights of Columbus, tickets
were supplied for ' hockey ,games,.
carnivals arid circuses. Moreover,
,trapsporatation ' by chartered 'bus.
wasarranged for each occasion.
This, my friends, might, give you
some idea- of what.a .Volunteer
,• mee
,Program—has meant to these=' pat-
ents. , We are '.going to .hold an'
orientation: meeting, at the hospit-
al on 'Wednseday„ afternoon,:, Sept-
ember 22nd, ,at ` 2:00. o'clock. At
this, meeting, 'our plans will be dis-
cussed • and explained: by Mrs.
Prosser, Nursing: Superintendent,
Mrs,.:'' Van •Egmond, and myself,
as Volunteer 'Coordinator. We ex-
to you " a very special 'invit-
invit-ation to be present, and , hope •to.
meet you , personally. If any.
groups°• are interested in help-
ing us :to further " this program
'forward activities or entertain
ment,. we would be; glad , to hear ,
from them. ,. .
Yours very: `,Sincerely,
(Mrs.) Mn • . Redmond
Volunteer Carordinator..
Is Your S.ubscription'..Ranew.ed?,
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