HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-08-25, Page 64 U'. �>a f a f:r! ti yr 4 t • • rt 'PAGE SIX THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ,ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, AUG.. 25th, 196S. ' C air ers.W.M.S.. (Whitechurch News) Chalmers. Presbyterian W.M.S.. metOn Wednesday, August 18 .at the. home. of Mrs. Albert NtcQuill- nn with 18 ladies and two child- ren. present.,'• . Themeeting opened , with. , the president Mrs. Victor ' Emerson gvfr g 'a poem ``What I Can Do" nd the Call to , Worship., The Eeripture..was read by, Mrs. Robt. Ross. The Meditation was. given ,by Mrs , ,Ii. D ' MacDonald, Mrs. Prank' Coultes led in prayer, . A. hym*. was sung.. Mrs: George Fisher gave the tepid. She described the power of Niagara' Falls "Mien. converted to electricity and- the .power of TN. She compared the (power of Pray- er as a,, conn unication people have with God If people would *zse Prayer at all times and not >,E when in need,; in fear, or in banger how much happier lives they would have.. 'If folks, become accustomed to _prayer they will ttirn d" to Goas 'naturally"as . a wer to .the sup.; More . things are tit "b - prayer than this "World. o . The' Glad Tidings dreams fgs 'grayer was given by Mrs. John - Ston Conn, minwere read. Mrs. ,.Tne Utes ;by : Th ff Russel Ross. dedicated ng, y was Mrs,, Miuiail'on ..Couple.. ceived and; lo, Mrs. Victor Emerson Don. Ross , yer for the sick Ar- rangements were made for flow, 50 Year. Married Tent A, Guide ed in pr „CI itts" Best amp ers .in the church, on Sundays till September 12.,Mrs. H D; Mac- Donald gave a report on Missions. Mrs. Dawson, Craig . gave. a fines aneial statement. • Ladies Aid • A' hymn was sung .and then the. Ladies' Aid 'meetingwas held. It. was decided to. quilt a quilt for' the Bale and one •for folks wish- ing 'One. done A. ' committee . all pointed was 'Miss Lila : Emerson, Mrs. Watt,;. •Mrs: A. Gaunt . and' Mrs. J. McInnes. TheBenediction_..3yas given. -by •Mrs, Emerson , and Grace .was. sung. Lunch .was served by host,. ess Mrs. McQuillan and those In' charge.•of the meeting Mrs. D. H.` MacDonald I and: Mrs, George Fisher. • Barbara , . Stanley,.. of Lucknow spent a few• days last week .with her :grandparents, 'Mr. and Mrs. James McInnes. Jim Falconer . and Lois were. Wednesday evening •visitors • with Mr. and Mrs. Russel Ritchie. Mr. and:. Mrs. Albert Coultes visited= Wednesday 'with Mr. and Mrs. .Jadk Coultes and family' of Dresden. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Dahmer of, Millarton. recently celebrated their Golden .Wedding • at their home on the 'Durham Road.. They were. "At , Horne" to their'. friends and. neighbours on. July .25, when over one hundred and fifty persons called to Offer congratulations and: ` best . wishes.. . At the, tea. table; centered with a three -tiered • wedding cake, Mrs. John Upper of Atwood poured tea in' the afternoon land. , Mrs.. Orville Taylor in the evening. Tea was' served by' Miss -Mildred Horne, Mrs. Lilian Robinson . assisted. by Miss Lexie , Bell and Mrs. Howard. Brown. • - - On the :following: Sunday a wed- ding dinner was served : at their home to .twenty-five relatives. :. Mr. and., Mrs.. Dahmer were married : July 28, 1915, and' have lived on the same farm since their marriage; They have two 'daugh- ters Hazel: and Acie _(Mrs.. Noel' Charron) and one son Morrison. Brian Falconer. of. Bright's . Grove spent this week holidaying with' his grandmother Mrs: Cecil Falconer. OME HEATING J5 0UR BUSINESS See Us.,At The. C"o�:For Information Or An Estimate On A New OiI Furnace At No Obligation NOW DURING OUR ANNUAL . CLEANOUT PERIOD ; "WE WILL • INSTALL A .SP.RING AIR • HUMIDIFIER' khat , .will put up to 9 Gallons Per, Day Moisture.. Your Home A Completely New Idea ifl. Humidification NO INSTALLATION CHARGE now District doe heating with the, .big p'1 -us factor 4 Change to co•OP '4$011610r'ifs :FUELOIL oWflership (by Carroll McKim), Ties' is • my report of the, Come ,pang Camp, of the lst .Lucknow Guide Company, ,,,held at Camp. Glen -Mac, near Seaforth, Ontario; from August 5th to 15th.Parents of the Guides :provided transporta- tion to and from the camp for the twenty-seven , guides . , and four • leaders. ' The campers named .their gtents after families and 'they' were as follows: ' "Rogues", , Mary Hend- erson! Margaret' , Chester, • Eliza- beth Newbold, Barbara , Wilkins, and Brenda Ritchie; "Clampitts", Donna Mullin, . Brenda Jardine, Janet Thompson, Carol. Campbell and Elva Ritchie; "Mary Pop- pins", op-pins",Patricia ,Connor, Ellen :.o Donnell,. Jo Anne Green Patty Hamilton and. . Deborah Corrin;: "Gilligan. Islanders", Gail .Jamie, son,_ Edith Whitby,: Nancy.. Walden, Charlene Anderson and • Susan Manto. "The Pioneers" were • Bev- erley MacDonald, Sandra Boak, Lynda. 'Walden, : Nancy ,Corrin and Nancy Kirkland. . . "Piney", Mrs. Jim Boyle was the '.pioneer leader and was 'as- sisted by "Daffy" 'Eleanor' Whit- by. "Ginger",- Lynda Boyle, assist- ed the . general' staff which was "Mickey" Mrs. J. C. McKim, com- mandant, "Cookie", Mrs. George Whitby, quartermaster, and "WS. Ed," Mrs. Jack' -MacDonald, : pro- gram .director. Elaine Whitby . ac- companied her mother. The ° , campy schedule kept the girls : very . busy. The '"cooks'' -were : wakened at 6:45 am. For the first five days, : the ' guides cooked on a wood stove in an out- door kitchen: Then the, girls cook- ed. over. , patrol fires;, for, 'the last five day& One of the highlights of the camp was. the . daily .. bus trip to the Seaforth, . Lions pool . where we had the pool to ourselves for an hour:`Two , guides passed . their lst %class swim test during this period, : DeborahCorrin and Nan- cy Walden.. Hikes, nature,, 'study, crafts' . and : wide games ,-added ;to the varied ' program.: On . August 7th, the,, guides attended the' Sun- day morning chnrch'service at the First Presbyterian : Church' , in; Seaforth : and were cordially re- ceived. Each day ended .with a . Camp- fire. An., International . mapfire and a Christmas campfire added interest here and I think I could safely say that "Mandy was the favourite :' camp song. The con- cluding • campfire was .. a very special one. Three recruits Were enrolled into the sisterhpod of guides:, Edith .Whitby,.. Ellen , O'Don- nell and Nancy Walden. The fol- lowing : badges were .presented .Gail Jamieson, Second Class, Pat- ricia Connon; ' Minstrel; Sandra Boak, First Aid; Nancy Kirkland,' Cook; Nancy Corrin, Cook and First Aid; . Linda Walden,' Cook and First • Aid;:. Beverley MacDon aid; . First Aid,. Cook and Track- er, Eleanor Whitby, Camper, Woodman, .First Aid . Stalker, Con servation•, _ and Woodlore Emb- 1eni�; Linda 'Boyle, Camper., Wood- man,, First Aid, Tracker, .Con- servation and ' Woodlore' Emblem. WESONT GC?_ LT 1311 La-1a�wTi 528.2909 LUCKNOW The : campers, all did their jobs well, but since itis traditional to pick a "best camper", • Mickey presented. this award to first.', year camper . Charlene : Anderson. The "best pioneer" was Sandra Boak. The best tent at, 'inspect= ion was the "Clampitts." Special visitor at the camp was Mrs. A. E. McKim, who' donated , the crafts material. •The. camp was Officially inspected by Mrs:' Greta. .Lavender, Huron .Division Camp Advisor, who• has since . . sent' word that the pioneers, pas- sed .their 'badge. • It is the hope of the staff : that although _ thecampers may, have returned honor tired, they inay. have .had a profitable and . enjoy- able experience, ..'Mrs 'George Whitby looked ..af� ter the financial business of :the camp ' She has reported . that the • total profit • from ,the . camp 'a-'• mounted ,:to $67.45. A • cheque' for . this amount has ,been forwarded. to .the Glen Mac' Camp. for, . i.m-' proveinents to , the site: CLJLROSS CORNERS - L.A.C.` and :Mrs. "Russel Stewart and family, Trenton, visited last • week with 'Mr .and .' Mrs. Tom .'. Stewart, 'boys and: other: relatives, Mrs: James Wraith,. Lucknow,, spent ' Thursday. night, with Mrs. •Frank, Brown and called .on" form-. er, neighbours along the line.. Ronald Parker Bsc': Fort Will liam is spending some time with his . parents Mr. :and /Mrs. with. e4 Parker. , Doris Wall land little Sherry Pen- ner, ,London . spent the week -end with 'Mr. and Mrs. •Morley; Wall • and family. ' ' ' Beverley Wall, Exeter, Was horn' for a few days. Christine. and Mary Lou. Thomp- son holidayed with , Mr. and Mrs. Stewart. Bell,. Shelbourne: William : Stauffer., ' Brantford, was a caller ,at .Browns. on Sun -- day afternoon:. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Gray, Blue= vale, spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Midford Wall. s Yew Subscription , Renewed? T/IRO'/GHOUT THE YEAR, YOU WILL FIND; THE TIMELY VALUES YOU HAVE /N MINDc t LOW PRICES ION HIGH QUALITY Furniture and AppIkinces401.1dOces:•-- 528-3013 god solfrt.. HOME FURNISHINGS MOFFAT APPL /ANCE.S'