HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-08-18, Page 9WEDNESDAY, AUG, 18th,1965 alit y.. AND FAIR PR/CE 60 HAND /N !AND;TH/S'/S THE COPE OFETH/CS ON.. WHICH THEY STAND. Mr.£iMrs. s $,WISE •: THE LUCKNOWSENTINEL; LUC,KNOW ONTARIO FLOOR COVERING CARPETS DRAPES. 'DINING • ROOM SUITE'S:' MIRRORS LAMPS CHESTERFIELDS ANO. ANY OTHER TYPE, OF Home Furnishings. VISIT 5(2B-3013 ecoft, HOME FURNISHINGS MOFFAT APPLIANCES WHI.1ECHURCH:- On . Tuesday, Mrs, Ira Wall, Ed- na and Mary Lou left to visit her mother andother relatives at Ab ,ernathy Sask. for • a few weeks; Mr. and Mrs Fred Fells, Pat- ricia and- Susan of Toronto: and his sister. and her son .John of Yorkshire, : England, • spent . the week -end with Mr. and 'Mr*. Rus- sel Ritchie of L-angside, played the . second: game in the PAGE NINE Doe-Amixto! wr ,Tuesday morning, where they will be joined by -his parents, Mr. -and Mrs. Elliott and will proceed on fora tour of. the • Maritime prov- ince. SPORTS Whitechurch and Cargill Midgets began .the first game in -the play- offs of a ; series of 5 . with'. the score 4-2 in favour of Whitechurch. On ' Friday evening Whitechur- 4 ch .and .Belgrave . PeeWee 'teams' Visitors. with Mrs:, Claude Cof- fin were: ,Alex;' Coffin of ' Galt.. on vacation, : • MrS. Robert : ' Dent and •MQ..nty•,of Dorval and John Coffin and Mr. and Mrs. Richard ; "Cof- fin -and Dean .of' .Kitchener 'for the week -end. .Mr. .and Mrs. Wallace • Conn, Muriel, Alma and George and Mr. .and Mrs.. Douglas ,Conley of Wingham were 'Sunday •visitors. with .Mr. and ; Mrs. Ronald Coul tes, East Wawanosh.. township. - Miss Leah Currie and her nep- hew Davide Elliott of Ottawa who has been - visiting :relatives here the:. pastmonth left for, .' Ottawa ' ANNOUNCEMENT. ONTARIO ' /. Beginning September 1, 1965, benefits under *efun,d of Premiums the Ontario Hospital. Insurance "Family" poet ;An unmarried; unemployedperson who will . . :mium win be extended -to cover eligible un - now become eligible as a Family. dependant married, unemployed dependent children until -under age 21. because of'this new regulation, and they reach,their 21st birthday' (rather Hien-to the ' for whom separate premiums have already'been 19th birthday as in the. past): This will apply, • September 1, 1965; is entitled also,. to the •supplementary•'semi-private'. co prepaid b y e`ond p „ to a refund of premiums back to that date, Re .verage for which some residents remit additional •funds must be requested as .this,. is the 'only,: premiums to private carriers through the Com- means of identifying' those eligible. The farm Mission. at'the' bottom of this ann• ouncement is for. the. •' Separate premiums • wilt be required -when tonvenience'of Pay Direct members in claiming ' Such ,dependants reach age 21, or marry, or, •this refund. Premiums prepaid through a group: • / become regularly employed. Applications for (other than as an employee) will be refunded'. registration are available, in hospitals, banks,.through the groin). " • •.Province Of Ontario''Savings Offices and. • ' Commission- Offices. Note The Family premium,: however; will cover a cion literature is tieing changed to show person.over age 21 who is dependent upon' the • Commis P .g ., u ' guardian because Of physical , the new: age limit. In the meantime, please read• insured parent or pamphlets 'as . ental infirmit , r'evided ho•or she was the •• all references to age 19' in existing or m y.p,., age 21 . insured person's dependant before age 21. , ONTARIO HOS? ITAL-"5 RVICES COMMISSION: T0110NT;O .7, .ONTAR10 mssip air. 'r rr �r mawr� REQUEST FOR REFUND t toronto.7�.Ontarld' :TO Ontario Hospital SerVir es Cornet sSiofl, 2195 Yonge . DEPENDANT'S; DE IDANt''S SURNAME• (FAMILY NAME] Please prior TWO INITIALS • IF ADDRESS IS RURAL ROUTE or GENERAL. DELIVERY INSERT NAME BY WHICH YOU ARE. KNOWN -Le; Torn, Harry eetc.• 1111111111111111111111111111111 POSTAL A ES 'LR..,BOX, or STREET. NUMBER . • MAME Of OI -er TOWN cPiusr oftnU PROVINCE I.. (}('oder age• 2I unmarred and financially de', ' • parent Or who is insured EPENOANT pertiderit upon my sign • . • iriOntarleHospitallnsuranceattheFamilypremturi8. PARENT Pfease.cancei my personal coverage under theabove signed nuimbet and refund premiums, paid for tho benefit dA • period beyond September 1,.165,- ITlOE0 AddiOlt TRIS FORM ARE AVAU.AeLE UPON REQUEST ., • COPT AGE (] Mr; .. [] Mlss DEPENDANT'S DATE of BIRTH DAY MONTH _. YEAR 194 DEPENDANT'S HOSPITAL INSURANCE NUMBER 11 'playoffs with the score . 8-7.. This gave .' Whitechurch 'the . lead..in -2 out of -3 and •they now advance to play Brussels. ° • - • On' August 3rd in -Wingham Park under,the lights '• :Whitechurch and Crgill engaged in the -second' z lay-off . game with:. the score 6-1.. This ' gives , Whitechurch 2 games to, none in the playoffs. On. Saturday evening , 'in Wing - ham Park, Whitechurch :Inter mediates and London Free Press team played with , a score 8-0 in favour of Whitechurch. • , ' . On Wednesday ' evening, August• .4: Whitechurch and 'Wingham In- termediate teams began a: play- off series' of best - out of 7 . with 'a score- -Wingham 1, Whitechurch" 0. Ten' innings had to be played be- fore the. tie was- broken. ' On Thursday evening, August. ,5,. - Whitechurch -Pee Wee team -played Atwood team . in their park with . the resulting score 16-8. in favourof 'Atwood,. Tuesday evening August. 10,. -At- wood Pee team played. Whitechur- ch team `on their diamond. •with a score'. •14=.6 :in favour of Atwood.; This, was the deciding': game. At- wood now advances-; toplay: Brus- 'seas: Whitechurch .Intermediate' team played the second game ' with' Wingham on Tuesday, ` August': 10,:, in : the best out of <7 series. Result- ing; score; . Wingham T, Whitechur- ch 0.' Wingham nowt. has 2: victor-: ies inthis . series. -Mr. •'and Mrs. John Gauntac-. ycompanied : Mr. and Mrs. Jim: Gaunt of Morris township' on• 'a tour 'in United' States including' the White House, States of Vir- ginia and ` Pennslyvannia and others. • George : Coultes is spending few •weeks with Mr;' and Mrs. Al- bert Coultes and on Sunday Mrs. George ,Coultes of Pinecrest • Man- or, Lucknow, also' : visited ' with Mr. and •Mrs. Coultes. Born in Wingham and ' Dis- •trict Hospital: on Wednesday, ,Aug ust 4th, 1965., to Mr.: and .Mrs. Henk : Kragt, R.R. 2 . Tee'swater, a : son. . Born,- In Wingham and Dis- trict • Hospital on : Friday, - July '30th, 1965'..to -Mr. and :Mrs... John De Boer, ht.R. - 5 Lucknow; a son. ' Mr. and Mrs. Wesley -Rutter and family have ` moved on to • the •farm formerly • ;owned. :by• Stan Kay •across the ' road: from Charles Tiffin farm. We welcome them 'to the community. - Harry Hayes , and' liis daughter Betty •' of Birmingham,' Michigan,. visited 'last week' with • Mr: and : Now is the time.: to eradicate them.. More detailed information. can ` be obtained from county of- fices of . the Ontario Department of : Agriculture; IT'S EAS TO SART MF€PAfEO /NELL� THEY ARE MEOWS, WHO TN/NIf1WEWA 1RWIN'S CONSTRUCTION GENERAL CONTRACTING: BULLDOZING -BACK HOE SAND -GRAVEL , HAULAGE 528-3048 LUCKNOW Lucknow Area Know"Earwigs Well . Are you wondering whether ear- wigs.' -'are invading your property or not? "Put.a box on . your lawpn," says Professor'Harold Goble, De partment of -Zoology, Ontario Ag- ricultural College,- `''Guelph. "If earwigs are 'onyour property, they'll crawl under the box •'at night and be there the' next "morn ' Earwigs ' are . three -quarter -inch reddish :brown 'insects .that can 'be. distinguished by .forcep-type ' pin- ' cers' •'on . their•. abdomens. •While.. they are generally of no econotnic significance, they do eat garden. seedlings , ; especially carrots. These insects are 'likely ._to. _be ;present in greater numbers in new ;:areas until pesticides and - parasites take over. ' Their -• ob- jectio nal_ appearance, . unpleasant odor, , and habit .of lurking in food- stuffs, and clothing makes them' a nuisance ` to homes. •• If 'earwigs.. are invading your property, it's best :to kill. them be- fore they:enter your": home. About July 1st, is the best time to treat, • them'.. since a. corrective • spihay is more efficient `than:,' a preventive. At "this_time,.; .one, fifth of the fe ;male.: earwigs will be . laying • a second batch of ' eggs : The treat- ment is not expensive: Although commercial .earwigbaits are, a- vailable, baits can be made by mixing twelve ' pounds of ''bran; one pound sodium • fluoride,, one quart cod liver on. This bait . should be spread evenly by scat- tering the mixture like chicken feed .Earwigs have 'been able to live in Ontario's:. cold climates for ov- er twenty-five 'years.: They,have al- ready, become a.'problem in many parts of • . Southern Ontario, ' and Professor Goble expects ; them • to spread •to all of Southern • Ontario. Mrs. Charles Tiffin,, Mr.' and Mrs.' Fred .Tiffin and 'Mr. .and Mrs. -Rus-, , sel Ritchie of `Langside Janette Johnston, and Ilia Scott -spent the 'Week -end with Mr: ' and. Mrs • ;Charles Tiffin and Mr. and Mrs. George Youig of. Langside. Mrs. -Viola . Brown.: of Guelph visited Thursday with ' Mr. ' and' Mrs. George Walker and Mr. and Mrs. •Almore Hepton of , Brantford and Mrs. Bessie Easson• of Grims- by spent the week -end at the Walker• home. • ' ' Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Moore and Sandra- of. Burwash visited the past week , with. his father Art Moore and .With former neigh- bours and friends in the ; village. Barry Tiffin of Waterloo. spent the week -end holidays with, his parents Mr, and' Mrs. Dan ' Tiffin: Mr. and Mrs. Angus Falconer,.. , . Allan and Kevin of •'Streetsville spent the week -end holiday with his . Mother ' Mrs. Cecil. Falconer. Rev. Derwyn. • and Mrs. Hill,' David;. Gordon, Gregory and And-, 'rew of Sudbury . called on .a num- ber of Whitechurchfriends '• on Saturday, •• on their . way • home -from a motor trip. to Victoria, B.C. • Evvestroughing And Raofing Town And .Farm ' FOR: FREE ESTIMATE CONTACT; Better Building Mciintenunce• , . • BOX B e/o THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL OR 'LEAVE ORDER AT MURDtE'S .HARDWARE:'.: LUCKNOW, ONTARIO CPRESENTLY WORKING IN LUCKNOW AND ARE'Aj • MATERIALS AND` SUPPLIES PURCHASED FROM LOCAL ,MERCHANTS