HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-08-18, Page 7=WEDNESDAY:.. ; ,AUG.. 18th, 1965; THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUC. KNOW, ONTARIO arage CARS E:523-4,342:: ONTIAC,` 4' Doo V 8, 'Standard 'T'ransmis'sion 1964 P 1964 PONTIAC LAURE.NTIAN, 6, Cylinder,: AutomaticTrans, mission '1964 CHEV " BELAIR, 4- Door, Standard Transmission • 1963 PONTIAC STRATOC;HIEF, 4 Door., 6 Cylinder,: Automatic. Transmission, 1963 PLYMOUTH, •2 Door, 6, Cylinder,Standard Transmission • 1963 MERCURY,4 Door, V4` •Automatic 1962:' FALCON DELUXE :' STATIONWAGON 1961 ENVOY,. 4' Door 1961 CHEV, 4 Door, Stationwagon 1960 <CHEV, 4 Door, 6 Cylinder Automatic Transmission .' 1960 ENVOY Stationwagon 1958 PONTIAC, 4 Door, 6 Cylinder :stat.onwagon EE THESE AND rOTHERS APPIPINI KINLOUGH We extend 'sympathy to. Mrs. James Hodgins Si., in the pas- sing of her -brother the late Wal- ter Armstrong at ;' Achron, Ohio and ,her brother-in-law the late J. W. La Flan' at . Buffalo. Mrs. La ;Elam •was'. the former Wilma Armstrong. - .Mr and Mrs. Don Gillespie at- tended the funeral of Mary Lynn Glenn at :Lucknow, on. Monday af-. ternoon, Allan Nicholson returned home. on Saturday after holidaying with Mr. and Mrs,- -Cliff Langford at London .. Mr. •and Mrs. Don Bushell and family were recent visitors with • Mrs. 'Audrey. 'Borthwick at.; St.. Catharines and also with relatives at Niagara Falls... - • ' • Mrs. Tom Hodgins and Mr. and Mrs; Jack Hodgins attended the funeral. of the late J.: W La Flam: at Buffalo:. . . Cathy and Ronnie Gillespie spent a `few days with their . grandpar ents: Mr' and Mrs. Dan' Nichol- son in Lucknow. . Mrs. Douglas Graham Con, 2, Mrs: Chester: Hackett, Jamie and Ian of Ashfield and Mrs. Etta' Drummond of London. visited' on.. Thursday with Mrs;, William Cox and Rev., Benson . Cox: • Mr arid Mrs. Darr McInnes and family visited on : Sunday with, .Mr. and: Mrs, Leslie Kerr at At- wood. iiaIkiiki, ER CLEARANCE 10%o TO 20% OFF UMMER :FURNITURE - .� LOUNGES SUMMER. CHAIRS tiHAISE�TTES' CHAISE :REPAIR ° COVERS FOR' ; CHAISE LOUNGES . IR KITS ., EVERY TYPE OF" OUTDOOR FURNITURE HOME , THE. ' FOR THE COTTAGE OR FOR acKenzie Furniture LUCKNOW PHONE 528.3432 • Lochalsh; Scene Qi Su:inmer 1.•edding EMBERLIN FINLAYSON Jane. Isabel. Finlayson . and Paul Frederick . Emberlin, both of Tor- onto, were united in, marriage on July 17th at 3 p.m., •at the home of the bride's parents Mr, and. Mrs. Gordon, " Finlayson of Loch- alsh, The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred, Emberlin of Lucknow... , 'Rey .° D. Neil McCombie was of- ficiating clergyman. ' Miss Marietta. MacDonald played the wedding music and Mrs. Noreen Mac- Charles was soloist. • • White lilies and shasta daisies decorated. the 'living . room where the ceremony took . place. An a- bundance of beautiful bouquets werearranged' throughout the house . by. neighbours. The bride, given in 'marriage by her father, wore a street len- gth dress of .whitenylon organza over delustered satin. with bell shaped .'skirt, scoop neckline and; lace, jacket with three-quarter length sleeves, Her elbow length tulle illusion. veil with a scalloped edge . was taught bya rose and lilies of the'' valley,. She -wore white accessories . and• carried ,red roses, feather carnations and stephano- tis entwined with ivy. Attending the . bride as matron of .honour was Mrs. Gordon Brad- ley, Miss Carol' Finlayson, sister of •the bride was bridesmaid, They were ,dressed identically 'in pow-. der pink'dresses', with 'softly pleat- ed skirts, scoop neckline, . cap sleeves. Their shoulder length tulle veils with: scalloped edges were 'caught by single pink ° roses. They carried. nosegays, of pink and white fea- ther carnations' edged with fern. 'Roy Emberlin of Lucknow was his brother's best man. Rod Fin- layson and :Bill Finlaysori were ushers. • .' . A buffet dinner was served at the Finlayson ` home with the guests mingling on •• the lawn; The bride',s .table_ was. .decprated\ by Mrs.M Oliver acCharles of- Loch- alsh. The three tierwedding cake was made by the 'bride's sister Mrs. Bill (Barbara) 'Rogerson of Toronto. Both the table and cake were decorated with pink roses. The bride'smother wore a drap- ed chiffon sheath "dress of white with pattern of navy, and turquoise roses, ' navy ' accessories, and a corsage of white carnations,' ; The groom's ; :mother •wore a : turquoise lace sheath dress with .matching_ three quarter length°duster, white accessories and a corsage of white carnations. Guests "were present from Ot- tawa; Toronto; Paw Paw, Mich- igan. Romeo, .'.'Michigan; .,.,;Ripley; Lucknow; Guelph; Windsor ilton; , Kitchener. For a wedding trip south, the bride donned a two piece, linen suit with white and pink a essor ies. The newlyweds will reside at 725 Eglington' West, Toronto IIPAam save • • Pere y r /iY. h%Y•;;: rr /I.•// /:./. SPECIAL ON IIEEZERS Zenith Deluxe, 21 cubic -fait size 5199.45 estinghouse Deluxe,; 2� cubic foot size $244.95.: r 'estinghouse Deluxe, ?�I cubic foot size 9 LUCKNOW. PHONE 528-3008 Centennial Fair Plans Proceeding (Fair Notes Contributed) • Have, you taken noteof . all the, specials in the Fair book? The school work has been •jud- ged, the quantity ,and• quality were outstanding, the judges' • had a hard time making decisions in many cases. There ,are threeof four more entries 'for the schools as well as the flower' and veget- able section-• for them to try their hand. Are you making plans for the parade? Mr. Charles Webster and his committee are anxious to hear from you, Please be' kind enough to let - him know' 'if you are entering a float, decorated, ear,: antique car, or ,what -ever, you plan for the big gay, Parade will . start at 2:30' from the • east- ern part of town. Have you made a , gate sign this year' orlast and wouldf like to receive. •a prize? then enter it in this special feature and may- be you will go home with one of the prizes.' Is there 'someone you want in vited to the Fair? Then contact" one ' Of the centennial committee • or Mrs, Fred . McQuillin at, once as only those whose names we receive will be sent a special in- vitation. It `1s to' be understood that this column must be , accepted :as a personal .:invitation to each and everyone and that if nofurther initiation is reeeived that 'you will be " welcome both ' Friday ev ening . September 17 , and Satur- day the ,18th. Come one • come all to the biggesti and,' best Fair ver eyer "in Lucknow. The largest family present .will receive a special .prize of 10 lbs. of cheese from Gay Lea.e A. lucky draw .for a pony colt will ,make some boyo. or girl' ac- companied by their parent •a hap- py Fair goer. The Centennial Committee are Mrs. Oliver McCharles, Mrs; Gor- don Kirkland, Mrs. Harry Lavis, Mrs. Bert Alton, Lloyd Ackert, Donald MacIntyre and Oliver McCharles. , If you have some- thing to offer. for the Pioneer" Village please' feel free to con- tact,'any of these people ' who' will see 'toit that pit has a place in our Fair. We do appreciate the co-oper- ation ` received on Sunday, Aug- gust . 8th . when a large audience turned, out in the heat to see the Dedication of the •Centennial Gates. The Gate Committee and the Centennial. Committee are in- deed grateful for all the help re* witted in every respect. We need your Support for the Centennial Fair to be a success and We hope you: will". enjoy every minute you spend with us. ASHFIELD Rev.. J. P. Schissler of Dundas.. who* preached in 'Ashfield. Presby terian Church last Sunday will be/ the ' speaker, next Sunday also. • Mr. and Mrs. Leo ,Vanderlay and ,family' of Whitby called on friends here • last weekend. Miss Jean Drennan of Stratford was home for the weekend. • 25th Anniversary • Mr. and Mrs. Alex Parrish " cel- ebrated their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary on Saturday. Born —. In Toronto on July. 28th, , to Mr. .and.Mrs.. Richard .Comp- ton ` a 'son, Wayne Charles. • Alex MacKenzie of , Hamilton was home for the weekend. LUCKNOW 4H BEEF MET AT TOM TODD RESIDENCE The Lucknow 4H Beef. Club. ' met at the home of Tom Todd on Thursday, August 12th, for the last meeting -this year. ; Two classes of .. Angus Cattle - were judged and,reason given by several members , • Don • Pullen, assistant . agricul- tural . gricul-tural.. representative, along with Hugh and Wayne. Todd gave a shownnanship demonstration. ° An- drew Gaunt gave some points` on how to trim and clip a beef calf for best ~appearance. Don Pullen then wished every- one good luck on Achievement Day and urged all members `to complete projects. The meeting was . then closed by the 411 pledge.. A delicious lunch followed and ..._were thanked. Mr. and Mrs. Todd • for they hospitality.