HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-08-18, Page 6Sf 'THE LUCICNOW SENTINEL,t-OCKNOWr ONTARIO • Ask about' convenient departgge and return times For information phone the local CN Passenger Sales Office ONE J'•'U.Q S - ..WHITE PARe 'Nits' CANADIAN NATIONAL THE HOLIDAY HORRORS Next .. person whochuckles at me, "Huh.Nothing to do. now un. ° til school opens ' in September, eh?" is going to get a punch right: en the nose, even if it's a dear little: old lady who says it '. That's . how : I , feel . about: things after ;"three ` weeks ,.of ' "holidays from . teaching . school. If the rest of the ' :smuttier is anything like this. they'll be ` putting fresh sod, over hie about the middle of Aug - It all began innocently enough, when two;kids' stole' : a taxi while 'the' driver was shaving a beer, Trammed it into the . side of • my car, across from the tavern and Vanished. Next day, I' had to dash a round trip to the pity of 200 ;miles., with my daughter, . for her final teeth straightening appointment: The whole deal cost. me $700. KnowKnovi her -reaction?she's going4o- Miss her braces: = "Gee, dad;; •' they 're a' status symbol ` .Everybody knows ' `that." 'Next. day..1 cut grass all day because .. ' visitors -mere corning They were old "friends And we were" all a lot . older '.next day, af- ter hitting the sack at 6 ' a.m.. Up at noonand out for golf. Ever seen. • two. old cart -horses : trying to pull. something up -hill which they couldn't even pull down -hill? That's what Pete, ,.and I looked like as we .drag -tailed .our way up. to the 18th' green Had to get the first-born out to his summer job,on the boat by 8 a.m next morning:But had no trouble ' waking up. The ruddy birds started: yacking , at 4a.m., two paper -boys had .'a . violent al- tercation, about conflicting : routes under our window at 6, and °the. 'construction gang tearing up the. road in ',front of our place got their ,mechanical monsters snarl- ung by'' 7' o'clock. Wrote column, planted grass, weeded flowerbeds, 'soothed wife; distraught .because t her& son,; was leaving. .S a tried to:„make a big symbolic deal ;'.out • of it. '. "Don't you realize this is the, very last day. in his.. entire life that he'llbe at home one of : us?” (He'll be wnrise Bean 8:00, A.M. eeting ursdpy, August 26th,° Farm of Jack Pick KIPPEN 11/4 miles west of No. .4 All Beam Growers are invited to 'see. and hear about Liquid and Dry Fertilizers Trace' Elements — control of .the ,'Bean r • Beetle, Varieties; 'etc. 100 DEMONSTRATIONS' AND: RESEARCH ON 25 'ACRES 'Huron County Soil and Crop Improvement Association supported by Ontario Bean Growers Association i 1 ■aasuu iiinorm nmeao n■: •oo.aoou■ni.■ni••oa jaims ■om ■ ;FOR SALE . C We have quite a number of houses, for sate in Lucknow, varyig $4,000 ing. ' from five to. nine''rooms. Priced from i. ■.. to :515.009. • with $1,000 to"`$10,000. cash. ■ ■ ,. •.One to suit your requirernerits ..* ■ i. ■• FARMS FOR SA� home two days 'a week all sum- mer, but apparently that doesn't ;count.) Next day, took Hugh to his boat again ' at 8, ' put car in body shop to have doorfixed, wrangled with insurance : company, helped two high 'school ' valedictorians , with their:o'speeches, • told wife to stop fretting about her son, told daugh- ter.' augh-ter; to " stop fighting • with her mum'. Whole family : was; going to boat to . see. Hugh . off on' (laiden trip, to . ;his unutterable disgust. • Car wasn't . ready • Panic. Tears Re- criminations. Borrowed a car; beetled : to dock. Boat almost out of " .;sightwhen we arrived My fault,• though wife was' • half an hour Mit on embarkation time: r Early a.m.,' drove' wife ;to town 30 miles away for eye examina- tion. Couldn't find doctor; he'd moved. My fault. Late. Dashed for home after exam which ',con- firmed opinion wife }s eagle- eyed. Had, to change 'and drive' .30 miles to still another town. for big ceremonial dinner..But. wife had'.. to ' dally and watch a 'wed wed- ding before we left. Got there when: most of the booze was gone. Insulted by. lady who ''thought' my Wife was. • my daughter.. En- tertained by lady who fell flat on her face on the lawn after ;bar re- opened. She : got up gamely, chort- ling, "He never laid a. ,glove on; However,. today has been peace-,' ful. People and.' their kids invited for .outdoor - ' dinner, It ` ,rained.: }high arrived from • boat with two accomplices, headed for , a beach party.. Kimison her • way to .a pyjama party . for Some kid leav- ing town. Really quite placid: Mom down- stairs . doing eight acres' of dishes. Dad. sitting •writing. his 'column. And the .blasted construction gang working overtime 'out front. Hol- idays?, You ' can't beat them. But, if you: can; please' beat them to death'.. with ` a big stick:: Roll on September!. ST. HELENS Mks Violet Saunders of Lon- don has beena recent visitor with her cousin, Mrs. B. F. Green and Mr Green and on Saturday, they attended the Andrew -Lane picnic. Visiting • H,olland • Mr. and Mrs. Simon De Boer left on •Thursday fora visit to their. nativeland, .Holland. Mary' :Pannabecker. is ' visiting with Mary Lou Henry at Dun- gannon, Mr and Mrs. Lloyd Humphrey, W: °'A Humphrey; -Miss Lila Hum ph Tey and Mr: and 'Mrs George Webster attended the funeral of. Mrs. John Clemens :at,"Hespler on Sunday; George McQuillin of Toronto is holidaying with , Miss Beatrice and Wm, McQuillan; Mrs. D. C ,McDonald has been visiting with`' Mr ..and Mrs. Angus McDonald and; family. • Mrs. Laura McNeil spent the past week with her daughter and son-in.law Mr. . and Mrs. Tom Trafelet at Southampton. Ken Fowler' and Harris Purdon have' returned' from a six week tour of Western Canada. Mrs: Roy .:Hawley and Leslie 'Anne of Oshawa .spent a week Mrs. with.. , her : parents Mr.and Lorne. Woods. ' WEDNESDAY, .AUG. 18th, 1965 —16-4, : David:. Gilmore and . Jef-. e.pent .. days •rs wlth her parentss and • M Sask., visited with • 11 r, ;and Mrs. Mrs. James. Ramage of Asquith, Andrew Gaunt and: renewed' :ac- quaintances ln; the :community.. • John- Stewart, of Evanston, 11 - hinds and 'Miss Hazel . Grimmon. of Kirklapd Lake, were recent guests of; , ss. W. D. :Rutherford.. Mrs. Roy Laidlaw, Gregory 'and Jimmie of Wingham are. visiting, .. with cher parents,` Mr. and . Mrs: ' Tom ' Todd while Roy is attending. ;a Moffat l lectrical School in'Tor- onto Mr. and Mrs Barry McQuiiiin and Jill of Hespler'were Sunday visitors with his parents "Mr and Mrs: Fred McQuillan. ST. HELENS. W.1. The August meeting of the Helen's ' Women's. Institute' : was held in the hall ' with the Pres- ident. resident. Mrs. Harold 'Gaunt. pre-. siding'. The guest speaker, was Miss Dean McLeod, of , Lucknow. She was introduced by Mrs. Lloyd Hunter and thanked by'Mrs.' Cor- don Struthers.: .4 Mrs. ' Andrew Gaunt favoured with a solo and' readings "were, given 'by Mrs. Harold .Cooper and: Mrs. S. De Boer. Your Subserilition Renewed? • REPORTS TB MOST SERIOUS COMMUNICABLE DISEASE Mrs,Beryl Davidson, executive secretary Huron -Perth .: Tubercul- osis .` Associations, `has ' returned from Highland Park; ilinoas, where she attended• an eleven -day National. Tuberculosis, Association 'I'n'stitute for professional staff membersof local, •.provincial• and national TB 'associations, With over 6,000 infectious cases of TB a ,year iri Canada, the dis- ease is • by. no:means beaten : yei. and according ' tri Mr. Davidson is our most sextons communicable' ' ■ ..a disease, It is iirriated ' that 6,000'. 000 'Canadians harbo it Jive TB • germs in' their bodice - a huge ■ reservoir • of potential' . infection ' in ■ the general population, Drugs only :i' .,stop the germ. from: multiplying and clog' to 16 per mut" of , new ■ 100 acre farm, with excellent building's, on the 4th concession'. w • ' ■ . of Huron Township near Bluewater Highway,, $18,500' ..so • 7k' r * ■ i FOR EFFICIENT SERVICE IN ALL PROPERTIES --- • ■ FARMS, RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL.—. CONTACT ■ ■• • C ® ,• , � ' .' i ■ • • BOX 193 LUCKNOW PHONE `528=3618 C AGENT FOR JOHN BOSVELD, REALTOR • ■ , BOX 352 MEAFORD, PHONE'428. i ' R•iiuuiuOiiuiuui uhiiri iiiira iaR■/ RuMRru■■i caste are ,,nolr• showing resastenee to at leaSt ore of the drags and ' the "' percentage is apparently growing. Researchers are trying ` 4 to d& aver new ' anti -TB drugs; but. with no success, Individuals, can '. protect' them- selves, hem-selves. and their family with -a check-up far the disease : onee a year. Mrs. • Davidson • `said this means a tuberculin skin test, and,, if it is positive, chest; X-ray, Both , are available at 'local chest din:: ics,..without charge. Local assoc iations 'take part in the NTA In- stitute as a means of assisting in the professional' developenlent of, staff .members. • 1 - Carling Black Label Beer brims over with thirst-drenching-flavour!:Pour n• y a: tail cool one tonight'. .. ou'll know.. • why Black' Label is ,the, big favourite with people coast to.coastl ._ "MABEL BLACK LABEL:* QW. AVAILOLE. IN NEW .ZrP OPEN CANS