HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-08-18, Page 4t Ir , 4 tk t • • PAGE FOUR ktN7,, •• • ' ..."; • it A 44-4, ••• - • • PTHE LUCKNIOW1 SENTINEL LUCKNOW, ONTARIO •••••,1.11•0.!... 1 " a.) r.A.* 41.ief;!' • • 7;h/(.," :-Pr-4.171VA":11, .1r elVorsiA13;i4 etVigt 4 .1°617112 war to,„1.11, • wEDNESOM, AUG* 18th1.965: • FOR SALE 27p.Chaiie '. Wflidns, LR. 3 ,Lucknow, phone, 5294157; . . • . • FOR SALE — 24, 38 Dion thresh-, • • , . in machine„ Al shape, priced • to selL P, 'Murray, R..Ito • 1 Holyroed; phone . Ripley 8, r 20;.2 • , WOOD FOR. SALE — Hardwood" or softweed • slabs, in 10! cord loads. We , deliver. Borden Litt, sawmill,. phone 392-6895 Teeswater. • CAR FOR SAIX — 19$3 Meteor Conch • in gOed, voliditiOn. *Bob impbellLucknovv, phone 7417. . • .• ' VACUUM' CLEANER: E SALES and(' SERvICE. For all makes --• Filter, Queen Sales, ' Varna,. phone 262-5350. FOR SALE, binder on rubber, with carrier, very good condition. Gerry van Beers, R.R. 4• Kinear.„ dine, l)hene Bervie 2474. .ATTENTION FARMERS For ciistom swathing, contact * 14aOrnverti52S9c471-bttth-R.R. 7 Lucknow, or ph F'OR SALE —, approximately 175, Year.hens,1 good for second year of laying or for the freezer, ' 50c ;a bird: Phone 529-7205Dungan- , • non Leonard Chisholm. FOR SALE — Bell Separator, on rubber, •size 28. - 46 Complete with belts and cutting box.' In ex- cellent condition. Phone • Dungan- non 529-7387; Graydon Ritchie, R. R;•7 Lucknow.". SEPTIC &TANKS CLEANED Septic tanks,cess pools, • etc., •• pumped and, cleaned with modern •• equipment.' All work.: guaranteed. Louis Blake, R. 2,Brussels, phone 422-w-6. • • .• • • In • t t. • ' FOR SALE' L- Holstein cows and springing heiferi,.three year terms with no money down, satis- faction guaranteed, • Apply • Stan Horshurgh, • phone Wingham, 357- . BARGAINII.1 , _Subscribe to the Family Herald, $4.00 for 5 years; $3.09 for 3 •years andthree months; $2.00 for 2 years;. $1.00 for. 1 year; Place your orded at The Lucknow tine'. •• ' • CLEAKALSACCTO 1110.111. OM, IMAMS 41P.M...fa , . • • AUCTION SALE • AllanMacIntyre . • • • Licensed Auctioneer • •.Lucknow • Phone 526-3519 • FORSALE • HONDAS. IN STOCK—. immed- iate delivery. Insurance avail- able. 'Ponies from $25.00 ,tip. CUN- NINGH.A1V1' MOTORS, Rambler Sales and Service, 881-0740, Walk- erton. • • * . FOR :SALE One George White ,No. '6 grain separator, size 24 - 42, coMplete with : 'straw shredder, .grain blower ,, and :belts, including. 100 foot' drive belt. Bill Rosa, , R. 3 Goderich, .PhOne Ripley 110 r 25. . • SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Vacuum cleaning and pumping of septic tanks, Ronald • Forster, •Lucknow, phone 528-2346, manu- facturer of cement septic tanks • and well tile. ' • DWELLING FOR SALE .— brick dwelling in Teeswater with 2 ac- res of, land and small barn, back of property is cm Teeswater Riv- er, hardwood floors, , hot , water heating new boiler), firePlace, four bed -rooms. This -property • could easily be converted for a- partments. Priced to settle an es- tate at $6,500, with immediate. possession. Apply • to Alex 1"B.. MacKague,. •*Teeswater, Phone 392-6332. Agent for Wilfred Me. Intee Real Estate. B 6014Eymto ...BARGAINS 59 GMC : Half "' ion $395 55 Dodge'Sedan • $125 56 Ford. StationWagoll ' $175 61' Hillman Sedan ' $295 57 Volkswagon " Convertible $395 59' Rambler ..2 -door . 5250 51 Buick/ . Hardtop $195 59 Dodge Sedan . $250: 59 Meteor 1%440 Door •.$295 56 • Buick. Hardtop • $150 59 Dodge Stationwagon $595 59 Studebaker •, ••$35 58 .,Mercury Sedan •$295 McGees`.. GODERICH MUSE, FOR, SALE- — 3 bedroom .•••••ko-•••••••••••,..tot.........14-•••••4 •• cottage, situated • in • I.,ucknovir••on• H • ONDAS Havelock St. :South, built-in cup- boards, . bath,, . furnace, full 1, , basement, Stinporch, 2 car gar- I $50 00 DOWN AND, age:. Fall price $9,000 to .settle ' an $5.00^ PER WEEK egtakContact W. Si Reed, Real Estate ,Winghani „phone 35772174. CHARLES„. McLEAN . .11••••11•••••••••••••••••••••11 NEW CASH BINGO • Legion Hall,Lucknow, every Thursday evening, 8:45 p.m. 15 regular' games — •$10.00 each. 4 Share -The -Wealth • games with jackpot included in each game. • Jackpot this week $85.00 on 57. calls.) • • GQDERICH LIONS BINGO • The. Goderich -Lions hold a bingo on Wednesday, August 25th, '8:30 p.m. , at the Harbour - lite Inn, .seventeen regular games at $10, one share -the -wealth, one $50. jackpot and -the . ,newacceler- ating' jackpot up to $25(1. and 2 door prizes. Admission , BACK TO THE BIBLE • LiSten to "Back to the • Bible Broadcast" from. Monday •- Friday inclusive, at 7:09 p.M., Saturday at 9:30 a.m.' from St. Thomas,. 680 on your radio, dial. CHICKEN and ' PIG TAILS BARBECUE •• At Elliotti Beath, Amberley Beach • EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT 6:O0P.m. to ???? • Chicken $150 • Pig Tails $1.25 • children's portion •• WATER SHOW , At . the Teeswater Swimming. Pool on Friday, August 20th, at 8. p.m. •sharp: AdmAssion 75e and • 25c.. Sponsored •by the Teeswater Lions •Club for welfare work' and• maintenance. The 1965 Can- adian Championship Water Polo Team from Hamilton will be in attendance along with local talent. • FLOWER SHOW The• seventh annual Flower Show of the .Lucknow* Horticultur- al Society will, be held in .the Lucknow Legion Hall, on' Friday,, August 20th, from 3 p.m. to 9:30 P.m. Silver collection. • ' BAKE SALE The members of Zion U.C.W. are holding a bake sale% on. Wed- nesday, August 25 at 2 p.m,. j.n, the Henderson building, Lucknow situated next to the Sentinel Of- . fice. • ! • • • • • • • • • • PORK CHOP BARBECUE Huron County Hog Producers Pork Chop Barbecue, August 31st, 1965, 6 p.m, to'.8:30 p.m., Lcindes- boro Community • Hall., Adults $1.50, • Children under 12 $1.00.\ Guest Speaker Entertainment Cateres• -- Webb's Pinebrook Farms, Pinkerton. . • APARTMENT, FOR RENT '•• available August 1st. Apply Wm.' Murdie and Son. • .• FOR RENT --2 apartment with four rooms and ' bath.. Available September. 1st. Cerner of Have- lock and Willloughby Streets. 'Ap- ply E. J. Fairish, R.R. 1' Gorrie.. Phone Fordwich 26 Ir• 12. ' BEAUTY SALON In the Johnstone Block on. Main Street, Lucknow (Deana Parrish, proprietor) PHONE 528-3438 or 529-7305 ANTED WANTED housekeeping room in *Lucknow !with all facilities. Phone '529-7566, Mrs.; Joan Litow- ski.' .NOW BUYING TIMOTHY, prim- ary Cleaned or in. the rough. Con- tact Ltickhow--,Co-op, phone 528 - WANTED a good.hoine for mother cat,. also ' 'two kitten's, geed mousers. Mi. • Lew Taylor, phone 5264341," Lucknow. SALESMAN WANTED — G. M. dealership, full time weekly wage plus , commission, company bene- fits, steady 'employment, ,good working . conditions. •'Apply Box 640 Wingham SALES HELP WANTED . •MALE SPECIAL ' VACANCIES for re- • • tired men. Work when you, like and. make good -money when .you do. Good eommission. No . money •required. Write Rawleigh, Dept. H -271 -RE 4005 Richelieu St St. Henry, Montreal. AVON CALLING World's, largest cosmetic Has inimediate openings for en. ergetic women,• to earn excellent weekly income. Openings in Kinloss and Huron Townships. • Write Mrs. Shirley Craig, Avon 1VIanager, 875 -15th Street East Owen Sound, Ontario OR IF NOT, 16•. • ' 50C :per sample.(•TUt!ingTEI,ITS: v2 lb. sample of grain, silage. or hay. Takes up to 30 minutes. Ontario Department of AgriCulture, Walk- PONIES • • R.R. 4 Brusr,els SELL OR RENT erton. Agent For. .Smith -Roles, Sask- •COLTS $25.00 UP BAZAAR, BAKE SALE atoon and GnelPh, Manufacturers , • of Cornet welders, air 'compres- • , . ' AND TEA TABLE sors, electric ' motors, • electric ! Cunningham Will be 'held in• Nile United drills:. drill fill augers; bird scare I • ' • Church en Wednesday' August cannons. etc% , • : 25th • at 2 o'clock , PHONE BRUSSELS 489 W 13 MOtorS ..•' •. , • CUSTOM BUTCHERING Beef and pork sold in any qUan- ity. Custom butehering in Govern- ment licensed abbattoir. PigseVery Tuesday. Beef •from , M:onday through . Thursday. BUTTONS MEAT .MARKET FOR SALE New ' ranob style house, 4. bed- , rooms, 4 piece bath, large living •room, modern kitchen, full base- ment, 'attached garage. 50 acres on Highway., 3½ ,Willes • e• • • . east of town, 6 brick house • • new oil furnace, large L shaped O barn, 'immediate possession, • $6,500.00 • •• • STAN KAY • Phone 5283531 • • • , AGENT FOR' • Wilfred Mtintee & Company.Lftte, Walkerton, Ontario ' RAMBLER AUCTION ALE • SALES & SERVICE „ • /. . 'WALKERTON — PHONE 881.0740 • •AU‘TION SALE " • Dead Stock. Removal Service We are licensed to remove your dead or crippled farm animalfor 'sanitary disposal. GORDON YOUNO,,Elinire • Phone 'Collect to: MRS. GORDON, TAYLOR 528.5950 Lucknow • •• . 24 Wok! Service • Licence' Nes. 215C83 and 221163. 44•44..•...;‘,*p..#4.1.4444.0:44 • AUCTION SALE , of Real Estate and Household effects will be held at the tormer Laura Archer pro- perty Rose St., in village Of Luck - now on Saturday,. August 21 at '1: 31. Offering includes .refrigerator, rangette, automatic • control' oil burner, oil tank, bedroom furnit- ure, dishes, antiques and twiner- ous small articles. The real estate includes the's:tile storey brick house with 2' bed- rooms, living room, kitchen and bathroom, will be sold subject to reserve bid at 8 p.m. Terms 10% cash, balance iri 30 days. Terms Cash Alex McLeod Prop. Maclntyre, Auctioneer' MALE "HELP 'WANTED UNUSUAL, OPPORTUNITY • Large United States and Cana. dean 'Company in agricultural field urgently requires representative iif this area for Crop, Service De- partment. lApplicant must have re- cent agricultural background,. and be weThregarded area. .. • Position is full-time, or can be handled at first along 'with your present farming operation, Success sful applicant can expect earn- ings between. $100 - $150 weekly with excellent opportunity for ear- ly advancement in this area. • Write and tell me about' your - Self. Reply at once to P. .1.• Har- rington, Vice President, • Box 84, Liondon, Ontario. looseeseseseoweeiessikeeess NOTICE-. ;. RE WASTE PAPER 'Lucknovr Boy Scouts have made arrangements to, store waste pap; er at the SitVerwood, building on main' street until the next paper drive. Get in touch •with- Bill Johnstone or Gordon Montgomery and they will see.that the build - mg is open for you to leave your paper. „ • LADIES AUXILIARY TO THE ••CANADIAN LEGION Our Annual Picnic will be held*at Victoria Park ,(next to the Bowl- ing Green) on Thursday, August 19th. NOTICE. The local Motor Vehicle issu- ing office will be closed for holi- days' the following dates: August 23 -- September 6 'September 13 — September. 18 1.1. r DON'S. Til'• ....'" -:. • SERVICE : • . . o I. . 0E,iperieh.c' iei s 4: 'All .Woik duartititee'd : • •. • 4, : . . Prompt •$erviCe, • . 0. I.' Reasohatik gates' . PHoNt144, MOW Iiiiiii••••••004,116.0464461 . . • • NOTICE' All accounts owhig to the es- tate of Harvey ' Miller, Ashfield •who died on July 21, 1965, are re- quired to be 'paid by, September 15th, 1965, to Mrs. Harvey. Miller, R. R. 7 Lncknow. • ' Notice To: C!ilOrs •NOTICE TO CREDITORS' AND OTHERS In the • matter of the Estate of JAMES G. RICHARDSON, late of the Township of Kinloss in the COunty, • of Bruce, Fanner, De - •'Notice is •hereby" given pursu- ant to the Trustee Act, that all creditors and others having claims against the Estate of the late James G. Richardson, are re- quired to send :particulars ;of their • claims, duly. verified, to J. • T. Goodall, ,Solicitor for the Execut rix of the said ° Estate, on or be fore the 8th day of September, A. D. 1965, and that after such; date the Executrix proceed.,to clis• tribute the assets of the sdid Es tate,: having regard only to th claims of which she 0 shall ther have had notice. . Dated at Wingham, Ontario this ,16th day of August, A.D. 1965 Grace U. 'Richardson, Executru of the Estate of James G. Rich ardson, by: J. T. Goodall . • Box 119, Wingharn 0 Solicitor for the Estate DEPARTMENT OF PUBL.1.0 . WORKS OF CANADA 'TENDERS Sealed Tenders addressed 't 'Secretary, • Department of ,Publi Works of !Canada, Roorn\ B 32t Sir Charles Tupper Building Riverside Drive, 'Ottawa 8, an endorsed: "Tender For Wharf Recon tion,,'Oliphant, Bruce! Counti Ont." • will be received until *3:'0 p.m. (E.D.S.T.), Wednesday, AUf ust 25, 1965, at, any District Offic of 'the Department or at the offic of the Secretary at the. above at dresS. Tenders will be 0. opened:I Ottawa at 3:00 pan. ,(E.D,SI Wednesday, September 4, 1965. Tender documents can be ,,o1 tabled' through Chief Engineer., 0 Room E-44 Sir Charles Tupper Building, 13,i, erside Drive, Ottawa, • Ontaric District Engineer, .P.O. Bok 66 Dominion Public • ttuilding, Richmond Street, London, Onta io; and ea ti be seen at the Po Offices at Oliphant and W,iarto Ontario. • To in considered each tend+ mutt be submitted on the corn Supplied by. the Department at must be accompanied by the s -curity specified 'in . the tout documents. • Thelowest or any 'tender, n necessarily accepted. •Robert Forted', Secretor