The Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-08-18, Page 2�x. a 1sAGr8 TVio THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL., LUCKNOW, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, AUG.18th, 1965 DUNG'ANNON.. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Anderson had. as recent visitors Mr: and Mrs. • Wdliam Waterfield of Islay, Al- berta accompaniedby Mr. and Mrs.; George 'Harrison •of Wain- wright ain-Wright Alta. 'Mr: Anderson Worked. for Mr. Waterfield when . they took their trailer trip 4 years. ago; Mr. and Mrs, Tom. 'Park : spent • Sunday in.: Auburn with. Mrs Park's, sister'' Mrs. George Lawlor : And Mr . Lawlor: • Ile Pat Ann Park returned home•, from . Goderich " hospital on' Thursday ' after, • extensive obser-' Yatton; • mics,';Fred King and; son °:Biill Visited with Mr:. King in Westmin- ster- hospital on Sunday. He.' un derWent open heart surgery_ on ' Monday. They were accompanied by :Mrs Norman Pyrah whose. husband is' also, confined to West -- Minster for. extensive treatment. It -Si -hoped they will both be home .. Visitors with ' Mr. and Mrs.., Earl Yule and family ' on Sunday were . Mr. and Mrs. Rudy La ita:at:de, David, Donna, Paul ;and Bradley of • Waterloo,. • Mr. • and ; Mrs. , Gordon Schultz and'' . girls visited: on- Wednesday evening with Mr.. and/Mrs., Bob; Barlle : at Molesworth. :'• EDGAR: HODGES Fryfogle --McDonald Funeral services were .Meld' on Mr: and: Mrs., ` Charles ' McDon- Tuesday, August 10th for Edgar. ald of R.R. 2-Lucknow, announce Hodges: who', died at his: home, in they engagement of , their daughter. Clinton at the age of 77. Gladys ' Irene to Mr. John Chris Bora m. Alma Township . near topher..Fryfogle, son of Mr. and`. as • ,the Mrs.' Jack°. Mus ve of Walkerton. Moncton � April 1888,'hew l� . � • . eldest sun, of the ;lam , George Hod•:. The . marriage , will take place -on ges and ,Matilda .;Kitchen He was. Saturday, September 'the ' 11th at• never marr•ied. • He is survived ;by 2 p.m.: m.,the. United Church at St: one brotherMervin of Pt.; Albert Helen's. •NNolloo•E•E•••••G•GEG••••••BE•Oloiii0000000 and one sister ' MC. Poer of Gadshill. Services were held :from Bali and Mutch Funeral. Home Clin- tong Interment followed in Logan Township Cemetery. SENTINEL ADS GET F^A-S-T RESULTS. ENGAGEMENTS Amalce Germans Mr. and ' Mrs. . George , Germann of Niagara" 'Falls: announce the en- gagement,. of ' their . 'daughter, Ute. Germain', to ' Harold ' James Blake, son of Mr.. and Mrs. 'Cec . Blake of .Dungannon,' Ontario. The. .wedding will 'take place :on September ' the , . eleventh' ,in . St. 's h Niagara .Falls,:. at .: two -thirty. o'cPaullock,,EnglisLutheran Church, Stirling Newbold Mr'. ' and" Mrs.. George A. New- bold,. Lucknow, . Ontario *announce the' engagement of their , daugh- ter, Shirley. Anne to James ,.Mil- ton Stirling, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick' P. Stirling, St.. Thong as, Ontario.' The marriage , will takeplace in the Lucknew Unit- ed . Church September 11, 1965 at. 3:00 p.m. • .. UNsET DRIYE4N.THEA TRE. , i • GODERICH -,- HIGHWAY.'8 1% `MILES' EAST OF. TOWN • ".BOX OFFICE. OPENS O. AT 8 'CLOCK is 18/ • NOW THUR.,. ERI., SAT.'' AUGUST .19-20-21 — 'Double Bill 7 •, Debbie Reynolds and Cliff Robertson,': - • • ': • "MY SIX LOVES • • ,r ar. al� in `m . FLI'PPERS• NEW ADVENTURE • Luke H p • • i . • es' i Technicolor. Both. � pactur n • • • MON:, TOES.,: WED.; AUGUST 23-24-25:• • JerryLewis with d Dean Martin • , A revival of. one of their best comedies • "YOU'RE NEVER TOO. YOUNG" —° Color PLUS: "REPORT FROM '• SAN JUAN" and ;cartoon.. '• • •. • • • • • • •: • THUR.;::FR1., SAT:, .AUGUST 26.27-28• • -Elvis Presley ''and Glenda Farrell • "KISSIN COUSINS" • '• • • • Steeve` Reeves and Gordon Scott •• ,"DUEL OF, THE TITANS": •; • ,Both in •Celor • • • • • • • • COMING.. "Von Ryan's s Express worth waiting ;for!, • •G••NERiNei•••••I••••••••••E••••E••••••••Gi•f•N: "'•�■•rriFBitsonaa■Nk�inan'nEs■uar'naanasn■•u�BEe■r' THE SQUARE Goderich ■ s•AT ..THE •-. 1 NOW THURSDAY, FRIDAY, 'SATURDAY, AUGUST Haley: Mills, John Mills and Jim ;MacArthures: . Take, us on an adventurous.. treasure cruise "The Truth. About -Spring' PAR ■ ■ . ■ ■ • ■ ■ ,. ■. .3:6.'Hours". . a Adult 'Entertainment • THURSDAY,' FRIDAY,. SATURDAY; AUGUST 26.27.28 Colour • • MONDAY, TUESDAY, . WEDNESDAY, AUGUST23-24-25 James :Garner, Eva Marie. Saint and Rod Taylor A world War . 1.1 interval, prior 'to D -Day ■' - • FULLA LA FSI. • r. ie Betsy Drake, Cheryl Miller and• Marshall Thompson f si Set in modern-day' 'Africa, the. misadventures of a cock-eyed • King of 13easts. • y ■. 'Clarence,. `' the Cross-eyed • Lion" � • ■ ■ sr ■ Colour . •.o . -• iiiUiiU Ui�r•'i�'i•Iniwunn uj uuni na►trig■I�� st■ a� a ',COMING:"MASQUERADE» - 'w " Cliff •Robertson BACK TO .WORK! We don't find coming' back to work after two weeks holidays an easy chore. TO be free of res- ponsibility .•and ..deadlines ' for a. two week 'period made us realize :how pleasant living: can be, but with :the ' holiday= periodnow past history,' we realize' that we must' keep punching the typewriter keys once .more.' Our holidays 'provided very lit- tle excitement but• art• did offer two. leisurely 'weeks -during ;which ,tune. we became acquainted with our.' children again, enjoyed a.' short motor trip and spent some time at the . beach. •*' * *, • We called. on Allan : McQuillan in Victoria Hospital in 'London and found Allan feeling quite well des- pite his serious 'illness of a few. weeks •before. ' Allan . has been, off work for ' src weeks now at ':the Sentinel and things have not been: the easiest around the shop. While'' at Victoria. we called on the,. only two other people we could think of as patients, Mrs. Rory MacDop- ald '',of' Dungannon and. Mrs. Phil- lip MacMillan of Lucknow. The. 'Sentinel , has seriously been considering a change in' its meth- od of ` production that might 'r. al- leviate some of our Tabour prob- lems. While ,in London' we visited a firm' who ..are engaged in the printing of weekly newspapers and we liked ' what, we - saw. More. will likely be heardabout this in' the; ' future, . A''haif .hour visit to. 'Port .: Stan- ley made ',us..a preciate the clean, tidy beaches of Lake :.Huron. 'We understand Port Stanley used to be. 'one of . "the" summer ' spots, - but we are sure it hasn't 'changed in the last , 25 years, including' the painton. many buildings. '.In St. Thomas . we had°. a • brief visit , with ;William ' Kelso who: operates a' ,hardware' business there. , Mrs. HANOVER DRIVE-IN THEATRE WED., 'THUR., AUGUST 18-11 THE PRIZE P. ., Newman, E. G. Robinson,';,: Eike ,Sommer, Diane Baker Technicolor' -y Cinemascope Adult Entertainment . FRIDAY. SATURDAY, AUG.; 20.21 From Ru is Wiih � Love Sean Connery Adult/..Entertainment Technicolor. 007 James Bond is Here Oh! Those James Bond 'Beauties cHa1e's. Navy E. Borgnine '• • Technicolor It Selves: Loads' of Fun for E'v eryone. CARTOON `SUNDAY, MONDAY, Aug." 22-23 Thy. Hunters Robert Mitchum, R. Wagner Technicolor - • Cineniascope Battle . of Bloody Beach A. Murphy War Action You. Can't Miss on Land and in ,the . Air. CARTOON' WITH . SUPPLIES FROM THE SEPOY. STORE Hilroy Books Pencil. Sharpeners -- Rubbers Refills, various. sizes- Rulers —° Pencil: Cases Pencils -Scribblers, many to choose from Ball Point and • : Fountain Pens =- Pencil .Crayons — Mathematical : Sits 3. Ring ;Notebooks with hard covers,,'°Large . and • Regular Sizes • 20% OFF ALL, ZIPPEREDURING BINDERS REGULARLY PRICED FROM. 52411 -'$4.98' PHONE 528-2129 LUCKN.OW'. Kelso trained as : a nurse . ' with. Mom. at Guelph. Taking a route neither of us had travelledbefore, we . called on weekly newspaper friends at Dutton . 'and Rodney. ' /We were quite ' surprised , at' -. the lack of motel accomodation along . the Lake' Erie shoreand except for: a few motels and cabins in the larger towns, ' .fount :•a definite lack of accomodation.- Motels at. Leamington were full, partly to'do. With the Leamington '' Fair , being on, and we were very lucky .,to. get a• place to stay. A visit to the, Leamington Fair, was quite inter- esting a and ' despite the fact that we were there the same . day , as Mr. and Mrs.: Oliver McCharles of :' Lochalsh, we . did . not • run in- to them.. . We, visited briefly in Leaming- ton with a great, aunts Mrs.' Hilda, James. She was formerly,' Hilda Campbell and is the widow of El- liott. Miller of this community: We also visited" briefly with Miss Florence Clark . of ' Leamington, a cousin of Mrs. James : ' and a daughter . of the late J C. .Clark who operated. the Royal Hotel on gone.• ;. . 'the site sof the, present arena here. in-Lucknow. ' . • •.. call at the . home sof ,Rev..: •and, :Mrs.. Gordon Geiger' at Essex' re- ceived no :.answer as the :Geiger' .family were vacationing at .Inver huron. An afternoon . 'and dinner was enjoyed at. Windsor at':the' :BIRTHShome` of uncle and aunt Bob. and' x Edith' Thompson and children,,' PURVES'= to Mr � and Mrs: El - John',' :and Robert: : liott. Purves '• of ` • ' London; ` August:.'. * ' * *'. • 'lith'; ,a girl, Lyla Ilene, a sister. A couple of days in the Detroit for Alec'` and Bonnie; •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• and Port Huron areas were spent. and before returning home'we cal- • led on Mr. and Mrs. Al Irwin and Warren, at Sarnia.' -Al and. Mary also , had another visitor, .'Marilyn Irwin, daughter of Mr: 'and Mrs. • Elwood Irwin ' of ' Wingham.. Enroute home we had a short visit' with Bev's great auant,' Mrs. Nellie Scott who is : in ; a, nursing 'home in Hensall and ' who wished' to be remembered to friends . in.. Lucknow. She ' resided in the vil- lage for a ' number of .years. "Aunt. Nellie", as she is 'known• to most everyone, was 89 years of `' age' on August 10.'• During .our holiday period we had '..a . ' chance to visit Harrison:. Park in Owen Sound, a real 'cre- dit credit' to that city and `.a wonderful Spot . to entertain the • kids. The `'remaining part' of the. Sent- inel- ,vacation was spent at: the family'' cottages at : Amberley Beach and despite the ':fact that. it. is close to home, it ` has no :tele- phone and offers facilities for .. a quiet holiday. :We., hope you've missed the Sentinel while we were; . SORRY! Dae to an .accumulation of • news' over the ;holidays, we have been forced to leave: a 'number .of . interesting . itemsover until next week • • • • •. • • stglitain : • • 1 : WED., THUR., FRI.; AUGUST 1819-20 :. •• How To Stuff A Wiid Bikini"• ••'. ••• • • Cinemascope and Colour •• • Starring: Annette Funicello, ,Dwayne Hickman, Buster Keaton, o' .. Harvey Lembeck, Mickey, Rooney . ; • See the thrills . and "spills in the wildest motorcycle race ever L • ; run, One show on Wednesday, and ' Thursday at 8:00 .and. -2 • • • shows Friday at 7:15 and 9:15. • a . • SAT. MON., TUES. AUGUST 21-2344 . i'. •...• i "The Three Lives Of Thomasina" • • Colour r • . • Staying: Patrick;, McGeehan, Susan Hampshire ,, • An amazing- cat and an amazing picture' —.Thrills and, fun " follow . Thomasina wherever she goes. There will, be '2 , shows • . • on Saturday at 7:15. and 9:15:' One show at 8:00 on Monday' and : • Tuesday. . • •. •• • TUE. WED., D., THUR., Aug: 24.25.26 • WED.; THUR., FR1., • AUGUST 25.2641 e` "• . "ClarreNce The'Crosse� drma� - a one : .• Jack Lemon, Shirley. McLean The •Iit Stage Comedy About A Naughty, .But Nice Girl t Tins'. Fun is for Adults Ozl1y Admittance Restricted 70 Persons n fa Years Or Over - 4•••••••••••••••4,4.4.4•••• ! • • •., Colour .. •. • • • rrng. Marshall 'Thompson, ,Betsy. Drake :. Sta M. ' • • He:had his Bross-eyed.,lion She had her gorillas; it took i' • a 'teenager and the lion •to. get them to the altar. One show on •' • Wednesday and Thursday at 8:00, Two :shows on Friday at' . • 7:15 ,and 9:18: • !•iia►iii•iioaiit i•••••••o•••i••••oi•i•••••o•iseisi •