HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-07-28, Page 12THE L; Ci.,:NOW SENTI.NE4 LUCICNOW,: ONTARIO '.
'> AT Dr. John Crispin, a former
.resident of Luckno v Whoa
been practising : medicine
Winnipeg, • kis-. moved to Lex-
ington, Kentucky
WHAT Charles, : who
bas been '. esidirig at the teak
erly outi kilts of 'Lucknow, mov-
ed last weekto the . apartment
on :Stauffer;', St. ' owned by Fred
Webb ` and : previously . tenanted:
by, .Mr. and Mrs. .'Tom Ramatar-
THAT Angus Cline, son . of Mr.
and Mrs.: Lloyd. Cline of -Para-
mount, will return home shortly
after • taro; 'years stationed with.
•.the RCAF . in ,France Angus
s been. in the : servicor .,five'
THAT Mrs' Rae Boak and. Mrs::
Doris Hoak of ; Lucknow left'
last' week by plane 'from TOO-
to- for a visit with' Mrs:• *ftae
Bogies . son in Vancouver,; �.
THAT an ;interesting ''story ; on the
retirement of Miss Flora An
e of 'London, which: we had
planned `, for this week's. ' issue,
was necessarily held 'overt be-
cause of last minute space
problems. We.; regret this. 'In-
THAT S. E. `Hadden of '-Hadden's '
Studio in Goderich,.• known to'
many` in this area, ' has • just re-
turned: from :a two week's course
in principles of ' .profesional.
portraiture held at :Winona Lake
in Indiana •
'Mitt Mary Murdie of f ttckno'w,
June Ackert - of Holyrood,':,Esther
Gibson of Ashfield and Betty
::. Emmerton ' of the % Ripley area
Were • councillors last week . at
the United Church Goderich
Summer School Camp Joanne
Alton, of 'Ashfield ..was director°
at the., :same: camp. Children at-
'tending 'were girls, ages 8-14.
THAT thanks gb out to a few of
our correspondents who, .not
knowing. .:how, • the mail .'strike
would :affect the : delivery , • of•
their news. - • to us; brought • or
sent it to : . us' the . first; of this,
THAT. despite the fact that: over
70 businesses were : included in
the business 'men's association
• palier in ,this Tissue, Bryce Elliott:
at Elliott's : Seed Mill was, omit
ted; Bryce's ad is' included 'in
,the Sentinel' this Week :as the
business directory was complet
ed beforethis' was nOticed i.'•
THAT Mr. and. Mrs. Donald, Mae
• Kinnon, .Doug and Donnie re-
turned last week from ..a three:
week motortrip to California,.
which ,included their attendance
at: the Lion's , International held
at. Los - ,Angeles .While, there
they called on.Mr; and Mrs:
Malcolni . Watson: They ware
managers of the Vagabond Mot-
el 'at - Los Angeles. Malcolm is
a former resident of ' Luckno.
He. was .• greatly interested in
the news of 'the town and wish'-
ed, 'to be. remembered tofriends
Ladies', Men's, and ChildrenWs
20% OFF
.Children's ladies' and
28 TO 44
.VALUES TO $8.95
20 TO 50% OFF
• Ladies', and ..Men's Wear Lucknow
PHONE 52$=2126
Free . Pick -Up and, Delivery Monday and Thursday
WEDNESDAY, ° JULY 28th, 1965
LIQUID 32 pi.
Javex BIeac
:LIBBY'Y11 es. •
:atsup Super Sale
HEINZ 10 os..
TomatoSoup Sale
Instant Coffee Sale
et Your Pails Of C
5h1V E sc
ott1es : 49c
. SAVE. 7c
�ottIes ' 3?'
. SAVE 7c
trig 37c
SAVE 20c
jar. 99c
erries 'Now
We Sell For. Less
Phone. Lucknow 528.3420'
Valores, "Effective
JULY 29„301
THAT Mr. and Mrs Bob'. Farrish
of Ashfield will 'shortly: move to
)itchener, ' where Bob ' has se-
cured a..position with .the. Public
School . Board Of that city .: An
'auction' sale is .plan ieii : for Sat-
urday of -this week : at which
time •. Bob ' will offer , for • sale
his machinery, livestock, hay
and grain. Bob has his ` farm,
the 'former .Bill Buckingham
• place, rented: It :'is located. on
the 12th Of Ashfield. ' •
THAT -Mr: Allan Stewart, ; son. of
Mr. • and 'Mrs. Philip, Stewart
• ' has been - • appointed Ontario
Sales Manager .for : the : Grenier
Foundation. Garment Co. Allan
. and' Mrs. Stewart; and ;fa'mily
have lived' in Montreal for the
past' nine years .and, moved :'re-
cently to Burlington,, where they
liave bought' a home. ;
THAT two 4 -II : meetings, one held
on July 5thand one on duly 7th,.
were submitted T s news to The
Sentinel this. week: Three week
:old news doesn't stand much of
•a chance of reaching ' our col
umns and the articles were con-
- signed to the 'waste : • basket
THAT Bill Fisher, son of Mr.and
Mrs. ' George Fisher of White=
church, has been appointed• man-'
ager at the Canadian •Imperial
• Bank of Commerce branch, on
the corner of Danforth and Vic.
toria. Park, TorontoBill has
been at their Leaside branch
for 2 Years
':THAT Gerry Lundy, an employee
of . the Bank of Montreal here
since April of 1964, leavesthe-
end of this week. Gerry . has ac-
cepted a position with • Manu-
facturers National Bank of De-
troit Mr..Lundy 'has been 'with
the. Bank, of Montreal for 4 1/2years ' stating in., his home area
of Windsor. Mr.. and Mrs. Lun-
dy have a' ° son Christopher:
' They have been residing in
the Brown apartments above
Siegrist's. Market, Store. '
ITHAT a reunion of former` teach-
ers ,and pupils of. S,S. No. ° t.
Huron (Lurgan School) will be
held at the school grounds on
Saturday, July 31st. • Mrs,. W. J.
Courtney, the. Sentinel's A.m-
• berley correspondent, has pre-
pared a history of the school
which wwili.• be published this
week if space permits. •
(continued from page 1)
las, DzWid,, John,:',Jimrnie- and
Beverley: "of' Lucati, ° Mr..:and Mrs,
Dick Lewis of .Oakville;, ,Mr.: and
Mrs. Irwin McClenaghan, Mary
Lou, Ronnie Nancy. and. Richard',•
of; St. Thomas; Mr: and Mrs. Mel -
yin McClenaghan "! and: Micheal.
of •Waterloo; • Mr and Mrs. Carl
McClenaghan . on the • home farm.
After, all were seated for: the, .
supper Grace was said by. David
Parker, , their grandson.` ' At the
supper.. hour. the funnily present-
ed ''their parents with a money;
.tree decorated with -gold. birds -
and under each: bird was a $5 bill
concealed. T h e . grandchildren
presented them :with 50 -fifty cent
pieces , • all wrapped up in gold .
paper. MelVin 'McClenaghan on be-
half of the family 'brought greet -
Ings and . expressed thanks for
their wonderful thoughtfulness in
providing, this, occasion., .
At nine "o'clock Tiffin's. Orches=
tra arrived and the community '
and , all friends of the McClena-
ghans • gathered to extend congrat-
ulations :to Mr. '.and Mrs. McClen-
aghan Present at .this occasion
George: n Phillips, ..Elmer •
Woods, Cairns Aitchison, Lloyd
Phillips, Chester. Taylor :and El.
liott: • Taylor who attended the
wedding, 50 years ago. All were
welcomed at the" door by .Mrs.
McClenaghan' .and . signed • a gold-
en '',wedding anniversary book.
During • the . lunch hour (though
when invited • Mrs. 'McClenaghan
hadstressed no gifts please), a
short address was -read by. Wal-
'lace " - Conn:. An electric •blanket
from the 2nd and 4th , group was
presented by Russel Ross. A gold
ring and two lawn chairs " were
pfesented from Whitechurch group r
•by Mrs. Robert 'Ross and Victor -
Emerson. A • clock was presented
'by Miss Mildred-'McClenaghan on
behalf of • the 1V16Clenaghan rel=
/atives. Many other gifts were al-
so received. Mr. and • Mrs. Mc-
Clenaghanboth thanked. the folks
for their thouglitfuliiess' and kind-
ness in giving them the gifts and;
forMany' attwereendingthe . thoremarkcelebratspasseiolL
by the attenders as to- the happy`,
timehad: by all and what a" re -
'union, of many friend's, It was the
first time ,in 37 years that the
theed Whitechurchwith,anoccas. Hallionsuch as was' honourthis•