HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-07-28, Page 11WEDNESDAY,- . JULY 28th, 1965 Belgrave Shower. ForWefldY'..F:ear. Mrs, James Coultesand Mrs. Leslie. Bolt were hostesses for a miscellaneous ' shower in honour of Miss Wendy Fear whose roar nage will ; take place, this Satur- day to Delbert Nixon of Ashfield. The shower Was held' on Wednes- day, evening. July 21st in the Bel - grave United Church . Sunday School, . A contest was . conducted by . William. Coultes and":Mrs. Leslie Bolt, gave : a. humerous reading entitled Weddings should be fun". MrS, 'James' Coultes ,con- ducted a name contest: Mrs, Bolt ushered' .Wendy to a . special chair decorated with Mak ' and white streamers: Mar- garet Nicholson read the' follow- ing address ollow-ing..address which was written by Linda Coultes: . . Dear Wendy: We are gathered here together As you already .know, .. To throw .a little shower And to make our friendship show. You're a member of: the choir, 4H and. Church ' groups too, We thank; you for your. work here. And' even more,for,. being' you. We'll' present yot with these ;gifts THE..I,.UCKNOW ;SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO ; l: Yuill Reunion. • • The' Yuill Reunion was ,held Sunday, July 25 in theafternoon, at the home of Mr:, and Mrs..Gor- don McBurney. ,After ' most folks had. • gathered' at 2:30 the boys' went to the field and had a game of "Softball. 'Mrs. Peacock,. Mrs. Dick Procter and Jerry,Ginn look- ed after the sports consisting of• games; and several contests. Re-. ceiving the ;prize for the • oldest lady present was :Miss. • Margaret Yuill of Carlton Place; the oldest gent, Johr" Ycill c f Goderieh; the couple corning 'the' farthest, Mr., To sincerely wish 'Yet , weil, . But first, you are to promise That you'll be good, to ;Del:' From your Belgrave friends. The gifts were presented.. by Ruth Ann Pletch, 'Audrey. Coultes,, Mary. 'Ellen Walsh and Nancy Van Camp; . .Wendy was assisted in opening.. her gifts by her, mother and her sister, Rhonda and Miss Judy Cur-- .cell.. Wendy thanked' the ladies ,for, all the beautiful gifts and. the ladies? who had organized the shower.. A delicious lunch was ser- ved 'by the ladies. There were a- bout. 100, friends and neighbours present. PAGE" -EL. EVEN and Mrs, Rae Petrie of Herkimer, New York 'State., The President, Dawson Craig, presided .for •the business. The minutes were read by the secretary, Mrs. 'Dawson Craig. Next years officers are Jerry Ginn President, Mrs. Jerry Ginn Secretary, ,and Reunion will be held at their home in. Goder- ich twp. To. complete the happy get-together a picnic kWh Was: served. Stuart Scott of Langside visit- ed on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Johnston Conn 4 Mr, and 'Mrs. Dawson Craig: and Harvey .attended. the Yuill Reun- ion held ' atthe home of, Mr.' -and Mrs..: Gordon McBurney, . Sunday afternoon. Mr, and Mrs, Wallace ' Conn, Muriel, Alma' and George visited on Sunday" w!th Mr.and' Mrs. Harold Johnstc.1 at d family ; of Parkhill. Mr. and : • Mrs. 'Douglas Conley of Wingham visited Sunday with his parents :Mr .and Mrs. Jiin. Conley of Durham. ' Jim Falconer and Lois visited. on Sunday .with Misses Annie and Mary Laidlaw. Mr. and Mrs: ; Wilfred . Walker and *family returned home on the.. week -end from their . western trip including' Calgary, Edmonton, Re gine and Swift Current.' ° • .,fit` y„f } ?• `eY NOME HEATING IS OUR.. BUSINESS See...'Us At The Cc:-op:For Informations Or An _. Estimate On A 'flew Oif` Furnace At No Obligation NOW - DURING,' OUR ANNUAL. CLEAROUT, .PERIOD. • WE WILL INSTALL A SPRING ,AIR HUMIDIFIER That will put up' to 9 Gallons Per . Day Moisture En Your Home. A Completely New Idea In Humidi�c�orr NO INSTALLATION CHARGE iuck.now District Cha nge: to toioo.® • FUEL'.IOIL Houieheating w th the big plus factor .owner hIp! 196; PORD'. SEDAN. 6 Standar, d • 1963•.' VOLKSWAGEN One Owner 1962 , ' CI-IEYROLET•.' n; 4=Do0r; •. 6 Standar• 1962 CONSUL .4 -Door, Radio . 196:.1 yVALIANT SUBURBAN • 4 -Door. 1959; : FORD, 2 -DOOR •• 6 Standard .: • • 1959 PLYMOUTH 8 Standard, 4. door • 1959 ' PONTIAC PARISIENTNE. 8 Automatic, Radio l 9.. DODGE 8 ,,Standard, 4 door 1956.CONSUL In Al - Shape,. 1959 G.M.C. 1 ton truck MOTORS Your 'Dodge' Plymouth : ; Chrysler. Valiant Dealer • JO.SEP.HINE STREET' WINGHAM PHONE 357-3862 .a. • Little Cathy Walker of Tees - water .is visiting with her grand- parents Mr. :and Mrs. George Walker. " ' • On •Sunday 'Mr. and 'Mrs.Ken- neth `Currie, . Helen, and Grant, Mr. and ,• Mrs. • Jinx : Currie, and Miss ,Leah Currie of Wing - ham. gathered at .the home . of .Mr,. and Mrs. •Russell Gaunt to ''.Cele- brate with their nephew Mr. Dav- id Elliott; of Ottawa his 12th birth- day. Mr. and Mrs. Ger`.shoin Fergus- on of Swift Current, Sask lin. last week with Mr.:and Mrs..Ger shom Johnston; . Mr. Ferguson and Mr. Johnston are cousins. On Sat- urday Mr and. Mrs. 'Jack John. sten .of 'London called and visited with.' the relatives 'prior to leav- ing on holidays ' • . ' Mr. and , 'Mrs Jim,' Angus .and Carl of •Goderich ,visited recently with Mr. • and Mrs. Elmer • Ar- buckle and • Mrs.. Laura ' Manto Mr. and, Mrs.. Russel :Ireland of Lagoon, California, are visitors with '. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Ire- land. • • Mr. ' and Mrs George Currie visited . on Sunday with the Mac- Pherson brothers of Holyrood.. Elmer . Ireland, , flew to New• •York• and : spent a few days last 'week at the World's Fair. We are , sorry to report that Mrs. George Tiffin, fbrmerly of this area,now of: Lucknow : was, ,admitted Monday to Wingham and District Hospital. The .commun- . • ity wish herr a very speedy re- covery. . , . This,community extends best wishes • and congratulations • to Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Laidlaw (newlyweds) ' whose ,marriage; was last Saturday: They . will • reside 'on the groom's farm ` east of Whitechurch on the river side road.' Mrs. Emerson Austin of London is visiting with her sister Mrs. .Robe. Stewart ` and Mr' Stewart, of Langside. ' Calvin -Brick U.C.W. held their July meeting, on July 21 at. : the home of Mrs.. John L. Currie . with 12 members present, The Call 'to Worship was given 'by Mrs, Roy Dawson, The theme of the meet- ing was, ``Every Time I: Feel the Spirit." Mrs. 'Da.wsen led in pray- er. The .Scripture ..was read by Mrs." Lynn Morrison. A Song Ser " vice of hymns tying in' with. the. theme. ` followed.. hymn. 159 'was" repeated' in unison as a prayer Mrs:, Dawson led in prayer. The offering was :received by Donija Dawson ,with . Mrs..: Lynn .. Morrison giving the offering prayer. The Bible Study, ; ;The Power . of God, from the book God and 'His. Pur- pose was given by Mrs.. Ken' Mas- on.' ':Mrs.. Lawrence Taylorgave the study of Hinduism:' Mrs. Gil-. bert Beecroft conducted the bus- iness, A list of those responsible, each Sunday for :flowers was post ed .at the church.. A. bale weighing 92 lbs. and valued, at 62.50 ;with ex ;;lenses . paid was sent. Mrs. Gor don : McBurney's group served the. birthday ;tea: DUNGANNON • Callers .on Sunday with .Mr. and: Mrs: Bill' P'ark 'and family; were Pearl Tideswell .:and Louis (Bus) , Johnston of . Clinton • Little Pat Pyrah returned :home ' from Goderich hospital on Sunday '..r were_i he_:had' been treated for _-: days for a `'badly scalded lower :half. of his body. • : Valerie Park enjoyed ,a • holiday, • recently ''with her. great . grand:. mother" Mrs. •George Ashton in Goderich. •• Several Explorer , girls enjoyed .the past 'week ' at the, summer school 'camp north of ' Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. 'Art Elliott receiv- ed, word on Friday of the death of their ,sister-in-ldw Mrs. Edgar Elliott ' of Calgary, • Alberta. ' Mt.' and 'Mrs: Tom Park spent Sunday . evening with Mr: and. Mrs. Bill Wiggins . at the Nile. FRED REYNOLDS, ...HUSBAND: OF KINLOSS NATIVE, DIED .Fred Reynolds _passed -away in. Toronto on July' 14th at the age of 90.. He is the husband of the former ,Annie MacKinnon • of Kin- loss (daughter of the late Mr. and. Mrs. Kinnon MacKinnon). Mrs, Reynolds is a sister of Mrs. Ed Little of town and asister-in-law. of .Mrs. D. 'L. MacKinnon of Kin,. loss Besides his wife, Mr, Reynolds is survived . by three daughters, • Mrs. Frank (Ruth) Fripp of Ot- tawa, Mrs, Reg (Grace) t1111 and. Mrs. Howard (Mary) : Barites of , vTorontoil. and one son Fred of Oak' . le" .„„,Dr. Wand Mrs, J. E'. Little of Lticknow,, Mrs D. L. MacKinnon and .Mr. and Mrs.• Fraser Mac-. Kinnon of Kinloss attended the f uneral1 in Toronto ' on ' 'Friday, July • 16th. , ,rt. t f